I Honor

Chapter 645

Unseal the Hand Bones

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“Huangquan’s hand bone, a divine weapon-level item, is the hand bone of Huang Quan, the evil god born in Jiuyou, but it has lost its own power due to strange reasons, and it is difficult to show its magic. Its current value is unknown.”

“If you want to uncover the strange reason, you need to pay eight thousand good deeds.”

The familiar voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation came, and Meng Qi couldn’t help but think of the general outline of the palm of the hand. After secretly cursing “shrunken dog”, he chose to pay 8,000 good deeds.

Immediately, his total good deeds were reduced to 12,700, and the indifferent voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in his head showed no emotional fluctuations:

“In the last years of ancient times, the Nine Nether Evil God Huang Quan felt that his lifespan was approaching, and it was difficult to break through due to the limitations of his natural divine body, so he made a decision to give up his divine body of Huang Quan and enter reincarnation with a ray of primordial spirit, seeking to be liberated in the next life.”

Huang Quan entered reincarnation. Meng Qi listened with a serious face, feeling more and more mysterious about reincarnation.

His mood did not affect Liu Dao’s description, and he still said in a grand and flat voice:

“Before entering reincarnation, Huang Quan hid the divine body in a secret seal, waiting for reincarnation body to get it, as the main material for refining excellent magic weapons and even peerless magic weapons. To prevent accidents, he is inside this hand bone Leave a strange seal, let the breath condense, let the power disappear, even ordinary people can touch it, but only he himself can release and awaken it.”

“Once awakened, this hand bone will have a certain ability to control the other parts of Huangquan’s divine body.”

“Throughout the ages, Huang Quan’s reincarnation body disappeared and never returned. The divine body was obtained by others, but he didn’t know the beauty of this hand bone, so he placed it at will.”

“After long years of scouring, the seal on this hand bone has become extremely weak. It can be unlocked by paying another two thousand good deeds, allowing the breath of the underworld to reappear.”

Meng Qi was a little horrified when he heard it. It turned out that this was the strange reason. “Yellow Spring” gave up his divine body, left behind a “back door”, entered reincarnation, and waited for the next life to get it again, but he disappeared from there and never appeared again.

where did he go

Can reincarnation succeed

Thinking of this, Meng Qi inexplicably remembered “The Overlord’s Sword”

Overlord occasionally got the corpse of Thor and the ancient Thunder Pond. Use them to refine a peerless magic weapon, dominate the Middle Ages, and be prominent for a lifetime.

How familiar is this, it is vaguely similar to the part described by the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation just now

Could it be that Thor’s body and the ancient Thunder Pool were deliberately left behind by Thor in the past to prepare for his reincarnation?

Who is his reincarnation body, Overlord, or someone else

Judging from the fact that he obtained the body and thunder pool and refined it into a peerless weapon, it is quite possible that Overlord is the reincarnation of Thunder God. But with his pride, he will never hide this matter. It stands to reason that it should be spread, and not everyone has heard of it.

and. It’s hard to say which one is stronger or weaker than the Overlord and the Ancient Thunder God. The only thing that is certain is that they are both in the “legendary” realm. Could it be that the body of reincarnation may notstronger than the previous life

It was a coincidence that I got the inheritance of Thunder God, and it happened that the spirit of Lei Mao, the God of Nine Firmaments, had no choice. Pouring yourself, or for another reason

All kinds of thoughts made Meng Qi feel a little heavy, and then he quickly adjusted and calmed down. Choose to open the seal.

After the two thousand meritorious deeds were paid, the hand bone with the pure white flowing in the darkness suddenly shone brightly, with a thousand rays of light, black and white, if there were not the restrictions of the six realms, it might be the entire Xianjifang or even Biyoutian. Everyone can see it.

An aura of vicissitudes, death, and hidden vitality slowly appeared. A blood-yellow river seemed to emerge in Meng Qi’s mind. It didn’t know where it came from, and it didn’t know where it was going. It was full of sinking, death, loss and depravity. Just by sensing it, there is a feeling of vitality passing and memory gradually blurring.

Meng Qi shook his head violently, getting rid of this feeling, looked at the hand bone again, and found that it was still ordinary, but it gave him a completely different feeling, powerful and terrifying

“Huangquan’s hand bone, a magic-level item, is the hand bone of Huang Quan, the innate evil god of Jiuyou. Now the seal has been released, and it is no longer subject to Huang Quan’s summoning and forcible control, but it can have a subtle connection with Huang Quan’s reincarnated body.”

“It has a certain ability to control and influence the rest of Huangquan’s body and ghosts; it can be used to refine good magic weapons.”

“It can be used as a weapon. Once in contact with it, it will directly take away the vitality of the enemy and erase his memory. If there are no special treasures and skills below the seventh level, you will die immediately, and you will be seriously injured if you are above the seventh level. However, the fourth level The ability to fight against the enemy cannot be urged below the sky. It can be used once every three days below the seventh heaven. If it exceeds five times, the strength of the unrefined hand bones will be greatly lost. It is worth 21,000 good deeds and can be exchanged for 18,000 good deeds.”

“It’s not bad, but it seems that you have to refine it into a magic weapon to circulate the power and maximize its value.” Meng Qi nodded lightly. Now that he has Huangquan’s hand bones and Dinghai beads, he seems to be considering refining a magic weapon, but refining What to make, what auxiliary materials are needed, I have no direction at all, and the conferred god is coming soon, Dinghaizhu and Huangquan’s hand bones may not be useless, such as the power of the hand bones to control ghosts and unjust souls

“After conferring the gods, think about it carefully, and look for the magic weapon refining map in the exchange book.” Meng Qi made a decision.

As for the cost of refining the divine weapon, he is not clear yet, and he doesn’t need to think about it.

Seven days later, Meng Qi put on the mask of “Yuanshi Tianzun” and a black toga, and then re-entered the fairyland to attend the official members’ gathering.

There is nothing specific about this kind of gathering, it is just to let the members connect with each other and enhance the cohesion.

As soon as he arrived at Biyou Palace, Meng Qi saw “Bixia Yuanjun” Qu Jiuniang waiting for him. Since her identity was revealed and she was captured by the Peacock Demon King, the No. 1 family in Hanhai could no longer be opened. She was seeking a new identity. Maybe it was an impostor, or maybe it was a trip to a remote island in the East China Sea or the Southern Wilderness.

“You have made a lot of money from the transactions in Xianjifang.” Qu Jiuniang said in a low tone, as if expressing deep grief and indignation at not getting a share of the pie.

If you knew about the Dongji Changsheng Pill, you might pounce on Meng Qi and secretly praise “Taiyi Daoist”.

He was terrified in his heart, but he didn’t show it at all: “I’m just a broker, the big head is still someone else’s.”

“Tianzun told you to wait for him in the quiet room after you come, and he will introduce you to other official members.” Qu Jiuniang explained the purpose of her waiting, and turned to lead Meng Qi inside.

There are quite a few of the titles of Xianji with the word Tianzun. It can be directly called “Tianzun” and often only represents Lingbao.

After walking in front for a while, Qu Jiuniang couldn’t hold back, and said in a low voice: “Is there any similar business introduction old lady, er, I have been doing intelligence work for many years, I believe I can help.”

Meng Qi laughed dryly: “Not yet, I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future.”

“Miser, miser” Qu Jiuniang heard the meaning of perfunctory, and muttered, without feeling that she was also being scolded.

Take a few steps. Meng Qi’s eyes suddenly froze, because there was a person standing beside the lotus pond in front of him. He wore a hydrating suit, fanned a cloud crown, stepped on straw sandals, tied around his waist with a silk sash, and wore a mask on his face. He had an elegant demeanor.

He looked at the green lotus blooming in the lotus pond. His eyes were focused and distracted, not knowing what he was thinking.

Qu Jiuniang said in a secret voice transmission: “Zhenjun Miaodao Qingyuan has just completed his third death mission. The master is expected, but he lost two companions. One is Fairy Bixiao, an official member of our Xianji, and his mood is a bit low.”

It turned out that Meng Qi nodded lightly, and just as he was about to pass by, True Monarch Qingyuan Miaodao turned his head. Eye contact with him.

“We have been famous for a long time, and we have met each other, but we have only met each other officially today. The world is indeed impermanent.” Master Qingyuan Miaodao said with a wry smile.

Meng Qi arched his hands: “So does a certain person.”

Qing Yuan took off his mask, revealing an expected handsome face, and introduced himself: “Cao Xianzhi from the Cao family.”

Cao Xianzhi and Meng Qi had heard of this name before. He was a collateral branch of the Cao family in the capital. At the beginning, the environment was only slightly stronger than Sanxiu. Later, he emerged and became well-known on the list of people. Since then, he has been valued by the Cao family. Out of the top three, Cao E, the “immortal without falsehood” is often compared with him, so Meng Qi has heard of it.

It is said that this genius became mediocre after being promoted to location.It took only a year to cross the first level of the ladder, and it was hailed as a typical example of exhaustion of potential. Now that I think about it, it is delayed by the demand for resources on the road of “Indestructible Dao Body”.

“Su Meng.” Meng Qi knew he knew, but he still replied politely.

Qing Yuan smiled and said: “When Dou Mu said that you were already in the third heaven, I still didn’t quite believe it. Now that we meet, I realize that what I said is true. People are more angry than people.”

That being said, there was no trace of self-pity or envy in his tone, and his demeanor was calm, tempered by those difficult years.

“It’s just a coincidence.” Meng Qi was more polite and modest when talking to unfamiliar but not hostile people.

Qing Yuan didn’t care, turned his head to look at the opposite hall, there were vague figures inside, all of them were people wearing masks.

Meng Qi saw “familiar faces” such as Taiyi Zhenren and Nanhua Tianzun, and knew that they were official members who came to the party.

Suddenly, Master Qingyuan Miaodao sighed: “The people inside have changed a lot compared to when I first attended the party.”

In just one sentence, the vicissitudes of time and the danger of reincarnation are clearly revealed at the same time.

He glanced at Meng Qi, took a deep breath and said, “So, apart from my teammates and companions at the beginning, I dare not and will not care too much. Whether it is cold or unfeeling, this is a mentality that must be learned, because I don’t know At any point, they will die.”

“And the teammates and companions from the beginning, hey, they have died long ago”

He seemed to be reminding Meng Qi a little bit, and he seemed to feel sorry for himself. It seemed that the previous death mission still brought back an indelible sad memory in his heart.

Meng Qi thought of Zhang Yuanshan, Fu Zhenzhen and the others, and felt quite sad for a while.

After a while, Qu Jiuniang urged him to leave, feeling a little emotional:

“Xie Jiugui is Chunyangzi, Ren Pingsheng is Baopuzi, Yunzhongzi is Xue Rui, and there are many, many others who were my former teammates, but now there are only three of them left. folded in”

Meng Qi listened silently without speaking. After arriving in the quiet room, Qu Jiuniang left. He sat cross-legged and waited for Tianzun.

“Let’s go.” At some point, Lingbao Tianzun stepped into the quiet room.

Meng Qi stood up, followed Lingbao Tianzun, and headed for the main hall where the party was held.

“There are twenty-seven official members, two of them were lost recently, and three of them couldn’t get away. Twenty-two are here,” Lingbao Tianzun introduced to Meng Qi as he walked.

Everyone in the hall felt the breath approaching, and they all looked towards the door, only to see “Lingbao Tianzun” in front and “Yuanshi Tianzun” behind, walking slowly.

Suddenly, they all had an inexplicable feeling.

Spring was still cold in early February, Meng Qi had just practiced the seventh change, when suddenly he felt the light and shadow change, appearing in the Samsara Square.

The task of enshrining the gods has begun

While Meng Qi sighed, he saw Jiang Zhiwei, Qi Zhengyan, Ruan Yushu and Zhao Heng appearing at the same time.

Before he could say hello in the future, the voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded in his ear:

“The remaining three people have reached the minimum requirements for the task, so there is no need to divide them.”

“Five hundred years after the conferment of the gods, the saints did not come out, the hundreds of families were not prosperous, and the disputes among the nations continued, the world was in turmoil and darkness, and there was no dawn.”

“Main task: Select one of the hundreds of schools of thought and spread the word to all countries. If one country is willing to follow this way, the task will be completed and 2,500 good deeds will be rewarded. If not, you will stay in the Conferred God World forever, unless you pay 2,500. Bai Shangong left by force.”

“Three months after the mission started, the strength and cultivation base will no longer improve, and there will be no gaps in returning to your own world.”

“Please select a hundred schools of thought, and designate directly after three beeps.”

Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei and the others looked at each other for a moment, and without thinking too much, they took a step forward and started the lottery.

The light in mid-air stretches and shrinks, and the text flashes quickly, and quickly freezes in two words:

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