I Just Can Score

Chapter 746 Raul: Can I join?

Zhen Shaolong is a noble person, an innocent person, an upright person, a selfless person, etc. All literary evaluations of appearance, human nature, and positive thoughts have no problem with him.

No matter what other people think, this is how Zhen Shaolong sees it.


Zhen Shaolong is still a 'human being', not a 'god' or a 'saint'.

Without departing from the framework of human nature, behavior and thinking will definitely be restricted by the human body. The human body structure has a characteristic: the secretion and accumulation of physical hormones often affect thinking and behavior.

For example, a man and woman who vow to live together forever may be very pious at the moment of falling in love.

After marriage.

If one party is away from home all year round due to work reasons, the previous declaration can easily turn into a dream.

This is how green was born.

"So it's normal for human beings to have desires. I decided to go on a killing spree today because I'm limited by the human body." On the way back home, Zhen Shaolong found a perfect reason to convince himself that he had some unconventional thinking. How, how, how normal.

One month!

It is difficult for outsiders to understand how difficult it is to persist for a month, and how much hardship there is.

Now that the 'punishment mission' is finally over, when it comes time to return to normal, a special carnival may be needed to announce his official return. Zhen Shaolong decided to invite Claudio and Reina to talk about Claudio's kitchen in the evening. Art and video production, by the way, let’s also discuss the experience of yoga exercise.

Zhen Shaolong drove the car into the garage and saw a convertible red sports car parked there. He couldn't help but frown slightly. He went over to check the car, gritted his teeth and took a breath, "Alice's car? She's back?"

"You came back today! It's really not a good time."

Alice can only exchange her experience as an agent with him, but she will definitely refuse Claudio and Reina to join, and she will definitely not watch him communicate with Claudio and Reina.

Things are getting a little complicated.

Zhen Shaolong sighed regretfully and decided to be more normal at night and let Reina guide her in yoga training.

With some regret, he walked in the door and found four women in the living room.


He pushed the door open and walked in. He shouted, "I'm back," and looked towards the sofa.

The four women also looked over at the same time.

Claudio, Reyna, Alice and... Flora?

Zhen Shaolong walked over in surprise, sat down next to Flora, and asked, "Where did you come from? Why didn't you inform me?"

Flora's eyes looked a little strange, and seemed to be mixed with a trace of worry, but she still said, "I just suddenly came to Madrid for something, so I took the time to come over. By the way, I decided to stay with you today, and I won't be without me." room?"

Zhen Shaolong was stunned for a moment, then immediately patted Flora's arm and said with a smile, "Stop joking!" After saying that, he went upstairs, leaving only one sentence, "You guys talk first, I'll take a shower."

When Zhen Shaolong disappeared around the corner of the stairs, the four heads on the sofa immediately came together.

"Is this his first day back?"

"Yeah, he's been away for a month! He hasn't lived at home for a month. He goes to stay at that bastard C-Luo's house every day!"

"Is it normal what I see?"

"Normal? That's too abnormal!" Alice gritted her teeth and said, "If he was normal, there would be no way he wouldn't have said hello to me just now."


"Maybe you didn't notice? Or you just came back?"

"It's definitely not normal."

The person who said the last sentence was Claudio, who spent the most time with Zhen Shaolong on weekdays, "You probably don't know... Zhen, I mean... Zhen, he is very, very powerful, I mean frequency... frequency... …”

Alice and Flora looked over with murderous eyes.

Claudio said and simply shrugged indifferently, "Anyway, you all know, I just ordered it. Only Reina and I know about this. He does it every day on average..."

"Now he has been living in C-Luo's house for a month, and there is no news outside. Yes, as far as I know, there is a man named Esteban who lives in C-Luo's house with him. Very Ugly, do you think it would be normal for three men to live together? And for a month in a row, from what I know about Zhen, it must be very abnormal..."

Several women were lost in thought and worry.

They were no longer in the mood to be jealous of each other. The matter was before their eyes. Zhen Shaolong's abnormal behavior would always make people think in other directions.

Everyone is worried.

"Otherwise, let's see today." Alice came up with an idea, "I know that whenever I am here, something will happen, either to Claudio, or to Reina, or...ahem..."

"It must be there anyway."

"If today is the same as usual, there will be no problem and we don't need to think too much, but..."

After thinking about it, several people had no choice but to nod neatly.

You can't ask about this kind of thing openly, you can only guess and test it implicitly. It's useless for them to discuss it here. They should just see what will happen today.

Zhen Shaolong didn't know that he was in the situation of being questioned and supervised by four women. To be honest, he didn't welcome Flora's arrival at all. He liked Flora very much, but today was a special day. He I came home with the desire to discuss knowledge all night long.

Then what?

It’s okay that Alice is back, but Flora is also here too?

what is this?

"Looks like I have to sleep alone today!" Zhen Shaolong sighed longly. After dinner, he was afraid that he would stay with several women for a long time and do something outrageous to cause conflicts, so he simply stayed in his room.

For the first time, he realized, "It is troublesome to have too many women at home!"

Zhen Shaolong did nothing that day.

The next morning, Zhen Shaolong recited "Color is Emptiness" hundreds of times in a row, got up early and went for a morning run, and then went directly to the training base.

As soon as he left, the women in the family rushed out of their bedrooms and gathered in the living room again.

"How about it?"

"I don't……"

"I do not have either……"

"Of course, he doesn't have the guts to come to me!"

"I watched a movie all night." Flora added at the end, the worry on her face became more intense, "There must be something wrong with this. I saw in the movie that if a man is too stressed, there may be problems. Maybe we Did you put too much pressure on him?"

"Have it?"

"He's under a lot of pressure!" Alice affirmed, "Not just us, but also training and competition. He is the world's number one star and must maintain his best condition. Look at his performance, and his supporters will I have high expectations for him, as he spends most of his time living under pressure that he cannot control."

The girls thought about it and that was it.

The pressure of being "number one in the world" is too great. It is definitely not easy to maintain good performance for a long time. It is definitely not easy to persist under this kind of pressure.

They were all very sympathetic and very worried.

"But what can we do?" Claudio was the least decisive one, her face was full of panic.

"Maybe I can go to a psychiatrist for consultation?" Alice still believes in science.

"I know that certain exercises or movements can promote the secretion of human body elements. I will look for information and learn about it." Reina is a small expert in sports and fitness.


She thought she had good business talent, but she was completely blank in this area. She simply gritted her teeth and made up her mind, "I'm going to call Irene! Give it to Irene, she will definitely know what to do!"


"He and Eileen also..."

"This bastard!"

Flora realized that she had slipped her words and covered her mouth timidly. Then she sighed and said, "Irene is very beautiful, but they don't have much contact with each other. If she can come to Madrid, she might know what to do."

Real Madrid training base.

Zhen Shaolong was very depressed last night, but after arriving at the training ground, his mood improved a lot. The end of the punishment mission was like a huge weight off his mind, and he could train, compete, and live normally.

So he was just training normally.

This puzzled Granero and Ronaldo. Their trio had been training for an hour in the morning for a long time. Why did they suddenly stop training today?

"Maybe he just wants to relax for a day." Granero guessed, and he continued to train with Ronaldo.


After more than a dozen or more shooting training sessions, Granero and Ronaldo discovered something desperate, "What's going on? My shooting like that doesn't work anymore? Why can't I kick it accurately?"

"Does this happen to you too?"

"Yes! I've tried twenty times, but I can't hit the target once." Granero said helplessly.

C-Ronaldo's mood was not much better. He tried more than ten times in a row without any effect.

Then they went to find Zhen Shaolong for guidance.

"Zhen! Can you guide me again? I have tried more than a dozen times just now. No matter how I try to make myself confident,..." C-Ronaldo explained briefly.

Zhen Shaolong nodded and responded, "I understand."

"Got it? What next?"

Zhen Shaolong turned to look at C-Ronaldo, with a deep disappointment on his face. He shook his head and sighed, and then continued his training without saying a word about it.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, it's just that he can't.

Zhen Shaolong had already thought of the words to say, such as 'I can't find the feeling either', but after the 'punishment mission' ended, the two sealed skills were unsealed, and he was once again restricted by the effect of "Reality".

Then, what is there to say?

C-Ronaldo and Granero were a little confused. They could only train hard and continue to find the feeling in front of the goal, but they couldn't find it no matter how hard they looked. Granero guessed, "Maybe it's us. No more confidence! Zhen said that confidence is very important. The more anxious we are, the more confident we become. No matter what we say to ourselves, it will be difficult to achieve results."

C-Ronaldo nodded thoughtfully. After he tried twice more, he suddenly thought of the madness last night, "That is really a fascinating fairy, so dexterous...wait a minute!"

Ronaldo's eyes suddenly widened!

He thought of it!

Zhen Shaolong said from the beginning that if you want to practice real skills, you must abstain from sex. "If you break the restrictions, you will never think about it for the rest of your life..." He thought it was a joke at the time and didn't care at all. He just insisted on it. I'll try my best for a month.


Is it true?

When Ronaldo was shocked and remorseful, Raul suddenly came over and asked, "Cristiano, Esteban, you are training shooting, right? Can I join?"

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