"The power to resurrect people is too strong, I wonder if that Sesshomaru is going to be sold."

Items transferred from the mall can be used across borders.

There is no need to recognize the Lord or fate or other conditions.

Many people covet natural teeth, after all, the ability of this weapon is unique.

They don't even plan to use natural teeth as a weapon, it's a magic weapon that can be brought back to life.

Inuyasha world.

At this time, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are engaged in the fiercest battle.

The place where they fought was the graveyard of the dog Admiral.

Sesshomaru's left arm has also been cut off, but he is still not ready to give up.

It's just that the atmosphere between the two is a little awkward now.

After seeing the contents of the inventory, they have understood that they will tolerate each other in the future.

Whoever backs down first loses face.

"You two don't fight anymore! What are brothers fighting, and Sesshomaru has broken teeth in your body!""

It was at this time that Kagome stood up and shouted.

She also saw the content of the inventory and learned that she would be with Inuyasha in the future.

They even knew that there was no major conflict between the two brothers, but they were just competing for Iron Broken Teeth.

And Iron Broken Tooth is destined to be Inuyasha's thing.

In addition to the natural teeth, Sesshomaru also hides the broken teeth in his body.

In the plot, Sesshomaru awakens the broken teeth in his body when he fights Naraku.

With the appearance of a powerful demon, Sesshomaru's left arm even grew out at that time.

This is not the knife that his father left to Sesshomaru, but the knife that Sesshomaru bred within himself.

A knife that belongs entirely to Sesshomaru.

Looking at the performance of Sesshomaru in the plot, it is basically a constant search for knives.

It's not just about gaining great power.

He is trying to prove that he is the orthodox successor of the dog Admiral, not the half-human half-demon Inuyasha.

Later, after breaking through this obsession, Inuyasha became his true self.

So Bursting Teeth appeared naturally, which meant the rebirth of Sesshomaru.

A monster beyond the dog Admiral appears, and this is the real powerhouse.

"Well, I'll let you go this time, I'm no longer interested in Tie Shauya." Sesshomaru finally flinched.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

It's just that Sesshomaru said that it was a bit reluctant to let go, because even if he continued to fight, Sesshomaru would definitely lose.

Since Kagome found a reason for herself, Sesshomaru readily accepted it.

He turned around and left without hesitation.

Now Sesshomaru has to do two things, the first is to find the bell.

This is his future wife, Sesshomaru will not give up.


Sesshomaru also felt the same way about those scenes in the picture.

He also understands that getting along with Ling is a process of gradual growth.

Only when you have gained feelings can you surpass yourself, which is the second purpose of Sesshomaru.

Find a way to stimulate the broken teeth in your body!

Used together with the two knives of Tianshengya, Sesshomaru will be extremely powerful.

Before changing, Sesshomaru will definitely think about how to prove himself when he is strong.

But now he just wanted to protect the bell.

"Phew, he's gone." Gao Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect that I was really persuaded by my own words.

But Kagome also saw it, it should be that Sesshomaru also realized that the battle with Inuyasha was meaningless.

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