I Honor

Chapter 563


Jiuyou has existed since the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, and it is the source of evil spirits, evil spirits and ghosts in the world. There are many tyrannical natural gods, such as the devil emperor, such as the heavenly killer Taoist, such as this Huangquan.

Although k has never been comparable to the most famous people in Jiuyou, he is still a powerful person who can be counted. He has always been a symbol of life and death, and he is by no means comparable to the current dharma body

Could it be that Bomi Kingdom really wanted to dig through Jiuyou and let the “Yellow Spring” come to the world, which caused a catastrophe

Or Emperor Zhenwu sealed the “Yellow Spring” in Wuyou Valley

Meng Qi was full of thoughts, feeling suffocated, took a light breath, and told himself that in ancient times, more than a million years ago, even if the “Yellow Spring” was really sealed in the Wuyou Valley, K would have already exhausted his lifespan and died. It is the third step of the chain mission, it is impossible to face the powerful

“Underworld Emperor” Suo Ming Yasha frowned slightly.

Meng Qi understood that he was wondering why the leader of his own organization was nicknamed “Underworld Emperor”, so he pretended not to hear and looked around.

hereThe hall only has access corridors and painted murals, it seems that this is the end, and it is impossible to move on.

Jia Zhen, the “worldly demon” who had been seldom speaking, suddenly walked in front of the “Phenomena of the Underworld Emperor”, knelt down on the ground, and bowed his head solemnly.

Without a sound, an entrance opened between him and the center of the Hades mural, and a damp air came out and slanted downward.

“Old Jia” Suoming Yasha gasped, he knew how to open the entrance

Jia Zhen was dressed as a scribe, and the old god was there: “Jia once encountered something similar to worshiping evil gods, and he knew that if he couldn’t find a clue, he could kowtow in front of the statue or mural to express his sincerity.”

“So that’s how it is.” Suoming Yasha listened to what he said made sense, and his doubts disappeared on the surface.

As far as he is concerned, no matter whether Jia Zhen is telling the truth or a lie, what is his plan, he can stand on the sidelines with the Emperor of the Underworld quietly following. It may be possible to open the secret place and gain more.

The five of them walked along the entrance without saying a word.

This corridor has been winding and circling downwards, going deep into the ground, the feeling of coldness and dampness is getting heavier and heavier, and the sound of running water can be faintly heard in the ear.

I don’t know how long I walked, the front became open, a square was paved with gray stone bricks, and there was a dark and deep cave in the distance within sight, with a circle of flowers growing on the side. The seven petals are like orchids, and the stamens are bright red.

“Worriless Flower” killed Yasha and couldn’t hide her joy.

You can see worry-free flowers near the entrance, which means that this is indeed the gate of life

If someone with little experience in the rivers and lakes, he has soared by this time, he is the first to get started, but Suoming Yasha is well-informed and has a deep city, so he still moves forward step by step, beware of possible ghosts and companions with ulterior motives.

Meng Qi was in the middle of the team. Following Suo Ming Yasha to the gray square, he silently counted:

“One step, two steps”

If the records in the ancient books are correct, even the square outside the Shengmen has been remodeled. But as long as the positive and negative Five Elements Trapped God Formation is not broken, and the identity symbol of Wuyou Valley is not held, then every three steps away, there will be a phantom formation. Cooperating with the strong guards here can effectively resist the enemy and delay the arrival of reinforcements in the valley.

But now it’s reversed. There may be some changes in the phantom array

“Three Steps” Meng Qi had just finished counting silently, when a mist rose around him, his sight was less than a meter away, his senses were cut off, and he seemed to be rejected and abandoned by the world.

Meng Qi restrained his breath, looked around, recalled the position just now, and suddenly took a step obliquely.

Taking this step, the scene in front of him rose and changed sharply, the fog became thinner, and a figure was looming in front of him, holding a Gengjin long sword, gray hair, cowering, and vigilant all around, it was Yang Zhenchan, the “Eight Desolation Demon Sword”.

Finally waiting for the opportunity to make a move, Meng Qi held his breath, put his sword in his left hand, and grasped the hilt of Tianzhishang with his right.

At this moment, Meng Qi still treats Yang Zhenchan as if he was at his peak, and the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

The orifice is opened, but the dharma is not visible, and it is all running inside. The golden crow, the sun, the stars and the chaotic hole shrink rapidly and converge into the heavens, and the heavens move forward and gradually become chaotic.

Meng Qi’s impression became gloomy and dark, and his aura was unclear. Immediately, a layer of ordinary aura floated on his surface, which was no different from usual, concealing the abnormality.

Looking at Yang Zhenchan who was on guard and never letting go, Meng Qi didn’t find a chance to make a move, so he deliberately took a step forward.

Yang Zhenchan held the long sword, watched all directions, listened to all directions, and his spiritual sense enveloped the surroundings, not giving any chance to the external ghosts and possible inner ghosts.

Suddenly, he heard crisp footsteps, and when he looked back, his vigilance reached the highest point.

Then he saw Meng Qi and walked out with his hands behind his back, without any hostility.

“Da Ri San Ren Shen Bao” saw that he knew someone, and swaggered over. He was not sneaky, trying to sneak attack. Yang Zhenchan subconsciously relaxed a little, but immediately prepared to gather his spirits to prevent ghosts.

Just when he was slightly relaxed and hadn’t raised his spirits, Meng Qi, who was closely sensing the changes in his breath and the tightness of his sword-holding hand, took a step forward, and the blade lighted up.

The line of sight is gloomy and dark, the light of the knife tears the sky and the earth, it seems that there is nothing that can’t be opened, there is no way to cut

Just as Yang Zhenchan felt something, the light of the saber had already arrived in front of him.

His eyes suddenly burst out with ferocity and determination, and the feeling of shrinking and shrinking disappeared without a trace. The sword energy all over his body was concentrated, and the long sword in his hand was raised directly in a posture that was against common sense and difficult to penetrate the sword energy.


The long sword was cut by the light of the sword

Yang Zhenchan’s reaction was faster than Ze Luoju’s, and his moves were even more ingenious, just right in front of the sword light.


The long sword was cut open by the light of the saber, and swung to the right. Yang Zhenchan’s chest and abdomen were wide open, and a deep knife mark appeared from the center of the eyebrows to the lower navel, and the internal organs and grayish white could almost be seen.

But after all, he was blocked, and Yang Zhenchan was only injured

He was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. A thought flashed through Meng Qi’s mind without disturbing the slightest. The long sword in his left hand had already been stretched out. Every inch he stabbed, there would be flames exploding, like a series of explosions in the depths of the sun.

With the help of the power of the explosion, Jian Guang Nai Meng Qi went straight to the center of Yang Zhenchan’s eyebrows faster than ever before.

Yang Zhenchan fell into a desperate situation, but his eyes were fierce, and he found the only lifeline. The long sword couldn’t block the counterattack, Gengjin burst out, and the sword light was unparalleled.

Attack against attack. to fastSlow down

Although Yang Zhenchan made the move later, he was on the front line quickly and seemed to be able to die with Meng Qi, which forced him to change his move.

The swordsmanship is outstanding, fierce and fierce, it is absolutely true

The surrounding mist rolled, as if being drawn by two sword lights, but under the absorption of the positive and negative Five Elements Luoshen Formation, neither the stone slab nor the mist had any substantial loss or change.

Just when the two sides were about to die together, Meng Qi’s back muscles bulged. Two arms grew out, and a head was added to the neck.

With the seal of both hands, golden lotuses are blooming around, thick and solemn, connecting to the earth, vast and boundless.


Yang Zhenchan’s sword light was blocked by the immovable golden lotus, but his sword was unparalleled, and his strength was above Meng Qi’s, and he actually broke through the golden lotus. Yu Shi was about to stab Meng Qi’s two heads out.

Suddenly, Meng Qi’s body grew violently, his clothes were torn, and the place Jian Guang was pointing at changed from his head to his chest.

When gold and iron collide. The long sword that had lost most of its power by the immovable golden lotus only pierced a white mark.

On the other side, Meng Qi’s grip on the sword did not waver in the slightest, with the intention of exchanging his life for his life, when Yang Zhenchan’s long sword pierced his chest. hit his brow

Yang Zhenchan’s eyes were wide open, with a look of viciousness and surprise. Feeling unwilling, I heard a soft pop in my ear, and my vision was completely dark.

Seeing Yang Zhenchan limp and blood pouring into the fire, Meng Qi exhaled, full of gratitude. Although he hadn’t mastered the method of heaven and earth, he could still make his body a little bigger. If it wasn’t for this, he would have been in the Yang Zhenchan was stabbed in the door under the light of the sword at the end of his crossbow, and suffered heavy injuries, which would not recover for a while.

“As expected of the dharmakaya, the swordsmanship is really outstanding.” Meng Qiduo retracted his head and arms and disappeared.

The flowing fire that absorbed the blood seemed to have a sense of joy, tumbling and boiling, expanding and contracting, and gradually, it condensed into a red jade-like sword body, which was scorching hot inside, no longer swallowing flames like before.

Meng Qi waved the Liuhuo, only to feel that it was as light and light as one’s arms and fingers, and the power contained in it was enough to melt gold and stone.

Finally sublimated to top grade, Meng Qi was both happy and emotional.

Suddenly, he saw that Yang Zhenchan’s body began to rot at an indescribable speed, and even the Gengjin long sword in his hand was full of rust.

In just two or three breaths, Yang Zhenchan was left with only bones, surrounded by a pool of muddy flesh and blood, and a sword that shattered at the touch.

Seeing such a change, Meng Qi frowned slightly. It was because of what he had encountered in the past, or because of the formation technique. Judging from the decay of the precious soldiers, it might be the latter

In order to make alchemy, Yang Zhenchan seemed to have replaced everything. He only had various spiritual herbs on his body, but they also lost their vitality and rotted into mud.

Meng Qi pondered for a while, changed into the same style of clothes, burned the broken one to ashes, then stepped back, and was once again trapped in the mist.

After a cup of tea, the formation began to operate naturally, and the fog disappeared.

Suoming Yasha looked at the people whose distance had increased significantly, and was about to speak when he suddenly smelled a rotten stench. Looking farther, he found Yang Zhenchan’s bones, and recognized his identity from the rotten wood-like sword.

“You killed him!” Suoming Yasha pointed at Meng Qi, his aura rising, as if he would launch an attack at any time, the Demon Lord of Poison Hands and Jia Zhen, the Hunshitian Demon, were also full of vigilance and ready to attack.

Meng Qi curled his lips and said with a sneer, “Why do you think it’s you?”

He looked angry at being wronged.

Suoming Yasha narrowed his eyes, and his voice seemed to have whirlpools: “Before you deliberately named Yang Zhenchan, it wasn’t your move, who could it be?”

“A certain person just happened to hear that he was meeting you.” Meng Qi pointed to the vest and clothes that he deliberately restored to its original miserable state, “Then who attacked a certain person?”

The wound on Meng Qi’s attack was on his vest. Even though he could change the bones and reverse his hands, the places where he exerted force were different, and the palm prints were also different, which could be clearly distinguished.

Could it be that he tore off his hand, mounted it on the wall, and hit it with his vest?

Suo Ming Yasha, who remembered this incident, gradually lost his hostility, and looked at the Poison Hand Demon Lord and Jia Zhen with cold eyes.

Jia Zhen smoothed things over and said, “It doesn’t have to be our internal strife, there may be some invisible monster hidden in the tunnel that can make the country perish.”

Suoming Yasha nodded, becoming more alert.

Seeing that their doubts faded away and they didn’t attack him, Meng Qi thought with a sense of accomplishment, it feels good to be a “villain”

After walking three more steps to the gate of life, the few people fell into the mist again.

Having his own precedent of attacking Yang Zhenchan, Meng Qi became more alert and deliberately changed his position.

The mist billowed and disappeared after a cup of tea. Meng Qi saw Suo Ming Yasha.

He was about to speak when his eyes suddenly froze, because there was a corpse lying on the ground, the corpse was torn into two pieces, and the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys fell all over the floor.

“It’s him.” Meng Qi was quite shocked.

What surprised him was not the tragic condition of the corpse, but that the dead person was the one who he thought would never happen.

Devil Lord


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