I Honor

Chapter 793

: Surprise the snake

The camp of the Zhenhai Navy and the Red Clothes Army are closely interdependent, connected by a gate, forming a corner with the Jiushan Army, and jointly building the core area of ​​the rebel army.

Qi Zhengyan and others were arranged by Xu Wei in the tents close to the Red Clothes Army and the Nine Mountain Army, and they could see the cross-patrolling soldiers. If you don’t watch each other closely, you will always worry about becoming someone else’s prisoner.

The wind lamps illuminate the passages between the camps, making them as bright as day, but in less important places, the chaotic rebels are not so exhaustively arranged.

Jiang Zhiwei sat cross-legged on the ground, with swords on her knees, her eyes half-opened and half-closed, and her eyelashes looked particularly long. She was sensing the surroundings with the sword heart, and it was clear regardless of distance.

Meng Qi’s avatar had already passed on the matter of helping the red-clothed army investigate the spies of the imperial court, but they couldn’t find a way to investigate for the time being, so they could only wait and see what happened.

Spies will definitely stir up trouble, sow discord, gather intelligence, and will naturally reveal their flaws

Ruan Yushu sat beside Jiang Zhiwei, with the ornately carved Seven Immortals Qin reclining on his lap, with his right hand drooping, ready to play the piano at any time. Zhao Heng paced back and forth, thinking about all the information that Meng Qi had passed on.

But Meng Qi’s avatar had no ability to adapt, and stood a little sluggishly in the corner. Qi Zhengyan stood on the edge of the tent with his hands hanging down naturally, his pupils were like a swamp, sticky and deep, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Jiang Zhiwei’s eyes opened, and the long sword on his knee automatically popped out an inch. The sound of the sword’s cry echoed in his heart, and Qi Zhengyan also turned his head slightly, looking towards the side of the tent.

“Someone with hostility tried to approach.” Jiang Zhiwei said to Ruan Yushu and Zhao Heng, who were on higher alert.

Qi Zhengyan added: “The enemy has a keen sense. After finding out that we were aware of it, they quickly retreated into a dark corner and disappeared without a trace. It seems that they are very familiar with the camp.”

finished. He pondered: “I’ll go out and have a look.”

His face was expressionless, and the emotion in his eyes was deep.

“Brother Qi, be careful of stepping on the enemy’s trap.” Ruan Yushu reminded.

Jiang Zhiwei was a little uncomfortable with Qi Zhengyan’s proactive approach, and her beautiful black eyebrows frowned slightly: “Maybe the approach was intentional to lure us, and the trap lies elsewhere.”

“The longer it drags on, the more centrifugal the rebels will be. We must find the spies as soon as possible to stabilize the morale of the army. If the enemy was accidentally exposed just now, we must pursue them. If it is a trap, then we will scare the snake and let them jump out by themselves.” Apart from describing the situation, it was rare for Qi Zhengyan to say so much, analyzing the pros and cons.

Zhao Heng’s face was heavy: “It’s easy to put yourself in danger by scaring the snake. If you are a little careless, you will be speechless and besieged by the rebels.”

At this time. Meng Qi said in a low voice, “Senior brother Qi has a fortuitous encounter, and he possesses a lot of secret techniques, so he has a lot to grasp.”

Meng Qi had made such a guarantee, and no matter how doubtful others were, they could only suppress it temporarily. With speculative eyes, Qi Zhengyan opened the tent and stepped out.

“Sir, where are you going?” asked the soldier guarding outside.

“Xiaojie.” Qi Zhengyan said casually. Regardless of the soldiers’ doubts about the scene, they walked slowly towards the public cesspit a certain distance from the camp, surrounded by simple big tents.

No one wants to be seen by others at a glance when they are undressing. There are few qide wind lamps in this place, especially the side and back, it is even darker.

Qi Zhengyan seemed impatient with the smell inside, so he walked around into the darkness on the side.

As soon as he stood still, a sword light suddenly lit up behind him, quickly surpassing Meteor, and went straight to Qi Zhengyan’s Yuzhen acupoint.

The power of this sword connecting heaven and earth is hidden, there is no miraculous power, and the victory is purely based on speed.

Jian Guang had just risen, but suddenly stopped, because Qi Zhengyan’s left hand was thrown back, and it was earthy, like an iron pincer, holding the long sword firmly. I was stunned, I never thought that someone would be able to take my sword like this.

The purple galaxy flowed quietly, rushing towards the assassin along the long sword, washing away his body and soul, and in a short moment, it was already limp into mud.

But the real killing move broke out at this time. While Qi Zhengyan was dealing with the assassin behind him with all his strength, a black streamer shot out from the cesspit tent in front, and it seemed to flash, rushing towards Qi Zhengyan’s eyebrows

It was too late to say it, but it was soon, Qi Zhengyan was still expressionless, his eyes were suddenly dark, depraved and gloomy, full of evil and strange things.

The black streamer stopped abruptly, fell to the ground suddenly, and turned into a black figure. His eyes were full of horror, as if he had fallen into a boundless hell. He was terrified, and his spirit endured unimaginable torture. He put his hands on the ground and kept backing away. , looking at Qi Zhengyan like crazy

Crash, the tent was pulled down, revealing the condition inside, fecesNext to the pit lay a dead body, wearing a dark green robe with Nine Mountains embroidered on its chest. Judging by its attire and vigorous flesh and blood, it was obvious that it was quite powerful and had a high status in the Nine Mountain Army

Using assassination as bait, planting blame

Qi Zhengyan seemed to be able to think of the next scene, the lights suddenly turned on, and the strong men of the Nine Mountain Army were led over, surrounded him, and accused him of being a spy

His expression was indifferent, without the slightest change in emotion, he just glanced at the corpse, his eyes were still dark.

Just at this glance, the corpse seemed to be soaked in the poisonous water in the depths of the Nine Nethernesses, split into the vitality between heaven and earth in an instant, merged into the sea, and disappeared without a trace

Just as the corpse of “Catch the Spy” disappeared, Qi Zhengyan’s ears rang out, the night suddenly brightened, and the surroundings were like daylight, Qi Zhengyan was surrounded by strong men wearing the robes of the Nine Mountain Army. A man with a handsome mustache, wearing a battle armor, looks imposing.

And Jiang Zhiwei, Ruan Yushu and Zhao Heng rushed over to confront the group of people.

Qi Zhengyan pointed at the limp and mad assassin on the ground with a paralyzed face, and said flatly, “A spy.”

“They are the young master’s guards.” The man with the mustache blushed furiously, “You spy, hand over the young master quickly.”

“They are spies, you have to ask them.” Qi Zhengyan was not nervous about being surrounded and questioned.

At this time, the movement attracted the attention of the leaders of the three camps. Zhu Shou, the “King of Pinghai”, Miao Hu, the “Marquis of Nine Mountains”, and Hu Zhigao, the “Kirin of Ningnan”, rushed to the camp.

“What happened to trespass on Zhu’s camp?” Zhu Shou was tall and powerful, and standing there was extremely oppressive.

Miao Hu is a slightly rickety old man, but his energy and blood are so strong that he can interfere with the cloud energy without being urged, and the crutch in his hand is the color of dark copper.

He squinted his eyes and looked gloomy. He didn’t answer Zhu Shou’s question, but turned to look at his subordinates: “Liang Ye, what’s going on?”

Liang Ye, a man with a mustache, was anxious and angry: “The humble officer inspected the camp and found a black shadow jumping out of the young master’s tent. There was no one inside, so he hurriedly chased him to this point. He only saw this spy and two guards, but not the young master.”

“Cong’er” Miao Hu’s expression changed drastically. His wrist holding the stick split open, and blood spurted out. His right hand was connected with the seal, making the blood glow with a faint glass color, trying to find his son through the connection of the blood of gods and demons.

Blood fell to the ground and soaked in the soil, Miao Hu’s eyes burst into madness: “Cong’er is dead, you killed him”

He looked as if he wanted to tear Qi Zhengyan apart.

Qi Zhengyan lied without changing his face: “I only saw these two guards assassinate me. I didn’t see your son. I believe they killed me too.”

“The incident happened suddenly, the young master’s body must be nearby, everyone search,” Liang Ye instructed his subordinates.

Zhu Shou snorted, “If you say that Miao Cong is dead, he is really dead. How can Zhu believe that he is dead? Let you search the camp.”

Jiang Zhiwei, Zhao Heng and Ruan Yushu all looked at Qi Zhengyan quietly, he was a little strange like this.

At this moment, Qi Zhengyan suddenly said: “I had an adventure before, and I learned a secret method, even if there is no corpse, or the corpse is deliberately destroyed and the soul is eliminated, it can still call out the obsession of the dead before death, so we can know the truth. murderers and spies.”

“Really” Miao Hu’s hands were exposed with blue veins.

Hu Zhigao watched calmly, knowing that the master and his party were extraordinary.

Qi Zhengyan nodded lightly: “I will use the secret method now.”

“Hmph, who knows if what you summoned is the young master’s obsession, who knows if you will tamper with the obsession?” Liang Ye glared at Qi Zhengyan with a look of disbelief.

Qi Zhengyan didn’t look at him at all: “Blood is connected, Marquis of Jiushan can judge for himself.”

“You have to try.” Miao Hu urged Qi Zhengyan to do it quickly.

Qi Zhengyan’s hands and fingers squirmed like flowers blooming, and the surrounding wind suddenly picked up, forming a whirlpool.

Suddenly, Liang Ye’s eyes showed panic, and the breath in his body lost control, and exploded violently.


The air wave is tumbling, and the outdoor scene only has time to protect itself

When everything calmed down, many exterior scenes were in a state of embarrassment, Qi Zhengyan’s green shirt remained the same, and the Tianjing shirt was indeed extraordinary, and the two assassins on the ground also blew themselves up

“Liang Ye dog thief” Miao Hu was furious.

Qi Zhengyan said with a sullen face, “He was just a striker, not an envoy, and he was silenced.”

Miao Hu hurriedly said: “Sir, hurry up and summon my son’s obsession, and ask the real master.”

“I lied to you.” Qi Zhengyan glanced at him lightly.

“Uh…” Miao Hu, Zhu Shou and the others were all stunned.

“There’s no such secret method, it’s just a trick to trick the murderer.” Qi Zhengyan looked as if it was right and proper.

Jiang Zhiwei restrained Qi Zhengyan’s strangeness, and said via voice transmission: “We just arrived today, but we were framed at night, why is the messenger so afraid of us?”

When dawn comes, patrol and change defenses.

“Sen Luo Tianjun” Meng Qi led his men back to the camp, entered the gate, without looking back, followed the deduction of the position of the Gu worm master, and walked directly to one side.

“Tianjun, where are you going?” a subordinate asked.

“It’s something.” Meng Qi replied indifferently.

I don’t have time to check Senluo Tianjun’s memory with Changtian Strike, and I don’t know where he lives and how he communicates with people around him, so he cuts the mess quickly, excuses something, and goes straight to the Gu wormLord.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is that once you succeed, you will be exposed. With the imperial army’s defense against the art of change, how to get out?

s: Continue three shifts, ask for a monthly ticket, the monthly ticket list is so ruthless, please support


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