Their confidence is that their own strength is not what it used to be.

All thanks to the head of the ancestor dragon.

On Huaguo Mountain, Zhao Zheng condensed three light balls and gave them to three people.

In an instant, their strength skyrocketed, and only then did they dare to challenge Tathagata Buddha.

And Zhao Zheng left after giving them three balls of light, leaving behind two thousand armored men to help them out.

Zhao Zheng has lost interest in Journey to the West World.

Zhao Zheng's presence here is a feeling in his heart.

Now this feeling has been confirmed, that is, the world plot of Journey to the West has undergone great changes.

After the verification is confirmed, there is no need for him to stay.

The task of conquering this world can be completely handed over to the three brothers.

Whether it was Taoism, Buddhism, or even Heaven, the three of them had no good feelings.

Coupled with expressing loyalty to himself as soon as they meet, Zhao Zheng doesn't mind giving power to the three.

For Zhao Zheng, it was a matter of hand.

"Would you like to follow along and have a look?" Sun Wukong asked.

"I won't participate in this kind of thing, it has nothing to do with me." The Jade Emperor just wanted to stay away from this monkey now.

"I can't help you, let's go." Zhu Bajie kicked the Jade Emperor behind him.

The Jade Emperor directly fell to the ground, and when he got up, he was full of anger.

I was kicked by a pig!

But when (bddc) saw the indifferent expression of Zhu Bajie, the Jade Emperor still suppressed the fire in his stomach.

Back then, the Jade Emperor ruthlessly rectified Zhu Bajie.

It's not a big crime to molest Chang'e, and it's too much to be sentenced to enter the mortal world.

In the middle, another mistakenly cast pig fetus directly turned Marshal Tianpeng into such a ghost.

For fear that Zhu Bajie would settle the old account at this time, the Jade Emperor could only smile.

"Let's go, let's go, I also see how you clean up the Buddha!""

"Well, if it hadn't been for you to be of some use, your little lives would have been lost long ago." Sun Wukong sneered.

Not only the Jade Emperor, but also the Queen Mother.

Their purpose is to conquer the world and then dedicate it to the head of the ancestor dragon.

That mighty Immortal Qin King!

If the current world order is directly broken, it will be too troublesome to rebuild in the future.

It is better to leave these two people in charge of Heavenly Court, and they can directly help King Xianqin.

"Yes, yes!" The Jade Emperor nodded, knowing this very well.

The Queen Mother bit her lip and didn't say anything, but looking at her, she had already given in.

It's just that he couldn't help himself and bowed his head to these former servants.

"Wait, Senior Brother!" Sha Seng said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Sun Wukong asked.

The Jade Emperor pouted, these three guys must be scared.

It's so lively as I said just now, and now I'm still looking for a reason.

"The inventory of TOP1 has begun, let's go after reading it." Sha Seng said with a wink.

"Well, this one can't be missed. 39 Sun Wukong nodded.

In the inventory of TOP2 just now, they were also watching while fighting.

But TOP1 is different, this is the number one on the list.

Out of respect, read the inventory first.

Otherwise, when they are fighting against the Tathagata Buddha, they have to go all out, and there is no way to be distracted.

The Jade Emperor looked puzzled as the three people sat down again, what are they doing?

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