I Honor

Chapter 792

: Wen Jing

The setting sun is like blood, the river is red, and the turbulent sound is like the wrath of the gods, piercing into the soul.

Meng Qi looked at it for a while, then fled upstream, looking for places to cross the river. Just like normal rivers are divided into fast and slow, the Nu River also has dangerous and non-dangerous sections. In dangerous areas, powerful and strange monsters at the bottom of the river can occasionally break through the seal. Floating to the upper layer, quietly waiting for prey or making waves, is very dangerous.

Under normal circumstances, Meng Qi wouldn’t be too afraid of them. Unlike the Great Sage, in addition to changing into a fish, he can also simulate and change into a blue-blooded man, drive water to avoid himself, and be able to display 70 to 80% of his combat power underwater, which is genuine. An all-terrain and all-environment combat machine, there is nothing to worry about if you don’t meet the best monsters, but now you are lurking across the river. If you fight with underwater monsters and cause a big commotion, and the enemy on the other side notices, then everything will be over.

In front of the camp where the rebels are stationed, there is a section of good water where it is difficult for monsters to float up. There are no more than three places like this in the entire Nu River, which are “gates” that need to be guarded, and the opposite is also the same.

Therefore, Meng Qi gave up crossing the river from here, and searched for a relatively gentle section of water.

According to the information provided by Immortal Man Shi, Hu Zhigao, etc., Meng Qi found a section of water not far upstream where he could cross the river without any effort.

He turned around and turned into a silver-scale swimming fish, jumped into the river with four plops, and swam to the opposite bank on the upper water surface.

The Nu River is extremely wide, and there is interference from the remnant aura of gods and demons, making it impossible for the peak of the outdoor scene to mobilize the magic soldiers to cross the river. Meng Qi swam for a long time before he vaguely sensed that the river was brightly lit on the other side.

The river was brightly lit. Meng Qi’s heart shook and he slowed down his swimming speed. He was almost swallowed by a carnivorous fish.

The fish eyes growing on both sides change, and there are golden lights flashing, as if condensed by countless rays of light, and the eyes of wisdom are opened, and the scene ahead is vividly visible

The shallow water near the embankment was pitch black, and there seemed to be streaks of black air lingering in the water. Many fishes floated up, turned their white bellies, and quickly rotted into water, as did shrimps, crabs, and shellfish, and no normal creatures could cross them.

And above this river, there are several medium-sized ships patrolling, with countless lanterns hanging on the water, illuminating the water like daytime. Each ship carries many masters of enlightenment, led by a general of the rank of the earth. Repeatedly check the shallow water to prevent “fish that slipped through the net”. In the center of the ship, there stands a general wrapped in black armor.

He only had one pair of eyes protruding from under the iron black mask, but it was these eyes that made the nearby low-rank powerhouses dare not look directly at him. It is cold and strict, as if there are countless hells in it, and the mind will fall into it just by seeing it.

“The one who can inherit the mantle of Emperor Wu in the future is none other than Senluo Tianjun.” When a low-level third-rank powerhouse and human-level master glanced at the black-armored general from the corner of his eyes, he couldn’t help but have this idea, and at the same time I shivered.

Senluo Tianjun has the blood of strange demons, but he is only twenty-eight years old. He is already at the sixth rank of the earth rank, better than the Martial Emperor back then, almost the strongest in this generation. He is often praised by Emperor Wu, saying that he is expected to reach the third rank before the age of forty.

But Meng Qi was in a predicament, and the security here was so heavily guarded, as if it was specially aimed at the technique of change. If he turned around and went back, he would choose another place that was calmer. don’t wait for me

On the river where the armies are confronting each other, the blockade and vigilance must be even worse here.

The camps are continuous and mighty like a dragon, in a gorgeously decorated tent.

A middle-aged man in a bright yellow toga sits in a chair, surrounded by the real aura of the emperor to form a five-clawed golden dragon, sacred, majestic, and lofty, making people bow their heads unconsciously.

“Would it be too much to be so vigilant, and waste the energy of the soldiers?” His voice was low and charming.

Opposite him, there are two people seated. One is a tall old man. He is said to be an old man, but it is only the first impression. If you look closely, you will find that his face has no wrinkles, his hair is black, and his crown is neatly combed. , his aura is restrained, unable to see the depth, his eyes are deep, hard to see the edge, his hands are placed on his knees, he has the air of a real master, even if he doesn’t speak, he is full of majestic charm, and the common characteristics of gods and demons in the third rank very different.

The other person is wearing a black robe, with a lot of silver hair mixed in. Not only does he not look old, but he adds a bit of temperament full of vicissitudes of life. His facial features are not outstanding, but his brows are stretched and his eyes are lazy. attract the attention of others.

Hearing the question from the man in bright yellow robes, many lazy men with white hair smiled and said: “First you have to be invincible before you can wait for the opportunity to win. I once met a real gentleman nicknamed Qingyuan MiaodaoThe enemy suffered a great loss under the technique of transformation and almost died. From then on, he vowed never to neglect this aspect again. ”

“Many bloodlines are unique, Mr. Wen Jing’s worries are correct.” The tall old man said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the dignified atmosphere in the tent suddenly dissipated, and even the five-clawed golden dragon that had condensed the emperor’s aura almost collapsed.

“Even the teacher agrees, so of course Gu has no objection.” The expression of the bright yellow robed man remained unchanged, as stable as a mountain.

The name is “teacher”, but there is no discipleship.

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at the white-haired lazy man: “Mr. Wen Jing, do you have any news about the secret operation of infiltrating the rebel camp? Do you need us to attack once and cause chaos?”

The rebel army has not yet had internal strife, the camp has a favorable location and people, and there are still a lot of high-ranking third-rank powerhouses. It is difficult to break through a direct all-out attack, so a two-pronged approach is required.

Wen Jing smiled slightly and said: “Attack once in two days, and within five days, His Highness will surely see the rebel army fall apart.”

Once a big movement is triggered and a master-level powerhouse is attracted, all previous efforts will be wasted. If they retreat and cannot find the Gu worm master, Du Huaishang can support it for a few days at most. Once he dies, the rebel army will be chaotic, and the mission will inevitably fail. .

Meng Qi was up and down in the water, looking at the blockade ahead with his Hui eyes, his mind was spinning, analyzing various pros and cons.

If you want to shoot, you only have one chance, and you can’t let the opponent react

As for other people, there is a high possibility of being discovered by the black armor warrior

In other words, you have to attack the strongest one, and once you win it, you don’t have to worry about the third-rank powerhouses noticing the abnormality

Taking a deep breath, Meng Qi overcame all kinds of distracting thoughts, his mind became clear, and he forgot about the outcome. Forget about life and death, reflecting the indestructible Yuanshi phase, round and flawless

He turned around and transformed from a whitebait to a human, with translucent skin and blue blood flowing.

After passing the first ladder, and the number of changes increased to eighteen, Meng Qi’s simulation of the blue-blooded man went up to a higher level, although it still couldn’t reach the point where it was completely integrated with the flowing water and was extremely difficult to detect. It can also be slightly dehydrated

His body faded and turned into a current of water. Meng Qi tried his best to control his breath, not letting the black-armored general’s senses detect him, and carefully followed the current to approach the ship.

The river water gradually changed, and a dark and strange air lingered in. Meng Qi’s heart was like still water, the Lingtai was clear, and Immortal Yuanshi watched the ups and downs of fearful thoughts. Don’t let them jump.

As the darkness invaded, Meng Qi’s primordial spirit suddenly became dizzy, and the Immortal Yuanshi Xiang sat down and visualized the golden giant Buddha. Only then did he regain his sobriety a little.

It was a terrible poisonous gas. Meng Qi felt that his body, which had turned into water, was decomposing, and his soul was “melting”.

There were only ten breaths. Meng Qi set a time limit for himself. If it exceeded this limit, the influence of the strange black energy would become greater. No matter how difficult it is to control oneself, it is not only the problem of having to take Dongji Changsheng Pill to recover, but also the fluctuation of breath. easy to spot

A drop of water merged into the river and slowly approached the ship. Senluo Tianjun stood on the bow, pacing back and forth, inspecting all sides, his eyes were cold, and there was no human emotion, which made all the subordinates tremble with fear.

Waiting for the opportunity, Meng Qi was calm in body and mind, without arrogance or impatience, just like waiting for the wolf king that time.

After three breaths, Senluo Tianjun never approached the shadowed boat gang here.

After five breaths, a flying insect was crushed by the invisible air mechanism before it landed on Senluo Tianjun’s body.

Seven breaths, eight breaths. Sen Luo Tianjun was still patrolling the other side, Meng Qi remained unmoved, as if he was not the one who died after failure.

Nine breaths, Senluo Tianjun turned around and walked to this side.

Ten breaths of Senluo Tianjun’s blood of different demons suddenly had a premonition, and subconsciously looked at the water surface, only to see a blue hand stretched out suddenly, grabbing at his ankle, its movements were erratic, seeming to be real, and it contained something This kind of mysterious Zen, seems to be there, but feels anywhere, not here, not there, not in

Senluo Tianjun’s eyes were cold, and he stepped back, stepping on several imaginary footprints on the deck, as if any place could turn into reality, which can be called a wonderful evasion technique.

However, that hand was waiting there, like a loophole in the heart, escaping cannot solve the problem

Silently, Senluo Tianjun saw his ankle being held by the other party. Just as he was about to burst out of breath, forcefully break free, and attract attention, the five fingers lit up with faint black and yellow light spots, black and white two clouds, and purple blessings. , snapped together.

Crash, clack, running water and breaking sound mixed into one, Meng Qi’s five fingers pierced through the black leg armor, and directly pinched Sen Luo Tianjun’s ankle, his breath was secretly sent, his spirit was like a thorn, and the method of sealing was like a net

Senluo Tianjun’s eyes became dull, and he never thought that he would be subdued by the enemy without a sound

What a terrible gap

Meng Qi changed and turned into a flea, falling into the eyes of Sen Luo Tianjun, he stepped forward and entered the cabin, as if he needed to rest for a while.

The surrounding subordinates were slightly surprised, this is not like Sen Luo Tianjun’s style

As soon as they thought about it, they saw Sen Luo Tianjun coming out, still with cold eyes, still black full body armor, but with an extra pair of boots on the feet to conceal the breath, the Kunlun Taoist robe changed

Meng Qi exhaled, only one breath away, and he had to rely on Dongji Changsheng Pill to expel the poison. Fortunately, after recovering his body, the poison in the water was quickly absorbed by his body.Resolved, there was no time to invade Yuanshen.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Meng Qi patrolled around, waiting for dawn to change his defense.

Inside the rebel camp.

Xu Wei came in, nodded and bowed to Meng Qi’s avatar, Jiang Zhiwei and the others: “Ping Hai Wang asked some experts to transfer to Zhenhai’s camp.”

“Okay.” Qi Zhengyan nodded this time.

Stepping out of the unoccupied tent, it was already late at night outside, and wind lamps were hanging high, illuminating the cardinals everywhere, but there were still many dark corners, and the cool wind was blowing, making people feel chilly.

s: Send it at three shifts, ask for a monthly pass


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