I Honor

Chapter 722

: A Forbidden Land Where Water Can’t Be Splashed

The breeze on the lake is blowing with a little damp and a little cold, and it is indescribably refreshing.

Meng Qi recalled Bixia Yuanjun’s introduction at the beginning, and said via voice transmission: “The title of the best swordsman is none other than Tongtian Sect Master, that is, Lingbao Tianzun, but there are already people, and it is impossible to choose. Similar to this is Duobao Tianzun. Under Tongtian Sect Master, he was able to pass on the essence of swordsmanship, but Xianji currently does not have his skills, titles are lacking, and the same is true for Smash Demon Tianzun.”

“Among the titles that can be selected, those who are good at swordsmanship include Jinmu Yuanjun, Yuding Daoist, etc. Taiyi’s method of saving Ku Tianzun also includes several swordsmanship, but he may be the body of Qingdi Daomen, and the title is extremely causal. Seriously, those who picked this title and the title of East Prince all ended up dying.”

Jiang Zhiwei quietly listened to Meng Qi’s analysis, believed his judgment, and finally said: “Jinmu Yuanjun is the Taoist title of Queen Mother of the West. The most important technique is the mastery of the power of gold, and the sword technique is only for assistance. Among the immortals, Daoist Yuding is the most powerful and famous for his swordsmanship, so he is the most suitable for me.”

Like Yun Zhongzi, Master Yuding was only famous in the world of Conferred Gods, but Jiang Zhiwei had also completed tasks in Conferred Gods, so Meng Qi didn’t need to go into details to figure it out.

“Closing up the female body with the identity of a male fairy, the swordsmanship is completely different, which is not bad.” Meng Qi agreed with a smile.

He knew that Jiang Zhiwei’s most important thing was to observe and learn more about swordsmanship, and he didn’t care what the title was.

Moreover, Daoist Yuding does not have the name of Tianzun, at most he is just entering the legend, and the karma to bear will not be too heavy, or even not.

After the calculation was over, the two pretended to be fishing and went boating on the lake.Use secret methods and supernatural powers to observe the direction of the heaven and earth, and slowly draw a “panoramic picture” in your mind.

As the boat went deeper and deeper, more and more ice floes were mixed between the lake water. Snow covered the field of vision, and the cold made tourists in furs shiver.

After arriving here, most of the ships began to return. Only those who carry the masters of the rivers and lakes continue to go deep and enjoy the sight of floating ice that is rarely seen elsewhere. Taste the artistic conception of Hanjiangxue.

But Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei found clues based on their own observations, combined with the changing laws of Qi mechanism described by Emperor Zhenwu, and urged the small boat to drive towards the depths of the ice and snow.

The ice floes are getting bigger and bigger, like icebergs, covered with white snow, coming down the river, and the boats shuttle between them. Gradually approaching a white island, it seems that even the bottom of the lake is frozen

“There.” Meng Qi took a breath of the bone-chilling air and looked at the ice in the distance.

The specific location, you have to observe and judge carefully after landing

Suddenly, a figure standing on the edge of the island said loudly:

“This island is forbidden by the Cao family, please retreat quickly”

Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei looked at each other, feeling a little heavy. This is the worst case scenario. The treasure of Emperor Zhenwu is located in the forbidden area of ​​the Cao family.

In broad daylight, the two did not choose to force their way. Turn the boat around and prepare to exit the ice floe area first.

At this moment, a painting boat sailed towards him. Driving to a small island covered by ice and snow, there was a young woman standing on the bow of the boat, wearing a white cloak, plain clothes, oval face, no jewelry, dignified and pretty.

Her breath was restrained, she stood straight and loose, and she had a somewhat inexplicable demeanor.

The boat and the boat quickly approached. The woman sized up Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei, but didn’t pay too much attention. Just be a daredevil tourist.

The two boats passed each other, and Jiang Zhiwei whispered, “Cao E, the Immortal Immortal.”

She had seen Cao E’s image before.

It turned out that it was her, Meng Qi, who nodded slightly. This is one of the most famous powerhouses of the younger generation in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He has occupied the top ten list for a long time, and entered the location after a perfect half-step.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he looked back at Huafang.

The boat had landed, and Cao E flew down the snow, heading towards the middle of the island, and quickly disappeared.

Meng Qi squinted his eyes, a golden light flashed inside, and Cao E’s vague figure was reflected in his pupils


Cao E soon arrived at the center of the small island, where the ice was frozen for thousands of years, and there was little life.

She performed the kung fu and pressed her palms on the ten thousand-year-old ice.

All of a sudden, the icy soul lighted up, and a door was cracked on the top of the Wanzai Ice, and Cao E stepped down the steps.

When the ice door closed, Meng Qi’s sharp eyes could no longer catch her breath.

“Judging from the signs of the confluence of qi and machine, the place where the treasures of the demon gods are hidden is deep in the ice layer where Cao E stepped. Maybe it is exactly the same as the ice eyes, and the Cao family has never discovered it.” Meng Qi spied himself. He told Jiang Zhiwei about the situation.

Jiang Zhiwei pondered and said, “That’s the forbidden area of ​​the Cao family’s forbidden area. It’s probably very difficult to get in.”

The boat sailed out of the lake with a lot of ice floes. Meng Qi thought about it and said, “The ice cave pierces through the bones for thousands of years, and there is almost no life nearby. It is difficult to get close by changing methods. At most, you can pretend to be a child of the Cao family. Cao E will open the door.” The means, I’m afraid you have to use Cao’s authentic skills, and there seems to be interrogation in it, all of which are like sneaking in for changes.”

Speaking of this, Meng Qi was shocked, and a handsome figure suddenly appeared in his mind:

“True Monarch of Qingyuan Miaodao” Cao Xianzhi

Only those who practice profound arts will be so wary of changes sneaking in.

He was promoted to Grandmaster and was reused by the Cao family again.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing Meng Qi stunned, Jiang Zhiwei asked with concern.

Meng Qi smiled wryly and said, “I met an expert. Fortunately, I’m an acquaintance. Let’s ask Tianzun about the situation first.”

“Tianzun” Jiang Zhi whispered to herself without asking any further questions.

In an inn, Chonghe Taoist wore the mask of “Lingbao Tianzun” and sat opposite Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei.

He pondered and said: “Qing Yuan is a calm and dignified person, he has a chivalrous spirit in his bones, he is not a person who forgets righteousness for profit, if he seeks cooperation, even if he fails, he will not betray.”

If you can find an internal response in Cao’s house, or a master-level internal response in charge of arranging the defense of the forbidden area, Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei’s difficulties will undoubtedly be solved, and they can no longer be called difficulties

Of course, how much price to pay and how much to gain will determine whether Meng Qi chooses to cooperate.

After a pause, Lingbao Tianzun reminded: “However, the Heaven-Jeting Seven Swords are the top inheritance of Taoism and kendo, and the Dharma body will also be moved, Qingyuan himself may not be. But he has to consider his family. If he knows such a treasure After the forbidden area at home, he also handed it over to outsiders. I’m afraid I will blame myself and hesitate, so it’s best not to mention the specific thing directly.”

It is essential to be defensive, especially Cao Xianzhi, who values ​​his family

Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei nodded. If they were themselves, after knowing the news, they could obviously include all the treasures of their own family sect, so they would definitely be reluctant to share them with others.

“Anyway, try his tone first.” Meng Qi made up his mind.

After Jiang Zhiwei signed the fairyland contract, Meng Qi took her to secretly deliver the letter, please see the Cao familyThe new master Cao Xianzhi

south of the city. Fengxiao Pavilion.

When Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei arrived, Cao Xianzhi, the “True Monarch of the Miaodao of Qingyuan”, was waiting quietly in a toga with his hands behind his back, his handsome face showed no sign of anxiety or doubt.

“This is…” Cao Xianzhi took a look at Jiang Zhiwei.

Meng Qi smiled and said, “New member.”

Jiang Zhiwei was already a strong outsider, with the endorsements of Meng Qi and Lingbao Tianzun, and she was also a reincarnation, so she directly became an official member.

Cao Xianzhi didn’t ask any more questions, he just watched them, waiting for them to express their intentions.

“Brother Cao. After many twists and turns, we found a treasure house somewhere in your house. I would like to ask you to help get it.” Meng Qi cut to the chase.

Cao Xianzhi frowned slightly: “Our family”

Meng Qi explained: “It’s not your magical weapons and exercises. It’s an ancient treasure house, which existed before you established your family, but it has never been discovered by you. If you can help, the treasures you get will be shared equally, and the exercises will be passed on.” Then put it in the fairy trail, you have the right to feel it from time to time.”

Meng Qi’s heart ached to share the treasure again, but if he could persuade Cao Xianzhi, it would be easy. Far better than risking the sky.

Cao Xianzhi’s expression did not change, but he remained silent. Seeming to be struggling violently, Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei did not urge them. Give him time to think.

After a while, Cao Xianzhi let out a breath and showed a wry smile: “I dare not bring outsiders into the family’s forbidden area without the consent of the head of the family. Maybe you don’t have ulterior motives, but if this situation grows, the Cao family will be ruined sooner or later.” .”

He bluntly said that the treasury was in one of several forbidden places, because if it was a place where the Cao family didn’t guard it strictly, with Meng Qi’s strength and magical powers of transformation, he would have already taken it away without anyone noticing.

In stark contrast to the proud and frivolous Third Master Ruan at the beginning, Meng Qi suddenly felt such emotion, and said, “We can exchange good deeds for the contract. Please Liu Dao as a witness to ensure that the interests of the Cao family will not be harmed.”

Good deeds are of course from the gods

Cao Xianzhi shook his head: “Giving away the things in the forbidden area of ​​my family, I really feel uneasy and ashamed of my family. I will conceal the key points and your identities in this matter. Please make the decision. You will wait here for me tomorrow. If he disagrees, then I will evade this matter, and I will not remind the family. I will only guard the divine weapon and my own treasure house. Whether you can take the secret treasure or not depends entirely on your own abilities.”

Meng Qi took a deep breath and emphasized: “If there is no news from me, the Cao family may not be able to discover the secret treasure in a hundred years. Now that it is revealed, everyone will get something. It is a matter of mutual benefit. Brother Cao, please try to make it happen. .”

Cao Xianzhi will not be greedy, but as a family, the possibility of the Cao family being greedy is extremely high.

Farewell to Cao Xianzhi, Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei walked towards the gate of the city side by side, and said in private: “The Cao family may very well refuse, should we ask the Heavenly Lord to forcibly break through the forbidden area?”

This matter is not very sure, if Fagao can easily break through the forbidden area of ​​the Cao family, the Cao family would have died a long time ago

“Maybe we can use a strategy to divert the tiger away from the mountain.” Jiang Zhiwei thought about it.

While speaking, a figure hurriedly ran from behind the two of them and rushed towards the city gate.

“Huh?” Meng Qi was slightly surprised, this was an acquaintance.

“I know” Jiang Zhiwei asked.

Meng Qi nodded: “It’s a subordinate of a prince in the grassland.”

This man is tall and tall, with thinning hair and multiple tattoos on his body. He is a member of the Wolf Killing Society and Batu, the guard of Agula, the descendant of the “King of the Sun”.

“Paijing is not far from the grassland, and it is an important point of trade between the north and the south. It is normal for people from the grassland to appear.” Jiang Zhiwei explained his doubts.

Batu looked flustered, as if he was being chased by the enemy. Suddenly, his face turned blue, his throat made a loud noise, and he fell forward.


As soon as Meng Qi came to his senses, he found that he had stopped breathing. To be continued

s: The third update will be delivered, and the first update will be at 12:30 noon tomorrow


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