I Just Can Score

Chapter 670 How much do you know about Zhen Shaolong’s sneakers?

Zhen Shaolong's salary negotiation is no small matter.

For any club, player salary is the most important matter, because player salary accounts for the majority of club expenditures. Some clubs will invest tens of millions of euros in the transfer market, but compared with the player salary paid in a single season , it’s nothing at all.

Take Michael Owen as an example.

Newcastle United does not want to renew Owen's contract because the high salary expenditure is not proportional to the benefits it brings. Owen's salary is the second in the team. The new contract salary he requires is a minimum annual salary of more than 8 million pounds before tax.

What is this concept?

If Newcastle United decides to renew Irving, considering that Irving is 30 years old, he will have to sign a contract of at least two years, worth 8 million pounds per year, plus various bonuses such as goals, assists and rankings. It will definitely exceed 9 million pounds, which is 18 million pounds in two years, and Owen is a "somewhat outdated" star. It is almost impossible to expect to sign him and then resell him, which means that the club has spent a lot of money in vain. Eighteen million pounds, it’s hard to say what Owen’s specific performance will be.

In comparison.

There is never a shortage of outstanding forwards in the European transfer market. If you rely on transfer to buy a forward worth five million pounds, his strength and performance will definitely not be bad. Because the player you buy is still young, you may still have hope, and the annual salary On the other hand, three million pounds is always enough. A maximum of four years of signing, including transfer fees, is the same as the cost of signing Irving for two years. Not to mention, if the player you buy performs well, you may be able to earn a transfer fee in the future. Dues.

After calculating this, we can see why Irving did not get a high-paying contract extension.

Irving's salary problem is so serious, not to mention Zhen Shaolong's salary problem. It is a big problem that even wealthy clubs have to deal with.

Zhen Shaolong's current annual salary is 12 million pounds after tax. According to the exchange rate, it is about 15 million euros. Even if the various bonuses are not included, the club has to spend nearly 30 million euros every year. Counting various bonuses What's even more terrifying is that Newcastle United's annual expenditure on Zhen Shaolong easily exceeds 40 million euros.

According to this annual salary contract, the total expenditure for the five years of signing the contract easily exceeds 200 million euros. Not to mention, the premise of Mendes' negotiation is to increase Zhen Shaolong's salary by 50%. As long as Zhen Shaolong officially transfers and signs, Real Madrid will At least a terrifying nearly 60 million euros are spent on Zhen Shaolong's salary every year.

This number is terrible!

The annual transfer investment of most top clubs is difficult to reach 60 million euros, but they have to pay such a high salary for a player.

Even if Zhen Shaolong only plays for Real Madrid for three seasons, Real Madrid will have to pay nearly 200 million euros for it.

A contract with such a sky-high price must be discussed carefully.

The initial tone set by Mendes was to give Zhen Shaolong a 50% salary increase, but he will definitely strive for a better salary. In addition, other issues in the contract, such as commercial income sharing, goal bonuses, winning bonuses, appearance bonuses, etc. Fees, and some mandatory regulations, such as the minimum number of appearances in a single season, etc., must also be discussed carefully.

This negotiation will definitely take time.

But both the Real Madrid club and Mendes and his team know that there is no possibility that Zhen Shaolong's contract cannot be finalized, because each party is interested in promoting the transfer and some disputes will not last long.

In addition, the wishes of the sponsor are also important.

Adidas, an important sponsor of Real Madrid, very much hopes to facilitate the transfer of Zhen Shaolong to Real Madrid. Because Zhen Shaolong is a star signed by Adidas, he can achieve the best publicity effect by transferring to Real Madrid.

What Adidas fears most is that Zhen Shaolong joins a ‘Nike team’.

Nike definitely hopes that this is the case. They are more willing to facilitate Zhen Shaolong to join a team signed by Nike so that Zhen Shaolong can have free advertising. They are even willing to pay tens of millions of euros for this.

Therefore, Adidas tried its best to facilitate Zhen Shaolong's transfer, and even added an additional sponsorship to facilitate the transfer transaction to reduce possible risks.

This is also one of the important reasons why the transfer will definitely be completed.


Zhen Shaolong's focus on personal transfers is limited to talking to Mendes, and then he can wait patiently for the results.


After confirming the transfer and leaving, what Zhen Shaolong needs to do is to 'fulfill his promise' and help Newcastle United win enough championship honors.

You will feel confident if you choose to leave when the time comes.

In addition, Newcastle United, or rather, Michael Ashley, has completely attracted the firepower. His transfer was entirely facilitated by Ashley. The dissatisfaction of the fans is also directed at Ashley, and the relationship with him is not very big. .


No matter what the reason was, Zhen Shaolong decided to leave and felt a little guilty towards the fans. Fans are the cutest group. They support him unconditionally. He is also determined to work hard to win honors--

League champion!

Champions League champion!

Newcastle United will face Arsenal in the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals.

A five-goal victory over Arsenal in the first round meant there was no pressure to speak of in the second round.

Most players only feel that it is a small game without suspense, and they do not feel the pressure of the big battle at all. Keegan noticed this, even though his mentality was the same as that of most players, he kept reminding everyone, "Be vigilant. Some, we’re not 100 percent winning!”

"I believe none of you want to see the team reversed by five goals... If we are reversed again, we will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of the Champions League..."

Keegan's statement makes many people feel chilled just thinking about it.

Five goals were reversed!

If they are really reversed by Arsenal, they will definitely be nailed to a pillar of shame, and it will be a pillar of shame that no other team can compare with. The results they have achieved so far will be completely regarded as a joke.

That kind of thing is best not to happen.

In order to minimize the chance of a reversal, Kevin Keegan also formulated a set of defensive strategies. Even if the frontcourt does not score for a long time, they must defend well as long as Arsenal is not allowed to score five goals. , they will definitely advance to the finals.

Arsenal side.

Many players have the slightest expectation of achieving a reversal. Even if they think about it, they think it is impossible, but there is a chance before the game is over. It is not impossible to score a few more goals in the 90 minutes.

Arsenal fans too.

Although most fans know that Arsenal basically lost the Champions League, more than 40,000 Arsenal fans still came to the scene, hoping to see a possibility of reversal in the game. They also saw hope for a time--

In the eleventh minute of the game, Adebayor used a header to help Arsenal complete the goal.

After that, Arsenal also continued to launch offensives. They relied on their positive performance to completely suppress Newcastle United. However, having an advantage does not mean that they can score. Keegan's defense still has two brushes.

In addition, Zhen Shaolong is the most troublesome.

In the 31st minute of the game, Zhen Shaolong received a pass from his teammate in the penalty area and used a toe shot to help Newcastle United score.

6 to 1!

"1 to 1, 6 to 1 in two rounds, Zhen Shaolong scored a goal that made Arsenal desperate. This away goal means that Arsenal must score six goals in the following time if they want to win. Because they didn't score any away goals..."

The game commentator analyzed.

Although Zhen Shaolong scored in the first half and Arsenal seemed to still have a lot of time, everyone had already marked the 'possibility of reversal' with an X, which meant that Arsenal had no hope.

That's what happened in the end.

Arsenal scored another goal in the second half, but they still did not persist to the end. Twenty minutes from the end of the game, Wenger simply decided to make substitutions. Adebayor, Fabregas and Toure were all replaced. , a substitute or marginal appearance in the corresponding position.

The game entered garbage time early.

When the referee blew the final whistle, the score on the field was 3 to 2. Arsenal scored another goal. It was Martins who scored for Newcastle United. He replaced Zhen Shaolong and performed well in front of the goal.

3 to 2.

Newcastle United defeated Arsenal 7-3 in two rounds and successfully advanced to the UEFA Champions League final.

At the end of the game, Newcastle United were excited as they could look forward to the final in Rome, Italy.

Arsenal are down.

If we really talk about the players who participated, their performance was actually better, much better than Liverpool who lost in the last game. Perhaps the main reason is that Arsenal had already been prepared to lose, and they were mentally prepared to face it again. The results are much easier to accept.

Alexander Song is a relatively relaxed player.

After symbolically comforting several teammates, Alexander Song immediately ran to Zhen Shaolong and directly asked him for the sneakers for the competition. Zhen Shaolong felt very helpless. He had to wear them after every game with Arsenal. The temporary shoes returned to the locker room. The key is that 'collecting jerseys and sneakers' is the method he taught Alexander Song.


Zhen Shaolong sighed helplessly.

This scene was seen by Dennis, an Adidas scout employee in the stands. He somewhat understood why Zhen Shaolong's sneakers were always in short supply. Their department was in charge of the supply of sneakers for players, and other stars had an average of two pairs of sneakers per month.

Zhen Shaolong...a pair every week!

Their department spends nearly 3,000 euros on this every month. Three thousand euros is not a big number, but it still feels a bit wasteful to only supply so many additional sneakers to one star, but there is nothing they can do.

You can’t help but supply it!

If Zhen Shaolong wears other ordinary sneakers, or even sneakers from other brands, on the grounds that the supplied sneakers have not been delivered, and Adidas takes responsibility, someone in their department will definitely pay for it, most likely many people. Will be laid off for this.

"But... Alexander Song is really smart. If the sneakers worn by Zhen Shaolong in the Champions League are sold, they can cover my monthly salary, right?"

"Perhaps it should be like this... Every time after a game, Zhen Shaolong should be replaced with the latest sneakers. The old ones must have been worn in the game... If I do this..." Dennis suddenly discovered a way to make money.

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