I Just Can Score

Chapter 715 Bad Premonition

The pressure on Pellegrini to coach is very high. One of the things that puts pressure on him is performance issues. Leading Real Madrid must achieve the best results in Spain and even the best results among European clubs. Only in this way can the club and Fans are satisfied.

The second is the performance and balance of the superstars in the team.

It is not enough for the whole team to just perform well. The iconic stars in the team should also perform well. In other words, every superstar in Real Madrid will put pressure on Pellegrini, because if they perform poorly, The reason may be attributed to him--

Or don't pay attention to it.

Or there is no environment that provides superstar performance.

The reason for all the blame lies in the fact that the head coach is not famous enough, but even the top head coach cannot suppress the top stars. This is the case in the professional football circle, because the support and commercial value obtained by top stars require more Much higher than a top coach.

There are several top superstars in the current Real Madrid team who 'must' perform well, among which the most special and demanding ones are Zhen Shaolong, Ronaldo and Kaká.

The three are recognized as the 'Three Big Stars of Real Madrid'.

Compared with other players, it is much worse.

Even 'Prince of the Bernabeu' Raul doesn't receive that much attention because of his age.

Zhen Shaolong is the one who needs to perform best among the three. Real Madrid has made a high investment to be the world's number one, and it will definitely need high returns from the "world's number one" performance.

Zhen Shaolong's performance is a major problem for the entire club.

Regardless of whether Real Madrid can win the game, Zhen Shaolong's performance must not be bad. It is even said that his performance is more important than the victory or defeat, because the victory or defeat in the warm-up match is a matter of face, and at most it will bring a little pressure from public opinion to the team. The pressure of public opinion caused by Zhen Shaolong's poor performance is too great. Real Madrid will become the laughing stock of the entire European public opinion until Zhen Shaolong's performance improves.

Before the start of the Peace Cup, Pellegrini had considered this issue

In the first game, Kaka and Ronaldo were paired together in the hope that they would try to adapt.

That was a real warm-up.

Pellegrini is still relieved about Kaka and Ronaldo. The main problem between the two is cooperation.

It can be seen in the middle of the training that both of them are players who are good at cooperating. As long as they last a little longer, they will definitely perform better and better.

Zhen Shaolong is different.

He is not the kind of player who is good at cooperation. His personal scoring ability is extremely outstanding, but he needs his teammates to actively seek cooperation with him.

Players like this need environment.

If there are familiar teammates on the court who will actively seek cooperation with him and actively help create opportunities, his performance will definitely be the same. But on the contrary, without familiar teammates, it is uncertain how he will perform.

That's what Pellegrini is worried about.

In addition, psychological pressure is also a problem. He has just transferred to Real Madrid and has not participated in the game, but he has received huge expectations from the outside world. Anyone will have huge psychological pressure.

Zhen Shaolong's inner pressure will be greater than that of Ronaldo and Kaká, because as long as his performance is not good at all, external public opinion will become very bad, and pressure often affects the performance of players on the field.

Pellegrini's original plan was to let Zhen Shaolong come on as a substitute in the last game. He could find reasons for his short playing time and poor performance, and then postpone it to other warm-up games, allowing Zhen Shaolong to slowly increase the number of appearances. Get used to it.


It definitely won’t work now!

Therefore, the positions and ideas of the head coach and the chairman are completely different. Florentino is considering the overall image of the club. Zhen Shaolong is the core star of the summer transfer and the most important transfer in football history. There is huge support and huge expectations among the fan base. He needs to step up and help the club attract attention and create a world image of Real Madrid's top star lineup.

Of course the game must be won!

Real Madrid, the most valuable club in the world and packed with superstars, would really become a joke in world football if it lost every Peace Cup match.


If the reason for losing must be the head coach!


The next day is the competition.

The Peace Cup did not last long, and the events in the middle were very intensive. There was only one day between the second game and the first game.

Real Madrid's opponent was changed to the Quito Sports University team.

Although the opponent's name has the word "university" in it, in fact, they are a professional football club, and a very good professional club. Universidad Sport de Quito is the leader of the Ecuadorian First Division and one of the most successful clubs in Ecuador. One, he has won nine domestic league championships.

Now they come to the Bernabeu to challenge Real Madrid.

no doubt.

For Ecuadorian clubs, the opportunity to play against the world's top giants is very precious. The entire team is full of expectations. Many players can't help but talk about the game and talk about working hard to perform.

The Bernabeu Stadium was packed that day.

The Bernabeu can accommodate more than 80,000 fans, but the stands are almost full. According to ticket sales statistics, more than 20,000 tickets were suddenly sold the day before. The reason was that there was a rumor that Zhen Shaolong would appear in the stadium. In the starting lineup.

This is quite attractive.

Every Real Madrid fan is looking forward to Zhen Shaolong's debut at the Bernabeu, and Zhen Shaolong also has a large number of 'non-Real Madrid fans'. He has already exerted influence on the Spanish fan group. The development momentum of the 'Zhen Shaolong Female Fans Support Association' is very hot. Similar fans The association will also organize fans to support Zhen Shaolong.

The actual number of tickets sold is: 72,019.

The sales data of the previous game was about 50,000, and the gap between the two games reached more than 20,000.

Even if 50,000 tickets are sold, it is still impressive. After all, the game is just a warm-up match, not a formal confrontation in La Liga. Last year, the largest number of fans in a similar warm-up match was only 40,000.

This illustrates the appeal of superstardom.

Florentino was very satisfied with this. After releasing the news that Zhen Shaolong was going to play, he immediately sold nearly 20,000 more tickets. The commercial value of the top superstar was reflected.


Amid the expectations of the fans in the stands, Real Madrid's stars entered the stadium one after another, and the surrounding fans also gave fierce cheers. Like rumors from the grapevine, Zhen Shaolong appeared in the starting lineup.

"His partner is Higuain!"

"With the current gathering of superstars in Real Madrid's forward line, Higuain has become a little inconspicuous, but in fact, he is still one of the youngest and best shooters. Last season, Higuain scored 22 goals for Real Madrid, overwhelming Raul has become Real Madrid's most efficient goal scorer and ranks fifth in La Liga's scorer list."

"Higuain faces challenges this season. His biggest competitor is Zhen Shaolong, but maybe they can also become the best partners."

During the introduction of the game commentator, the game on the field officially began.

Compared with the previous game, Real Madrid's lineup was more gorgeous. Kaká did not appear in the starting lineup, but Zhen Shaolong's appearance was the most anticipated. C-Ronaldo also appeared in the starting lineup, and he played as a winger. of.

In addition, Xavi Alonso started in the middle, and his partner was Fernando Gago.

The backcourt consists of Metzelder, Pepe, Salgado and Marcelo. The combination of the four cannot be said to be the absolute main configuration, but only Ramos did not play.

The goalkeeper position is Dudek.

Pellegrini let Dudek play just to keep him in good condition. After all, Casillas alone may not be able to survive the entire season, and the second goalkeeper is still very important.

Soon the game started.

After the game officially started, you can see the strength of Real Madrid. They easily suppressed their opponents as a whole and continued to create threats in front of the goal. However, professional football people can easily see where Real Madrid's problem lies--


Real Madrid's strength is reflected in the strength of the lineup. Every position is filled with the world's top stars, but the coordination in the midfield and frontcourt is a bit poor. Ronaldo continues to fight alone on the wing, and Zhen Shaolong has been unable to get the ball.

This is a matter of coordination.

Zhen Shaolong's situation is bigger than C-Ronaldo's.

C-Ronaldo doesn't have a tacit understanding with his teammates, but due to positional relationships and ability issues, he still has a lot of opportunities to pass and receive the ball. He can also take the initiative to find his teammates' positions to pass the ball when he bursts forward.

Zhen Shaolong stood at the front of the lineup, surrounded by defensive players for a long time. There was no tacit understanding between him and his teammates, so it was difficult to receive passes from his teammates.

This is actually normal.

Real Madrid's lineup is very gorgeous, and everyone is a top star. They are used to cooperating or displaying their personal abilities, but they will not take the initiative to pass the ball to Zhen Shaolong. Unless Zhen Shaolong runs into a good position, there is no tacit understanding. In this situation, there are people defending Zhen Shaolong around him, and the pass is likely to be intercepted, so he will definitely not pass the ball.

For a period of time, Zhen Shaolong became a transparent person.

Even though he has become a transparent person, Zhen Shaolong still attracts the most attention, with cameras pointing at him frequently.

The game commentator couldn't help but worry and said, "We can see that Zhen Shaolong has not performed very well so far. He has received the ball very rarely, and it can even be said that he cannot get the ball..."

"He hasn't gotten used to it yet."

"After joining a new team, it takes a long time to adapt, especially the forward players. They need to cooperate with teammates who have a tacit understanding, otherwise it will be difficult to receive the pass."

The fans in the stands were somewhat disappointed.

Many Real Madrid fans hoped to see Zhen Shaolong's performance of "killing everyone". As a result, Zhen Shaolong was unable to receive the pass and didn't even perform at all on the court. The only thing that can be comforting is that Real Madrid played well overall.

The most active players on the field were Guti and Alonso.

Guti and Alonso are both midfielders who are good at cooperating. Guti is on the wing but has a tacit understanding with his teammates, and he has become very active along the way.

Alonso is in the middle, and he has more opportunities in the middle than on the wing.

Alonso also helped Real Madrid play in the last game, but his performance was not so active. This game was obviously stronger, which shows that his adaptability is indeed good.

Under the leadership of Guti and Alonso, Real Madrid played frequent offensives and continuously found opportunities in front. Higuain on the striker also became active. He continuously looked for opportunities in front of the goal, directly threatening the opponent's goal.

This situation makes Guti, Alonso and Higuain feel good.

Alonso is doing well because of his personal performance.

Guti and Higuain are too unnoticed, and Real Madrid has introduced too many stars, causing them to become "people who don't pay attention". Higuain was the team's top scorer last season, and they are all considered to be good players. Become a substitute.

What now?

When it came to the actual competition, several so-called 'superstars' were incompetent, but they became the best-performing players.

Some of Real Madrid's original players also think so. They have no conflicts with Zhen Shaolong, Ronaldo and others, but it is very depressing for anyone to suddenly become unnoticed. Seeing Zhen Shaolong and Ronaldo not performing well, they feel deep in their hearts. There is also some schadenfreude everywhere.

"Look! It's a top star!"

"Worth 100 million? Worth 200 million? How about that? When it comes to the competition, this is how you perform!"

"Not as good as me!"


Every star refuses to admit defeat, and so do Real Madrid's stars. They are somewhat dissatisfied with Zhen Shaolong, Ronaldo, Kaka and others, but they don't show it on weekdays, they just think about it in their hearts. .

Unless the opponent's performance is convincing, they will remain unconvinced.


So far in the game, neither Zhen Shaolong nor Ronaldo has performed at a convincing level.

But the game was different than they imagined.

The next person who created the scoring opportunity was not Guti, Higuain, or Gago, but C-Ronaldo, who had been doing his own thing on the wing.

In the 27th minute of the game, C-Ronaldo picked up the ball on the left side of the penalty area. He completed a wonderful breakthrough. He broke through two Quito defenders on a bicycle and entered the penalty area. Then he dribbled the ball inward and tried to dodge his opponent. Being tackled from the side and behind by the opponent.

The referee pointed to the penalty spot without hesitation!


C-Ronaldo's gorgeous passing performance aroused cheers from the fans in the stands. Even the most picky people have to admit that C-Ronaldo's skills at his feet are really gorgeous, and he can still complete wonderful breakthroughs near the penalty area.

The penalty kick opportunity is too important.

If Pellegrini is asked to distribute penalty kicks, even if it is created by Ronaldo himself, Zhen Shaolong will definitely take the penalty.

This is an opportunity for Zhen Shaolong to ‘find confidence’.

It's a pity that Pellegrini has no say in this matter. It is usually up to the players to decide who will take the penalty kick on the field. Since the penalty kick opportunity was created by Ronaldo, it is natural that Ronaldo will take the penalty alone.

C-Ronaldo also had no idea of ​​giving up the opportunity.

When standing at the penalty spot, C-Ronaldo took a deep breath. He knew that there was a good opportunity in front of him, and it was likely to be his first goal after joining Real Madrid. What made him feel good was that Zhen Shaolong had not scored yet. The ball, that is to say, he completed the goal faster than Zhen Shaolong.

In addition, his performance on the court is also better than Zhen Shaolong. Zhen Shaolong hardly catches the ball. He at least has a breakthrough personal performance.

Ronaldo took a deep breath and stared at the goal carefully.

When the referee signaled that a penalty kick was allowed, Ronaldo made a deceptive leg swing, trying to deceive the Quito goalkeeper's judgment, and then kicked the ball hard into the lower right corner.

He succeeded!

The Quito goalkeeper was successfully deceived and pounced to the left!

But the football didn't fly directly into the goal, but hit the goal post with a very powerful bang.


C-Ronaldo cursed secretly and before he could do anything, he noticed other people behind him rushing over. The one running at the front was a Real Madrid teammate. His legs were moving very fast, and his route was directly towards the landing point of the football. Go, as if you know where the football will bounce in advance.


He finished the shot with ease.

The football flew directly into the empty goal without any suspense. The Quito goalkeeper was still lying on the other side, and there was no one who could intercept it.

After the football successfully flew into the goal, C-Ronaldo noticed the number behind his teammate who completed the goal - No. 13!

Zhen Shaolong!

At this moment, C-Ronaldo panicked and suddenly had a bad premonition for no reason. He repeatedly felt that the future would be very bumpy...

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