The other party has come to heaven, how can he care about this little guy.

Since Tathagata Buddha said so, he must have planned to gather himself into Buddhism.

Thinking of this, Taibaijinxing no longer hesitated.

Although he usually pretends to be a Taoist, in fact he is not a Taoist.

It's just that the practice is Taoist magic.

"Buddha, I have the intention to convert to Buddhism, not only if I am willing to pass me!" Taibaijinxing bowed his head and said.

The attitude has been very humble.

I thought that with my own qualifications, arranging a Buddha would be enough.

But it shouldn't be a problem to get a Bodhisattva or something.

"Buddhas don't get through people who have no fate." Tathagata Buddha laughed.

"Hahaha!" 13


The entire Daleiyin Temple laughed along with it.

Many Bodhisattvas followed the Arhats and laughed in unison, their voices extremely harsh.

Taibaijinxing's face was distorted, realizing that he was being tricked.

The other party didn't mean to let him enter Buddhism at all, he was just mocking himself.

What you said just now, you bald donkey! It must have angered the Buddha.

Thinking that it might be even more dangerous to stay here, Tai Jinxing turned around and left.


A huge force came from behind, and Taibaijinxing was directly smashed into powder.

Not even a single strand of soul could leave.

Many Bodhisattvas and Arhats are not surprised, and this is the end of provoking the Buddha.

"Buddha Amitabha, there is a great catastrophe in the Three Realms, and my Buddhist sect should avoid the world!

"All Buddhists are not allowed to go out and leave."

The voice of Tathagata Buddha resounded in the ears of all Buddhists.

Not only the Daleiyin Temple, but also the Thousand Buddha Caves, etc. are also closed.

The entire Buddhist world fell into a deep sleep.

Tathagata did not explain why he did this, because it was not necessary.

It is even more impossible to tell the Buddhists that he felt a certain powerful aura appear.

Although it came in a flash, he couldn't help trembling.

The other side is in heaven.

"Old Jade Emperor, you don't know how comfortable this position is." Sun Wukong crossed his legs and sat proudly in the Jade Emperor's seat.

"Great Sage! Didn't you sit once before, you don't know what happened, I don't feel comfortable sitting here every day. The Jade Emperor knelt on the ground.

With a smile all over his face, he was about to kowtow and call him grandpa.

Not to mention what I am, but renamed me.

To be honest, the Jade Emperor is still not used to it.

"Well, when will your rescue soldier arrive? I'm getting impatient waiting." Sun Wukong yawned.

"Rescue soldiers, what rescue soldiers." The Jade Emperor said very embarrassedly.

"Taibaijinxing who went to Daleiyin Temple, and Laojun who went to Yuxu Palace, do you want me to remind me? 35 Sun Wukong smiled, showing 730 a monkey.

"This, this." The Jade Emperor didn't know what to say.

At this time, Zhu Bajie, who was standing beside Sun Wukong, spoke up.

"Don't worry, we won't be afraid no matter what helpers come." Zhu Bajie patted his stomach, still stuffing things in his mouth.

It's all like some fairy fruit delicacies in the heaven.

When Marshal Tian Peng was in the past, Zhu Bajie couldn't let go of eating.

Now my wish is fulfilled and my heart is very happy.

"Don't be too arrogant, it's just a group of monsters! Sooner or later, the ashes will be wiped out! 39 The Queen Mother, who was bound by the immortal rope on the other side, roared.

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