I Just Can Score

Chapter 195 The most perfect feint is the real one

After Zhen Shaolong passed the ball to Lutz, he felt that he had no hope of completing the task, and ran forward in pain, missing most of the angle of view. Lucio, who was following behind him, saw the whole process--

When Zhen Shaolong was about two meters away from Kahn, he suddenly kicked up to pass the ball to the right.

This extremely realistic action fooled almost everyone.

Kahn's center of gravity deflected.

Ram slows down.

Lucio also took a quick step, trying to block the pass as best he could.

Even Luz on the right accelerated forward, while Van Buyten quickly pasted in, trying to block Luz on the left.

But that's not a pass!

The football just deflected in that direction, then successfully bypassed Kahn and quickly rolled to the front of Zhen Shaolong.

"The human ball is divided!"

Zhen Shaolong completed the man-ball pass in the narrow area of ​​the penalty area, leaving the goalkeepers Kahn, Ram, and Lucio behind, and then he slowed down and stopped in front of the goal. He did not shoot the empty goal immediately, but There was a back turn, as if mocking Bayern, half squatted down and pushed the ball into the goal with his butt, as if he was too excited to 'play', and sat on the goal line.


The perspective of the fans in the surrounding audience stands is almost the same as the perspective of the camera.

The TV commentator kept shouting about the offensive process, "Zhen Shaolong is leading forward, and his speed is very fast!"

"Ram ahead! Lucio!"

"Kan is attacking!"

"Zhen Shaolong was double-teamed! Look at this! Look at this! Look at this! Pass! Pass... No, no, no, no, Zhen Shaolong! Zhen Shaolong! He successfully passed the card..."

"My God! This action..."

"The ball went in—!!"

"The ball has been scored! The ball has been scored! Zhen Shaolong used an extremely realistic passing action to fool everyone in the penalty area, yes, everyone, and then he sent the goal with his butt in front of the goal..."

"Yes, as said,

It's the ass..."

"This shot... He was probably too excited. He didn't expect to be able to pass Kahn in front of the goal. The shot was a bit provocative, but it was amazing to be able to do it. Other players may think of more subtle ways, but they There is simply no way to…”

Zhen Shaolong's provocative goal caused an uproar among the fans in the surrounding stands. One second the Bayern fans were amazed by Zhen Shaolong's performance, but the next second it became-

"Bastard! Damn it! What did he do!"

"He's provoking!"

"It must be a provocation! He actually humiliated Bayern! Unforgivable! What!"


All the Bayern fans in the surrounding auditorium were provoked into anger. They spewed hype words from their mouths. Cursing and intimidation became the main theme of the audience stands. Summarizing each word and special vocabulary, you can write a "Complete Book of Swearing in German" ".

The eyes of the Bayern players on the field were also full of anger.

They are so angry!

Zhen Shaolong's performance was really wonderful, he deceived everyone with a fake move, and played a textbook-level man-ball score in the penalty area. His performance was so wonderful that they had nothing to say.


It's too much to deliberately send the ball into the goal with your butt!

I can't bear it!

Sitting on the goal line, Zhen Shaolong was glared at by tens of thousands of fans and a group of Bayern players. With a very innocent expression on his face, he whispered an excuse to the nearest Ram, "If I say, I didn't do that on purpose, Do you believe?"

Ram pursed his lips hard, without saying a word, with a blank expression.

At this time, the mission completion notification sounded in his ears, which made Zhen Shaolong feel much more relaxed. He no longer explained anything. After he stood up from the ground, his face showed no provocation or excitement, but only the expression of "not being trusted by the world". Sad and helpless.

"A master is lonely..."

Zhen Shaolong kept feeling in his heart, and under the gaze of tens of thousands of fans, all the cameras and everyone else, he walked out of Bayern's penalty area step by step.

He took a long breath.

Fortunately... it came out successfully!

Zhen Shaolong recalled the action just now, and felt that it was full of provocation. It is no wonder that Bayern is so angry, but what can he do? It is more important to complete the task!

The atmosphere in the stadium is obviously a bit bad.

This is the Allianz Arena!

Tens of thousands of Bayern fans sat in the spectator stands. They were full of anger at Zhen Shaolong's way of scoring. The stands were full of abuse and occasional cheers from St. Pauli fans, so that the atmosphere in the stadium was a bit depressing. .

The St. Pauli players were very happy to see the goal, but they couldn't celebrate it.

Under the auspices of the referee, the game quickly resumed.

Anger needs to be vented!

The Bayern fans felt humiliated, they were very angry, and the Bayern players were also very angry. If the fans want to vent, they can use verbal abuse, but if the players want to vent, they can only vent on the field.

In the next game, the Bayern players were not very 'friendly'.



All kinds of physical contact methods allow the game to quickly enter the "hand-to-hand" mode. As long as Zhen Shaolong takes the ball in the frontcourt, it will be a flying shovel.

The good thing is he doesn't get the ball much.

Most of the time, football is still under the control of Bayern. After Bayern's actions became bigger, St. Pauli was also irritated, and the referee became the busiest person. The movements are smaller.

However, the effect is not great.

The Bayern players were really angry. They wanted to vent on Zhen Shaolong, but the chances were pitiful, because Zhen Shaolong couldn't catch the ball at all. He was taken care of by Lucio and Van Buyten, and the St. Pauli players were kicked. I'm very angry. Once I enter the hand-to-hand combat mode, it is not easy to stop.

The game seemed to be a fierce derby.

Every player on the field turned into a real tough guy, and physical collisions became commonplace. Sometimes the football was played on the left, but confrontation fouls appeared on the right.

The game was forced to stop again and again.

During the whole process, St. Pauli's offense could not be played, and Bayern's offensive in anger was also very messy, so that St. Pauli's goal seemed to be safe.

Begman's senses on the sidelines have also changed. He was still complaining about Zhen Shaolong before, "What did this guy think, he scored a goal, why did he suddenly score with his butt? This way of humiliating the opponent...is really very annoying. Cool, but you have to consider it at the Allianz Arena!"

It quickly became, "Zhen really is a player who can play football with his brain."

"What?" The assistant coach didn't understand.

Bergman said pointingly, "Look at the current situation, it is much more difficult for Bayern to score goals than before. Their hearts are already in a mess. The more intense the competition is, the better it is for us, because we are one point ahead. ball."

The assistant coach nodded knowingly.

"Do you think it's possible? Zhen just thought of this and did it on purpose? To provoke the opponent, make the opponent lose their cool, score a goal and provoke, kill two birds with one stone!"

The assistant coach felt that Bergman was thinking too much.

Now Bayern is really playing a bit chaotic on the field, mainly because they are caught in continuous hand-to-hand combat, and the technical advantages of the players cannot be reflected. In terms of physical fitness, St. Pauli is no worse than Bayern.


The atmosphere in the audience stands is not very good either!

The assistant coach looked around, and the fans were still yelling at him. He felt that Bergman should be reminded to pay attention to the safety of the whole team after the game.


The players on the field fought fiercely.

Zhen Shaolong also wants to attack occasionally, but he is too targeted by the opponent, and normally he can't get the ball at all.

Zhen Shaolong had time to think again. He stood still and did not move, which made Lucio and Van Buyten a little depressed. They both wanted to teach this guy a lesson and regain Bayern's humiliated face.

But the opponent didn't move!

The other party stood still for a while, they couldn't just go and bump into them, right?

Both of them were gnashing their teeth.

Zhen Shaolong was immersed in his own thoughts, as if the fierce hand-to-hand combat on the field had nothing to do with him, and he kept thinking about the goal just now.

Although I couldn't see everything, my teammates could almost guess it with just a few words.

It's the effect of "Strike"!

"Strike" is the efficiency of football's automatic follow-up. What Zhen Shaolong didn't expect is that passing the ball can't interrupt the effect of "Strike". On the premise of contacting other people, if you want to interrupt the effect, you must either wait for the time to end or shoot.

But why can the shot interrupt the effect?

Zhen Shaolong thought carefully for a long time, and felt that it should be related to the priority of skills.

Calibration has a higher priority.

The moment the shot is completed, the "Calibration" skill has an effect, and the football will be calculated and forced to adjust the route, which interrupts the status effect of "Strike".

Passing the ball is different.

So far, he has not acquired the skills related to passing the ball. Under the football following effect of "Strike", passing the ball cannot be completed normally.

Therefore, the pass to Luz only rolled less than one meter to one side, because he rushed to the front and did not touch Ram and Kahn in the middle. Follow Kahn.

"It turns out that "Strike" can still be used in this way. Couldn't it be possible to use the characteristics of "Strike" in the future to make the most perfect fake moves..."

Zhen Shaolong thought.

That passing action can fool Lucio, Rahm, and Kahn because it was a real pass.

It's just that the system doesn't allow it.

In the process of Zhen Shaolong's constant thinking, the referee interrupted the game twice, and also took out three yellow cards in a row, finally calming down both players.

Bayern coach Magath also stood anxiously on the sidelines, shouting for the players to calm down.

If two good offensives can be played, there may be a chance to tie the score, and continuing to fight like this will not benefit Bayern at all.

The opponent wins the game.

In addition, receiving a few yellow cards halfway through, Bayern lost all their shorts.

So you have to be calm.

After some Bayern players calmed down, they also knew the price of anger. There were only five minutes left in the game. It was very difficult for them to tie the score, let alone win.

Many players looked at Zhen Shaolong.

Zhen Shaolong stood there quietly, as if everything had nothing to do with him, with a smiling expression on his face, he really wanted to be punched hard in that face twice.

What are we fighting for!

Didn't you provoke it?

It turns out that you stand there motionless, completely unaffected, and we spend all our time wasting time.

Schweinsteiger raised conspiracy theory speculation, "He wouldn't do it on purpose, right? Let us be angry, angry, and we won't be able to play well! Then St. Pauli will win."

When the other Bayern players heard it, it really made sense, and they immediately labeled Zhen Shaolong a 'sinister' in their hearts.

No guesswork so far.

Bayern can only continue to invest in the offense, but there is not much time left. When St. Pauli is ahead, they must strictly guard the penalty area. They attacked a few waves, but they couldn't find a chance at all. On the contrary, St. Pauli found a chance , a wave of advancement from the side, almost passed the ball to Zhen Shaolong's feet again, causing Bayern to sweat coldly.

Although they really didn't want to admit it, they were all a little afraid that Zhen Shaolong would take the ball.

Finally the game is over.

Many players sat down on the grass, not only the St. Pauli players, but also the Bayern players. After a 90-minute game, everyone felt physically and mentally exhausted.

The difference between the two teams is that the outcome has been divided.

The St. Pauli players all had excited smiles on their faces. An away victory against Bayern was not easy; the Bayern players were not in a good mood, they didn't expect to lose, and they were so depressed after losing.

St. Pauli, no, it should be said that Zhen Shaolong scored two goals personally. In the first half, he relied on his face and scored a goal, and in the second half, he scored a goal by relying on his butt.

Two balls, one face, one butt.

Whenever they think of these two goals, Bayern feel deeply humiliated, and they can think of what the media will say, "Bayern was defeated by Zhen Shaolong's face and ass!"

This is too ugly!

Many Bayern players also looked to Podolski.

The media all compared Podolski and Zhen Shaolong, and even said that Podolski was better, but judging from the course of the game, are the two really comparable?

Podolski is a pure rookie from a wealthy family; Zhen Shaolong can beat a wealthy family if he plays well!


PS: I have to rest my brain today, I can’t write the third update, don’t wait. By the way, I have the cheek to ask for a monthly ticket~~

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