I Just Can Score

Chapter 196: Shaolin Soccer and Verbal Wars

Podolski walked off the field with his head down, his mood a little depressed.

His performance in the game was not good.

From the start of the German League Cup to the past four rounds of the league, Podolski has not entered the starting list. He complained to the head coach Magath, but he also knows that Roy Mackay and Pizarro are both excellent. The players are formidable competitors.

Podolski started the game.

The whole team knows the reason why he can start: St. Pauli has a talented shooter. In the German Cup final in May, he single-handedly scored three goals and led St. Pauli to defeat Bayern.

Podolski is also Bayern's talented striker, so he can naturally compete with the opponent on the field.

He lost.

Flat out!

If it’s just that the goal is not as many as the opponent’s, it’s nothing. Even if it’s a striker, his performance is not completely dependent on the goal. During the key game, his performance was not outstanding, and he made a few mistakes. The opportunity was not seized either.

The opponent has almost no chance.

Both goals were created by the opponent themselves, and have little to do with the performance of St. Pauli teammates.

Can this still be compared?

"There will be many media outlets who will stand up to question... Perhaps, there will be no more reports about me, because I have become worthless..."

Podolski thought to himself, full of helplessness and depression.

He regrets joining Bayern a bit.

The other Bayern players don't think too much, they have two feelings towards Zhen Shaolong, one is anger, because Zhen Shaolong made a goal that humiliated Bayern in the game.

The opponent's performance that time was very good, and it can be said that everyone was shocked, but it was a bit too much to deliberately use the butt to complete the goal.

In addition, it is admiration.

Every Bayern player, no matter how famous they are, must admit that Zhen Shaolong is an admirable opponent. St. Pauli played against Bayern twice, and they were at an absolute disadvantage, but the opponent scored five goals and led the ball. The team beat Bayern twice.

What else can they say?

Even if the opponent intends to score with their butt,

Expressing irony and disdain for Bayern... is also qualified!

Bayern players are very sad.

Although many players admire Zhen Shaolong, no one took the initiative to exchange jerseys or make other gestures of favor, because Zhen Shaolong provoked Bayern, and there were many fans in the stands, they could only continue to keep their faces cold and express their disdain Gu's attitude.

Except... Pizarro.

Zhen Shaolong, Gene, Kruse, and others just walked into the player tunnel, and saw a reporter waving from a distance. Bor and Gene were discussing to go to an interview together, talk about some interesting topics, let the rope road The beauties who turned their perspectives to fall in love with themselves heard a shout from behind, "Wait!"

A group of people turned their heads.


Panting, Pizarro chased after him, and walked up to Zhen Shaolong, "Can we exchange jerseys?"

"Swap jerseys?" Zhen Shaolong was a little confused, didn't Pizarro play?

Generally, exchanging jerseys is an expression of friendliness between opponents on the field. It is very rare for players who are not on the field to exchange jerseys with players who are on the field, because it makes people feel that they have to bow their heads, which seems to be a bit of "chasing stars". A substitute player who will play against a big club will only do that when he meets a star he likes.


This guy was already a well-known big star at the age of 20. He was able to join Werder Bremen. A legendary star, who has won countless honorary titles, would "bow his head" to exchange jerseys with himself?

Zhen Shaolong watched Pizarro's 'extremely fake' undressing action, and hurriedly said with a dark face: "If you have anything to do, just say it!"

Pizarro smiled embarrassedly, stopped his movements and said, "I want to ask you about learning Chinese Kung Fu and football."

"...I don't know Chinese Kung Fu!"

Zhen Shaolong said something with the corners of his mouth, but Pizarro's face was full of disbelief, even the teammates next to him didn't believe it. Boer whispered to Gene, "Zhen really knows Chinese Kung Fu", Gene's answer was, 'Of course, now I am very sure, he will have a powerful kung fu, the bones are as hard as iron'.

Zhen Shaolong rolled his eyes when he heard this.

It was hard not to hear Gene's loud voice. Pizarro became more urgent when he heard it. He said seriously, "I have checked a lot of information. The basic training of Chinese Kungfu seems to start with standing posture? Standing posture , Standing in the horse stance, it is said that a good horse stance squat can exercise the kidneys, exercise the strength of the waist, strengthen the muscles and bones, adjust the essence, energy, and spirit, exercise the horse stance for a long time, and make the lower body..."

"You say it again?"

Gene's loud voice interrupted Pizarro's long speech, and he continued to ask, "No, I mean the one just now, what can you do by standing on horseback?"

"Exercising kidney and waist strength?" Pizarro repeated in doubt.

"Yes, that's the sentence!" Gene suddenly had a great inspiration, "Fabian, did you hear that? Standing on a horse can exercise the kidneys and strengthen the waist. Doesn't it mean that it can make me stronger?"

"Stronger in bed?"

"Ahem...don't say it so directly..." Gene looked at Pizarro eagerly, "If you continue to talk, what effect will it have, I think I can also exercise my standing stance."

Bor listened carefully.

Pizarro understood the meaning of the two, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and found that the St. Pauli players were really unreliable!

He continued, "I have read a saying that, no matter what kind of Chinese Kung Fu, when performing horse stances, it is required to be calm, calm down, and breathe naturally. The spiritual requirements are a bit It’s illusory, I don’t quite understand it, but no matter what kind of Chinese Kung Fu, you can get special training through the horse stance, so that people can get full or extraordinary performance in fighting.”

Zhen Shaolong, Jin, and Boer all nodded their heads, but Pizarro's commentary was over, and he asked the key question of doubt, "But what does this have to do with football? Why can you apply Chinese Kung Fu to football?" ?”

Zhen Shaolong pulled the corner of his mouth and said seriously, "I want to emphasize again, I have never learned Chinese Kung Fu."

"However, I think that practicing Chinese Kung Fu to a high level will definitely be helpful to football. Chinese martial arts are extensive and profound. It is a kind of physical exercise and a spiritual exercise... So, if you are interested in Chinese Kungfu, There is doubt that it cannot be applied to football, I can recommend you to watch a Chinese movie."

"what movie?"

""Shaolin Soccer"!"

"Shao... Lin... football?" Pizarro repeated it. The two Chinese transliterations of "Shaolin" are a bit too strange for Germans.


Pizarro reacted, rushed to the front immediately, stopped a reporter, borrowed paper and pen from there, and quickly returned to pass it to Zhen Shaolong, "Can you write down the name of the movie you mentioned, I don't know Knowing Chinese, I am worried that I will forget it when I go back.”


Zhen Shaolong complied with Pizarro's request, and clearly wrote the four characters "Shaolin Football" on the paper. Pizarro looked at it as if he had found a treasure, carefully put it in his pocket, and checked it several times in a row.

Zhen Shaolong really couldn't stand this guy with wandering thinking, so he hurriedly left with his teammates.

This scene was seen by reporters in the distance.

The reporter who was asked for a pen and paper was a reporter from Hamburg. He asked the camera to capture this scene, and when Pizarro returned the pen, he asked, "What do you think of Zhen Shaolong?"

Pizarro didn't think much, nodded and said, "He's very powerful."

The reporter immediately took Pizarro's answer, combined with the scene just now, as, "Pissaro is a loyal fan of Zhen Shaolong, he asked Zhen Shaolong for his autograph, and he was very excited after getting it..."


Post-match press conference.

Nearly 200 reporters waited in the venue early, and it was overcrowded for a while. Not only were the seats in the venue occupied, but the corridors and aisles were full of reporters. They were all talking about the game that just passed.

There are too many things to watch in the game.

First of all, Bayern lost to St. Pauli at home, which created the biggest upset in the fifth round of the league. Bayern is the recognized overlord of German football. From the outside world and even the German media, the Bundesliga is the least competitive among the five major leagues. The results are too gorgeous, sitting on the position of "Bundesliga leader" for a long time, other teams can only strive for second place at most.

The same has been the case in the past two seasons, Bayern has won the Bundesliga championship without any suspense.

This kind of situation where the league is monopolized by one team is very unfavorable to the development of the league and international competition, but the situation is already the case, and it is meaningless to say that it is unfavorable.

The important thing is that Bayern lost!

Bayern lost to Bielefeld in the last game. Bielefeld has been in the middle of the league in recent years. It is acceptable for Bayern to lose away games. This loss is a bit unacceptable--

One is the home field.

The second is to lose to the newly promoted.

If Bayern loses to St. Pauli at home, the league ranking will drop sharply, and the impact on Bayern will also be very large, but the sad thing is that Bayern's loss is not the only thing to watch.

St. Pauli's scoring process is no less interesting than Bayern's loss!

First ball, face!

Second ball, ass!

The second goal scored by Zhen Shaolong was simply a humiliation to Bayern Chiguoguo. He brought the ball into the penalty area, deceived Lahm, Lucio and Kahn with one action, and successfully completed a wonderful human goal in a small area Passed, brought the ball to the goal line, and then 'sit' the ball into the goal with his butt.

The goal is wonderful, but it is difficult for Bayern as an opponent to accept it.

The first goal was luck, but in real terms, Zhen Shaolong scored with his face, which can be regarded as a kind of humiliation to Bayern.

Two goals, two humiliations.

Many media outlets are gearing up and preparing to report a piece of news that reads "Zhen Shaolong used his face and butt to shine at the Allianz Arena, leading St. Pauli to defeat Bayern".

That must be interesting.

Finally, the protagonist of the press conference made his debut, and that was St. Pauli's head coach Bergmann.

Bergman smiled, walked to the stage and sat down calmly, and then talked about the game, "1 to 2, the score is the biggest reward for our players to work hard for the whole game."

"But victory is not the most important thing. I saw in the game that every player worked hard and tried their best. The most satisfying place."

"I believe that players with this kind of hard work will not perform too badly, and a team with hard work as a whole will not perform too badly. This is our biggest gain: facing the giants, we can also show that we will not give up. , the spirit of working hard until the end!"

Bergman emphasized that during the game, the whole team showed zero good mental outlook, and then the conversation turned to Zhen Shaolong, who the reporters were concerned about, "The two goals came from Zhen, and no praise can be placed on him. But, he’s one of those players who is so good that he’s going to be astounding at times.”

"What this kind of player needs most is trust. Even if he doesn't perform for 90 minutes, only the last minute is left, and he shines once, that's enough!"

Bergman didn't talk much about Zhen Shaolong, and continued to talk about the team's goal is to avoid relegation. So far this season, the team's performance is very good, ranking at the top of the Bundesliga list. "But we must always remember, We are a relegation team and will not change because of temporary good results..."

Bergman's low-key can still give people a good impression, but the media don't want to hear too many official speeches.

When the press conference progressed to the questioning session, two Munich reporters immediately stood up and questioned Zhen Shaolong's provocation and humiliation of Bayern during the scoring process.

Bergmann must defend Zhen Shaolong, even if he also thinks it is provocative, he must not say publicly, "I believe he didn't mean it. When a player, a nineteen-year-old young player, dribbles past Bayern's back line, Goalkeeper, and brought the ball to the goal line, it's normal to get emotional."

"That might just be a way of venting too much excitement for a while."

"I don't think the scoring process should be used to question whether a young player is provoking the opponent..."

Bayern's reporters certainly wouldn't agree with Bergmann, Bayern has been humiliated, it's like someone slapped you in the face and said, "He's too young, just too excited to beat you, none of us should blame him."

Who would accept it?

The Bayern media definitely does not accept this statement, they continue to question--

"You can provoke your opponent at a young age?"

"He should publicly apologize to Bayern! Apologize to the Bayern fans!"

"Some people say that Zhen did that on purpose to stir up the competition so that St. Pauli could take the opportunity to win. What do you think about this, Mr. Bergmann?"

Bergman was blocked continuously and couldn't speak. He still had too little experience, and he didn't have the ability to "combat with others". In the end, he couldn't control his emotions anymore, and said a little angrily, "You always talk about humiliation, humiliation. , aren't you ashamed?"

"Bayern can also humiliate us, that's not a foul! I welcome it. At that time, I will think that it is our defensive problem. This is very helpful for players to understand the importance of defense!"

"You should question the Bayern players, Lahm, Lucio, Kahn, question them, not me, not St. Pauli. Three people can't stop Zhen, that is the biggest humiliation."

Bergman left the venue angrily, leaving behind a group of stunned reporters.

The Hamburg journalists rejoice!

The Munich journalists were saddened because they could not refute Bergmann's statement...!

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