I Just Can Score

Chapter 745 Super Group: Crazy October

Corridor outside the locker room door.

Zhen Shaolong, Granero and Ronaldo stood together. Zhen Shaolong and Ronaldo were wearing normal training clothes. Granero was dressed a little strangely. He was holding an old-fashioned vacuum cleaner in his hand and a mop in the other hand. The dress with an apron squeezed around the waist seems to be transformed into a cleaning worker, and a busy cleaning worker.

Zhen Shaolong looked at Granero's target with admiration. When Granero helped clean the locker room every day, and even said, "I often do it, I am enough alone", his target would become very admired.


Zhen Shaolong will also help. He is usually responsible for organizing things, such as moving tables and chairs.

The dressing room is neither large nor small, but because it is spacious enough, everyone will also organize their own things. Basically, the only thing that needs to be cleaned is the floor. The cleaning work is relatively simple. The two of them often work together for more than ten minutes. It's almost done cleaning.

The system does not have strict requirements for this.

What they were talking about now was not the issue of cleanliness, but Zhen Shaolong's suggestion of living together, which triggered some discussion among them.

Mainly Granero and Zhen Shaolong.

"What? Living together and supervising each other? That's a good idea, but where do we live?"

"Cristiano's house!"

"Why not my house? The two-story house I rented is not bad and has three bedrooms." Granero asked doubtfully.

"No! I'm staying at Cristiano's house, the luxurious villa he just bought! I've never been there, but I've seen the photos on my phone. The decoration is very good, and it's not worse than the one I live in." Zhen Shaolong answered matter-of-factly.

"But, you didn't say you wanted to reminisce about your youth? You also said you wanted to experience the feeling of a university dormitory again? Do Chinese students live in luxurious villas instead of ordinary student dormitories?" Granero looked puzzled.

"I have said it before." Zhen Shaolong answered frankly, and then said matter-of-factly, "But living in a luxurious villa does not affect my memory of my youth. My youth was just living in an ordinary dormitory, and I did not have the experience of living in a luxurious villa, so I want to experience it again..."

"You think the place I live in is too small and poor." Granero grinned hard.

"Whatever you think." Zhen Shaolong asked, "If you are asked to make a choice,

Will you live in Cristiano's luxurious villa or in your rented house. "

"I choose a luxury villa."

"So it's easy to make a choice, then...it's decided!" Zhen Shaolong finally made the decision.

C-Ronaldo, who was standing aside, finally couldn't help but said, "Sorry, I have to interrupt, you didn't ask for my opinion?"

"No." Zhen Shaolong said, "But you heard it, Esteban also agreed to live in your house, plus me, two to one, we are very democratic!"

"This is not democracy, it is the tyranny of the majority!" C-Ronaldo took a deep breath to retort.

"I didn't expect you to be very educated." Zhen Shaolong said, "But no matter what you say, I still have to supervise you. Of course, you can also supervise me. We have to supervise each other."


"No but, Esteban and I will move there today. What you have to do is prepare the room!"


C-Ronaldo looked at Zhen Shaolong’s leaving figure, and when he thought back to what he had just decided, he felt like an oppressed slave, but in order to learn new skills, he decided, “endure it!”

"When I fully learn it, I will definitely throw you out!"

"Damn it!"

Then he followed.

Granero watched the two people leave, then looked down at the vacuum cleaner and mop in his hand, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Fortunately, the cleaning uncle who came over gave him comfort, "Esteban, you are the one who works here." For more than ten years, the kindest player I have ever seen helps me every day!"


"You are such a nice young man. I heard that you are still single? Don't worry, I can introduce my daughter to you. She is a very kind and beautiful girl from Madrid." The cleaning uncle said enthusiastically.

Granero raised his head and looked at the cleaning uncle carefully. He noticed the dry cheeks, the big mouth that looked like it could eat people, and the extremely protruding forehead. He swallowed hard and said, "Forget it, I like it very much." Single, now..."

"Must be single too!"

The cleaning uncle looked at Granero with a puzzled expression. He didn't understand his words for a long time. Then he probably thought of something and looked at him with a strange look, then shook his head and walked away.

Granero was stunned for a long time without understanding, "What does his look mean?"

Zhen Shaolong does what he says.

That night, Zhen Shaolong moved into C-Ronaldo's mansion, and Granero also moved there quickly.

Neither of them had much luggage.

C-Ronaldo's mansion is equipped with nannies, cleaners, and two assistants who are responsible for daily affairs. If you have anything in life, just ask them to complete it.

C-Ronaldo complained a lot about this, "Why don't you use your own assistant?"

Zhen Shaolong shook his head helplessly, "They are all beautiful women."

"Beautiful woman?" C-Ronaldo was a little confused at first, but suddenly thought of the need to abstain from sex, and then he completely understood.

The two of them had a feeling of sympathy for each other.

C-Ronaldo repeatedly asked one thing, "Can it really be learned in one month? If it takes longer..."

"I mean if you have talent."

"Do I have a talent code?"

"Your talent is not as good as mine. In fact, I have almost learned it." Zhen Shaolong said seriously, "But I still persisted, so that you can learn it quickly."

"Is that so?"


C-Ronaldo was filled with disbelief. He didn't think Zhen Shaolong was so great that he would sacrifice his own life to help him.

How can it be!

"He must have some conspiracy, but I don't know." C-Ronaldo thought, "But that technique is real, and it is definitely not deception..."

C-Ronaldo doesn’t understand even after thinking about it.

Two days later.

Real Madrid ushered in a new round of the league. Their opponent was the newly promoted team Tenerife. They faced a newly promoted team at the Bernabeu Stadium. The result was basically no suspense. Real Madrid defeated Tenerife with three goals.

During the game, Ronaldo performed well, scoring a goal in each first and second half.

It is worth mentioning that the second goal was scored directly from a set piece. C-Ronaldo scored directly from the outside corner of the penalty area, almost close to the sideline, and scored directly from the set piece. It is really amazing.

This goal made C-Ronaldo the focus after the game.

"A free kick on the sideline must be at least 25 meters away from the goal. Most players at that position can only serve and would not have the courage to shoot directly!"

"C-Ronaldo did it, it's amazing!"

"This goal is really unimaginable. We can see that as the league progresses, Ronaldo's performance is constantly improving..."

"He brought out the best in the world!"

"Mr. 100 million euros deserves it!"


The outside world is full of praises about C-Ronaldo, and only Zhen Shaolong, Granero and C-Ronaldo himself know that he is using the latest superb 'skills' he has learned.

In fact, what Zhen Shaolong was thinking was, "This guy is really lucky! There's a 20% chance of him getting there!"

Zhen Shaolong only played for ten minutes in this game, and Pellegrini basically asked him to warm up and prepare for the next Champions League group match.

C-Ronaldo was also excited that he could score such a wonderful goal. He certainly knew the specific reasons and was more determined to work hard to train new skills.

Now he can only play occasionally, and can only succeed twice out of ten times. As long as the success rate increases, he will become a star with an efficiency no worse than Zhen Shaolong. Compared with it, what does one month of persistence mean?

Ronaldo is working harder.

Two days later.

In the second round of the Champions League group stage, Real Madrid faced Marseille at home. The final score was 3-1. Zhen Shaolong scored two goals in the game and Ronaldo scored one.

This game is the explosion of two stars.

Marseille's performance was quite tenacious. They fought very hard and caused a lot of trouble to Real Madrid. In fact, Real Madrid was a little careless. Most people in the team believed that the only one in Group C that could threaten Real Madrid was AC Milan. , dismissive of the other two teams, and the game proved that there is no weak team participating in the Champions League, even Marseille has the ability to threaten Real Madrid.

In the end, Real Madrid won.

Public opinion after the game always belongs to the winner. The media promoted Zhen Shaolong and Ronaldo as the perfect partner because the two scored three goals and C-Ronaldo also provided an assist to Zhen Shaolong.

But the actual situation is that there is still little cooperation between the two.

Even if Ronaldo is no longer obsessed with 'not passing the ball to Zhen Shaolong', because Zhen Shaolong is tightly guarded, ordinary passes cannot be passed at all, and there is no coordination at all. Anyone who knows some football can see this. .


No one expected that the media hype would last for a month!

On October 5th, Real Madrid defeated Sevilla 1-4 away from home.

On October 18, Real Madrid defeated Valladolid 4-2 at home.

On October 25, Real Madrid defeated Sporting Gijon 0-3 away from home.

In the three league games in October, Real Madrid scored a total of 11 goals, of which Zhen Shaolong scored five goals, Ronaldo scored four goals, and the remaining two goals were scored by other players.


The media is full of content about "Zhen Shaolong and Cristiano Ronaldo are a perfect partner", and the report has a perfect reason, "the two of them scored 80% of Real Madrid's goals together!"

What better reason could there be than this?

Many famous football people came forward to analyze the two's partnership from various angles, and at the same time praised the two's amazing state. There were compliments from the outside world, which made people feel light after reading the reports.

For example, C-Ronaldo.

C-Ronaldo felt like he was living in a dream. His performance was so amazing that he was surprised. Because of the use of new skills, his scoring efficiency was significantly improved, as evidenced by six goals in four league games.

You know, he is a winger!

In Real Madrid's 442 formation, the winger is just a winger and can't get close to the winger. He has very few opportunities in front of the goal. Most of them can only find opportunities on the outside. From this, we know that scoring six goals in four games is a big deal. It is amazing that the number of times he has been mentioned in reports has even caught up with Zhen Shaolong, because his performance is indeed no worse than Zhen Shaolong. Zhen Shaolong does score more goals, but it must be taken into account that Zhen Shaolong is a striker and scores goals. Having more balls is a given.

C-Ronaldo is a bit too good.

The only flaw he felt was that the people living with him were not two beauties, but Zhen Shaolong and Granero... two bastards!

Ronaldo has had enough!


After the game against Sporting Gijon, Zhen Shaolong took the initiative to move out of C-Ronaldo's mansion.

C-Ronaldo opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate that day. In the evening, he couldn't help but call a cover girl he had just met, explaining that he had been thinking about her ever since he met her and hoped to have a perfect date with her that night.

He can't wait!

A month, God!

C-Ronaldo doesn’t know how he persisted.

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