I Just Can Score

Chapter 673 UEFA is really imaginative!

Zhen Shaolong has always considered himself an optimistic, cheerful and easy-going person.

He doesn't hold grudges.

When he had an opinion about someone, especially someone close to him, he would take action immediately until he felt at ease.

The night before, Zhen Shaolong was lying in bed and kept simulating the situation of using violence to teach Owen a lesson. He thought he should bring Barton and Smith together to give Owen a set meal, which could also be regarded as leaving Owen a lesson. The good memories of Newcastle United are best for Owen to remember this scene many years later and remember that he once had a best teammate named Zhen Shaolong.

On the day of collection.

Zhen Shaolong came to the club early and was ready to complete the fist and skin contact training. He saw Irving far away from the training ground.

Owen came earlier than everyone else.

He is squatting.

"This guy... really works hard!" Zhen Shaolong felt that his soft heart was touched. He had to admit that Owen was a very perseverant guy. He was determined to work hard. No matter what others said, it was useless.

Zhen Shaolong said frankly to Owen several times, "I really have never practiced the horse step!"

Owen didn't believe it.

"Otherwise... find another way!"

Zhen Shaolong felt that he had softened his heart. He felt a little uncomfortable bullying such a hard-working teammate, "Forget it, who asked me to be kind?"

Zhen Shaolong decided to let Owen go for the time being.

That day was Newcastle United's public training. The decision to conduct public training was temporary because Newcastle United won the league championship in advance, but did not celebrate with the fans. Instead, they held two days of public training matches to share the joy of victory with the fans. .

The training ground has also been decorated.

For example, there were banners hanging on the sidelines that read, "Newcastle United won the Premier League Championship in the 2008-2009 season," others said, "Newcastle United won the League Cup," and "Strive for the Champions League." The banners are both celebratory and motivational.

The surrounding area has also been decorated, with many balloons and flowers added. Some training facilities have also been specially decorated with decals. Even the barbed wire fence surrounding the training ground has been simply cleaned and cared for.

Everything around me feels brand new.

Before the official training started, fans were all around.

The fans who came shouted the word "championship" to celebrate Newcastle United. On the first day of training after winning the championship, the players were also in high spirits and hoped to show their best spirit in front of the fans.

So everyone works hard.

At the beginning of the training, it was a routine running warm-up. Zhen Shaolong became more active. He ran in the middle of the team and moved forward side by side with Irving.

"You are very energetic today!"

"I do this every day." Zhen Shaolong said matter-of-factly. With enough fans watching the training, the "Privilege" effect was activated, and he became confident when he spoke, "By the way, Michael, are you still training horse steps?"

"Yes, you have to stick to this!" Owen said firmly.

"I repeat, I have never trained horse steps." Zhen Shaolong emphasized it many times, but Owen didn't believe it at all. He didn't know that Owen didn't believe it, so he continued, "You will leave, right? No matter what. No matter what, we won’t be teammates next season.”

There is something sad about this topic.

Owen lowered his head and said nothing. He still felt strange at the thought of not being teammates with Zhen Shaolong. There was no one in the team who could definitely help win. At the same time, he also felt a little relaxed. The pressure brought by Zhen Shaolong too big.

"All right!"

As Zhen Shaolong ran, he sighed, as if he was very sad about not being teammates, and then said, "We will not be teammates next season, and there will definitely be fewer opportunities to train together. Well, I will tell you, how did I It's training..."

Irving raised his head sharply, his steps slowed down, and he was quickly overtaken by his teammates behind him.

Zhen Shaolong also took a few steps slower.

The two fell at the end of the team. Keegan frowned from a distance. He wanted to see the positive side of the team. At least in front of so many fans, he had to show the positive side. There was a cameraman beside him. During the filming, Keegan couldn't help but say, "Both Zhen and Michael are too tired. You know, they ran a lot in the last game. They should relax now that they are returning to training. Proper relaxation is very helpful for players to recover..."

at the same time.

Zhen Shaolong began to instruct Owen, "You can't practice the horse stance. In fact, I emphasize again, I have never practiced the horse stance at all."

"You need awareness, awareness of football."


"Yes, insights. This is very complicated to talk about. I will tell you in detail later when I have free time..."

After Zhen Shaolong finished speaking, he accelerated two steps and caught up with Jean and Viduka in front. Both guys were not running fast and even fell behind the front. Jean was a normal laggard. He was cunning and often lazy. Viduka He doesn't care at all. Anyway, his contract with the club is about to expire, and he will return to Australia soon. He may not play in future games. He can just deal with it through training or something.

"Be positive!"

Zhen Shaolong shouted, and rushed forward without caring about the two of them. After getting rid of Owen completely, he took a long breath and thought.

The reason why I didn’t ‘give guidance’ directly was because I didn’t think about how to provide guidance.

He just improvised.

You must think carefully about the "guidance" line, and you must consider it for Irving no matter what. You can't just say it so that Irving doesn't believe it... No, I am worried that Irving's training will not be effective!

Zhen Shaolong thought of Wayne Rooney and Claudio Pizarro.

He almost has the idea.

After the warm-up session, the coaching staff organized tactical training, followed by small-scale confrontations and some football games. Then there was half an hour of free time. The players could do their own training or go aside. It doesn't matter if you train, or even go to distant places to interact with fans and reporters, or accept interviews. After all, you just won the league championship, so it is necessary to have more contact with fans and reporters.

Zhen Shaolong is standing with Irving, and he is showing off his ball-handling skills.

Zhen Shaolong pulled the football onto his feet, paused for a moment, then immediately kicked his legs forward, then pulled back, but the football still stayed on his feet.

The sight elicited distant screams.

Zhen Shaolong waved to the fans and continued to talk to Irving, "Did you see it? This is the real ball-handling technique. Ordinary training methods will not work. If you want to do this, you must do special training." .”

Owen nodded seriously.

He wants to learn!

When Zhen Shaolong came to him and told him to teach him training methods, Irving didn't quite believe him, because he asked many times, but Zhen Shaolong refused directly, and even lied about "never practiced horse steps".

Owen was extremely sure that Zhen Shaolong had practiced horse stance.

One thing is known: Zhen Shaolong can stand still for a long, long time. Most people must not be able to do it, but Zhen Shaolong can do it easily, even in the game, it must be the next set It is very stable. There is also a saying in the horse step exercise that 'the mind is like still water'.

Now that Zhen Shaolong really showed his skills, Owen suddenly understood: "Maybe he means it sincerely, because we will no longer be teammates..."

"He feels regretful and reluctant? That should be the case."

Irving suddenly felt very guilty, "I am really not a good person, and I would not want to be a teammate with him, but he taught me the most important things... so I have to study more seriously!"

Zhen Shaolong didn't know what was going on in Owen's mind. He was just teaching 'seriously', "Did you see it? This is a ball-handling skill. I can do it because I have had relevant exercises. Training to strengthen ball-handling ability is very simple. You have to control the ball on your feet, or above your head, and then stand still, not moving, and keep the ball under control."

"Then... close your eyes. Yes, feel the contact between your body and the football with your heart. If you can still maintain control of the football after closing your eyes, that would be great."

“This is a way to practice ball control!”

Owen kept nodding.

Zhen Shaolong teaches with practical methods, which is much more convincing than just talking with words, because he can do it easily, while Owen can't do it at all.

Zhen Shaolong continued, "Also, it is also important to exercise your sixth sense."

"Sixth sense?"

"Yes." Zhen Shaolong said, "Haven't you ever heard of it? The human body has a sixth sense. Can you notice it? In many games, I can judge the placement of the football in advance, and I also score a lot of follow-up shots. It’s because of the sixth sense.”


"Just like..."

Zhen Shaolong once again took action and stepped on the football under his feet, "I will hit the crossbar, but which direction do you think it will bounce?"



After Zhen Shaolong said that, he kicked the ball towards the goal. The football hit the crossbar and bounced to the left.

"Yes or no?"


"I rely on the sixth sense to make judgments. You need to close your eyes and look for the feeling carefully. You have to make the first reaction judgment at the moment the football is played. If you can make the judgment correctly more than seven times out of ten times, you will be successful. It’s almost an introduction.”

"I see."

Owen nodded very vigorously.


On the Newcastle United training ground, everyone else was resting during free time, and only Irving was working hard.

He placed one foot on the ground and controlled the ball to his feet.

Close your eyes.

It only lasted two or three seconds before he lost his balance and almost fell to the ground, and the football naturally rolled to the ground.

"What is he doing?"


"Is this the latest training method? But what's the use!"

Zhen Shaolong looked at Owen from a distance, thought deeply, and said something very philosophical, "We should congratulate Michael, he has found his own path..."

"latest news!"

"latest news!"

There was a shout from the side, and Miner chirped, "Zhen, it's your matter. The UEFA team has made a decision."

"What decision?"

"They decided to modify the rules of the game and added a rule: 'Players other than goalkeepers are not allowed to contact the football with one part of the body for more than five seconds, nor can they step on the ball.' In addition, 'During the process of contact between the football and one part of the body, , rushing into the goal and completing the goal will be counted as invalid'..."

Milner explained briefly.

A group of teammates gathered around to see the latest news and started chatting about it--

"This is completely aimed at Zhen!"

"UEFA has gone too far. This kind of rule is really unreasonable. Are you not favoring Barcelona now?"



Zhen Shaolong looked at the two newly added rules. After careful consideration, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him, right?

Five seconds...

Even if he was allowed to use "Skills" at will, it would not last more than five seconds, and... rush into the goal with the ball on his head? Why not shoot first?

Deliberately humiliating your opponent?

UEFA officials are really imaginative!

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