I Just Can Score

Chapter 714 We must win the next game!

Guti saw the provocation in Granero's eyes, but he really couldn't understand the specific meaning, "Carrying shoes?"

"Are those Zhen Shaolong's shoes? Is this guy carrying sneakers for Zhen Shaolong?"

"What does that look mean?"

Guti didn't think about it for a long time.

In fact, Guti didn't take the conflict with Granero to heart at all, because he was the misunderstood party, and no one believed him in his continuous explanations. He simply stopped explaining it. It was not a big deal anyway.

Granero thinks it is a big deal because his position is unstable and he may even be kicked out of Real Madrid. Guti has no impact at all. It is difficult for him to become the recognized main midfielder, but there is no problem in staying in the team.

Now the thing is in the past.

The only impact is that Granero is estranged from him, but in fact, the two are not close at all. It's just that they are both Spanish players and came from Real Madrid's youth training system, so they naturally feel closer to each other, and Granero is not close at all. He has never stayed in the Real Madrid first team for a long time. In the past few seasons, he either played in the B team and was loaned out most of the time.


"Helping Zhen Shaolong carry his sneakers? Isn't it appropriate to do this?"

But Guti was not the only one to think so. Other Real Madrid players felt bad when they saw Granero following Zhen Shaolong and helping Zhen Shaolong carry the star, because this was not in line with the tradition of professional football.

Professional players have a tradition of helping their seniors carry stars.

Although it is said to be a tradition, it is basically a ceremony to show respect for the senior players. Carrying one when you first met is enough to express friendship.

The premise is...senior!

No matter from any point of view, Zhen Shaolong is not Granero's senior. He is about the same age as Granero. Counting his birthday, he is only more than a month older than Granero. He is basically a player of the same age.

In addition, professional players prefer to talk about ‘professional age’.

Granero became a professional player much earlier than Zhen Shaolong. He had already received a professional player contract after rising from the Real Madrid youth team to entering the B team. It has been about five years now.

Zhen Shaolong became a professional player when he was over eighteen years old.

A little later than Granero.

Therefore, Zhen Shaolong is Granero's junior and can barely find reasons to support him, but it would be awkward for Granero to help Zhen Shaolong carry his shoes.

The atmosphere in the training ground was strange for a while.

Several Spanish players got together to talk about this incident. They felt that Granero's behavior was too embarrassing and tantamount to discrediting the Spanish player community. Some said Granero was a traitor to the 'Spanish Gang'.

In fact, the 'Spanish Gang' is resistant to Zhen Shaolong, not only to Zhen Shaolong, but also to Ronaldo and Kaká.

Because of the sense of national honor.

Most Spanish players subconsciously hope that the outstanding stars in Real Madrid should be Spanish players, because Real Madrid is a Spanish team and a club that Spanish football is proud of.

This is the same as what many fans think, it is a manifestation of national honor.

Just like a big Chinese company, fans will hope that the company belongs to China, rather than the equity control being in the hands of foreign consortiums; another example is volleyball, a sport that China has an advantage in. It would be awkward for a certain club's women's volleyball team to have a foreigner.


The idea of ​​​​Spanish players is correct, but Real Madrid is not only a Spanish team, but also a world-class team. The development of the club considers global influence, so it must introduce top foreign stars.

Zidane is here.

Figo is here.

Beckham is here.

Ronaldo is here.


In the 'First Phase Galacticos' created by Florentino, the only Spanish star who can be called a superstar is Raul, and Raul's performance may not be as good as Ronaldo's position. The only advantage of the 'Spanish Gang' may be its numbers. .

It is now recognized by the outside world that the ‘Galaxy Phase II’ has begun.

Spanish players will also hope that the top stars in the team are "one of their own", but it is recognized by the outside world that none of Real Madrid's three superstars - Zhen Shaolong, Kaka, and Ronaldo - is Spanish.

The advantage of the 'Spanish Gang' is still just in numbers.

"For a long time to come, Real Madrid's top stars will still be monopolized by foreign stars."

This is clear to everyone.

The 'Spanish Gang' will definitely continue to be suppressed, but suppression does not mean willing to give in. Every Real Madrid player has a proud heart. The mentality of the Spanish players and Zhen Shaolong in their relationship is, "It's OK to be friends, it's OK to be teammates, but it's OK to be a good teammate." I will never do anything to give up my dignity, and we can only get along with each other as equals."

So everyone looked down on Granero.

Not only the Spanish players felt embarrassed, but other teammates also felt that Granero's actions were too much. During the team's training time, Granero was obviously ostracized by others.

For example, Albiol, who trains passing games with him on weekdays, found someone else to train with him as a partner.

No one wants to be with Granero.

Granero doesn't care too much. He is not the kind of person with low emotional intelligence and knows the consequences of what he does.

He went directly to Zhen Shaolong, "Let's be partners, Zhen!"

Zhen Shaolong is capable of everything.

During normal training, Zhen Shaolong does not have a fixed partner, especially during passing training, he often has to find a partner temporarily. The coaching staff has always hoped that Guti and Zhen Shaolong will cooperate more to develop a tacit understanding between each other, or switch to Aaron Suo and Kaka are also okay, and it would also be good to develop a tacit understanding between them.

Guti is not very proactive.

Alonso and Kaka both have regular partners.

Now Granero has taken the initiative to be Zhen Shaolong's partner, and Zhen Shaolong has no direct objections. The two simply train together. The coaching staff is not very optimistic about Granero, but there is no public opposition.

Then the two became partners.

For several days after that, Granero took the initiative to train with Zhen Shaolong, and would spend time with Zhen Shaolong in his free time. The two seemed to have become inseparable besties, and they seemed to go to and from the club together.

But everyone else looked down on Granero because what he did was so shameful--

Carry sneakers, carry them every day.

Help with luggage!

In training, he is like a support staff, finding a good position to help Zhen Shaolong feed the ball, euphemistically called helping his teammates with training.

In addition, there are also problems with the occasional training matches. Granero will take the initiative to play with Zhen Shaolong. When he gets on the court, he will take the initiative to play for Zhen Shaolong. Whenever there is a chance, he will pass the ball over and even turn a blind eye to others.

Casillas also noticed something: Granero would park the car closest to the door in the morning.

That's the best location.

Anyone who comes to the training ground first likes to park his car at that spot. After Granero grabbed the spot early, he kept sitting in the car until Zhen Shaolong came, and then he would give up his spot. When he came out, he said enthusiastically, "I'll give you this position! I've just arrived anyway!"


Casillas discovered for the first time how a human being can be so unlimited.

Of course he didn't understand Granero.

Compared with stars such as Casillas, Ramos, Guti, etc., Granero is a nobody. He earns the lowest salary in the first team, which cannot even keep up with the mid-range players in La Liga. Even if he is willing to play as a substitute in the midfield, he wants to It's very difficult to stay.

Granero had no choice but to do whatever he could.

This works great.

The relationship between Granero and Zhen Shaolong quickly grew closer in a short period of time.

Zhen Shaolong also knew that Granero was trying to please him, and he felt that some things were going too far, but everyone likes passionate friends, even if the other party has a purpose, but since nothing will be lost and there will be no harm, Why refuse verbally?

What's more, he doesn't have a friend in Real Madrid yet!

this day.

Zhen Shaolong was in a good mood and tweeted, "My first friend in Real Madrid: Esteban Granero!" The message was accompanied by a photo with Granero. The two hugged each other's shoulders and expressed Show an intimate look.

After the tweet was posted, it quickly attracted a large number of comments--

"Who is Granero?"

"Real Madrid has this player? Why didn't I know?"

"I know that he was the main player of Getafe last season! Granero performed very well this season. He is a Real Madrid player!"

"Returning from loan!"

"Granero is also very capable. After returning to Real Madrid, he may be able to perform better, so we can look forward to it a little bit."

"I think I saw reports last time that Granero might be sold or loaned out again?"

When there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, the media also took the opportunity to report. Some medium-sized media simply gave fans popular science and introduced everything about Granero. For a while, Granero became the focus of discussion.


Some of Real Madrid's fringe players, such as Albiol and Drenthe, suddenly felt envious in their hearts.

They are all Real Madrid players, but it is not easy to stand out.

Now Zhen Shaolong's tweet has made Granero the focus of discussion among fans, and many media have followed suit to report on it. His reputation will definitely be greatly improved, and he can use this to receive some commercial endorsements, and maybe the team will also Taken more seriously?


They would not express their feelings, but would chat privately with each other, saying, "Granero is too despicable!"

"He just wants to please Zhen Shaolong and become famous!"

"Maybe he doesn't want to continue playing football, but wants to use Zhen Shaolong's fame to enter the entertainment industry and the modeling industry!"

C-Ronaldo also saw Zhen Shaolong’s tweet. He analyzed the text letter by letter, and finally thought in confusion, “Why is Granero the ‘first’? I’m not his friend?”


No matter what other Real Madrid players think, Granero still goes his own way and takes the initiative to build a good relationship with Zhen Shaolong.

Zhen Shaolong won't think so much and just train normally every day.


Just relax!

In the constant training, time quickly arrived at the end of July, and Real Madrid ushered in the 'Peace Cup' competition.

To commemorate the first anniversary of South Korea's successful hosting of the World Cup, the Korean Sun and Moon Football Association launched the Peace Cup football match in 2003. The slogan is 'to break the ideological differences between countries, connect races and religions, and appreciate the importance of peace through football.'

The Korean tournament invited teams from many countries to participate. After the first tournament was held, it was decided to hold it every two years.

This year's Peace Cup was held in Andalusia, Spain. This was the first time that the tournament left South Korea and landed on the European continent.

When the tournament is held on the European continent, more big clubs will participate. Due to the timing of the event, the Peace Cup can become a pre-season warm-up match.

That's how Real Madrid thinks about it.

The pre-season itself requires continuous warm-up matches to get used to it. Participating in the Peace Cup is a good choice. If you win the championship, you will get a bonus of US$2 million, which can be regarded as additional income from the warm-up matches.

In addition, Juventus also decided to participate.

When Real Madrid and Juventus lead the game, the event will naturally receive a lot of attention, and many fans also hope to use the event to see what kind of performance the 'Galaxy Phase II' can perform.

There is so much to see in Real Madrid right now!

Zhen Shaolong, Kaká, and Ronaldo, Real Madrid has embraced the three major stars. It’s hard to say what the specific effect will be, but the three names can attract a lot of attention. Even in the warm-up match, there are many national TV stations competing for them. If the game is broadcast live, there will be a large number of fans looking forward to watching the game.

Real Madrid itself does not value the tournament.

No matter how much the outside world expects the game, it is just a warm-up match for Real Madrid. The purpose of the warm-up match is to train the team. Everything revolves around the state of the first team, and the outcome of the game is secondary.

So Real Madrid is also very slow to enter the state.

In the first game against former AFC Champions League champion Saudi Arabia Etihad, Real Madrid sent out most of their substitutes. The coaching staff did not pay attention to the game, but the outside world paid great attention to the game because the game may be a game between Zhen Shaolong and C- Ronaldo and Kaka's debut.

The outside world is disappointed.

Zhen Shaolong did not play in the game. Cristiano Ronaldo and Kaká both played, but their combined playing time was less than 90 minutes. In the end, Real Madrid drew 1-1 with Al Etihad.

This result dissatisfied the media and fans.

The Real Madrid club immediately felt the pressure. It was true that they could not care about the warm-up match, but Real Madrid's lineup was too gorgeous. The newly formed lineup would definitely take a long time to adjust, but ordinary fans had no patience.

In the eyes of most fans, Real Madrid has so many superstars and is only tied with the former Saudi champions, so its performance is naturally very poor.

Florentino put the pressure on Pellegrini, "We must win the next game!"

"Zhen Shaolong is going to appear!"

"We must have a great victory!"

Pellegrini also hopes to continue to experience the team. The result of the warm-up match does not matter at all, but he discovered that coaching Real Madrid is not easy. Even the result of the warm-up match cannot be taken casually, otherwise he will face huge pressure. .

Now it must be played as a formal game!

"If it is played as a formal game, Zhen Shaolong will definitely play, but it wouldn't be good if Ronaldo and Kaká both played together, right?"

"The three of them didn't get along at all. The cooperation during training was average, and it can even be said to be a bit poor..."

"But Zhen Shaolong's performance must be good! His first appearance has attracted too much attention. Let Guti try it with Zhen Shaolong, or else use Granero? Zhen Shaolong's performance is the key!"

Pellegrini frowned and didn't think.

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