I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 103: [Reverse it! Reality! 】

   "Run, run. No name."

   Mo nameless pupils shrunk, and the jade pendant on his body was suddenly inspired by the spell!

   There was a gust of wind and waves on him, like the protection of the wind, to take him away from here.

   "No!" Mo Wuming gritted his teeth viciously. With his extraordinary talent, he abruptly changed the direction Yupei wanted to lead him!

   turned and carried the wind and rushed towards the soldiers!

   "I will definitely catch up!!!"

   He stared at the stone spears, and he wanted to block them for his wife in front of the stone spears.

   The slightly raised wind and waves quickly attracted the attention of the leader.

   "Another fairy?"

   He quietly made a gesture and asked the soldiers to fine-tune their spearheads and kill the troublemaker first! !

   If the leader knows that this person is a relative of the Miko, he will definitely kill the Miko first.

   "No, no, no!" Tears slipped from his wife's eyes, and she watched Mo Wuming rush in to block this attack.

   Her breathing gradually became difficult, and she lowered her head in despair, and the magic power all over her body began to show an unstable riot.

   "I must! I can catch up!!"

   Mo Wuming, the spirit at this moment has never been concentrated before! !

   He felt it! ! See it! !

   The aura that spilled from the ground that day, and the magic of the wife's body that gradually became dark and deep! !

   The magic power was shaking in an unstable craziness, and the sticky negative emotions from nowhere surrounded her.

   Mo Wuming was a little frightened by the darkness!

  Magic power envelops his wife, as if about to fall into an indescribable abyss.

   "What will she become after I die?"

   In an instant, Mo Wuming's eyes became firm!

   "I don't want to die! She doesn't want to die either! The **** is never us!! The soul is pale!!"


   A trace of flame suddenly appeared.

   The breeze is blowing the flames, and in this breeze of love, the flames continue to grow! !

   hit the whole body!


   "Shaping the flame"! !

  The bursting flame appeared from the air! !

   A force that shouldn't have appeared in the course of history has appeared! !

  The huge heat wave hit everyone instantly! !

   The terrifying scorching sensation forced the soldiers to retreat!

   The original formation was also scattered!

   The heat wave bypassed his wife and gently awakened her.

   My wife looked at this magical flame, and she couldn't believe it. The magic that had been sinking gradually became clear again: "What is this?"

   "Ah!!! Help me fight!! Ah ah!!!"

   Many soldiers caught the flames on their bodies, but they couldn't put them out. Some even threw down their stone spears in a panic. Rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flame.

   The leader was very knowledgeable and immediately calmed down, and shouted at the soldiers: "Don't worry! It takes time for them to perform the magic trick!!"

   "Don't drop the weapon!! Pick it up!! The only way to survive is to resist!!!"

   "Take advantage of this interval!! Attack him!!"

  Countless flames entangled Mo Wuming's body, and the soldiers could not start!

   Mo Wuming slowly raised his head with a cold voice: "You are right! If you want to survive...you have to resist!"

   He seemed to think of something suddenly.

   The flame instantly covered the fist!

"fire punch!!!!!"

   An unnamed voice resounded across the sky.

   In the next second, accompanied by a loud voice, the fiery sea of ​​fire rushed into the sky with a pillar of fire! !

   The pillar of fire spread to both sides, gradually forming an amazing road of fire!

   Ten meters! 100 meters! km!

   A huge fire road swept Xianlai Mountain!

   The flame spreading eight hundred miles cut Xianlai Mountain almost in half! !

"What is that?"

   "Vulcan! This is Vulcan angry!"

   "The court is over!!"

   At this moment, all the people under the eight hundred miles of mountain looked at Xianlai Mountain incredible.

   This scorching feeling can be clearly felt even under the mountain!

   The unimaginable heat wave of flames completely plunged the soldiers into despair!

   Dozens of soldiers were swallowed by flames in an instant!

   The leader stared blankly at everything in front of him, and his subordinates were all carbonized in just an instant.

   The other party only left him alone.

   The light of the flame just appeared in front of his eyes, at that moment, he seemed to be standing in front of the sun!

   Are the ones they killed before really immortals?

   The flag in the hand of the leader gradually slipped, and the fighting spirit dissipated.



   "I...I am acting on orders...I can't help myself..." The leader knelt on the ground, and he also saw many immortals. But I have never seen such a battle, there is no casting time, just an astonishing power burst out in an instant!

   This terrifying power made him succumb.

   Mo Wu Wu walked up to him and looked down at him: "In this world, we are all involuntarily."

   took the lead for a moment, then let out a sigh of relief.

   "Just go down and tell the emperor like this, I just can't help but rebel."

   Tell the emperor?

   The leader's eyes widened, and he looked at Mo Wuming incredulously.

What's the meaning?

   The leader reacted immediately! He yelled in disbelief: "Are you going to let such a sea of ​​flames appear in Chang'an? Are you crazy?"

   Mo Wu Wuming put his hand on his head, covered with flames, his fingers were slightly hard: "Just like you said, you can't help it!"

   "You are causing a war! Do you know how many people will die because of your decision?" The leader's head was pressed in Mo Wuming's hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at him savagely.

   "A country without peace is just a tool for the emperor to fill his desires."

   "When you go below, remember to say hello to your emperor."

  The flame spread to the leader! It immediately turned into coke!

   Mo namelessly walked past his body and came to his wife.

   "It's okay!" Mo Wuming hurriedly helped his wife up.

   then immediately pulled out the stone spear embedded in his body, pinched the stone spear with two fingers, and the stone at the top of the stone spear instantly turned into pure aura and poured into the unknown body.

   The stone was taken out of the spirit vein.

   Only Reiki can fight Reiki, and the stone itself is the Reiki.

   Mo Wuming discovered this just now when he concentrated his mind. His flames can have such a powerful force and thanks to the spirit stones brought by the soldiers as fuel.

   "It's useless, my magic power has been interfered by the stone spear. I can't control the magic power by myself." His wife looked at him panting.

   "Save the child with aura!"

   "I have to save both!" Mo Wuming used a small amount of spiritual energy to mobilize the magic power in his wife to heal them.

   My wife felt her injury gradually getting better, and looked at Mo Wuming curiously: "You can control magic?"

   "I don't know, physical memory. I did it subconsciously!" Mo Wuming concentrated on healing his wife.

   "Do you really want to do with the country... right?"

   Mo Wuming did not answer.

   just replied timidly: "Sorry, we killed a lot of people today, our children may not be able to accumulate virtue."

   "It's okay, I also killed a lot of pigs today."

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