I Just Can Score

Chapter 744 I am indeed a person with great sentiments

"Bindfolded? Are you kicking so accurately? Am I blind?"

"how did you do it?"

"teach me……"

"Is this just a matter of kicking accurately, or is it something else? Does it require memory, or is the kicking accurate in the first place..."

Ronaldo and Granero were shocked.

Both of them thought a lot.

Granero knew that Zhen Shaolong's shooting skills were very good, but it was too exaggerated to be so good. He opened his mouth for a long time and just stared blankly in the direction of the goal. Thinking back to the scene he just saw, he felt that he was dazzled. .

That's obviously impossible.

C-Ronaldo was calmer, and he was thinking about the difficulty: If he didn't blindfold his eyes, he could accurately hit the highest point of the post with the ball from 25 meters, which would be good if he could do it once out of ten times.

Very difficult!

Because... the distance is too far!

If you blindfold your eyes, it would be good to hit the target once a hundred times.

That's simply impossible to do.

"This must be difficult, right?" C-Ronaldo calmed down a little and looked at Zhen Shaolong seriously, "It requires excellent accuracy and a certain amount of memory... But, why do you need to blindfold yourself? If it is In the game, there is no need at all..."

C-Ronaldo seems to be a talkative person.

He was very excited.

The scene in front of him shattered Ronaldo's view of football and his pursuit of technology. He always thought that with hard work he could reach the level of Zhen Shaolong, but what happened in front of him made him feel that no matter how hard he tried, it would be impossible. Even if he worked hard until he was fifty, he would never have been able to kick so accurately while blindfolded.

Zhen Shaolong reluctantly interrupted C-Ronaldo, put on a serious and serious expression, and assumed the identity of a famous teacher teaching unique skills, "So...this is the skill I want to teach you!"


"Is this just a trick?"

C-Ronaldo doesn’t understand at all,

Relatively speaking, Granero was much more pleasing to the eye. He just stood aside and said nothing.

Zhen Shaolong simply ignored C-Ronaldo and continued, "I've said it before, it's just a simple skill and has nothing to do with anything else. But whether you can learn it or not depends on your talent."

He started to ‘speech’.

At this time, Zhen Shaolong was extremely lucky that the "Reality" skill was sealed and he could explain it at will. Otherwise, if he wanted to convince Ronaldo and Granero, the difficulty would immediately rise to a terrifying level.

Now, it's easy.

Zhen Shaolong thinks it's quite simple because he has given a demonstration, "We are professional players, and fighting spirit will affect the performance on the field. In fact, this is a performance in which the spirit affects the performance."

This quote is borrowed from Ferdinand.

During the game against Manchester United, Zhen Shaolong was deeply touched by Ferdinand's analysis of his shooting training. He felt that after Ferdinand retired, he could become a scientific analyst of supernatural events.

"In fact, the spirit can indeed affect the performance, and even directly determine the performance. This is the highest level of football technology..."

"When you have the spirit to pursue victory, you will naturally perform better, and those who have no fighting spirit..."

Zhen Shaolong said something mysterious, "The technique I use is a way of exerting mental influence. You can learn the technique quickly, but it is not easy to improve. It is not just about practicing technique, but also maintaining a life." Style, combining life, training and competition, can..."

"Now, let me tell you how."

"Actually, the process is very simple. You just need to cheer yourself up and convince yourself that you can hit the target. You must have absolute confidence! Confidence! Remember, confidence is very important! Be confident that you can kick the ball accurately... …”

Zhen Shaolong continued to emphasize his confidence a lot, and added, "Maybe you won't have confidence in some difficult balls. I can teach you a simple method. This is how I kick it!"

"I will keep saying to myself, 'I can score.' Of course, I use Chinese, I am Chinese, and what I say is 'sadly ecstasy legs'..."

"You can also find other ways..."

"For example, you can say 'I can score goals', 'I love my girlfriend', or 'I like beautiful women', as long as it brings you confidence..."

After Zhen Shaolong finished speaking, it depends on the reaction of the two people.

Granero was definitely very unsure of himself. In front of Ronaldo and Zhen Shaolong, it was difficult to find confidence in his skills and strength. He immediately said, "Zhen, I will learn from you! Whatever you do, I will do!" "

"Is this okay? Actually, there is no need..." Zhen Shaolong said hesitantly, "Besides, Chinese is too difficult for you."

"It doesn't matter, I can do it!"

Ronaldo immediately said, "I also want to know how you did it."

Then Zhen Shaolong coquettishly and reluctantly told them that he was talking about the 'Sadly Ecstasy Legs'.

These syllables were a bit difficult for Ronaldo and Granero. They read them continuously for more than a minute and corrected them again and again until their pronunciation was almost accurate.

"What does this mean?" Granero asked with interest.

"I said, it translates to 'I can score' or 'I can score', which is just a more literary way of saying it. It's a way to cheer yourself up. I said, the spirit will It affects performance, so confidence is more important than anything else.”

Zhen Shaolong explained very seriously. He kept emphasizing his confidence because he did not want the two of them to associate skills with mysticism.

C-Ronaldo and Granero kept chanting "Sadly Ecstasy Legs". After finally being able to pronounce it accurately, Zhen Shaolong took the next step, which was to let them try, "What you need to do is to remind them with absolute confidence. For yourself, if you want to hit the target in your mind, it is best to show the scene near the target, and then kick the ball out, kick it out seriously and hard..."

"Who will try first?"

"I come!"

Granero responded positively, "Want to cover your eyes?"

"No, I just gave you a demonstration to make you more aware of the importance of confidence!"

C-Ronaldo stood aside, and you could tell from the expressions of the two of them that they didn't believe it at all. Granero was only active because he thought it was fun.

Granero tried a kick.


The football even deviated from the goal frame and flew out. I don’t know how he kicked it.

"try again!"

"Attention, it's best to recite what you just said and think carefully about the position of the banner!" Zhen Shaolong reminded as he kicked a ball.

Granero nodded and tried another kick.

The football flew towards the goal lightly, but it only flew in from the middle, as if it was deliberately keeping distance from the cloth.

"Try again!" Zhen Shaolong kicked another ball.

Granero tried three times and failed. He was not disappointed at all, because he felt that Zhen Shaolong was just 'fooling' them, and he was just cooperating with the other party's 'fooling'.

C-Ronaldo was a little impatient, "Zhen, are you sure you didn't lie to us?"

"Why should I lie to you?"

"But what you said...it's hard to believe that your demonstration may just be your own kicking accuracy!"

Zhen Shaolong didn't want to continue explaining, but just shook his head and said, "Just follow what I said and you'll know after a few tries."

"All right."

C-Ronaldo decided to try a few times. It was still very early anyway, so a few kicks would serve as a warm-up.

He stepped on the ball and muttered to himself, "Ecstasy kicks, ecstasy kicks, ecstasy kicks, bastard, just like a fool!"

The abuse behind was simply shouted out.


One kick!

The football rushed up and crossed the arc in an instant, and hit the cloth strip of the left upright very accurately.



"Zhen, before kicking the ball out, just recite 'Sadly Ecstasy Leg' three times silently, right?"

"In fact, you can not recite it, or try to recite other things. The important thing is confidence, not what you recite..."

"It doesn't matter, I just tried it and it worked!"

"Zhen, are you sure it's three times? If you don't have much time during the competition, can you read it once?"

"You can try, but I can't guarantee success. This requires constant contact."

"Maybe it can be used for free kicks during the game."

"Corner kicks are okay too!"

"As long as it's a free throw... Oh my God, I have to try it once I learn it!"

"Zhen, have you been practicing?"

"By the way, you were blindfolded at first. Doesn't the accuracy of the kick have nothing to do with whether you open your eyes?"


After Ronaldo's experiment was successful once, he and Granero became very energetic and kicked more than ten or twenty times in a row, of which only Granero succeeded once.

Although the success rate is very low, success can prove that it is feasible. They all became energetic and began to ask questions continuously.

Zhen Shaolong explained patiently.

In fact, the reason why the two people's success rate is extremely low is very simple: he just kicked them out of the team, and they did not have the status blessing of the teammates on the punishment mission, so naturally they could not play accurately.

it is necessary!

A 20% success rate may not sound high, but they keep playing, maybe they regard it as magic.

Football must not be magic!

"Although you all imitate me to say that sentence, in fact, it is just a way of encouragement. You can also say other words silently. For example, you can just say 'I can score' silently."

This sentence is just a casual comment.

“It’s just confidence that leads to success, so give yourself plenty of confidence!”

"But football is football, not magic. Accuracy is more important than anything else! I am also practicing, and my probability of success is much higher than yours, because even without that method, I can still play accurately..."

Zhen Shaolong explained carefully, and then changed his tone in a very serious tone, "But actually, I have a way to make you kick more accurately and learn faster."

"any solution?"

The two of them suddenly became energetic.

"It's very simple. You must maintain plenty of energy on weekdays, that is, abstinence! This is very important."

"In other words, if you want to improve efficiency and play more accurately, you must always... abstain from sex?" Ronaldo's eyes widened.


Zhen Shaolong said seriously, "If you can't persist in doing it halfway, you will never learn it again in your life. But after you have completely learned it, you can lift the restriction of abstinence."

"...How long will that take?"

"If the talent is better, about a month? If the talent is not good, it may take even longer to fully master it."

C-Ronaldo took a deep breath, and he suddenly thought of his new girlfriend Leticia.

The two had only known each other for a week.

Leticia is an Italian. After getting to know Ronaldo, she decided to stay in Madrid for two weeks. Ronaldo also decided to socialize with Leticia in the next two weeks and enjoy them for two weeks. Life with a girlfriend is also a good experience.

Two weeks later...

we'll see!

"If I learn this ability, I will definitely be able to perform better in the future, and I can easily get to know two Leticias and three Leticias..."

"So, yes!"

C-Ronaldo made up his mind, "Let's break up today when we go back. No, break up tomorrow morning and let her go back to Italy! It won't be two weeks later. There are many Letizias in the world, but football is the most important!"

That day, Zhen Shaolong, Ronaldo and Granero formed a small group and continued shooting training together. Their training attracted many teammates, but Zhen Shaolong reminded them, "This is a secret, don't spread it out!"


"You'd be a fool to tell anyone else!"

The two nodded vigorously. They both felt that they had learned something real, which was equivalent to opening a door to a new world. It was crowded when the three of them walked together. How could there be a path for others?

same day.

After C-Ronaldo returned home, he was very gentle to Letizia and even bought her a gift, which was a valuable women's watch.

Leticia was very happy.

She feels that she is really dating Ronaldo. She likes Ronaldo very much because Ronaldo is very handsome and handsome, and he is also the world's top football star. After becoming Ronaldo's girlfriend, her career has risen a lot. , In addition, becoming C-Ronaldo's girlfriend will also become the envy of many people.


"Although he is a playboy, it's not bad to be in a relationship with him. It's not marriage anyway." Letizia thought to herself, "I want this relationship to last for one year, no, preferably more than two years. By then my name will spread throughout Europe and even the whole world!”

"Yes, let the agent disclose our relationship tomorrow!"

Letizia was very gentle that day and did everything she could, but when she woke up the next morning, something didn't seem right.

After C-Ronaldo put on his clothes, he looked at her with a cold expression and said without hesitation, "You're awake."

"Won't you sleep a little longer?"

"No, let's break up!" C-Ronaldo said calmly, "Although I can't bear to part with you, our fate ends here."

Letizia couldn't believe what she heard. She opened her mouth for a long time and asked again, "What did you say?"

"I said, let's break up! Get dressed, take your things, and leave to go back to Italy! Starting today, I'm going to train seriously!"


Watching Leticia leave frantically, C-Ronaldo was secretly reluctant to leave. Letizia is really a woman that fascinates men. He really wants to date her for a while, but for the sake of football, all efforts are worth it. of.

at the same time.

Zhen Shaolong also faced troubles.

The system skill "Strength" is really a man's magical skill. The strengthening of his internal organs makes him full of energy, but the troubles it brings are also very obvious. He can't resist the temptation.



Alice is back today.


Zhen Shaolong let out a long sigh and looked at the three women in the living room, feeling that there was no way he could hold on for a month.

He suddenly thought of C-Ronaldo.


And Granero.

"Perhaps there is a good idea. We can go back to our youth...that is, living in a house with three men supervising each other and unable to do anything they want!"

"What a great idea!"

"One month will pass if you persist and persevere!"

Zhen Shaolong gritted his teeth and made a decision, "This is not only for the punishment mission, but also to help Cristiano and Esteban learn shooting skills as soon as possible..."

"Yes, I am indeed a person with great sentiments!"

"Have the courage to make sacrifices for your teammates!"

He convinced himself.

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