I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 104: [Let the flames sweep Chang'an! 】

When Mo Wuming heard his wife say about killing pigs, he thought of his wife's hunting today. He knew his wife was comforting her.

"When the child is born, let's go to Longhu Mountain!" Mo Wuming held his wife's hand, and he was a little nervous to make this decision.

His wife wiped the blood on his face, which was scratched by the bushes when he ran back to the mountain trail.

She smiled virtuously and said, "No matter what you do, I will support you."


Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Before the tomb.

"It's fate, I met again." The old man guarded the grave and looked back at the Mo Wuming couple.

Mo Wuming put the wine in front of the tombstone: "There is no fate, I came to you specially."

"Do you want to be the first in the day?" The old man wiped the words on the tombstone, and there was no name on the tombstone.

"She's dead?" Mo Wuming avoided these words and asked rhetorically.

"Well, I'm dead. But it's not that immortality is weak. It's that I am too weak to keep my apprentice." The old man sighed, and then his eyes lit up again: "Although I can't...but maybe you can. Would you like to try? "

He stood up and took out two boxes from the side.

"One is to protect the inheritance, the box cannot be opened by people who are not a hundred years old; the other is for people like you, called "The Immortal Maid Catalog"."

The wife hugged the child and asked curiously: "Is it going to be an unnamed practice catalog of immortal veins?"

The old man smiled and shook his head: "No! I want him to repair both!"

"Take all the aura of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Spirit Land! I only want two things!"

"The first thing is to keep the last spiritual vein! Longhushan inheritance can be broken, but the monks in the world can't break it!"

"One more thing...help me kill the dog emperor!" Speaking of the emperor, the old man gritted his teeth and his eyes were red, as if tears were about to fall.

Mo Wuming took the box: "The emperor I will kill! But this is not for you, but for myself!"

"I want the flames to burn forever over Chang'an!"


Chang'an City.

Royal palace.

"Bold! Bold!" The emperor looked at the officials with a grim expression.

"Why do they want to oppose? Why do they want to oppose?" The emperor stepped off the dragon chair and grabbed the collar of the minister beside him: "When I first became the throne, I cut taxes for three years! Amnesty to the world!! Just not grateful! I still have to make me. The anti!"

"This group of spoilers! Spoilers! A group of white-eyed wolves!!!"

Now the world is full of wars, digging the spiritual veins is a waste of money for the people, and the officials underneath are very strict with the workers in order to achieve the target. Forcing countless people who are full of strength have to turn back!

"This this……"

The dignitaries underneath each other in pairs.

They are the noble class of "poets", and it is common to play games with the emperor, but they never thought about the chaos of the world now, which made them close their mouths, who usually manipulate public opinion with a high profile.

Outside the palace.

Bazaar area.

People in the palace are panicking, but outside the palace is still a flourishing scene.

People staying in this capital cannot see the hardships of the workers who move mountains and dig soil.

Everyone in the audience is still thinking about listening to storytellers telling stories.

"Pop!" The storyteller woke up and talked about his poem.

"Bent wood is straight and must be bent. It is difficult to raise wolves as dogs to watch the house."

"It's not long after the ink has dyed the cormorant black, it's not fresh to paint the crow white."

Mo Wuming shook his head as he listened. After so many years, there was still nothing new.

He finally knew what he hated about this poem.

On the surface it is saying that people are easy to change and their nature is hard to change. In fact, everything seems to imply class consolidation.

A beggar can only be a beggar for a lifetime, the emperor will be the emperor for a lifetime!

It is really interesting to let such a poem be read for ten years in this downtown area.

"Maybe I was not born to be a dog!" Mo Wuming straightened up.

The storyteller is still talking about his final poem.

"Candied coptis must be bitter at the end, and strong picking of melons and fruits cannot be sweet."

"Good things have to be done by good people, how can mortals do..."

The voice did not fall.


A pillar of fire rose to the sky!

Mo Wuming slowly lifted off with the pillar of fire.

He looked down at the city of Chang'an where he grew up and said, "Twenty quarters of an hour! This is the time I give to mortals!"

"Say it again! Immortals destroy the city! Mortals retreat!"

The flames swept everywhere!

The palace is tightly trapped in a sea of ​​flames!

The people in the downtown react the fastest! Twenty quarters is long enough!

"Run! The fairy is here to retaliate!"

"I have to bring my finest awakening wood!"

"Damn it! I still have nothing to spend!"


Inside the palace.

Baiguan was accepting the emperor's anger, but after a while, there was a real fire outside.

"Why is this on fire! Where's the guard?"

"Where did this fire start?"

"Damn it! I'm going to leave the guard without permission when I go out, don't die!"

The wizard frowned. He felt that there was a man with extremely threatening energy outside. He came here only to plunder the maiden's resources, but didn't want to die.

"Forget it, I've already killed a lot, so I can't be greedy anymore."

With these resources, the Wizarding Alliance can rise, and then use extraordinary power to unite with the country and annex Dacheng Kingdom!

After the annexation, all the maiden resources here truly belong to them!

Thinking of this, the wizard waved his staff to flee here immediately.

"what happened?"

There was no response from the staff.

The wizard waved twice again without believing in evil, but the staff remained intact.

This time he finally panicked!

"Your Excellency, I am Idrissa Lauari of the Wizarding Alliance, please raise your hand! Let me leave my life." The wizard immediately bowed to the ground in accordance with Da Chengguo's etiquette.

He has been here for quite a while, has taught himself language and etiquette, and can communicate normally even without magic.

The officials were shocked when they saw the unattainable wizard master kneeling directly.

All at once reflected the cause of the fire.

Before the hundreds of officials could discuss it, they heard Mo Wuming's voice.

"Say it again, the immortals will destroy the city, and the mortals will retreat!"

Baiguan's face suddenly turned pale.

"How dare he? How dare he?"

"There is a difference between the monarch and the people! It's just a few years of cultivating immortals! I dare to do such a thing!"

"I don't believe it! He dares to kill the emperor!!!"

Some people really don't believe it, while others are deliberately arguing.

But these are not important, because Mo Wuming is already standing in front of them at this moment.

The emperor was still sitting high on the dragon chair, looking down at Mo Wuming with his expression unchanged.

"There are too many immortals who want to kill me! But none of them succeeded!" The emperor snorted coldly and patted the dragon chair.

The bottom of this dragon chair is even more lined with spirit stones, and the defense is indestructible!

Even ten fairies attacking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must frown together!

Seeing that the big formation had been completed, the Baiguans all breathed a sigh of relief.

This Miserable Crossbow killed a lot of people who came to assassinate the emperor. I won’t be surprised if I want to come this time.

Mo Wuming silently looked at the stone on the stone spear.

Those spirit stones are too wasteful to be used as weapons. Let's use them as fuel to ignite the flames of the old age!

The temperature above the lobby gradually rises!

The Miexian Crossbow, which was originally given high hopes by the ministers, turned into flame fuel.

As for the great spirit stone formation at the feet of the emperor, it is even more vulnerable!

"Impossible! This is the formation that can prevent the cultivator at the top of the foundation building!"

The emperor was hot and sweaty, and for the first time a panic expression appeared on his face.

Mo Wuming stepped forward, shrunk his ground to a foot, and appeared in front of the emperor.

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