I Honor

Chapter 564

Thirteen Ancestral Spirits

Wasn’t the poisonous hand demon possessed by the ghosts or evil thoughts of the gate of death? How could he die tragically at the gate of life?

Could it be that I made a mistake in my judgment, or that the ghosts or evil thoughts at the gate of death were restrained at the gate of life, so I simply abandoned my body and escaped?While Meng Qi’s thoughts were flying, Suoming Yasha’s face turned black, and he didn’t dare to act rashly. He turned his head and looked at the dead body of the Demon Lord.

Suddenly, he let out a light snort: “It doesn’t look like it was torn into two pieces, the fracture is flat, it seems to be split with a knife.”

Meng Qi, who was chopping with a knife, looked in astonishment, and he saw that there were no signs of tearing on the two corpses of the Demon King of Poison Hands, just like chopping with a knife and an axe.

“If I didn’t know about my own family affairs, I almost thought it was me who did it.” For a moment, Meng Qi suspected that he saw the wound caused by “opening up the world”, just like Yang Zhenchan whose traces were destroyed by himself.

As soon as the idea came up, Meng Qi was stunned suddenly, he might not be able to rule out the possibility of making a move by himself

When I was in the Zhenwu Doubtful Tomb, there was no sign of evil thoughts, and it was silent. Could it be that the things on the Demon King of Poison Hands were transferred to my body?

The more Meng Qi thought about it, the more frightened he became. If it wasn’t for breathing out his vitality, his body would form a cycle of its own, with extremely strong control, he might already be covered in white sweat.

The experienced Meng Qi took a deep breath, calmed down, and his spirit spread, carefully inspecting the dead body of the Demon King of Poison Hands.

He did not rot into mud like Yang Zhenchan, but lost all water, including blood, both the flesh and internal organs were shriveled and shriveled, and the wound was flat and cut in two.

Seeing this situation, Meng Qi breathed a sigh of relief. This knife has the appearance of “opening up the world”, which is not true, as if it was a deliberate imitation.

Imitating “opening up the world”, did someone see that it was wrong for me to kill Yang Zhenchan, and also used Meng Qi to frown when I escaped from the door of death.

Suddenly, Suoming Yasha stretched out his hand. The rotten black pouch gloves that captured the poisonous hand demon lord have also rotted into mud, but the things in the pouch are still better preserved because the pouch prevents disasters.

Because of the relationship between Suo Ming Yasha and the Poison Hand Demon Lord himself, no one objected when he took the black pouch. Although Meng Qi was very heartbroken, he still didn’t make a move. They still needed to explore the way and step on the trap.

And Meng Qi was still struggling with another question, whether he would be possessed by the ghosts or evil thoughts of the gate of death

The incident of Zhenwu’s suspected tomb left a deep impression on him. I don’t know when I was possessed, and it’s hard to rule it out now.

He calms his mind, with his primordial spirit high above him, looking down at the “heaven”, his acupoints are opened, and he operates secretly, looking for any abnormalities.

“No problem.” Meng Qi’s method appeared inwardly, dim and dark, and chaos opened up. The heavens were born, all universes and worlds appeared, without any abnormality.

Then, he visualized the first pose of “Tathagata God’s Palm”. The golden Buddha pointed to the sky and touched the earth, but “I” was the only one, pointing to people as well, and still did not bring out any foreign objects.

None of this. Then choose to believe that Meng Qi will no longer be suspicious of ghosts and ghosts, and if there are still evil thoughts or ghosts under the palm of the Tathagata God, they can quietly possess him. Then the non-location can solve it, there is no need to worry, and when the task is completed, ask Liudao for “help”

There is only one “dharma body” item on his body, which is the wood carving given by Mr. Lu Da. Now he holds it in his left hand for a while, and it feels normal to the touch. It is still an ordinary wood carving.

“Let’s continue.” Suoming Yasha said with a gloomy face.

Meng Qi and the “Heavenly Demon” Jia Zhen didn’t say much, and walked cautiously.

One step, two steps, three steps, and the mist was steaming again. Meng Qi carefully changed direction and did not stay where he was.

After a cup of tea, the mist subsided, and Meng Qi saw that the gray-white square was empty, except for Yasha, who was not far away.

“Jia Zhen is also dead.” Meng Qi lost his mind and found a puddle of flesh and blood, which seemed to be crushed by a huge boulder. Judging from the clothes mixed in it, it was Jia Zhen, the “worldly demon”.

Everything on him was crushed to pieces

This middle-aged scribe who felt familiar to me but couldn’t recognize him also died silently.

Meng Qi and Suoming Yasha looked at each other, and they both saw each other’s strong guard and scrutiny.

“Continue?” Meng Qi asked.

Suoming Yasha said in a deep voice, “Of course.”

Only a few steps to the entrance

The two walked forward at the same time, and after three steps, the fog rose as usual, isolating the senses.

According to Meng Qi’s understanding, he took a step diagonally, changed his position, and sensed the sea transformed by the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, which was also filled with mist, covering the nature.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed towards him like a centipede with a strong demonic aura, trying to wrap Meng Qi tightly.

Meng Qi, who had been on guard for a long time, changed against the wind, and escaped from the devilish centipede strangely.

At this moment, one after another human-shaped black shadows jumped out of the white mist, either with fists, claws, palm knives, finger spines, or spirals, all of which contained dharma principles, overwhelming, full of corrosive feelings , and the meaning of depravity imprinted in my heart.

Meng Qi didn’t try to defend himself, he slashed out with his long sword, and the sun was shining in many acupoints.

The sword is like a blazing sun, and it cuts out a ten thousand zhang ray, whether it is false or not, or folded or reversed, “swallowing” all nearby places.

The sun shines, nothing is missed

Dang Dang Dang, the long sword kept colliding with the opponent’s fists and feet, making the sound of gold and iron clashing, and many black shadows collapsed.

Suddenly, the black shadows gathered together, as if they had two horns on their heads, and the devilish energy filled the air.

It puts both hands together, and just rightThe body is clamped, and the sunlight dissipates immediately.

Meng Qi suddenly felt a powerful suction coming from the flowing fire, and his own flesh, bones and soul essence felt loose, as if he was about to throw himself at the other party

Pale gold emerged, and the suction was like a fly shaking a big tree, but it had no effect.

The opponent’s true energy changed accordingly, and Meng Qi felt a strong sense of danger in his heart, so he unsealed Liu Huo directly and matched the change of moves.


The streamer caught between the two palms seemed to be falling one day, making continuous explosions, scorching hot and tumbling, shining brightly.

With this thrust, the long sword passed between the palms and pierced the opponent’s chest

The opponent’s chest seemed to be made of gold and iron, but the flowing fire that was already a high-grade treasure soldier pierced through it with just a slight pause.


The scorching heat erupted, as if a round of sun had exploded, the smell of burnt flesh wafted, and the surrounding white mist was blown thin

The opponent took advantage of the situation and flew backwards when the flowing fire stopped slightly, so that the long sword did not penetrate too deep, but a big hole was melted in the chest, and the internal organs were half melted and half scorched black

And this time. Meng Qicai felt a strong numbness that spread all the way to the tip of his hair.

“It’s him, the Heavenly Demon Bliss.” Meng Qi almost nodded, and through the thin white mist, he saw the other party. It was the “worldly demon” Jia Zhen who had died so badly before.

And Meng Qi also identified his identity from the exercises, the old clock of the “myth”, a member of the non-reincarnation

No wonder there was no wound after being stabbed before, the golden body of the demon is an invulnerable defensive magic

Old Zhongtou, who had changed back to his original appearance, became a little more ugly, with many pimples on his face, and he retreated again and again. All the way to the edge of the gray and white square.

Meng Qi tried to catch up, but was blocked by layers of solid white mist.

At this time, most of the fog disappeared, and Meng Qi saw Suo Ming Yasha, with the light of Wutu all over him, struggling to support under the hands of a translucent Yin spirit.

This Yin spirit had an old face, was dressed in a black robe, and had thick white hair, like thin snakes. scattered behind.

As the white mist subsided, he also gave up his attack and melted into the mist.

“It’s you.” Suoming Yasha looked at the old clock protected by the white mist, and the anger in his eyes could not be dispelled.

But he was in no hurry to act. It seems to be waiting for something.

Old Zhong Tou laughed strangely, his mental state was obviously abnormal: “Who told you to invite me?”

“What on earth do you want to do and you haven’t entered the gate of life yet?” Suoming Yasha was very puzzled by his hasty yelling.

The flesh and blood on Lao Zhong’s chest were squirming, developing internal organs, and he glanced at Meng Qi. Crazy smiled and said, “Of course I will kill you all.”

Hearing this sentence, Meng Qi seemed to have guessed something, and said calmly: “You are sent by Mythology to find clues to Wuyou Valley.”

The “myth” killed Yasha before he knew that the mythical emperor killed the emperor of Jin when he was in the exchange market. Meeting the “righteous master” now is like a dream.

Old Zhong was happy to delay recovery: “Yes, I didn’t expect you to find out the door of life so quickly when you got together, so I didn’t have time to pass on the news, so I had to kill you first and suppress this matter.”

The incident happened suddenly, and he couldn’t inform Shinhwa. He was afraid that the things in Wuyou Valley would be found first, so he secretly assassinated and destroyed the treasure hunting group. He didn’t know that the first shot was unsuccessful, and Meng Qi was the first person to be killed.

“Which ghost is?” Suo Ming Yasha asked.

Old Zhongtou laughed and said: “According to the records I have obtained, the important parts of broadcast secrets will be guarded by ancestor spirits. As long as you sincerely worship, you can get the protection of ancestor spirits.”

“You kowtow not only to open the door,” Suo Ming Yasha suddenly understood.

Normally, an ancestor spirit that no one worships will dissipate after more than a hundred years, but this place is special, gloomy and humid, full of death, and it makes sense for the ancestor spirit to exist for thousands of years, but it seems that he has lost his wisdom , relying entirely on instinct, but also with the help of fog.

Old Zhongtou’s chest and abdomen returned to their original shape, and his breath was a little weak. He glanced at Meng Qi and the two, and said with a sneer, “You don’t dare to move, for fear that the phantom array will be stirred up again, and the ancestor spirits will attack you.”

“It’s okay, I’m here to inspire you”

As soon as the words fell, he heard Suoming Yasha’s laughter: “Jia Zhen, why do you think the old man invited you, a casual acquaintance?”

“You…” Old Zhong was stunned.

Suo Ming Yasha’s face became grim: “It’s easy to kill, no need to share the treasure”

At this time, a figure stood out out of thin air, grabbed it with both hands, and the blood-brown water surged, grabbing the ancestor spirit out of the formation forcefully

The visitor was wearing a black imperial robe, with white hair tied into a high bun, and a snake-shaped wooden hairpin inserted into his face. His face was wrinkled, and he looked a bit like the ancestor spirit

“Underworld Emperor” Lao Zhong’s face changed drastically, he took out something, turned his head and flew towards the exit.

The old god Suo Ming Yasha was there, and he was confident, so he didn’t chase after him, but looked at Meng Qi with a smile:

“You are calm, aren’t you afraid?”

Meng Qi smiled brightly, with white and neat teeth:

“Why should someone be afraid”


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