I Honor

Chapter 791

: The Request of Immortal Stone

He could only use one elixir, and the rest would be sealed and unable to exert its effect, but Meng Qi didn’t know whether the extra elixir would work on people in the world of gods and demons, so he had made a secret decision in his heart, even if he couldn’t Yes, even if you give up your own Dongji Changsheng Pill, you have to save Du Huaishang. If he falls or remains in a coma, it will only be a matter of time before the rebel army falls apart. The main task will no longer be possible to complete. obliterate

Of course, the premise of everything is that Du Huaishang’s condition is within the curative effect of Dongji Changshengdan.

In the tent, Meng Qi seemed to be chatting about trivial matters with Jiang Zhiwei, Qi Zhengyan and the others, but in fact, he welcomedThe wind changed, and he replaced himself with a hair avatar. The deity escaped without anyone noticing, and sneaked into the camp of the Chinese army. With his current level of profound arts cultivation in the sixth heaven, he does not have the real master realm, and there is no clue at all.

Along the way, Meng Qi changed among the images of patrolling soldiers, guards and generals. Meng Qi soon arrived near the heavily guarded Chinese army camp. He became a flea that could only be completed after the first ladder, waiting patiently for his acquaintances.

Time goes by, the setting sun is slanting, and the wind on the river is becoming more and more biting and icy, as if the gods in charge of winter and the North Pole have descended. A monkey-spirited man rubs his hands habitually, and walks out of the barracks of the Chinese army, which is heavily guarded and gray. , looking gloomy and preoccupied.

Suddenly, he felt someone patting him from behind. While wondering that someone could approach him without any movement, making the induction invalid, he looked back subconsciously.

If someone wants to sneak attack, why take a picture and alarm yourself

As soon as he turned around, his eyes froze, and immediately revealed a look of surprise and joy: “The master is you.”

Meng Qi smiled calmly and said: “Du Tianwang was destined to have such a catastrophe, and we are here to resolve it.”

Ever since he learned Yuxu’s magic calculation and was taught by Duke Huan of Qi Xiaobai, he liked the feeling of talking about it more and more, but he hated it even more when others talked about it in front of him.

colleagues are enemies

The monkey spirit man suddenly had difficulty controlling his breath, and the surrounding soil settled a little. Salute with ecstasy: “Master is really the lucky star of my red-clothed army”

It seems that there are really gods and demons supporting the eldest brother in secret. The last time Daning was in trouble, a guru came to rescue him. At the critical moment of development and growth, he happened to be a magic soldier. He was assisted by a second-rank strongman, the Immortal Stone Man, and quickly became a member of the rebel army. The most prominent one, and this time, when the master was assassinated, and the master was helpless, the master came again

Said that there is no support from gods and demons behind, who would believe

Meng Qi could guess what he was thinking. I said silently in my heart, the gods and demons who support you are called the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Of course, K also supports the opposite side. I don’t know what the idea is

“Hou Yue, what’s the matter?” An elegant but slightly old voice came from Du Huaishang’s camp, and the aura of the monkey-spirited man fluctuated very obviously just now.

Hou Yue glanced at Meng Qi: “Master, let me go in and report one or two.”

Even though he has already stepped into the location and became a powerhouse of the eighth rank of the earth. But I still feel that I can’t see through my master, I only know that he is more than a thousand times stronger than last time, maybe it was the gods and demons who made the restrictions on him weaker

Meng Qi nodded slightly. Standing in the shadows near the camp with hands behind their backs.

After a while, the curtain was lifted, Hou jumped out, let Meng Qi in with a calm expression. It is inconvenient for Immortal Stone to come out to greet him by implying that other rebels are spying on this place.

Meng Qi dodged, as fast as a ghost. Passing through layers of half-released forbidden methods and stepping into the tent, two figures first appeared in front of him, one was the leader Meng Qi had seen last time, and the second-ranked “Ningnan Qilin” Hu Zhigao in the Red Army, One is wearing a dark blue Taoist robe, has a childlike face with white hair, a tall wooden hairpin, a slightly protruding forehead, a strong aura, and a black sword on his waist. Just standing there, he seems to be the core of the surrounding environment.

It should be roughly judged by the stubborn real man Meng Qi.

Sure enough, the old Taoist took a look at Meng Qi, and said, “Old Taoist stubborn stone, I have met fellow Taoist.”

Meng Qi returned the courtesy and said, “I’ve heard the name of the real person for a long time. I’ve just arrived here, so I don’t know the situation well. Please introduce me a little bit.”

I waited for Immortal Manshi to look behind me, but found no one else.

Hu Zhigao guessed that it was those people from last time, and said in a low voice, “Where are they?”

Compared with before, this master seems to have not changed except that he is more mature and introverted. He is dressed in white, handsome, and has no characteristics of gods and demons. However, his eyes are like the night sky, containing everything and shining brightly. , making people feel involuntarily immersed.

“I originally came to visit directly, but was led to King Pinghai. As a last resort, a certain change escaped and went to King Du’s camp first.” Meng Qi briefly explained what happened.

The monkey spirit Hou Yue blurted out: “Damn Zhu Shou, take advantage of the fire to rob”

Hu Zhigao also followed and said: “So that the master will know that Zhu Shou, the king of Pinghai, is ambitious, treacherous, and cruel. Now, taking advantage of his elder brother’s serious injury and coma, the real person can’t get away, so he encourages Jiushanhou Miaohu, the overthrowing Duke Feng Jingtang, and the great heavenly king Liu Shunshui.” In the name of righteousness, he wanted to seize the position of the leader of the rebel army, and repeatedly persecuted him, asking for temporary control of the Chengtian Sword in the name of righteousness.”

Speaking of this, he added: “These are all strong men of the third rank, and the rest of the rebels are dependent on them.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be fooled by him.” Meng Qi smiled with a calm posture.

Seeing that Meng Qi was clear in his mind, Immortal Man Shi stopped talking about it, and instead said, “The world has been suffering for a long time, and there is turmoil in one place, and turmoil in every place. They lost half of their mountains and rivers in a blink of an eye. The Eighteenth Route Rebel Army is in full swing. A total of Du Tianwang was promoted as the leader of the alliance, intending to cross the Nujiang River and crusade against injustice, but the court was not willing to fail, and assembled strong men and troops to garrison Tianchao. World.”

Mentioning this name, Hou Yue whispered subconsciously: “Although the blood is humble, he is a rare genius, with outstanding demeanor, humble on the outside and proud on the inside, with swords, guns and fists, unparalleled in the world, calling himself the Martial Emperor, the best in the world”

What he said was Bai Xiaotang’s criticism.At least he is at the peak of location. Even if he may not have a half-step body, he can win most of the same level of location peak, just like his current situation in the sixth heaven. Meng Qi listened thoughtfully.

Immortal Man Shi continued: “Together with Dugu Shi there are four top-ranking third-rank powerhouses, who are almost as different from ours in strength, and there are many suspicions between each other, so we plan to take advantage of the strong momentum and the enemy’s suspicion of each other. Opportunity, cross the river in one go.”

“A few days ago, we attacked with all our strength. We had a battle with them on the river. Originally, the old man faced Dugu Shi, and temporarily created an opportunity for Du Tianwang to urge Chengtian Sword, severely injure him and even kill him. But at the critical moment, some The unexpected enemy raided, and Du Tianwang was seriously injured. If Cheng Tianjian hadn’t taken the initiative to protect the master, the old Taoist would have lost his life. There is also a way to snatch him back from Dugu Shi and the mysterious enemy’s attack.”

Meng Qi’s expression remained unchanged: “An unexpected enemy”

Is it the reincarnation of the opposite camp, or the sect of the Blood Sea Rakshasa?

“It is said that he is a foreigner who secretly joined the imperial court. Even Bai Xiaotang rated him as the second rank after this war and gave him the nickname Shadow King. At present, the crown prince of the imperial court came here with the emperor’s sword, which stabilized the morale of the army and made him A few strong men dare not blatantly fight among themselves, and there is an endless stream of strangers who come to vote, and the situation has reversed.” Immortal Stone sighed. “At present, there are seven of them in the third rank, and dozens of them in the third rank. There are also magic soldiers in the formation, but Du Tianwang can’t afford it. Zhu Shou and the others have different intentions, internal and external troubles, and it is really difficult to fight. It is impossible to say that they will attack next time. We will fall apart. gone.”

“For the current plan, the only way is to protect yourself first.”

Hearing what he said, the red-clothed army had the intention to retreat. Meng Qi’s heart tightened. The task will fail before it starts

He suppressed the complicated and complicated thoughts, and said inscrutablely: “If you retreat this time, your luck will be reversed, and the court will no longer be able to shake it.”

For his own mission, Meng Qi could only open his eyes and talk nonsense.

“What’s the master’s opinion?” Hu Zhigao immediately asked.

Although the world is in chaos like raging fire, it is also forcing the imperial court, forcing them to clean up their internal affairs and change the old ways. If they are given enough time, they may not be able to subdue the powerful who have different ideas, regroup and turn the tide.

Meng Qi talked eloquently: “The current crux lies in Du Tianwang. If he can recover, command the magic weapon, and have real people and me to help him, the greed of Zhu Shou and others will be eliminated, and the internal worries will be suppressed after defeating the imperial court. But now the general trend in the world is that the rebels are not in the imperial court, so we can only stabilize the situation, and the rebels from all over the country will come one after another. As for the imperial court, any purge and reform will cause internal strife. At that time, they will be the ones who will cause external troubles and internal troubles.”

He knew that Hu Zhigao and the others were not willing to be defeated, so they played nonsense and pretended to be crouching dragons. Anyway, what the opponent wants is confidence. Whether it is reasonable or not, the authorities will be confused.

Hu Zhigao’s eyes lit up, but then dimmed: “It’s a pity that brother’s injury is weird, and the medicine stone doesn’t work, so he can only hang himself.”

“So I’ll come to help.” Meng Qi said “with confidence”.

Immortal Stone took a deep look at him, let him out of the way, and asked him to enter the tent. Du Huaishang was lying on the simple bed with a pale face, his eyes closed, and his breathing was weak. The gorgeous long sword was coiled around, and Meng Qi couldn’t help but feel palpitations due to the terrifying aura.

It is said that my luck is unbelievably strong, but Du Huaishang got the magic weapon in the fifth layer, but I did not encounter the magic weapon falling from the sky and falling in front of me. Huaiyuan Shi Jinzhang and other top-level exercises have richer knowledge, and they should be able to see more than the real man Shishi.

Du Huai’s spirit was weakened, and there was no sign of recovery. The wound pierced through the body, and the blood couldn’t be stopped. All kinds of strange things made Meng Qi’s heart move, and he opened his eyes.

I saw an invisible and illusory black air tightly wrapped around Du Huai’s soul, as if he had a spirit

Meng Qi pondered for a while and said, “It should be a Gu worm cultivated with a strange and mysterious curse power. If you don’t get rid of the Gu worm and remove the curse, even the elixir will be useless.”

Immortal Man Shi could vaguely see the clue, and was awakened by Meng Qi, suddenly realized: “I don’t know how to get rid of the Gu worms.”

“The Gu worms have been entangled with Du Tianwang Yuanshen. If there is no corresponding method or to get rid of the lord of the Gu worms in advance, it will only endanger life.” Meng Qi recalled to deal with the Gu worms collected by the “Blood Sea Rakshasa” lineage. information.

Hu Zhigao and Hou Yue were immediately depressed: “I don’t know who the master of the Gu insect is and where it is hidden.”

At this time, they saw Meng Qi take a step forward, his eyes suddenly became deep and boundless, and there were bright and illusory star lines protruding inside, which made people’s hearts shake.

Hey, Immortal Man Shi lost his voice, and felt that Meng Qi was unfathomable.

A line of cause and effect spread out from the Gu worm and penetrated into the void. Meng Qi used the jade virtual magic to deduce it with all his strength, and turned back to the owner.

After a while, Meng Qi closed his eyes, opened them again, lost all magic, and said with a smile: “I probably found the Gu worm master, so I’m going.”

Real Man Stone wanted to suppress the Red Clothes Army and prevent civil strife, so it was inconvenient to take action, but Meng Qi didn’t like the others, so he volunteered.

“Thank you, master.” Hu Zhigao and Hou Yue did not refuse.

“Fellow Daoist, go alone,” Daoist Man Shi asked.

Meng Qi nodded and said, “Well, they stay here to help you maintain the situation.”

The Nu River is unique, although IAlthough there is a way to cross the river quietly, except for Qi Zhengyan, none of his companions can do it. Jiang Zhiwei is too “straight” among the rebels who are fighting among themselves, while Ruan Yushu’s Bingxue is smart but lacks “rightness”. Qi Zhengyan is the most suitable method for this situation, and when his deity is not around, he has to take charge of the overall situation.

“It’s better to let those fellow daoists stay at Zhu Shou’s place for the time being. The old Taoist suspects that someone inside the rebel army secretly communicated with the imperial court. I hope a few fellow daoists can help with the investigation.” Immortal Stone asked.

This side is being watched closely, and it is difficult to make any moves.

Thinking that his avatar was still there, Meng Qi agreed, and then with the help of Immortal Man Shi, he sneaked out of the camp and approached the Nu River.

s: The second update will be delivered, ask for a monthly ticket


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