I Just Can Score

Chapter 672 The one I know must be the fake Zhen Shaolong!

Newcastle United's championship was indeed a bit too sudden.

Before the game, the club thought about the possibility of winning the championship, but the possibility is still relatively small. As long as Liverpool is in the state, there is no reason to lose to Tottenham Hotspur. They have also made some preparations, but the preparations are obviously not sufficient. .


The club's preparations are for celebrations, getting closer to fans and publicity. In fact, they have nothing to do with the players on the team.

Most players also feel that winning the championship is hasty, but because they are participants in the game, it is not too surprising to suddenly win the championship. In addition, without much preparation, the arrival can be regarded as a surprise.

Every player is excited.

After the hasty awards ceremony, the players spontaneously went to thank the fans for coming, and then the club organized a carnival at a five-star hotel in the city center. It was rare to have a dinner party at night after the game, and everyone was in the party enthusiastically. , and some players quickly called their girlfriends, wives, and even children to celebrate together, which also made the PARTY more lively.

Zhen Shaolong was alone, not really alone, but Claudio and Reina were both assistants on the surface, so it was not good to invite them to eat and drink, so he could only participate in the celebration alone, and later he simply followed the two bodyguards, let them come in and have something to eat together.

However, Zhen Shaolong did not feel lonely. The main reason was that he was too popular and troubled. For example, Owen's wife Louise was very enthusiastic and brought her children to take pictures with Zhen Shaolong. Later, she took pictures with Zhen Shaolong alone.


Lewis simply decided to take an intimate photo with Zhen Shaolong, kissing Zhen Shaolong on the cheek.

This is actually not too much.

England is a country with relatively open customs, and a kiss on the cheek is just a normal social gesture, just like greeting a friend cordially. However, Louis' proactive attitude made Zhen Shaolong a little embarrassed, and also made Owen determined, "No matter what, I have already done it." I am thirty years old, and at my age, my family is more important than anything else.”

"So... if you don't show your performance, you will definitely not be on the same team with Zhen Shaolong in the next few years... Even after you retire, you will never work with Zhen Shaolong..."

Other teammates also feel sad.

For example, Milner.

Milner invited his new girlfriend to attend the party,

He protected his new girlfriend throughout the whole process, as if he had become a good man in the new century. He was mainly afraid that his new girlfriend would fall in love with Zhen Shaolong and would be depressed if he was close to Zhen Shaolong.

He is not worried about what Zhen Shaolong will do.

Zhen Shaolong's character is still trustworthy, but the thoughts of the key woman are difficult to figure out.

Most of the other teammates were jealous. They looked at the popular Zhen Shaolong from a distance and kept discussing the reasons for Zhen Shaolong's popularity--

"Is it because of my good football skills?"

"No, because of looks!"

"But I don't think he is more handsome than me..." Gremi said with confusion, "In my hometown, many young girls like me."

A group of people all looked at Gremi's black face, their expressions became strange, and they thought it would be better not to attack him.


Newcastle United celebrated happily that day.

The club also gives everyone two days off. At the important moment at the end of the season, it is very easy to get two days off. Everyone feels that they need to have a good rest and work hard to adjust themselves to prepare for the most important Champions League final.

Zhen Shaolong didn't have any special plans for his vacation, because it was already mid-May and the season was about to end. His business arrangements were all for the beginning of next month, so the sudden vacation was entirely his own.

He simply stayed at home and rested.

Life at home is still very relaxing. The most relaxing part is that you can sleep until as late as you want in the morning without worrying about any delays in getting up late.

Zhen Shaolong slept until about ten o'clock in the morning, then he got up hazily and walked to the restaurant. When he walked out with a sandwich and milk, he saw Reina and Claudio sitting on the sofa watching TV.

This... is rare!

Zhen Shaolong glanced at the TV screen, "CCTV? How did you do that?" His TV can only watch international channels from domestic TV stations, and ordinary TV channels cannot be turned on.

Reina pointed to the tablet next to her, "It's projected on the screen. You're really behind."


Zhen Shaolong rolled his eyes and sat next to Lena. While eating the sandwich in his hand, he also noticed that the TV was playing an exclusive interview program, and the protagonist of the program was none other than himself. "This is the column group that was broadcast some time ago." Something to make?”


Claudio said, "We only found out after receiving the news. It was broadcast yesterday. You can find the entire video on the Internet. Let's see what's in it. I'm translating for Reina."

The programs produced by the CCTV column team are in Chinese, and there are English translation annotations at the bottom, but there will definitely not be any German.

Lena couldn't understand most of it.

Claudio was in high spirits, because she was enjoying being a translator for Reina, but obviously speaking English and being able to translate text are two different things. It was not normal for Claudio to be a translator, half of the sentences were Passed vaguely.

Zhen Shaolong simply acted as a translator, "...Newcastle United's ordinary training methods are not suitable for the world's top stars like Zhen Shaolong. The club's assistant coach Carflo believes that some training methods should be changed to adapt to Zhen Shaolong so that he can Easier to adjust..."

"...For every professional player, the season is very long. It is not easy to cope with the entire season. You need to continue training. Scientific and reasonable training can help players..."

"Zhen Shaolong is a natural shooter. He showed great efficiency when he first joined Newcastle United..."

"In the first season, sixty league goals were scored. This data broke the Premier League scoring record and the single-season scoring record of the five major leagues. It is worth mentioning that the single-season scoring record of the five major leagues was also set by Zhen Shaolong, with 41 goals. , now it’s 60 goals.”

"Zhen Shaolong's performance this season is still strong. Maybe we should interview him himself and talk about his feelings in the competition, and..."

"Soon, Newcastle United will face a big battle..."

"In the game, Zhen Shaolong performed very well. He single-handedly helped Newcastle United win, but this seems to be normal in Newcastle United. Even the fans are used to it. Let's take a look at what the local Newcastle fans think of Zhen Shaolong. …”


The entire video lasts about forty minutes, and the whole process revolves around Zhen Shaolong's training, competition and daily life. There are several shots of his home, but the shots are of the small gym and the facilities in front of the door, and some of the scenes are not shot. With a luxurious connotation, the column team probably thought that 'the place where I live is too good, which is not conducive to the development of the program'.

In terms of club training, the core of the program is to highlight Zhen Shaolong's diligence and hard work, as well as "the difference between the training of top stars and others."

Of course, competition is also indispensable.

The column team has several small shots of the game, and also captured Zhen Shaolong’s serious expression when arranging tactics in the locker room. He seems to be the hardest-working player, not letting go of any details of tactics, and even going to talk to him alone when he doesn’t understand something. Keegan Exchange.

Zhen Shaolong was deeply puzzled by this scene. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that he seemed to have gone to communicate with Keegan, reminding him not to replace himself, even if he stood still for a long time, he would not participate in the attack...


Zhen Shaolong watched the program from beginning to end, not missing even the smallest details. He couldn't help but give endless likes in his heart, "This is a good program! Exclusive interviews with top players will explain the importance of diligence and hard work. Tell Everyone, success is inseparable from hard work, and it is of great significance to the education of young people."

He made a comment.

The subtitles at the end of the program are also very interesting, like the ending music and the overall theme--

"His name is Zhen Shaolong!"

"He is one of the most sportsmanlike stars in world football..."

"He is the most important star in Chinese sports..."

"He is recognized as the world's number one striker..."

"He set one record after another..."


After all the programs were played, Zhen Shaolong kept nodding with satisfaction and said to Reina and Claudio, "This program was poorly produced and did not reflect the reality at all..."


"I mean yes! Very good!"

Zhen Shaolong angrily cursed the system, then simply rushed into the study, opened the computer, found the video, and quickly forwarded it.

Such a good video should be seen by foreign fans!

CCTV's programs are broadcast for domestic fans. There are English translations and they are only intended to appear on international channels. However, the program schedule has not yet been lined up. Zhen Shaolong's forwarding role is still very important.

Soon a large number of fans saw the video, and a large number of foreign media forwarded it.

Because there are English annotations, most fans can understand them, and a large number of comments will be generated. Foreign comments unanimously praised--

"This column is well done and truly reflects Zhen Shaolong's training life."

“The column is very close to people’s hearts!”

"Zhen Shaolong is such a positive player. Only after watching the video did I know why Zhen Shaolong was successful!"


Team-mates at Newcastle United, or others familiar with the situation, had some different opinions -

"Is this Zhen Shaolong?"

"The Zhen Shaolong I know is not like this... It's too fake! He actually said that Zhen is the most active person in training... God!"

"Zhen Shaolong is so simple...he lives in a big house worth 3 million pounds!"

One of the questioning comments attracted many retweets and comments. The content said, "If what is said in it is true, the person I know must be the fake Zhen Shaolong!"

Zhen Shaolong discovered this comment and knew it was Owen as soon as he saw the ID.


He even publicly dismantled it!

Delete and ban comments!

I and you are at odds with each other!

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