I Honor

Chapter 934

Nangong Chong’s “New” Day

The sun shines into the room through the gaps in the curtains, making it messy and brilliant. ,

Nangong Chong muttered something, pulled over the quilt, covered his head, and turned his back to the sun, intending to spend another period of time on the bed.

Ding Suddenly, a sharp and ear-piercing sound sounded, Nangong Chong impatiently sat up, the smart alarm clock was jumping on the other side of the room, as if he was afraid of being forced to turn off.

Nangong Chong shook his head, his eyes were still a little unclear, and he sat for a few minutes before slowly getting up and walking to the bathroom.

He first washed his face with cold water, and felt that his whole body had finally come alive. Immediately, all kinds of emotions surged up, including sadness, sadness, joy and relief.

The sad thing is that my uncle Wu Youming, who loved me the most, passed away, and I can’t notify other relatives for the time being. I have to wait for the government to arrange. The sad thing is that I have been living in fear, shock and shock for the past two days, so helpless, so helpless, Gradually becoming numb, fortunately and relieved, last night was just a nightmare, and the Sect Master of Cangtian Sect did not send off the person to “travel”.

This matter should come to an end, right? A new day, a new beginning

Nangong Chong looked at himself in the mirror with slightly swollen eyelids, clenched his fists, cheered him up, and lifted his spirits. Today is the defense time of a certain class, he must participate, and he can also see “her”

At this moment, he saw that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a meaningful smile.

This smile was so familiar that Nangong blurted out:


Every time I see such a smile, it is not a good thing, today is even more weird, it actually appeared on my face

Meng Qi’s voice echoed in his mind: “Little friend Nangong, the old man is back again.”

Welcome to Nangong Chong with a dull expression, feeling deeply that he is too oldQing is too naive to believe that the matter has come to an end, he said numbly: “Senior, what’s the matter this time?”

“What should you do? The old man will tell you after he thinks about it.” Meng Qi said indifferently, and began to make tedious and basic deduction.

The corners of Nangong Chong’s mouth twitched, and he clenched his teeth tightly, but he didn’t dare to offend the other party, so he could only wash and change his clothes to go to the toilet.

And after tempering this process last night, he has become quite numb, and he no longer feels any more embarrassing.

Soon, Nangong rushed out the door, drove the speeding car into the campus, and just found a place to park it. Then I met Xu Fang who had a good relationship with my classmates.

Xu Fang looked left and right, approached quickly, dragged Nangong to the corner, with a mysterious expression on his face.

He lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being overheard: “Nangong, do you believe that the video about the Sect Master of Cangtian Sect is true?”

“I believe” Nangong Chong was stunned, and replied with a hint of sadness, he was attached to me

Xu Fang suddenly smiled: “A good brother is indeed a good brother. I knew you would believe that we are as alert and wise. How could it be comparable to those who are easily deceived?”

He lowered his voice again: “To tell you the truth, I was near that building yesterday, and I saw with my own eyes that the Sect Master of Cangtian Sect knocked it down with a punch, and even recorded a video. It’s a pity that there are too many people who have no brains, and they actually believe it is malicious publicity”

He sighed with emotion, as if the truth was in the hands of a few.

Nangong Chong had absolutely no interest in talking about this matter with others. I found an excuse and prepared to enter the nearby teaching building.

As soon as he walked to a secluded place, his eyes blurred. Seeing several men approaching from the front and back and surrounding themselves, it seemed that they were already prepared.

The leader is a handsome and handsome young man, about the same age as Nangong Chong, but he is much more outstanding than him.

“Zou Rong” Nangong Chong blurted out, his spirit was tense, his body and eyes revealed a bit of fear.

I once offended this rich and powerful guy because of something, but I have been careful not to give him a chance. Unexpectedly, today I was careless and I was blocked

Zou Rong chuckled: “Nangong, are you kneeling by yourself, or are we beating you to kneel?”

There was a bit of joy in his tone.

Nangong Chong couldn’t help taking a look at them. They were all slender, strong and powerful, with above-average facial features, and each of them was better at fighting and handsome than himself, a senior otaku.

In today’s world, science and technology are unprecedentedly advanced, and the genetic adjustment of fertilized eggs has long been used by civilians. Anyone with a lot of money can make the appearance and body of their offspring reach a very good level. Nangong Chong’s uncle entered the core team of the Sky Game Company After he was a few years old, his parents had ordinary jobs, so he naturally couldn’t enjoy genetic adjustments. When facing Zou Rong and others, he would inevitably feel inferior and naturally fearful.

“You will be fired for fighting,” Nangong said sternly, completely forgetting other things.

Zou Rong laughed loudly: “Unfortunately, the monitoring device here is broken, how can you rely on us if you fall by yourself?”

He blinked, full of malicious teasing.

After speaking, his expression changed, and he shouted:

“Hit me hard”

Seeing Zou Rong punching him, Nan Gongchong just wanted to squat down with his head in his arms, and let them deal with them. Anyway, he couldn’t beat any of them, so it’s better not to resist, so as not to arouse their ferocity.

At this moment, he only felt that his body was out of control, instead of squatting down, he swung his right fist obliquely, the angle was ingenious, the timing was precise, it happened to land on Zou Rong’s wrist, and he punched him forcefully and sideways.

But the people behind had already punched and kicked, and directly grabbed Nangong Chong’s vest and the left and right sides.

Nangong Chong was terrified, and watched “myself” push forward with both feet, and crashed into Zou Rong’s arms, who had no time to fight back, narrowly avoiding the attacks of the others.

At the same time, “he” reached out his hands, locked Zou Rong’s forearm with skillful force, and spun and jumped, Zou Rong was in front and Nangong was behind.

Bang bang bang The second wave of punches and kicks from the others all hit Zou Rong, causing him to scream.

“Nangong Chong” raised his right foot and kicked three times in quick succession, each kick did not reach his knees, hitting the bones of different enemies, causing them to cover their feet and crouch on the ground in pain.

Afterwards, Nangong Chong saw that “himself” moved like clouds and flowing water, and beat all five people on the opposite side to the ground with much less strength than Zou Rong. They couldn’t even get up, and could only roll and howl, but there was no real reason. injury.

“You can come to revenge at any time. Nangong Chong” hooked his right index finger, turned around gracefully, and walked through the building.

The real Nangong Chong stared dumbfounded, only to feel that the previous fight had a wonderful sense of rhythm. It’s obviously rough, but it’s more beautiful than singing and dancing, and the effect is not bad at all. With one enemy five, in the case of a huge difference in stature and strength, they can completely defeat each other in just a few breaths.

this is martial arts

This is the power of martial arts

Nangong Chong’s breathing suddenly became heavy, thinking of the set of exercises taught to him by the Sect Master of Cangtian Sect yesterday, his heart was burning hot, and he had a strong urge to practice martial arts.

Before, this urge was there. But never as strong as it is now.

Whether it is witnessing the magic of the lord of Cangtian Sect’s reverse penetration and condensed current, or seeingHe fought fiercely with the empress, and the tyranny of knocking down buildings with one punch, all because he was too far away from him, he felt unreal, yearning for it, longing for it, but lack of motivation. This is like the charm and “power” of science. I have known it since I was a child, and I have always dreamed of being a scientist, but in the end it is because scientists are too far away from ordinary people. Gradually forget this dream.

But now, Zou Rong and others who often bully themselves have no power to fight back under the “martial arts”, which is real and close to life. How can people not burn the heart of learning martial arts

In the case of heavy weapons control, martial arts is simply powerful

“Senior, it was you who helped me just now,” he asked respectfully and in a low voice.

“Do things for the old man well. I will get advice.” Meng Qi said with a smile.

How can a disgruntled and insensitive “horse” compare to an active and enthusiastic “helper”

Therefore, after Meng Qi discovered that Zou Rong and the others had malicious intentions, he deliberately led Nangong Chong to their preset ambush location, in order to stimulate Nangong Chong’s enthusiasm for learning martial arts.

As a qualified grandfather, if you have no chance to create opportunities, you have to

Nangong Chong was overjoyed, the numbness and helplessness were swept away: “Let the seniors tell you”

“You do your own thing first.” Meng Qi was still reasoning.

When they found the door of the classroom, Nangong Chong was waiting to enter. He suddenly stopped and watched from afar a graceful woman with long hair and shawl turning in. She had a beautiful side face, exquisite eyebrows, skirts reaching knees, and veil folds, as if A water lotus, fresh and refined.

“This is the woman you like.” Nangong Chong’s expression changed again and again, and when he didn’t dare to approach, he suddenly heard Meng Qi’s voice.

“No” Nangong Chong subconsciously denied it, and immediately thought of the great power of the senior, so he whispered, “I really like it, I confessed it before, but was rejected, and later I offended Zou Rong and the others, let alone dare to contact her .”

Meng Qi smiled and said, “Do you have a good relationship with her?”

“Ordinary classmate, didn’t say a few words.” Nangong Chong didn’t understand why the senior asked this matter.

“A guy who is almost a stranger, without the looks and temperament that make people fall in love at first sight, suddenly comes up to pick your nostrils, how do you feel?” Meng Qi asked with a smile.

“Psychopathy,” Nangong Chong replied without hesitation.

Meng Qi said: “That’s right. Feelings are more private than nose-picking. You haven’t even spoken to her. You can only scare the other party by expressing your love. The best way is to create opportunities and get along with her.” She is familiar, get along with her a lot.”

Nangong Chong was stunned when he heard that: “Senior, I didn’t expect you to have rich experience, and you can even guide in emotional matters.”

This is a sad story. “Theoretical expert” Meng Qi said without hesitation: “Of course.”

Familiar with three hundred Tang poems, I can sing even if I can’t compose poems, I am an all-round grandfather

Just when Nangong Chong was about to ask for advice, Meng Qi suddenly said: “Forget it, there is no need to guide you. Du Qingqing is working hard to cultivate, and there may not be a chance to come here in the future.”

Ah, Nangong Chong opened his mouth wide again, thoughts of human “ghosts” unrequited love and evil “ghosts” killing their husbands appeared in their minds, constantly circulating and arguing with each other.

Three hours later, after Nangong Chong finished his defense, before he could make up his mind, he heard the “grandpa” order:

“Go to the place where the monitoring was broken just now and call.”

Nangong Chong was stunned at the place where the monitoring was broken, and hurried to the secluded place where Zou Rong and others were knocked down, and found a public phone.

“Call Dong Yuan from Mitian News Company.” Meng Qi finished the first part and needed more information.

Dong Yuan sat on the sofa with a glass of red wine, enjoying the rare leisure time.

At this time, the videophone rang, interrupting his emotions.

“Hey, who is it?” Dong Yuan picked up the phone, and saw a blur on the opposite side, as if someone covered the camera hole.

“I am the Sect Master of the Cangtian Sect.” The indifferent and familiar voice came into Dong Yuan’s ears, his pupils contracted immediately, and his whole body became tense. The monster popped up again before it left

Dong Yuan took a deep breath and said, “Sir, what’s the matter?”

“The old man needs the information searched by the government, and we can exchange it with other clues.” A calm voice sounded.

Dong Yuan looked around and confirmed that his office was protected by the official army. There were all kinds of monitoring and guarding against mind control devices. He no longer had to worry about the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sect coming to the door. No, it’s a state secret.”

It’s not that we can’t talk about it, but we have to look at your clues first.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a flash of electric current flashing across the visual screen, and a hand protruded from it, quickly forming a figure in a green shirt, as if he was the lord of the Heaven Sect

“First, sir.” Dong Yuan’s eyes widened and he stammered.

All defenses seem to have failed

Meng Qi smiled and said, “Since you want to talk, let’s talk about it.”

After inspecting the gap, the master of Tianshi Mansion found no problem, so he returned with Qin Shuanglian and others.

In the apse, the Celestial Master asked about the details of their trip.

The master said while recalling: “It’s still gloomy.”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly fell down, clenched his teeth, and his breath disappeared so quickly that even the heavenly master couldn’t stop it.

Qin Shuanglian and the others looked at this scene in despair.Seeing the heavy face of the celestial master, he peeled off the shirt on the back of the master, and saw the word “kill” that was dripping with blood.


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