I Honor

Chapter 482

: Liar Xiaomeng

Having made up her mind, Meng Qi was a bit puzzled, not knowing what decision would make Jiang Zhiwei feel sad, but since she said she would talk about it after the mission was over, she didn’t hide and face it honestly, so she didn’t need to ask now, so as not to spoil her mood , so that the main combat power of the team could not be brought into full play, resulting in a fall short and annihilation of the entire army.

“Okay, if there is any difficulty, we will go through fire and water.” Meng Qi nodded, and went back to the residence of Liushou with Jiang Zhiwei. As the person in charge of patrolling the outer palace, no one could find him missing for a while, so they thought he was Checked elsewhere.

In the night of the next day, Meng Qi took Ruan Yushu on a tour, helping them familiarize themselves with the terrain of Liushou Mansion one by one.

Zuo Hanfeng’s mansion is very large, and many places have winding corridors, lotus ponds reflect the moon, and rockeries stand tall. Walking among them is like walking in the mountains and rivers.

With the cool breeze blowing, Meng Qi looked at Ruan Yushu, who looked like an ordinary girl beside her. Her cheeks moved slightly, as if she was chewing something.

“Have you noticed that Zhiwei has been worrying a lot lately?” He knew that after the trip to Jiangdong, the friendship between the two girls became better, almost like girlfriends.

Ruan Yushu’s mouth stopped moving, and he swallowed: “She didn’t mention it, and I didn’t ask.”

She has always adhered to the principle of respecting other people’s wishes, no matter how good the relationship is, she will not pry into it, and she will naturally say what she wants to say.

“She said that she would tell us after the mission is over, so it shouldn’t be a big deal.” Meng Qi comforted himself, “She is about to become one with man and nature. Could it be that she is obsessed with the choice of her own path?”

“Maybe it’s something in Xijian Pavilion, such as giving up some secular rights and focusing on practicing swords.”

Ruan Yushu didn’t speak, but turned his head to look at Meng Qi. Among the “ordinary” facial features, thatThe eyes are black and bright, cold and deep, seductive.

When Meng Qi looked a little uncomfortable. She said lightly: “It’s all possible.”

“Well, it’s useless to guess randomly.” Meng Qi felt Ruan Yushu’s meaning, took two deep breaths, and calmed down.

At this time, the sound of the piano came faintly, lingering and lingering, almost like a flute.

Meng Qi followed the prestige and saw the three-story building in the inner mansion, surrounded by phoenix trees outside, like a phoenix falling.

“Hehe. It sounds like Miss Zuo has girlish things on her mind.” Meng Qi didn’t use the derogatory term Fachun in front of Ruan Yushu.

Ruan Yushu stopped in his tracks, listened intently, and said after a while: “The piano sounds are sincere and seem to come from the heart, not like a fake.”

“Uh, she really has someone she admires,” Meng Qi said casually just now, never expecting to get the approval of “Qin sound expert” Ruan Yushu.

Ruan Yushu looked at the lotus pond reflecting the bright moon, and said while thinking: “The sound of the zither is sweet and sad. There are many wanderings and struggles. Maybe I fell in love with someone I shouldn’t like.”

“You can hear that too,” Meng Qi said in astonishment.

“The words in your mouth may be deceiving, but the rhythm pouring out when you are alone will not deceive your heart.” Ruan Yushu is as cold as the moon.

“Is that so?” Meng Qi chose to trust the “professionals” and muttered to himself. I don’t know what kind of music you play when you are alone.

He has always been thinking outside the box, and began to arrange Zuo Yiqian behind his back: “Could it be that he fell in love with a poor scholar or an ordinary soldier, but was rejected by staying behind and wanted to elope with him, and was afraid of the troubled times outside?”

“Or fell in love with an enemy. Fall in love and kill each other”

Thanks to the TV series in his previous life, he knows too many bitter and bloody plots. Unlimited divergence, Ruan Yushu, who had always been desolate, couldn’t help but twitch his eyes.

“Enemy” Meng Qi was startled suddenly. He repeated what he just said, and met Ruan Yushu’s eyes, and both saw the surprise in the other’s eyes.

“Could it be Du Huaishang?” Meng Qi’s voice lowered unconsciously.

Ruan Yushu gave a “hmm”, and seemed to think that this was a possibility.

“The city is closed and all the local snakes are under control. It is unbelievable that Du Huaishang, who is seriously injured and affected by the witchcraft, has not been found. It is dark under the lamp, and it is dark under the lamp. Could it be that Du Huaishang is with us Similarly, they also hid in the left-behind mansion.” The more Meng Qi thought about it, the closer he felt to the truth.

“But this is killing my father and my enemy.” As the daughter of a wealthy family, Ruan Yushu, a girl who has just turned eighteen, finds it incomprehensible, and rarely shows a dazed expression.

Meng Qi said thoughtfully: “Maybe when I fell in love with him, I didn’t know the identity of the other party, and it was her father who took the initiative to attack the Red Clothes Army, but Du Huaishang was never there, so he didn’t direct and attack the Red Clothes Army.”

“I have to go and spy on it.” Meng Qi has always been a man of action. Since he felt that there was something wrong with Zuo Yiqian, he immediately prepared to sneak into the inner mansion and climb up the embroidery tower.

Ruan Yushu nodded incredulously: “I’ll meet you outside.”

Meng Qi had already figured out the topography of the mansion in the past few days. After a little judgment of the current position, he turned into a phantom, walked directly on the lotus leaf, walked across the water, and then quietly climbed over the courtyard wall.

“In the middle of the night, the girl’s boudoir” Ruan Yushu muttered in a low voice, as if thinking of some special “occupation”.

Following the sound of the piano, Meng Qi walked ghostly among the guards, and arrived under the Xiulou in a short time.

He knew that there must be a nanny-level expert beside Zuo Yiqian, and the slightest movement here would cause Zuo Hanfeng to notice, so he carefully walked around to the shadowed corner, stuck his body against the outer wall, and climbed up as silently as a gecko Row.

The small building is shrouded in darkness, only one room has a dim light, mixed with the sound of the silk zither, just like a stream of spring water flowing eastward.

Meng Qi stopped by the window, like a piece of paper pasted, his heart was like a mirror, reflecting every detail, and the situation inside the house seemed to be clearly visible.

Zuo Yiqian sat behind the table, wandering in the sky, playing the piano casually, just as Ruan Yushu said, her emotions seemed sweet and sorrowful.

She drove the nun next to her to the warm pavilion next to her to rest, and she didn’t want to show her thoughts to others, so she was alone in the spacious room.

Meng Qi didn’t make a move, because he sensed that Zuo Yiqian had a good secret treasure on him, which was quite threatening to him, and it would definitely create a big commotion, attracting Zuo Hanfeng and Yin Lenghui.

He stuck outside, waiting patiently to see if Zuo Yiqian would do anything unusual.

After playing the piano for a long time, Zuo Yiqian sighed faintly, stood up, called the maid to come in, and helped her undress herself.

Meng Qi saw no evil, and withdrew his induction. After waiting for a while, she found that Zuo Yiqian had already gone to bed, and the two maids were sleeping outside. As a result, she couldn’t do any more secret things, so Meng Qi slipped down quietly and returned from a long way.

“Nothing unusual.” He frowned slightly, looked at Ruan Yushu and said.

“How is she feeling?” Ruan Yushu asked the key point directly.

Meng Qi described it in detail: “She must have emotional troubles, but if we focus on her, we finally find out that it is a girl’s concern that has nothing to do with Du Huaishang. Wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”

“Anyway, there is only this clue at present.” Ruan Yushu said coldly.

“That’s right.” Meng Qi nodded slightly.

What Ruan Yushu said was the truth, the original plan of Meng Qi and othersHe was looking for an opportunity to assassinate Zuo Hanfeng, but he was always living in the inner courtyard, and he didn’t know what he was doing. Only Yin Lenghui could get close, and even Jiang Shenghong could only report from a distance outside the room, which made it impossible for those who could enter the inner courtyard to be honest. Meng Qi and the others couldn’t find a good opportunity to do it.

Another day later, Meng Qi was inspecting the outer palace with Zhao Heng, when he suddenly saw Jiang Shenghong passing by in a hurry. His expression was gloomy, and the corners of his brows and eyes were full of anger.

“Commander, what’s the matter?” Meng Qi greeted him with “concern”.

Jiang Shenghong let out a breath slowly: “Yin Lenghui brought his leader into the mansion, and the adults left behind are very happy. He greeted him backwards.”

The strangers gained more and more trust, and they came one after another, which made him feel a great sense of crisis.

“Master” Meng Qi lost his voice with half truth and half falsehood,

The closed-eyed leader who can communicate with the “Old Ancestor” has also entered the mansion

If you don’t mention this matter, there will be other secrets hidden. Just the increase in the number of masters will make the plan of myself and others more difficult

Yin Lenghui is a good player in half-step exterior scenes, even if he is not as good as Queen Mother Xi. One-on-one is probably better than Jiang Zhiwei by a half, plus the strange technique of witchcraft, at least he can entangle the two of us, and the closed-eyed leader seems to be far behind him in strength, it is not easy, and as a reincarnation, Not to mention that there are secret treasures hidden, just to deal with them and Lan Die, it will be a bit difficult for our team, let alone the strong Zuo Hanfeng who has the level of location.

Even if the tiger is transferred away from the mountain, only one of them may be transferred away.

“Yes, I didn’t expect that Yin Lenghui’s leader was also in Daning, mysterious and sneaky,” Jiang Shenghong gritted his teeth.

Meng Qi was no longer wrapped in white cloth, his face was covered with scars, and he said ferociously: “This sect must have ulterior motives, and they have other schemes. We can’t let the left-behind adults suffer. We have to figure out what they want to do.”

“Yes.” Jiang Shenghong nodded grimly, acquiescing to Meng Qi’s private investigation of Yin Lenghui and others.

When Jiang Shenghong left, Meng Qi paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and said through a voice transmission: “I can’t wait any longer, the more it drags on, the more uncertain things will become in Zuo Hanfeng.”

“The two split up to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and the three assassinated Zuo Hanfeng.” Zhao Heng had a calm demeanor, with the feeling of a superior.

“Press Zuo Yiqian first, and see if we can find Du Huaishang. He’s still on location. As long as we find a way to cure him, things will go much smoother.” Meng Qi didn’t act recklessly because of the tense situation.

“How to force?” Zhao Heng was quite puzzled.

Meng Qi pondered, “Wait until Zuo Yiqian goes out for a stroll”

The next day, Zuo Yiqian, who had been bored for a long time, left the house with her nanny and maid.

Meng Qi said to Qi Zheng who was beside him: “Senior brother Qi, please take advantage of the empty embroidery building to hide in advance and check if there are secret doors. When Zuo Yiqian comes back, I will spy on her.”

“Okay.” Qi Zhengyan didn’t refuse.

Meng Qi looked at his serious and expressionless face, and suddenly laughed: “You can enter the boudoir of a lady if you say it, Senior Brother Qi, you have to hold on.”

Qi Zhengyan’s eyes twitched, he turned his head and walked away.

Meng Qi turned around with a smile, went to the dark place, quickly sneaked out of the mansion, changed his clothes, and put ointment on his face to cover up the scar.

Zuo Yiqian wandered aimlessly in the busiest street in Daning, picking up trinkets from time to time, and putting them down in a daze. The maids knew that the lady was in a bad mood, so they didn’t dare to make a sound, so they could only follow closely with the nanny with.

Suddenly, Zuo Yiqian’s eyes blurred, and she saw a “middle-aged man” with a dog skin plaster on it appearing in front of her. He was holding a bamboo pole in his hand, with a white cloth hanging on it, and the front and back were written:

“If you count life and death, you don’t count yourself, and the iron mouth is straight.”

“Testing marriage and fate to predict one’s heart, a word becomes a prophecy.”

Zuo Yiqian was about to order her nanny to drive away the quack warlock, when she suddenly saw the other party glance at her, she shook her head again and again: “Poor, pitiful, exquisite heart, it’s not right to pay the wrong person.”

As if struck by lightning, Zuo Yiqian stood there in a daze. When she came back to her senses, she saw the middle-aged man with the dog skin plaster on him shaking his head and leaving.

“Sir, sir wait” she blurted out.


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