I Just Can Score

Chapter 669 The transfer is basically finalized

It turns out.

Some media reporters are indeed fools, or in other words, they deliberately pretend to be fools in order to create different things.

The postgame coverage was sensational.

The whole of England, Europe, and even the whole world are concerned about the result of the match between Newcastle United and Liverpool, because the game may be directly related to the ownership of the Premier League championship. It is also the game that receives the most attention in the entire Premier League season. News related to the game after the game, naturally It filled the pages of major media.

Most media praised Zhen Shaolong's performance, believing that he not only completed the job of attracting defensive attention, but also scored three goals with his strong personal ability.

"Zhen Shaolong only touched the ball four times. It felt like he didn't touch the ball in the whole game, but as long as he stood in the frontcourt, he would be a threat to the goal. Liverpool's entire defense needs to spend a lot of energy to defend."

"Even if he is standing, standing there motionless for 90 minutes, he will make a huge contribution to the entire game, not to mention he has three goals."

"He determines the outcome of the game with amazing efficiency."

The above is a normal report.

"British Football News" adopted the method of creating gimmicks. In its article analyzing the game, it believed that Zhen Shaolong's condition was not good. "He didn't get the ball in the whole game. He couldn't be seen getting the ball at all, and he couldn't be seen playing with him." Teammates cooperate.”

"His movement was very problematic and he could barely get away from the defense."

"Look at his goals. The first goal was a follow-up shot. It was very lucky. If he had stood farther away, even if he had predicted it in advance, he would not have scored."

"The second one is a free kick. We must admit that Zhen Shaolong's positioning skills are quite superb, but kicking positioning kicks is like training and has nothing to do with the state of the game."

"For the third goal, we should say that he played very well. He scored the ball very calmly in the penalty area, but it was only this one goal, so I think Zhen Shaolong's condition is not good. He was in normal condition during the game. It’s different, and every one of us can notice it.”

"I don't understand what those people who say Zhen Shaolong is in good condition think, but in the entire 90 minutes of the game, he only touched the ball four times, and he is not in good condition at all. Of course, this is not to deny Zhen Shaolong's contribution. He is m VP without a doubt.”

While expressing his personal opinion that Zhen Shaolong was in poor condition, the report also analyzed the reasons for Zhen Shaolong's poor condition -

Still the same!

Affected by the "top ball charge" being analyzed and studied by a group established by UEFA!

This is no small matter.

When a top professional player has a certain ability that is special to other players and is considered unreasonable by the public and even the Football Association, it means that he will no longer be able to use this ability in the future, which may greatly affect his performance.

Of course.

No one is stupid enough to think that being banned from "heading the ball" will directly affect Zhen Shaolong's performance, but being studied and banned from using a certain ability will definitely affect Zhen Shaolong's mentality, "For example, the game against Liverpool , Zhen Shaolong did not do that, maybe he felt that continuing to do so might attract more attention, and the group established by UEFA would be more likely to make a decision that is unfavorable to him."

"All right……"

Zhen Shaolong looked at the news and felt a little convinced. The analysis in the news was clear and logical, as if he was stating something that could not be true anymore. But as the center of the report, of course he knew what was inside. The content is ridiculous.

This may be the magic of words.

In-depth analysis of one-sided information is used to draw conclusions, and readers are induced to think according to the logic of the content, thereby reaching the same conclusion. Everything is constructed to seem true, but in fact the foundation is not established.

"I don't care about 'overhead charge' at all... To be honest, this name is terrible. Even if it is to be reported, I should choose a better name."

"If you count how many goals I've scored like that, you won't worry about it anymore."

Zhen Shaolong, Barton, Smith and others said.

The entire Newcastle United were concerned about Zhen Shaolong that day, because the group set up by UEFA was not just a formality, but a real study and analysis of his scoring methods. They were not just watching videos and collecting opinions from some well-known football people. , and also sent a special investigator to the Newcastle United Club to negotiate directly with Zhen Shaolong.

The name of the investigator sent by UEFA is Radtley. He is an executive committee member of the European League. The official position of 'executive committee member' sounds very good, but in fact it is just a handyman. Whatever happens, he has to enter the team, and then Flying around to investigate.

However, the 'executive committee member' is not the lowest level, but can also be regarded as an official.

Radtley also brought two subordinates with him, one of whom was his nephew. “I introduced Peter to work at UEFA. He graduated from the Danish School of Architecture, but he didn’t want to work in architecture. Instead, he really liked football. , I asked him to work at UEFA, and he is now my assistant, which can also be regarded as a secretary."

Peter really likes football and also likes Zhen Shaolong very much.

After coming to Newcastle United Club and meeting Zhen Shaolong, Peter immediately asked Zhen Shaolong for an autograph and a photo. He even brought a fake rose inlaid with gold and asked Zhen Shaolong to sign his name on the rose flower. Zhen Shaolong used charcoal to After drawing for a long time, Peter successfully painted the name on the metal. Peter explained excitedly, "This is the request of my girlfriend Lusha. Lusha likes Zhen Shaolong very much. She asked me to give her a rose, preferably in There is Zhen Shaolong's signature on the petals, and she said that as long as she gets a gift, she will put it on the table and admire it every day before going to bed."

Zhen Shaolong kept nodding as he listened, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Fortunately, Peter didn't realize it at all.

Peter's excitement was interrupted by Radlett.

After Radlett and Keegan finished negotiating, they came to the training ground to talk to Zhen Shaolong, "We need you to show off your football skills, which is to put the ball on your head, like in the game." Radlett took a He put the football on top of his head, fearing that Zhen Shaolong would not understand the meaning, so he let go and tried to head the ball. As a result, the football fell directly to the ground. He smiled nonchalantly, "I definitely can't do it, but you definitely can. That's what I'm here for. Yes, the final result has nothing to do with me, but I need to record a video, can you accept it?"

"It doesn't matter."

Zhen Shaolong shrugged indifferently, and asked Radlett to prepare for recording. After everything was ready, he asked Barton to help pick the ball over. It seemed that he was not used to having people filming next to him. Zhen Shaolong didn't show anything, but Barton was. Nervous.

Button only lifted the ball half a meter the first time, and flew high the second time.

the third time.

"I'd better go over!" Barton felt very embarrassed. Milner next to him wanted to help, but Barton glared at him and didn't dare to come over. Then Barton gently threw the ball over Zhen Shaolong's head with both hands.

Zhen Shaolong pushed him once.

Thumbs up again.


After heading the ball three times, the ball stopped moving on his head. He barely held on for a second, and the ball-sticking effect of "Skills" was immediately triggered.


He pretended to be barely in control and ran forward three steps, but the football fell to the ground out of control.

"Is it okay?"

Zhen Shaolong looked at Radlett.

Radlett turned off the camera, made an 'OK' gesture and said, "It's really amazing. I've watched the video more than a dozen times, over and over again, and I'm still not as shocked as before. How did you do it? Keep it that way. Balance, I can’t imagine…”

Peter couldn't help but said excitedly, "Zhen Shaolong is Lusha and I..."

Radlett glared angrily. He felt that his nephew had lost all his dignity as a 'UEFA official'.

After the simple recording was over, Radlett left with the camera. His job was that simple. He went to Newcastle United Club to record Zhen Shaolong's "heading skills" on the spot. As for what the UEFA team would decide in the end. , it has nothing to do with him.


The arrival of Radlett only gave Newcastle United another topic, but the past has passed. Soon everyone returned to training. They also have to prepare hard for the next game. In order to successfully win the league championship, the last time Don't be careless.

Zhen Shaolong is also training hard. He mainly adjusts his condition.

At the press conference after the game against Liverpool, Zhen Shaolong said that he wanted to "work hard to adjust to his condition." In fact, it was not a complete lie, because he spent most of the season recovering, and a 90-minute game In a game, even just standing on the court requires a lot of physical and mental energy. You must recover seriously two or three days after the game.

Zhen Shaolong didn't focus on training either. He had other things to care about. In the end, the most important thing was his transfer.

The news brought by Mendes is that ‘the transfer has been basically finalized’.

Because the intention of Real Madrid star Huntelaar was still uncertain, Zhen Shaolong’s transfer negotiations were given two plans, one was 235 million euros plus Negredo and Saviola, the other was two 20 million euros plus Huntelaar, Negredo and Saviola.

Newcastle United prefers the latter and is working hard to persuade Huntelaar.

Huntelaar, Negredo and Saviola are all very good forwards. They can only be substitutes and marginal players when they play for Real Madrid. This is only because of the accumulation of stars in Real Madrid. Each one of them is a big star. .

Among them, Huntelaar and Saviola are both very famous.

In January this year, Huntelaar moved from Ajax to Real Madrid, which was a major transfer that shocked the whole of Europe. He was also the top bidder in the winter transfer, with a transfer fee of up to 27 million euros, and he played for less than half a season. , Huntelaar has helped Real Madrid score seven goals, and the scoring efficiency is about one goal in two games.

Saviola is an experienced forward. He has played for Barcelona for four seasons and was once Barcelona's main shooter. In his highest season, he scored 17 La Liga goals. He moved to Sevilla and Monaco along the way. Joining Real Madrid, it is a pity that with Saviola's reputation and level, he can only be a marginal person when he enters Real Madrid.

Negredo is a talented center who came from Real Madrid's youth training, and everyone knows that he is a genius, even though he has not helped Real Madrid's first team to play. He was only loaned to Almeria for two seasons, but he scored a total of 34 goals in two seasons. A league goal is enough to prove Negredo's strength. Unfortunately, Real Madrid is full of talents, especially at the critical time of the chairman's replacement. Negredo can only be sold by Real Madrid.

Newcastle United hopes to bring the above three players to James Park in a package to make up for the departure of Zhen Shaolong and Owen.

Real Madrid agreed, but there was a problem in negotiating the price.

As for the finalized second plan, Huntelaar, Negredo and Saviola together only sold for 3000 to 40 million euros. You know, Huntelaar four months ago Joining Real Madrid cost 27 million euros.

This price difference...

In order to introduce the super efficient Zhen Shaolong, Real Madrid could only let Ashley speak with hatred.

After the transfer method is basically finalized, the remaining work is very simple--

Talk about a contract!

Zhen Shaolong's transfer contract negotiation was the last task. Mendes immediately switched sides and entered into fierce negotiations with Real Madrid.

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