I Honor

Chapter 935


The word “kill” came into view, Qin Shuanglian and Shi Tiangao’s heads buzzed, and they almost fainted. Can even the master of the Tianshi Mansion be spared? Can the grand master be hard to stop?

They are different from the four of them, and they are divided into immortals, and they are all like this, let alone their own

Those who entered the gap died soon, and those who followed the ghost village gradually lost their lives according to their strength.

Despair rose and enveloped their hearts.

Tianshi’s face was serious, he looked up at them, asked carefully about the ghost village, and finally told Daotong:

“Master Foolish Monk, please come here.”

He has the Ksitigarbha Soul Crossing Sutra, a treasure handwritten by the great Bodhisattva, which is the most effective way to restrain ghosts and evil things.

Dong Yuan’s face was pale, his whole body was trembling, and he backed away again and again, until his legs touched the edge of the sofa, he couldn’t stand still, and sat down with a plop: “Talk, what are you talking about?”

“It shouldn’t be a secret which areas the government has searched.” Meng Qi stood in front of Dong Yuan with his hands behind his back, his eyes without emotional fluctuations dissuaded him from calling for the guards.

Carrying out a blanket search will definitely alarm a large number of ordinary people, and it is absolutely impossible to cover it up. At most, they will use hunting for terrorists and dangerous wanted criminals as excuses. It won’t be a secret, just don’t know the specific search results.

Dong Yuan was short of breath, his heart was beating fast, and his sweat was pouring down like rain. He “understood” that the other party was the kind of strong man who disregarded life. Honestly tell everything you know.

Meng Qi listened quietly, and the “immortal primordial phase” in his soul was deduced rapidly. It was as if electric sparks flashed one after another, and by the time Dong Yuan finished speaking, he had preliminarily locked down three places, some of which had been searched by the government, and some of which had not been searched.

Among them, the one that Meng Qi doubts the most is “Annan Prison for Serious Criminals”.

It is under the Military Control Zone. They are “our own people” in the eyes of the government and the military, but they are only aimed at vicious criminals. The guards are relatively not so high-tech, so they are not impenetrable, and they are a model of darkness under the lights.

After pondering for a while, Meng Qi held the videophone with his right hand. The figure disappeared without a trace.

Dong Yuan sat on the sofa without moving for a long time, his face was terribly gloomy, and it took him a long time to make another call:

“Let the special agent team monitoring Nangong Chong pay attention, the lord of Cangtian Sect has appeared again.”

“Make it impossible to receive strange calls in all hidden areas.”

Skewers, beer, potato chips, and crayfish Nangong Chong gobbled them up. A look of death.

In the current society, they are all labeled as “harmful things”, which are not good for your health, and mostly satisfy your appetite. Nangong Chong has always loved them, but he can still control himself, and he doesn’t eat them often, but now. I have to eat all of them early in the morning, so why isn’t Nangong Chong frightened?

He finally finished eating, belching. Concerned and asked: “Senior, you have to eat them to practice martial arts, eat so much”

He had heard it in the old demon world of Montenegro, that at the beginning of martial arts training, he consumed a lot of energy and had to rely on food to supplement it.

“No, it’s just that you have to eat less of them in the future. Eat your fill for now.” Meng Qi replied “indifferently”, savoring the food contentedly.

Nangong Chong twitched his face. Feeling being teased, he quickly changed the subject and said, “Senior, what should we do next?”

After the phone call, I seemed to be useless again.

Meng Qi smiled slightly: “You go home from class normally, meditate and adjust your breath. In short, the more nonchalant you behave, the better.”

“Uh…” Nangong Chong was quite puzzled.

He is full of enthusiasm now and only wants to serve his seniors.

Meng Qi snorted, “You think the government won’t arrange agents to monitor you after what happened two days ago, and the phone call just now can be traced back to this university, so it’s not hard to associate it with you, so what should you do?” , forget their existence, and attract their attention.”

“Sounding east and west,” Nangong Chong suddenly said.

“Children can be taught.” Meng Qi praised with a normal attitude.

The reason why I designed the previous things to make Nangong Chong full of subjective initiative is because I have to work separately from him, and I can no longer control him. If he is numb and resists, it is easy to go wrong

Thinking that he was still being watched by secret agents and still in the vortex of trouble, Nangong Chong felt depressed, but the experience just now filled him with enthusiasm for the time being, he had to endure hardships, and Fang was a master, even this test could not pass, How to practice martial arts, how to exchange internal and external communication in the future, and become a living immortal

“Anyway, the surveillance is broken, and there is no basis for it. When the seniors make a big noise elsewhere, they will believe that I am just a cover for being used, and they will not pay attention to me anymore,” Nangong Chong comforted himself.

Then he tried to silently recite the scriptures on the heart method attached to yesterday’s martial arts, and calmed down his mood with repetitive and rhythmic words, as if nothing had happened, he was going to class, chatting, dazed, going home normally, Bathing, playing games, browsing forums.

The surveillance agents were reminded, raised the alert level to the highest, and looked at Nangong with unusual concentrationChong’s every move, looking for clues.

And Meng Qi had already possessed someone else, and according to the map and route, he kept changing the candidate, and finally arrived near the “Annan Prison for Heavy Offenders”.

The surrounding area is empty and there is no place to hide. Various devices like searchlights are scanning the outside of the wall. There are soldiers everywhere, and there are even permanent fortifications. All of them are armed with live ammunition, strong in body and sturdy in expression. will shoot.

For others, it might take a lot of effort to mix in and confirm whether the mysterious fragments are here, but Meng Qi doesn’t need it. He stands in the distance, as if admiring the vast land, with star lines in his eyes, shining inexplicably, It reflects all the lines of cause and effect in the prison, which are also densely packed and difficult to distinguish, but there is no need to distinguish, because you only need to look directly at the edge to find the cause and effect lines leading to other worlds

It is impossible for other serious criminals to be involved in the world of Montenegro

The lines of cause and effect there were blurred and faintly visible, quite similar to those seen above the empress’s city, and the characteristics matched. Meng Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, curled up the corners of his mouth, and sighed:

“It’s really a fate to meet each other from a thousand miles away.”

They are really hiding in Annan Prison for Heavy Offenders, and the mysterious fragments are here

So Meng Qi retreated quietly, found a public phone, and dialed the Annan Prison for Heavy Offenders.

“Hello, this is Annan Prison.” A serious voice sounded.

“Hello, what are the procedures for visiting prisoners?” Meng Qi asked casually.

Sometimes, it is more convenient to not have a physical body. Of course, when you reach the Dharmakaya stage, you have the characteristics of the primordial spirit, physical body, and dharma appearance at the same time. To be continued

s: To catch the plane, this

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