I Honor

Chapter 327

Levels of Thinking

Meng Qi subconsciously took a deep breath, vaguely grasping something, and his heartbeat quickened spontaneously.

The gray-haired old man didn’t stay on his own topic, instead he said with a smile: “Brother, you seemed a little irritable before.”

He looked at Meng Qi without shifting his gaze, as if chatting was also something that required concentration.

It wasn’t until this time that Meng Qi could really see his appearance clearly. He was not as old as he first thought. It was purely because his gray hair gave him an illusion. In fact, there were not many wrinkles on his face. Between young and old, the facial features are ordinary, but because of that specialInfused with unspeakable charm.

“Yes.” Meng Qi suppressed his agitated mood, suddenly had an idea, and chatted with his elders, “The younger generation got involved in a puddle of muddy water in Maoling.”

He quietly changed his name.

The old man didn’t care about these things, he listened intently, and finally asked: “Brother, when you left yesterday, your heart knots have been untied, and your mood is basically calm. Before that, you became irritable because of what happened later.”

He doesn’t deliberately hide anything, doesn’t show anything, he just says what he should say,

Meng Qi became more and more sure, pondered for a while, and said directly in a homely chat tone: “The younger generation got the clue of the thief last night, and immediately notified his companions, and chased him to the home of Chu Guan, the incense master of the Dajiang gang, but it was still too late. One step later, he committed suicide with a sword, and before he died, he shouted that Mr. Wenqu Xing would avenge him.”

“We didn’t delay along the way, and we all concealed our breath and changed our clothes in advance, so that we wouldn’t be recognized by ordinary people, but we still leaked the news. This junior suspects that either there are very strong masters following this junior, or the One of the companions is a traitor.”

Normally, the opponent doesn’t need to arrange too strong masters to grasp Meng Qi’s whereabouts, such as using real street vendors. Let them record which street Meng Qi and the others turned to, and collect them one by one to determine the target, but Meng Qi considered this in advance, and everyone changed their clothes before going out to hide their breath.

However, Dai Fei and Chen Yasong, who were able to follow the location for half a step and were on high alert, did not cause the slightest notice. The strength of the stalkers must be extraordinary.

The old man listened carefully to Meng Qi’s narration, his expression didn’t change at all, it was like a boundless ocean, even though a boulder fell. It can’t stir up big waves either.

After listening, he didn’t express his opinion, but smiled as if piercing Meng Qi’s heart: “You have a tendency to be really annoyed, isn’t it this?”

Meng Qi blushed slightly, and scratched his head in embarrassment. His intentional trick of raising the topic was seen through: “Yes, this junior has already had a tendency. What is really annoying and distressing is that Wen Qu Xingjun, who Chu Guan shouted before he died, will avenge him. .”

“Well, I think it’s against harmony.” The old man kept his arms and legs unmoved, concentrating on chatting.

Meng Qi let out a breath. Gently nodded: “Yes, we haven’t found out who is behind the scenes, he himself signed the name, let us know that it is Wenqu Xingjun. It feels like using death to deliberately frame him.”

At that time, I had other suspects, and by Chu Guan’s yelling, Wen Qu Xingjun exposed at least half of it, and could no longer completely hide behind the scenes. It makes people feel that Chu Guan has a grudge against him.

If Chu Guan committed suicide without persecution, the best policy would be to remain silent, even if he was dying mad. At most, I can shout “Someone will avenge me”, there is no need to name Wenqu Xingjun, if he is forced to commit suicide, he can even give up his life, why bother, not afraid of the important “factors that make him choose to die “Destroyed by someone behind the scenes

At first he didn’t think so, but after going back and thinking about it, Meng Qi felt a sense of disobedience.

“Why are you still irritable since you feel something is wrong?” The old man smiled slightly and asked Meng Qi directly in his heart.

Meng Qi smiled self-deprecatingly: “It is precisely because he sensed something was wrong that the junior was so irritable. He felt that there was something he hadn’t considered clearly, but he still couldn’t figure it out. It wasn’t until he saw the portrait of the senior that he calmed down that he realized it.”

“What did you understand?” The old man basically didn’t express his opinion, and he was cooperating with Meng Qi.

Meng Qi’s face became serious: “Since the opponent dares to play chess with Wang Siyuan, it shouldn’t be so easy for me to see through. The truth is actually buried deeper.”

“After I think about it, I feel that shouting Wenqu Xingjun violates peace. As a person who arranges, he will not think of it.”

“It’s like the trap that the younger generation stepped into for the first time. There are obvious coincidences and the clues are quite deliberate, but the younger generation just feels that such an old-fashioned conspiracy cannot be used to harm people. If it is a trap, there are too many loopholes, too stupid, too Relying on a coincidence, it is true, so I think about my strength, I am sure to retreat and wash away the dirty water, go to Guanjin Garden, disrupt the opponent’s arrangement, and it turns out it is really a trap.”

“Don’t mention why the arrangement is so appropriate, what is the inevitable reason behind it, and why Wang Siyuan said that no matter how he responds, he will fall into the trap. Just the strategy itself, he thinks deeper than me. He knows that I can see it. No, so the intentional arrangements are old-fashioned and deliberate, not at all like a conspiracy designed by a master, which makes me feel too fake and too dependent on coincidences, but it doesn’t look like a trap.”

The old man blinked and said with a chuckle, “In other words, it’s the same this time.”

“Yes, the younger generation can see that shouting Wenqu Xingjun violates peace, and I believe other people can also see it after calming down, so everyone will subconsciously think that this is a frame-up, in order to cover up the real person behind the scenes, and then completely ignore it. Lost Wenqu Xingjun.” Meng Qi’s voice was a little dignified, “Although his name was exposed, it has really disappeared in our hearts.”

The old man was very cooperative and said: “It turned out to be Wenqu Xingjun.”

“Yeah.” Meng Qi nodded, “This is a trap at the level of thinking. As long as he thinks a little deeper than us, he can play us with applause.”

“But why isn’t the person behind the scenes thinking deeper than you are now, or planting Wenqu Xingjun to hide himself?” the old man asked with a smile.

Meng Qi smiled confidently and said, “ThinkingDimensional level is not the deeper the better, but depends on the accurate judgment of the enemy’s thinking level, and then go deeper than him, otherwise it will only be self-defeating. ”

“For example, this time, if we are all people who stay at the first level of thinking, Wenqu Xingjun will only backfire, and make a mess, but I fell for it last time, and Jiang Hengchuan is not a person who does not think. Dai Fei and Chen Yasong More experienced, one is Qingshou Headhunter, the other is Maoling Deputy Hall Master, they will definitely notice the problem and go deep into the second level, but if they want to go deeper, the possibility is extremely small, and the people behind the scenes will not take the risk of burying the pit in the second level. The third layer, hurt yourself.”

“If Wang Siyuan hadn’t told me that someone was playing against him, which made me pay more attention to the enemy, even with the previous experience, I would never have imagined the current level.”

The old man was noncommittal: “If you really didn’t go deep into the second floor?”

“If I was the person behind the scenes, I would…” Meng Qi suddenly had an idea in his heart.

The old man didn’t wait for him to sort out his words, he smiled and said: “How do you straighten out your thoughts, do you feel calm?”

Meng Qi was startled, but he really calmed down. He cupped his hands and said, “Yes, thank you senior for listening to the boy’s nagging.”

The old man didn’t speak any more, just nodded with a smile, picked up the carving knife and wooden blocks again, and carved the wooden statue again, concentrating and pious, just like a landscape.

Seeing this, Meng Qi understood what he meant, and got up to say goodbye. When he reached the entrance of the alley, he quietly clenched his fist and waved his expression slightly excited.

During this period of time, as long as you have time, come over to “extract favorability”

As soon as he returned to the small courtyard he rented, Meng Qi saw Jiang Hengchuan hovering at the door.

“Brother Jiang, what’s the matter?” Meng Qi went up to meet him.

Jiang Hengchuan’s expression was solemn: “Two things, one is yesterday’s incident, I thought about it carefully, and felt something was wrong, how can there be a conspirator who self-reported that we didn’t even have a direction before, but now we know Wenqu Xingjun, it’s unreasonable , too unreasonable”

“Well, I also suspect that it was deliberately framed.” Meng Qi was stunned, and replied with a chuckle.

Jiang Hengchuan saw that his opinion was approved, he laughed and said, “The hero sees something similar and should tell Dai Qingshou and Section Master Chen immediately.”

“What about the second thing?” Meng Qi was noncommittal.

Jiang Hengchuan switched to using sound transmission to enter the secret: “I have been following Qiu Fei, relying on the realm of the unity of man and nature, and barely noticed, it turned out that he went to a hill by the Jinshui River for two consecutive days. Maybe I will go there later, so I want to invite Su Shaoxia to hide there in advance with me to see what he is doing.”

He didn’t dare to get too close, for fear of exposing himself.

Meng Qi pinched the reincarnation talisman hidden in his sleeve, pondered for a while and said, “Okay.”

Along the Jinshui River, there are singing and dancing, bustling downtown, and secluded places, such as this hill outside the city.

Meng Qi and Jiang Hengchuan arrived ahead of time, found a secret hiding place, restrained their breath, erased their traces, and waited for the night to come.

Weeds are everywhere here, and there are footprints and other traces in some places, but except for Meng Qi and Jiang Hengchuan, there is no one there.

I don’t know how long it took, the bright moon was high and the light was rippling, a figure sneaked up the hill, it was “Wind Chaser” Qiu Fei.

He held a red brow-leveling stick, and looked behind him guardedly, looking around.

Meng Qi and Jiang Hengchuan used their own methods, one relied on the various skills of the spirit and the precise control of Xuangong, and the other relied on the unity of heaven and man, and narrowly escaped Qiu Fei.

After Qiu Fei finished his inspection, he suddenly stepped on the spot with great force and made a loud noise.

“What is he going to do?” Meng Qi was slightly surprised, this move was too weird.

Suddenly, the ground squirmed, the soil bulged, and two figures came out, breathing weakly, their faces pale, as if they were alive or dead.

“Impermanence of Life and Death” Meng Qi’s heart suddenly stirred up, and some past questions seemed to be answered to a certain extent

Why is it that the people of the Impermanence School of Life and Death arrived at the day when they found out that the old clock left, neither early nor late?

Why did they hunt for Lao Zhong for so long, and it was during that time that they found clues

Why are the non-core disciples carrying a living dead man with an exterior sequence?

Why is there no news of the crazy Ningzhou hero after that?

s: Ask for a recommendation ticket


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