I Honor

Chapter 483

Each has its own waiting

“This girl called me.” Meng Qi half-turned and said with a dog skin plaster on it.

After hearing what I said just now, you still called me, things are a bit out of order

The nanny next to “Miss” tried to stop Zuo Yiqian, she had seen too many charlatans like this, but she was good at observing words and expressions, and then bluffed people, she was not a stranger who could really pinch and count, anyway, how to scare people how to say , Scaring the opponent is half the battle.

Zuo Yiqian shook her head slightly, signaling to the nanny to keep quiet. Just now, this gentleman hit the most secret place in her heart with a casual remark.

If you care about it, you will be confused, and if you ask for it, you will be confused. Zuo Yiqian took a deep breath and said: “Mister, I want to test the marriage.”

“Unfortunately.” Meng Qi wanted to catch him, waved his hands and said, “Girl, why bother to spend money to make you sad? Your money, I am ashamed to accept it.”

After finishing speaking, he raised the bamboo pole and raised the side of “testing marriage, fate and unexpected heart” high, attracting attention.

Zuo Yiqian’s face turned pale, as if covered with a layer of snow, and her voice trembled slightly: “Sir, stop, no matter how sad you are, it’s better than being kept in the dark. If you prepare early, you may get out of the sea of ​​suffering sooner.”

Mothers and maids look at each other, Miss

What should I do? Should I advise privately first, or report to my wife and the left-behind adults immediately

“Hey, if you are poor, just do a good deed that day. This girl, there is no time to force her. Be careful of harming others and yourself, and implicating relatives and friends. It doesn’t matter if you stop early, and it doesn’t matter if you continue. Anyway, it’s only the last day or two.” Meng Meng Qi shook his head while talking, mentioning that he is destined to imitate the Taoist Tianming who is always talking about God and God.

After speaking, he pulled away and left without looking back at all, acting as a master.

Zuo Yiqian watched the dusty figure blend into the crowd in a few moments, and didn’t mention the matter of collecting money, she seemed to be avoiding it, she was in a daze for a while, she didn’t know if she was in a dream. Still in the illusion.

“Really didn’t ask for money”

“Leave after speaking, he doesn’t look like a charlatan, but like a master of the world of mortals”

The whispers of the maid beside her reached Zuo Yiqian’s ears, and she suddenly came back to her senses, her body shook a few times, as if she was about to fall down.

“Miss, are you okay?” Mammy quickly supported her.

Zuo Yiqian took a deep breath, her face pale: “I’m a little dizzy, let’s go home.”

Mammy glanced at the maids and asked them to help them quickly. Take precautions around yourself, listen to the fortune teller, the lady’s bad relationship is destined to be broken, and the result will be seen in two or three days, so don’t tell the wife and the left-behind adults for the time being, so as not to be punished by them, saying that I did not take good care of the lady .

It’s best to be able to hide the past quietly

After leaving the street, Meng Qi found a secret place to change his attire, and fled back to Liushou Mansion. He patrolled the rear with his head held high, and if he found any lazy or not vigilant soldiers, he immediately scolded them loudly, showing Ji Tao’s usual demeanor.

gradually. As the moon rose and the night fell, Meng Qi checked back and forth near the courtyard wall and rockery near the inner mansion.

Not long after, Meng Qi felt it. A figure jumped over the wall and hid behind the rockery.

Meng Qi remained calm, pointing at a group of guards and yelling: “Wait for the corpses, let me patrol over there.”

The team of personal soldiers is obedient. Even claiming yes, he didn’t dare to show dissatisfaction, and quickened his pace.

Watching them go away, Meng Qi put his hands behind his back and moved near the rockery: “Senior Brother Qi, did you find anything?”

“After Zuo Yiqian returned home, she dismissed the nanny and maid, sat alone in a daze, and then opened a secret door in her room.” Qi Zhengyan calmly jumped out of the rockery and stood beside Meng Qi, as if accompanying him. General Ji was on patrol, his lips moved, and the sound transmission was secret.

“It’s really hidden in the secret path.” Meng Qi became more and more suspicious that Du Huai was injured, and if it was other evil fate, there was no need for it at all.

He has now mastered the footwork contained in the “Yuxu Palm”, coupled with the phantom body technique, he feels that his lightness kungfu is outstanding and unpredictable, so after asking about the details, he said in a low voice: “Senior brother Qi, help me look out for the wind and strike while the iron is hot.” , without further ado”

The two quietly climbed over the courtyard wall, walked through the fragrant garden, and arrived at the Xiulou where Zuo Yiqian lived.

Qi Zhengyan hid in the shadows outside. If there was any discrepancy, he could immediately respond to Meng Qi, but Meng Qi was still like a gecko, climbing up against the outer wall, silently and silently.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived outside Zuo Yiqian’s boudoir, and saw her sitting behind the table in a daze, not even in the mood to play the piano.

“I’m afraid this girl won’t be able to sleep for a while.” Meng Qi gritted his teeth, and while sensing the surroundings to confirm the location of the nanny and maid, he was thinking of a way.

Suddenly, he put his hand on the window, breathed out slightly, and shook the window bolt to make it slide down gently.

By virtue of this, Meng Qi stretched out his hand, pushed open the window suddenly, jumped in, and landed silently.

At the same time, he turned around and slapped the palm from the air, closing the window tightly and just right, with only a slight sound.

Immediately afterwards, he grasped it with his left hand, released his true energy, and the window bolt was “picked up” by shaking, and put back in place.

After doing all this, he bent down and walked along the carpet like a swimming snake.

Feeling the cool wind blowing in from the window, Zuo Yiqian was quick-witted, regained her senses a little, and looked towards the window in astonishment, but found that the door and window were closed tightly without any abnormality.

“A hallucination?” She smiled wryly.

At this time, Meng Qi was crawling past her, his heart was calm, reflecting the surroundings, but a layer of white sweat subconsciously formed on his back.

He swam quickly, passed the desk in a breath, and flashed behind the screen.

Zuo Yiqian withdrew her gaze, looked at Guqin, looked at the table, looked at the carpet in front of her, and was in a daze again.

Meng Qi opened his mouth wide and inhaled slowly, covering his whole body mentally and interfering with his senses.

What I did just now seems simple, but not everyone can do it. If there is no Xuangong’s extremely precise control over the body and true qi, there will be a movement already, waking up Zuo Yiqian and attracting the nanny. And if there is no subtlety, there will be no proper grasp of the timing. Even if the spirit is released and the senses are disturbed, the effect will not be good.

But in this way, Meng Qi was mentally tense and exhausted a lot. After recovering a little, he passed the screen and walked behind Zuo Yiqian.

The scene in the room was very strange. A beautiful girl in an apricot red dress was sitting beside the table, her eyes were empty and her expression was sad. She was in a daze, but behind her, a man dressed in the uniform of a general was leisurely looking for something to open the secret door,The two lived in harmony, neither made the slightest sound, and seemed to have a tacit understanding with each other.

According to Qi Zhengyan’s description, Meng Qi quickly found the jasper Buddha statue, twisted it lightly, and the secret door opened silently. If the secret door would make a movement, the mother had already noticed about Zuo Yiqian.

Meng Qi thought for a while. The breath changed, imitating Zuo Yiqian, and then dodging in, closing the secret door.

Behind the door was a long wooden staircase. Meng Qi carefully stepped on it, descended silently, turned twice, and finally got down on the ground. On both sides were stone walls inlaid with night pearls.

“Girl” a bright male voice suddenly sounded. With Meng Qi’s subtle state, he hadn’t found any clues before.

Meng Qi was about to take out the token given by the red-clothed army when the male voice said in surprise and anger: “You”

Before the words fell, he punched out. The air around him froze strangely, binding Meng Qi inside, making it difficult to dodge.

He is worthy of being the “Suppressing Heavenly King”, and he has such a level even under serious injuries. Meng Qi took his time and drew out his long sword, as if he was holding a flame. Gently tap forward.

He seemed to have made a mistake in his judgment, the position of the tip of the sword was slightly different from his fist.

But with the stabbing of the sword, there was a sound of air leaking in the air, the frozen air flow dissipated, and the fist was crooked.

The man who made the sound was about to attack again, but suddenly his eyes froze, and he stopped walking: “You are the helper that Zeng Shen invited.”

Zeng Shen was the leader of the red-clothed army that Meng Qi and others had seen, and the second child of ten sworn brothers. At this time, Meng Qi was holding the token he gave and showing it with a smile.

“Of course, it’s Du Huaishang Du Tianwang.” Meng Qi threw the strange colorful jade pendant to Du Huaishang.

Du Huaishang is an imposing man, about thirty years old, his pupils are slightly golden, and there is a vertical line between his brows. He took the jade pendant, carefully identified it, finally showed a smile, cupped his hands and said: “It’s Du, I don’t know what happened to you brother call.”

“Just call me Old Wang.” Meng Qi smiled and said, “Du Tianwang, it’s not suitable to stay here for a long time, let’s leave quickly.”

Du Huaishang’s face turned pale, and from time to time there were black bulges under the skin, which locked his vitality like a shackle.

He took a deep breath: “Okay, but Du can only escape the catastrophe thanks to the help of Miss Xiaoyi. How can he leave without saying goodbye, and thank you in person.”

“Du Tianwang, do you know Miss Xiaoyi’s full name?” Meng Qi still held the sword, not relaxing at all.

Du Huaishang shook his head and said inexplicably, “What does it matter?”

“Her name is Zuo Yiqian.” Meng Qi said concisely.

Du Huaishang’s eyes froze, his breathing stagnated, and he sighed after a while: “World affairs make people fool”

“Hehe, Du Tianwang, are you still planning to kill Zuo Hanfeng?” Meng Qi asked with a smile.

Du Huaishang took a deep breath: “Du’s army was not for himself, he just couldn’t bear to see people burn. If Zuo Hanfeng no longer worked for Wudao and Hunjun, there would be no reason to kill him, but if he stood in front, Du would also I will not be merciful, but I will definitely not implicate Miss Xiaoyi and other relatives.”

“If we don’t kill him, we can’t leave Daning City.” Meng Qi said lightly, holding the long sword in his hand, and stepped up the steps again.

Du Huaishang’s face was slightly gloomy, and he followed closely.

This time, Meng Qi didn’t go through the window. Instead, he walked up to the wall with Du Huai’s wounds, passed through the beams, and left from the roof.

Du Huaishang was seriously injured, and it was very difficult for him to move. It was thanks to Meng Qi’s help that he was able to remain silent.

Before leaving the room, he looked at Zuo Yiqian who was in a daze below, closed his eyes, and let out a long sigh inwardly.

In the courtyard where Meng Qi lives.

“Du Tianwang, there is something I have to tell you.” Meng Qi returned to the topic after introducing Jiang Zhiwei and the others with a pseudonym.

“What?” Du Huaishang was a little puzzled.

Meng Qi briefly talked about the ancestor and the reincarnation, and finally asked: “Du Tianwang, have you ever remembered the memory of reincarnation in the previous life?”

Du Huaishang’s face was serious, he didn’t understand why he was being targeted by the inexplicable ancestor, he walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, and it took him a long time to spit out the words: “In the past year, I have often dreamed of a sitting blood The man above the sea lotus can always see his face clearly, but he just feels inexplicably familiar, until half a month ago, I finally saw through the fog and saw his face, he, he is myself.”

He has the blood of gods and demons, is powerful, and has the level of location, but he still has nightmares for a year, so he feels very strange, but he doesn’t know why, and he can’t find a solution. Humanly speaking, now that I heard Meng Qi’s description, I was even more shocked, and felt inexplicably terrified.

Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei and the others looked at each other, unable to find the reason for the time being, so they turned around and said, “Du Tianwang, we are trapped in Daning, at least we have to defeat Zuo Hanfeng, Yin Lenghui and his leader before we can get out. I don’t know what’s wrong with you?” Good strategy”

Du Huaishang shook his head and said, “If I’m not troubled by witchcraft, I’m seriously injured and hard to heal, and I can join forces with you, but now…”

Meng Qi and the others were not good at medicine, so they were thinking about forcibly helping him expel the witchcraft, when they heard Qi Zhengyan say: “The witchcraft is more yin and evil, if it has the power of yang, rigidity, righteousness, Coupled with Du Tianwang’s own realm, he should be able to get rid of it in one fell swoop.”

“It’s really useful.” Meng Qi looked at Qi Zhengyan in astonishment.

Qi Zhengyan said expressionlessly: “Our gate is located in the southwest, close to Nanhuang, Know a lot about witchcraft. ”

Nanhuang Du Huaishang frowned, he had never heard of this place name.

“That’s great.” Meng Qi laughed, he was someone who could imitate Zi Lei Jin.

Zhao Heng also said: “The Qi of the Son of Heaven also restrains Yin and evil.”

“But you have to prevent Yin Lenghui from sensing the position when breaking the witchcraft.” Qi Zhengyan reminded.

“It doesn’t matter, this sect has its own secret sword to cut off this connection.” Jiang Zhixin said confidently.

To make people from the Southern Wilderness dare not set foot in the Central Plains, the Martial Dao sect naturally needs the secret method to deal with witchcraft. Of course, dealing with it and treating it are not the same thing.

“Thank you everyone.” Du Huaishang saluted solemnly.

Then he sat cross-legged, with five hearts facing the sky, the breath in his body was tumbling, like a tide, slowly forcing out the witchcraft.

Straits of black air, like snakes and insects, kept jumping in and out of Du Huaishang’s body. Zhao Heng clenched his palm into a fist, the transparent dragon condensed, and a bright yellow color emerged, hitting Du Huaishang’s back lightly.

The black air suddenly sizzled, and most of it dissipated. Seeing this, Meng Qi grabbed out the five fingers of his right hand, and traces of purple electricity jumped, landing in front of Du Huaishang with a masculine and masculine aura.

The black air wailed silently, Zi Dian and Ming Huang wandered over Du Huai’s wounded body, driving them away.

Du Huaishang’s eyes were full of golden light, and the black air was dissipated.

At this moment, the sound of the qin suddenly sounded in the air, and an invisible black thread emerged, which was Ruan Yushu’s heart qin.

Jiang Zhiwei, who had been sensing with her eyes closed, swung her sword, and the sword shone like the sun, cutting off the black thread.

In a certain secret room, Yin Lenghui suddenly opened his eyes with a look of shock and astonishment.

“What’s wrong?” asked the man with closed eyes.

Yin Lenghui took a deep breath: “Du Huaishang solved my witchcraft technique, and also broke the connection in the dark.”

“It’s okay, the day the old man leaves the customs is the day of his death.” Zuo Hanfeng’s voice echoed in the secret room.

In the side room, Du Huai’s wounded body was surrounded by golden light, completely dispelling the black energy.

After saluting again to thank Meng Qi and the others, he said in a calm voice, “Wait for Du to recover for two days, then go find their bad luck and try to get out of trouble as soon as possible.”


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