I Honor

Chapter 723

: Planning People’s Hearts

“someone fell”

“What happened”

Batu fell down suddenly, and the passers-by on the road were startled. Some hid away wisely to protect themselves, some kindly came to check and rescue, and some onlookers tried to see the excitement.

“Dead” the kind-hearted man who knelt down to help said out.

They never thought about such a situation at all, how could a person who was fine just now suddenly die suddenly


At this time, one of the onlookers walked out, said that he was good at medicine, and checked the cause of death with everyone’s expectant eyes.

“No disease, no injury,” he muttered to himself, subconsciously pressing Batu’s chest and abdomen.

Suddenly, Batu’s chest and abdomen were sunken and cracked, as if it had been dry for a long time, unable to bear such pressure.

The chest and abdomen are cracked, the inside is empty, and there is no trace of internal organs, as if eaten by wild dogs



Such a strange scene scared the shit out of the passers-by, Batu lay quietly, and there was no one around.

Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei looked at each other with horror, they killed a lot, but this was the first time they encountered such a situation.

When Batu passed by just now, he was still alive and running vigorously. Why did he suddenly lose his internal organs and died suddenly on the spot?

At this time, a passerby in the distance was frightened and went crazy.Kuang shouted:



“The Prairie Man Calls Again”

“Shaman witchcraft” Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei suddenly realized that the witchcraft might be extremely powerful to make it so weird.

Jiang Zhiwei had seen the introduction of shamanism in the door, but it was the first time to come to the edge of the grassland, and the theory and practice were out of touch for a while. Although Meng Qi had been in the grassland, he had only dealt with shaman once, so he didn’t know much about witchcraft. .

Could it be that Killing Wolf did something to provoke the shaman Meng Qi to look at Batu’s body. He didn’t get close at all, and walked around with Jiang Zhiwei, returning to accompany Beijing.

The things in the grassland have nothing to do with me, so it’s better not to make extravagant skills

Inside the inn, Chong He was already waiting for them wearing the mask of “Lingbao Tianzun”.

“This matter has already been discussed with Qing Yuan, the old Taoist needn’t worry too much.” He said calmly.

Just in case, he was paying close attention to the conversations of Meng Qi and the others, and when he took action, he would of course use the identity of “Lingbao Tianzun”. Rather than Chonghe Taoist, as long as he doesn’t use all his strength, he is still not afraid of being exposed. At most, the reputation of Immortal Trace in his own world will be ruined. Anyway, there are myths in front, so it is not much better now.

However, he must have scruples about making a move. As the leader of the Righteous Path, he would try to avoid killing the Cao family because of this matter.

“It’s a pity that the Cao family probably won’t agree, or the request is very high.” Meng Qi sighed.

After this matter. The news of the treasure house was leaked to the Cao family, which made him a little complicated.

But Cao Xianzhi is a member of Xianji, if Lingbao Tianzun “lied” to the door without even saying hello, Xianji would be divorced sooner or later. Although Meng Qi was a little upset, he asked himself if he was in a different position and found that the organization he joined was hiding himself. Dealing with one’s own family, sect or relatives in secret, will definitely have a grudge in the heart and want revenge.

and. If Cao Xianzhi had selfish intentions, and his family was more important than himself, things would be smooth sailing, and he would have to pay a price for trying to avoid risks.

Lingbao Tianzun nodded and said: “After the Cao family knows that there is a treasure house hidden in the forbidden area, they will definitely search for it by themselves. Anyway, they can afford to wait for several years and decades, why are they cheap for outsiders?”

Maybe he laughed at our silly Meng Qi and slandered himself.

Jiang Zhiwei listened silently for a while, then suddenly said: “The Cao family knows that the treasure house is not all bad, at least we can use this to guide them and mobilize them, otherwise they will definitely choose to be conservative and choose Wait and see, it happens to be blocking our way.”

She was thinking on the positive side.

“The Cao family has magical weapons, formations, and the relics of the immortals. If you want to break through the two most important forbidden areas, unless you break through, it may not be successful for a long time.” Lingbao Tianzun pointed out the strength of the Cao family.

Can become one of the top aristocratic families, how could the Cao family have no heritage

Meng Qi pursed his mouth and frowned slightly, thinking of a way.

If Wang Shengun or Gu Yaonu were faced with such a thing, what would they do?

Among the masters of the same generation, these two were the most resourceful and resourceful, and repeatedly frustrated Meng Qi. Therefore, when planning things, Meng Qi unconsciously imitated the style of the two.

Gu Yaonv acted far-sighted, good at seeing the big picture, mysterious and unpredictable, if she could figure out her train of thought, she would have already turned into a customer, but Wang Siyuan still had a lot of traces, at least he once said that the core of the layout It is to conceal the purpose.

conceal purpose

When Meng Qi gradually got some ideas, he heard Lingbao Tianzun say: “The forbidden land is hard to break, but it can be mobilized, just like what Jiang Xiaoyou said, guide with the treasure house.”

Shit, Jiang is indeed the old spicy Meng Qi had a flash of inspiration, using this to string together the previous fragmented thoughts

He hehe smiled, attracting the eyes of Lingbao Tianzun and Jiang Zhiwei, sighing in his heart that there is no feather fan to shake, and slowly said: “We said it was for the treasure house, the Cao family must believe that Qingyuan is not worried, but not Will the Patriarch of the Cao family, who knows our details, be wary of our ulterior motives?”

“Pretending to be another purpose” Jiang Zhiwei was also alert.

“Yes,” Meng Qi said with a smile, “the Cao family has four forbidden areas, the two most important are the ancestral home, the ancestral hall and the Dixian Lake. In the cultivation environment, the caretakers are at best extremely good.”

“Qingyuan didn’t know that the old Taoist also got involved in this matter. With the defense he arranged, you can’t sneak into the two weaker forbidden areas. Therefore, the treasure house may also be in these two places. If you use this as bait, you should be able to get a little Make a transfer.” Lingbao Tianzun nodded and said, probably guessing Meng Qi’s thoughts.

Meng Qi said sternly: “At that time, please ask Tianzun to give you treasures, let Zhiwei act as if he was discovered while infiltrating, and then use the treasures to trap here, but let them have time to ask for help.”

“With the vigilance and suspicion of the Cao family, even if we don’t suspect that we have other purposes, we still have to consider the possibility of attacking the west and diverting the tiger away from the mountain. There will be no fewer but not many strong people who will come to help. When the time comes, please ask Tianzun to trap them, and at the same time Will accompany Beijing to temporarily isolate from the outside world”

“In this way, we will use the treasury as a bait to attack or even severely damage the layout of the Cao family.” Jiang Zhiwei’s eyes shifted. I understood what Meng Qi meant.

Use the treasury to “lead out” the “true purpose” of attacking the Cao family, and then use this “true purpose” to cover up the infiltration into the treasure house.”After that, you go to Dixian Lake for help,” Lingbao Tianzun said with a smile.

Meng Qi smiled and nodded: “At that time, please ask Tianzun to make the noise as big as possible. The younger generation will become someone close to the Patriarch of the Cao family. He will desperately rush to Dixian Lake to ask for help. Once he gets on the island and tells the news, he will die suddenly.”

“I can’t change and sneak in. But if the person inside opens the door, all defensive arrangements will be useless”

Lingbao Tianzun slightly nodded and said: “The matter is urgent, and the person who delivered the news died outside again. All kinds of movements point to the truth of what he said. The master inside will definitely drive the slough of the earth fairy at the ice eye, and come out to investigate what happened. No matter how important the lake is, it can be more important than the entire Cao family.”

“Once the door is opened, the old Taoist secretly uses the technique of transforming three cleanses into one body to separate a Taoist body. This is your chance to change and sneak in. This trick really hits people’s hearts.”

Jiang Zhiwei’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“There are no loopholes in the defense, but if there is something wrong with people’s hearts, no matter how impregnable the defense is, it’s just a thin layer of paper.” Meng Qi exclaimed pretendingly.

As long as you get inheritance and treasures. When the “inside” should be combined with the outside, I’m afraid I won’t be able to escape

This calculation is not complicated, it belongs to the knowledge I have learned in my previous life, it is called “social engineering”. Do not rely on “gongfa” but rely on people’s hearts

As for seducing or controlling the location of the Cao family who is qualified to go to Dixian Lake Bingyan to practice, you need to choose the target and observe the handle. Temptation slowly is not something that can be done in a short period of time. Meng Qi has no choice.

The three of them slowly discussed the plan, filling in the details, making sure to make the false purpose as real as possible. At the end, Meng Qi let out a long breath: “For the next two days, this junior will have to secretly observe the few people trusted by the Patriarch of the Cao family.” It is best to learn their behavior and remember their breath, and it is best to be able to spy on the route of the surface layer of true energy.”

His mood suddenly became lighter. If the Cao family does not agree to cooperate, it would be great to save their share

“The old Taoist will help you spy on Cao’s ancestral house.” Lingbao Tianzun said.

At this time, Jiang Zhiwei remembered what happened to Batu on the road, and roughly described it: “Tianzun, it’s really shamanic witchcraft.”

Through the communication just now, she can probably guess who Lingbao Tianzun is. Apart from her inner shock, she also knows that Chonghe Taoist has been dealing with the grassland all year round, and has a deep understanding of shamanism.

Lingbao Tianzun pondered: “It is indeed shaman witchcraft, but the grassland shamans are all noble, guarding the clan, and will not leave when they are idle. Why did they appear in Beijing secretly?”

What is the matter of North-South trade, where do the shamans need to come forward in person?

Chong and Taoist were very concerned about the shaman’s change, fearing that the grassland would plot another invasion of the south.

“Maybe it’s internal strife in the grassland.” Meng Qi probably mentioned the matter of the Wolf Killing Club.

Chong and the Taoist nodded and said nothing more.

In the dead of night, Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei, with the help of Lingbao Tianzun, lurk near Cao’s ancestral house, spying on the outside scene.

Suddenly, Lingbao’s voice came from their ears: “The west door, there is an exterior scene of Cao’s house approaching.”

Lingbao Tianzun’s sensing ability is ten times and a hundred times that of Meng Qi

“West side door” Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei hurriedly moved there.

As soon as he hid again, Meng Qi saw a member of Cao’s family come out from outside and asked the gatekeepers and guards to leave, leaving him alone to guard the gate.

“It’s a bit weird.” Meng Qi frowned and transmitted the sound.

Jiang Zhiwei stared at him: “It’s Cao Tai, the direct grandson of the Patriarch of the Cao family, a first-class expert.”

This is the direct line of the Patriarch, and Meng Qi, who can best represent the authority of the Patriarch, ignores doubts and concentrates on observing Cao Tai’s every move as a basis for change.

At this moment, a light flashed outside the door, and two mysterious people covered in black robes appeared

Their robes are quite special and can block prying eyes.

Cao Tai looked around, turned sideways, and helped the two mysterious people pass through the formation that Cao’s family opened at night, then closed the door, accompanied them deep, and escaped from Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei’s senses.

“Mystery is really suspicious,” Meng Qi muttered.


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