I Honor

Chapter 644

Overcoming the First Difficulty of Eighty-Nine

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In front of the gate of the ancient temple, a half-dried and half-glorious Bodhi stands beside it, and Meng Qi sits under the tree, “listening” to the Buddha’s teachings, and enlightening with his heart.

After an unknown amount of time, he got up slowly, saluted solemnly, and said with a shy face, “Bodhisattva, this junior has finished his enlightenment. If it’s not troublesome, please open the gate near Jiangdong Maoling.”

The sambhogakaya pure land of Lanke Temple is roughly equivalent to a certain law between heaven and earth, and it is everywhere, so the world is close, as long as there is no strong formation to block it, the door can be opened wherever it wants.

Moonmani Light King Bodhisattva did not speak, the other end of the path was swaying, revealing the scenery of the east of the river with a small bridge and flowing water.

Meng Qi thanked him respectfully, escaped from Lanke Temple, and returned to Maoling from near the Chaochao Stone in the East China Sea. No matter who plots evil, there is absolutely no way to track down his whereabouts

After changing his appearance and breath several times in a row, the cautious Meng Qi put on the mask of Yuanshi Tianzun and entered the fairyland, where the “Taiyi real person” has long been waiting.

He was a talkative and enthusiastic person, and he didn’t exchange any pleasantries. He watched Meng Qi take out the harvest from this auction, and selected some natural materials, earthly treasures and precious soldiers according to the agreement.

Zombie Boxing is not an accumulation, a profound sect that only started to prosper three generations ago, and it was only when Yan Wuwo established a firm foundation in the arena and polished its brand, so even though Yan Wuwo himself does not need these things, it is not bad Thousands of good deeds, but he wants to prepare some for his disciples and grandchildren because he protects his shortcomings, and he can’t be worse than the great family of the great sect.

When Yan Wu made the choice, Meng Qi roughly calculated the harvest. The first “Dongji Longevity Pill” was exchanged for the thirteen heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the ancestors of the Zhang family, all of which were needed for his current cultivation. The commission of the Vientiane Gate and Mo Palace items hanging on the fairy trail exchange, the commission of this batch of life-extending pills. The resources for cultivation in the second level of Xuangong are considered to be enough.

Thinking of this, Meng Qi couldn’t help but secretly praised himself. He didn’t wholeheartedly pay for Yanwuwu from the profit of the Vientiane Sect’s life-extending elixir, but took part of it himself so that the profit would not look too good and be on par with normal sales. Let the future cooperation appear grudges, he can be called “honest and reliable young man”, BiyunHe Laogui is much stronger

“It’s just that you have to bear other costs,” Meng Qi added silently. Among the items exchanged for the second longevity pill, three or four pieces of natural materials and earthly treasures can be subsidized to meet the needs of cultivation, and the rest is the extra profit that can be used by oneself

“About ten treasures of heaven, material and earth, one top-grade precious weapon, one thousand poisonous soul-invigorating needle, and one Dinghai pearl, the main material of magic weapon.” Meng Qi was a little bit elated, even if the “Dinghai pearl” had to be kept for his own use or refined into crafting. Baobing, as long as the rest don’t go through the Six Paths, they will have 20,000 good deeds no matter what.

With this good deed, the secret treasure can be lost one by one. Meng Qi thought “heroically”, and quickly regained his senses. Taking a deep breath, he thought to himself:

“After the sale is over, you can spend 8,000 good deeds to decipher Huang Quan’s hand bones.”

“The rest is prepared for the gods”

There are thirteen pieces of natural treasures from the ancestors of the Zhang family, and Meng Qi is not in a hurry to exchange them for a while. Therefore, he did not pass the Six Paths, and hung the “Wan Poison Soul Repelling Needle” and others in Xianjifang for sale.

He went out of the fairyland, found a small town at random, and dressed up as a young man in green shirts. Walking slowly along the street, I bought a pot of rice wine and brought a roast chicken. Then I rented a yard and practiced in a relaxing way.

It snows in the twelfth lunar month, and the damp coldness penetrates deep into the bone marrow. Jiangdong and the north have different degrees of severe cold.

In the quiet room of the small courtyard, Meng Qi sat cross-legged, as if dead still.

Suddenly, the acupoints all over his body opened up, and phantoms flew out one after another. There was a blazing hot sun, a hanging star river, a mixed hole that absorbed all the light, a boundless earth, and a statue of different principles and phenomena. The gods of the gods either step on the black snake with their feet, or hold the sky with their hands.

All of a sudden, the whole quiet room is like a pantheon of gods, like the epitome of countless changes between heaven and earth, full of beautiful things, light and shadow changes, mysterious and profound, hard to understand.

And in the center of the phantom with a slight sense of substance, is Meng Qi sitting cross-legged, but his natural nine orifices and internal organs have become hazy, as if the heavens are high above, connected to the dreamlike All phantoms.

They trace back to one place, which is Meng Qi’s entrance between eyebrows, leading directly to the Palace of Niwan.

It was dark and gloomy there, as if there was a figure sitting cross-legged, with no front, no back, no top, no bottom, it was hard to describe, like “Yuan Shi”

elephant invisible

This is where Meng Qi’s primordial spirit resides, his real dharma form, the indestructible primordial form

Regardless of the internal organs, the heavens, or the surrounding phantoms, they are all changes accommodated by the law, and the deduced extensions of the various principles are not itself

Meng Qi suddenly opened his eyes. They were a pair of chaotic eyes that were difficult to peek into, full of vicissitudes, ancient times, vastness, and profound feelings.

All the illusory forms were retracted immediately, and the void in the quiet room was inexplicably swaying, as if it was about to split from it. If there were no barriers arranged in advance, this vision would probably cover the whole city.

After closing and opening again, Meng Qi’s eyes had returned to normal, and his aura became more and more normal, which was the law of heaven and earth that everyone could see everywhere without realizing it.

“Finally entered the third level of location, and finished condensing the body’s acupuncture points.” Meng Qi breathed out lightly, and finally passed the first hurdle of Xuan Gong.

Practitioners who take the path of accommodating changes, in the first and second heavens after the location, each acupoint has to be condensed differently, corresponding to different phenomena of heaven and earth or the principles of law, so it is the most time-consuming, and it is the first path of location practice. Difficulties, if there is no support from heaven, material and earth treasures, no one today can finish condensing before the lifespan is exhausted. Even in ancient times, it would take at least fifteen years.

However, using heaven, material and earth treasures to assist would consume financial resources. Meng Qi probably calculated that he had used heaven, materials and earth treasures worth 34,000 to 5,000 meritorious deeds for the cultivation of the second level alone. It doesn’t take ten years to concentrate on collecting the normal locations of reincarnation.

It’s just embarrassing

“Fortunately, I got the salary from Six Doors, and exchanged two useful treasures from within. Otherwise, I’m afraid there won’t be 20,000 good deeds left.” Forging action.

With his current potential and strength, Six Doors wished that he would continue to be a headhunter with a silver medal. As for the task, it all depends on whether he wants to do it or not. Anyway, the salary is given. When Meng Qi becomes a master or a great master in the future, there will always be some points. There are favors, and some things are easy to discuss and ask for.

And after more than half a year of hanging, the things in Xianjifang are much better than those of Liudao profiteers because the prices are fair and reasonable, and the transaction was finally completed a few days ago. For this reason, Meng Qi specially entered the Wanxiang Gate and handed over the harvest Daoist Crane and Mo Gong’s representatives just waited for Jiang Zhiwei to complete the matter, and this matter would be considered complete.

So far, he has 20,700 virtuous deeds left on him, which can be called a rich man below the level of a master, not to mention Dinghaizhu, Huangquan’s hand bones and other materials.

It can be seen that Master Yunhe and the representatives of Mo Gong are very satisfied, expressing that they hope to continue similar transactions after digesting the harvest this time.

As for a piece of Wannian Qinghua Lingmu, Meng Qi had offered a reward for more than half a year at Xianjifang and hadn’t responded, and it was really not worthwhile to exchange it from Liudao. Now it’s up to Jiang Zhiwei to find it.

After the activity was over, Meng Qi flicked his fingers lightly, and several strands of finger wind hit different places, breaking several artifacts. The formation suddenly disappeared, and the bright blue sky reappeared, shining bright sunshine.

He has not accumulated on the formation, but it is already an exterior scene, and it accommodates so many changes, condensing the acupointsWith so many different types, I have a vague feeling and perception of the laws of the movement of the heaven and the earth. I know what kind of effects will be produced by placing items of what nature in where and where, and I can learn simple formations without a teacher.

“It’s a pity that during this time of submerged training, I don’t have time to do good deeds. I don’t have enough merit and condense, and the Three Treasures Ruyi Boxing can’t be achieved in a small way.” Meng Qi sighed, he couldn’t have it both ways.

As for the yin and yang seal and flesh and blood, they are just getting started, and “I am the only one” barely scratches the surface.

He escaped from the small town and went straight to the entrance of the fairy trail. After stepping into the third heaven, he finally had time to see what secrets were hidden in Huang Quan’s hand bones.

As soon as he entered Biyoutian, Meng Qi ran into Doumu Yuanjun flying from another direction, and greeted him with a smile, saying it was a coincidence.

Doumu Yuanjun said without emotion: “I just want to inform you that the long-delayed official member gathering will be held in seven days. If you are free, come to Biyou Palace to participate.”

“Okay.” Meng Qi’s eyes lit up, and he agreed immediately.

After knowing the real identities of several high-level members, he has little interest in the rest of the members, but there is one exception, that is, Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun who “robbed” his title

I don’t know who he is

Doumu Yuanjun took a look at Meng Qi, and was keenly aware of the change in his breath that he did not conceal: “You have finished condensing the acupoints all over your body, and you have stepped into the third heaven.”

“Yes, I just stepped in.” Meng Qi hid himself, Yuan Jun was shocked

Doum’s tone was a little heavy: “Qingyuan spent eight and a half years collecting materials and breaking through the barriers of the first and second heavens. Because of this, his progress in cultivation was slow, and he almost died in the reincarnation mission.”

But Meng Qi only had one and a half years.

“It’s a coincidence, a coincidence.” Meng Qi said “modestly”, the huge profits of the Dongji Changsheng Pill can’t be stopped, and the Wanxiang Gate is even more unexpected.

After saying a few words, Meng Qifei went to Xianjifang, landed in front of the central jade pillar, and took out the Huangquan hand bone. It’s a good event for falling pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you to follow it. Follow the c public account on WeChat, add friends, add the public account and enter ddxiaos, and you can participate immediately.

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