I Honor

Chapter 724

She wants to kill you

Green bricks and black tiles, dark and ups and downs, the west door is backed by trees, tightly closed, no one guards around, so quiet that it makes people palpitate.

After “waiting” for the wolf king, Meng Qi wasn’t impatient at this time, and waited patiently for the two mysterious people to come out. If he could catch the Cao family’s handle, things might be easier. The same is true for Jiang Zhiwei. How can people be impatient

Without patience, without silent tempering, there is no sword light that breaks through the shackles and soars to the sky

Time passed by little by little, and the night in the early winter in the north was so cold that a drunk would be frozen to death, but Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei had long been free from cold and heat, and only focused on looking at the black side door.

Squeak, there was a faint sound from the side door, the Cao family’s formation shook slightly, but quickly restrained under the token.

Cao Tai sent two mysterious people out

He looked serious, as if he was doing something extremely important

Without saying too much, after lightly nodding to the two mysterious people, he turned and entered, and closed the side door, while the bodies of the two mysterious people swayed like water waves, turned into strange lights, walked close to the ground, and disappeared in the breath. Outside the house of Cao Jiazu.

Sensing the residual breath, Meng Qi seemed to have golden lotus-like rays of light blooming in his eyes, catching the traces of the two mysterious people.trace.

Two gloomy lights quickly appeared in his pupils, moving forward between the bluestone ground, the streets on both sides have obvious characteristics, and they are Suijing Suzaku Street.

Without further ado, Meng Qi was worried about being lost, so he rolled up Jiang Zhiwei and escaped with the help of fires left in the kitchens of every household.

Zhuque Avenue, Jinbo Bridge, Yuanren Lane, and Baban Hutong, two dim lights, moved forward and circled half a circle.

Suddenly, “they” collided violently, each bounced into both sides of the street, fell into the sewage drain, and the light changed, speeding up.

Unfortunately, Meng Qihui’s eyes were just beginning to develop, and he couldn’t lock the figure in time. Has been lost.

At this moment, Lingbao Tianzun’s voice sounded in his and Jiang Zhiwei’s ears:

“Sackcloth Lane.”

Meng Qi in Maiyi Lane had no doubts, and flew over with Jiang Zhiwei. Just after they settled down, they saw two faint lights jumping up from under the bluestone and turning into the entrance of the alley.

When it comes to the dharma body, it really has great supernatural powers. If a family or sect does not have powerful items such as magic weapons, relics, and magic weapons to suppress them, the defense will be useless

Carefully following Huo Dun, Meng Qi found that the speed of the two ghost lights had slowed down. Appearing in human form, he entered the yard at the end of Maiyi Lane without a sound, where the Jinyi River was leaning against, sparkling and extending in all directions, it was the most suitable place to escape.

The grass on both sides of the bank is withered, and the night is so quiet that the sound of the river flowing slowly can be heard.

“Do you want to go in and arrest people for questioning?” Meng Qi asked Jiang Zhiwei.

Standing behind him is the No. 1 player in the Tianbang, that is, the popular No. 1 master in the world. He is very courageous. Very quick to cut through the messy idea.

“But I still don’t know what’s going on inside, and what kind of power the mysterious person is from.” Jiang Zhiwei hesitated rather excitedly.

She has a generous and calm personality, and her swordsmanship is the best at fighting on the front line, and she has no return. When she has a choice in doing things, she doesn’t like detours. Meng Qi’s proposal is exactly what she wants, but Yi Jian plays chess, no matter whether it is straight or round. You have to think clearly before you start, instead of going hard when your head is hot.

Meng Qi recalled the escape just now, but he still had no time to analyze it in the future. Then I heard Lingbao Tianzun’s voice transmission again: “It’s the shadow escape in shamanism.”

“There may be a high-ranking benefactor hidden behind them. The old man is a little worried that he will startle the snake if he makes a direct move. If you try it first, the old man hides in the dark and waits for the snake to come out of the hole.”

What does the shaman have to do with Bairi Batu’s death? Meng Qi was startled, and agreed without hesitation: “Okay.”

Ever since he knew that Lingbao Tianzun could transform the Three Purities with one breath and set up the Immortal Execution Sword Formation with his own strength, Meng Qi had strong confidence in him. Even if there were two Dharma Masters hiding in the courtyard, he could resist one or two and save himself. And Zhiwei escaped danger.

Even the number one caretaker on the Tianbang timidly shrinks back, so what kind of world do you want, what kind of martial arts do you want, just go home and sell sweet potatoes as soon as possible

Jiang Zhiwei also had a similar mentality. There was someone behind him who wanted to do something, so the two simply walked around to the side, hiding their breath, and sneaked in silently.

It would be the best if they could be caught alive, so the two of them didn’t attack by force, and destroyed the people and the yard together.

There was a slight sound of rushing water, and Meng Qi who entered the yard felt that the surroundings were dark, and he had the feeling of falling into deep water.

Sure enough, there is a formation

But this is in the market, there are a lot of people coming and going, and they have to hide their whereabouts, so the formation is not outstanding, it is only used as a warning, otherwise people would have discovered it long ago, so it is rare to have Meng Qi in his arms

Staggering footsteps, Meng Qi led Jiang Zhiwei through the formation without a sound, and saw the well shrouded in moonlight, and saw the two mysterious people just now. They had taken off their robes, revealing two faces with very grassland characteristics.

The situation of the nearby wing rooms and courtyards also surfaced in Meng Qi’s mind in detail. This seems to be a large caravan, a caravan mainly composed of prairie people

Suddenly, two prairie shamans looked at the place where Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei sneaked in at the same time, as if they had a premonition of danger through some special means

“Do it” Seeing this, Meng Qi made a decisive decision, his whole body shone with light gold, and he strode forward.

Black air burst out, congealed into a long snake, and clumps of “weeds” grew on the ground, which seemed to be able to penetrate Meng Qi’s body through the soles of his feet. The two shamans responded hurriedly, a little too late.

One of them, with a handprint in one hand and a black stick in the other, struck Meng Qi from afar through the void.

This stick seemed flimsy and powerless, but Meng Qi’s body was filled with invisible energy, making a scorching sound on the pale gold.

At the same time, the Yuanshi golden lotus between Meng Qi’s eyebrows bloomed automatically, resisting the inexplicable force.

Shaman’s unique skills, curse stick method

Stamping and staring, the long snake wrapped in black energy was torn apart by Meng Qi, and he rushed to a shaman in a breath, and made a knife with one hand, Ananda broke the precepts, tempting to fall

On the other side, Jiang Zhiwei’s sword light was pure, no matter black air, weeds, or curses, he couldn’t get close to it, and it was broken into countless sections, with sharp intentions across the small courtyard, and slashed at the shaman’s face.

Both Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei had reservations, guarding against the people behind the scenes that Lingbao Tianzun said.

As soon as the two shamans were seduced by the saber technique of breaking the precepts, their seven emotions, sometimes lewdly smiling and sometimes majestic, were frightened by the sword intent, and they were dumbfounded, and they were about to be captured by Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei.

Suddenly, the void became strange, and the airflow around them seemed to dissipate in a short moment. The power of the earth and other powers followed and disappeared.

Empty on the outside but solid on the inside, the bodies of the two shamans involuntarily swelledIt swelled, stretched outwards, and quickly turned into a ball.


Before Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei caught them, the two shamans exploded like inflated water bubbles, turning into flesh and blood flying all over the sky.

Meng Qi raised his hand and put it in front of his brows, and he hit his body with drops of flesh that could shatter gold and stones. There was a muffled puff puff sound, which could not be shaken at all. Jiang Zhiwei’s sword light circled around his body, spiraling upwards, blocking all the flesh and blood.

When everything subsided, only flesh and blood remained in the yard, and the prairie people in the caravan woke up one after another.

“They seem to have been tampered with in their bodies, and the old man was distracted by a breath just now.” Lingbao Tianzun’s voice came to the ears of the two.

The aura that can distract Tianzun’s attention without being caught Meng Qi was startled when he heard this, it must be at least half a step of Dharma body

“The breath is strange. It passed away in a flash. It must be concealed. The old man couldn’t recognize who it was for a while.” Lingbao Tianzun added.

Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei took control of the situation without asking questions. Interrogating the prairie caravan, it was found that they were all serious smuggling teams. Although there were experts in enlightenment, they had no idea that the two business partners were shamans.

Go back to the inn. Meng Qi frowned and said, “The Cao family and the grassland shaman are colluding with something.”

“With the Cao family’s status and resources, there is absolutely no need to seek refuge with a foreign race.” Jiang Zhiwei didn’t quite believe it.

“Or just cooperation on a certain matter, there are benefits. Enemies can also join forces for a short time.” Meng Qi believes that seeing is believing.

Lingbao Tianzun listened quietly, as if recalling the deaths of the two shamans, trying to find traces and judge the identity of the breath.

Meng Qi continued: “No matter what, the Cao family must have a guilty conscience after the two shamans died. This will confuse their judgment and help us implement our plan and enter the forbidden area of ​​Dixian Lake.”

“It would be even better if we could figure out what they are cooperating with.” Lingbao Tianzun’s tone was somewhat solemn. As the leader of the righteous way of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, he had repeatedly fought fiercely with alien races in the grassland, and he was extremely wary of them.

Meng Qi nodded slightly, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration: “Maybe there is a way to figure it out.”

Bayan died near Paijing, his master Agula probably hid in Paijing, maybe he knew something

The next day, Meng Qi left contact notes of the Wolf Killing Club in several crowded places in Beijing, and revealed his identity and the hotel where he was staying.

Before going to listen to the Cao family’s reply, a figure sneaked into the inn and knocked on the door.

He was wearing a fur hat, and the rest were dressed as people from the Northern Zhou Dynasty. His expression was nervous, as if he was in constant panic. It was Agula of the Hailasu tribe.

The door opened, and Agula saw Meng Qi in black and strong clothes. His heroic and masculine attitude seemed to have not changed, which matched his blood-stained image of the wolf queen who killed the wolf queen.

“She’s going to kill you” when they met in the first day of junior high school, Agula threw out horrifying words to show his role.

“Who?” Meng Qi frowned as he let Agula in.

For some reason, he thought of the concept of the fate of the strange person to stop killing.

Agula looked around and calmed down: “Master of the Wolf King, the real master of the Wolf Killing Society”

“Speak slowly, I don’t understand.” Meng Qi pretended not to know.

Agula smiled wryly and said, “If I hadn’t experienced it personally, I wouldn’t understand. To put it simply, the master of the Wolf King is Saren Gaowa from the Haoyue family.”

The “Haoyue Family” Meng Qi knew about this family. The tribal leaders who were once second only to the Golden Family on the grassland were exterminated by the rising Guldo decades ago. Unexpectedly, there are still descendants left.

Agula nodded: “The Haoyue family seeks to rejuvenate, intends to subvert the Jin family, and has been secretly developing power. Saren Gaowa was born before the family was exterminated. It is said that the sun and the moon were dark when she was born, and the wolves howled miserably. , all the rats died suddenly, it was hailed as a disaster, and became the hope of the Haoyue family.”

“Later, she got an adventure, and her strength improved very quickly, but the Jin family was strong, and they still chased her and hid her. On the way, for some reason, they adopted the wolf king who was abandoned by the wolf pack, and passed on his martial arts.”

“Nearly ten years ago, Sa Ren Gaowa disappeared and never appeared again. At that time, she was suspected of being attacked and killed by the Jin family. Her subordinates used the wolf king as a bait to establish a wolf killing association. The organization runs through the east, west, north and south, and is well informed.”

“That’s it,” Meng Qi said thoughtfully, and the face of Taoist Jiesha Liu Meifengyan appeared in his mind.

Agula took a breath: “After the wolf king was killed by you, Saren Gaowa returned suddenly, and she was very determined to kill you. In the past few years, she has often been in and out of the Central Plains, and seems to be following your tracks.” To be continued

s: The third update is before twelve o’clock in the morning

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