"Well, let's go look for the Jade of the Four Souls." Inuyasha scratched his head and said, a little embarrassed.

Now Inuyasha and Kagome are not so familiar with each other, they are in a state of helping each other.

Who would have thought that the scene of two people finally getting married and having children appeared in the inventory screen.

"Yeah." Kagome realized that when Inuyasha blushed.

He nodded slightly.

The two "Seven Six Zeros" slowly walked out of the cemetery, but unknowingly held each other's hands.

Immortal Qin world.


A message appeared in the group.

This is not the ancestral dragon group formed by Zhao Zheng before, but a new group created by him.

Wanjie Work Group!

There are not many people in the group, just people from DC World and Journey to the West World.

"Everything is normal in the DC world." Superman.

"The world of Journey to the West is attacking 300,000 outer heavens, and Nezha and many disciples of the teachings are joining." Sun Wukong.

The heads of each of these worlds send out daily messages, like work reports.

Once there are various developments and the like, they will also be reported.

Let Zhao Zheng master the movements of other worlds in Xianqin world.

"Oh, Nezha also joined." Zhao Zheng muttered to himself.

Then a white light ball appeared in his hand.

This ball of light was obtained by Zhao Zheng from Nezha before.

After repeated research, Zhao Zheng was a little disappointed that he could not absorb the power.

Even this ball of light is always floating in a certain direction, which should be the direction of Nezha.

If he hadn't been controlling the ball of light, I'm afraid he would immediately head towards Nezha.

"Since you have surrendered to me, give it back to you." Zhao Zheng let go of his hand.

The ball of light flew in the upper direction at a high speed, and disappeared after a few seconds.

Zhao Zheng couldn't feel this power, it must have gone through the space tunnel to the world of Journey to the West.

No wonder the giant turned a blind eye to his actions, since it turned out that this power belonged to Nezha.

There is no way to grab it.

I am afraid that apart from myself, no one can control this power at will.

Journey to the West World.

"Nezha! The head of the ancestral dragon said that he wants to give you back your power." Sun Wukong looked at the content in the group, and was a little confused...

But still truthfully stated what Zhao Zheng said.

"My strength?" Nezha was taken aback.

For a while I didn't understand what it meant.

After a few seconds, when the ball of light appeared in front of him, Nezha reacted.

Thinking of his previous inventory of rewards, it seems that something has come out. Could it be the relationship between the head of the ancestor dragon.

Nezha is not dissatisfied at all, because he knows that he is not qualified for this!

When did the weak have the right to be angry?

Only the strong have the power of mercy.

When Sun Wukong and others saw this ball of light, their eyes were filled with envy.

Zhao Zheng used this method before when he empowered them.

Just like the mysterious giant 3.2, it can condense the power of the ball of light.

However, Sun Wukong and others would not have thought that this ball of light is not the world power of Journey to the West drawn by Zhao Zheng.

It's Nezha's inventory reward.

After Nezha touched the ball of light, a familiar feeling came to his mind again.


He couldn't help roaring, this was the comfort that power had instilled in his body.

The light ball brought him the power of Pangu, which was not supplemented before!.

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