I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 120: 【Talent Test】

Before Li Zhongkai saw Wen Chengjie easily jumped his own score.

This led Li Zhongkai to think that as long as he controls the aura well, he should control the score of the talent tester as a matter of course!

What Li Zhongkai didn't expect was that Wen Chengjie was even more coincidental than he had imagined!

Professor Mo Dengxian is not an idle person, he naturally anticipated this situation, and set up insurance early, so only in rare cases can the scores be artificially tampered with.

Li Zhongkai's original intention was to control a relatively low score, so as to inspire the students' emotions!

He stepped onto the stage and said solemnly: "I don't like the theory of talent, because the word talent is often an excuse for lazy people to escape reality! The real strong never emphasize their talent!"

"I am a master of cultivation, and I rely on hard work! Any of you have ever seen Jiangyang City at four o'clock in the morning?!"

"Watch it well! Even a person like me can cultivate to an extremely strong state!!"

There was noisy off the court, and the students looked at Li Zhongkai with anticipation.

The light in the eyes of students is the hope for the future, the desire for transcendence, that is the light that firmly believes that hard work will succeed!

Li Zhongkai calmed down, stepped forward slowly, and walked into the talent tester.

As soon as he stood in, he felt something wrong instantly!

Reiki is blocked? Could it be said that Professor Mo used the theory of weapons in the Reiki Detector?

He hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to break open the machine directly.

Li Zhongkai is not keenly aware of aura in the instrument, but what students see from the outside world is really real!

As soon as he stepped in, the aura outside began to gather!

The huge aura formed a whirlpool-like shape!

Even students with a talent of one can clearly see the huge aura that is almost visible to the naked eye rotating on the top of the instrument!

The number of the instrument keeps beating!


"one hundred and twelve!"

"Two hundred thirty four!"

The numbers keep climbing!

The students below looked at this amazing scene, their expressions were full of incredible!

The light in his eyes that firmly believed in the future was blown out...

"is that a lie!"

"How is it possible, is there really someone with a three-digit talent?"

"How can it break through a hundred!"

"Is it a thousand-point system?"

The students kept exclaiming. And even more surprised are the four little ones just now!

Xiang Shuxiang was surprised and couldn't speak while covering his mouth!

Wang Qisi was sweating coldly all over, he was the highest cultivation base in his generation, and he knew exactly what this huge spiritual energy meant!

Zhong Maomao's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't expect that Teacher Li Zhongkai was the real Master Gou Dao! Hidden is so deep!

Gu Chengyu pursed his mouth and bowed his head silently. He was speechless at the moment! His heart sword is trembling! His proud perception of danger made him tremble all over his body at this moment!

He stared at Li Zhongkai, who was frowning in the instrument, thinking in disbelief: "This guy...isn't it a monster in human skin?"

"Two hundred and fifty-four!"

"three hundred!!"

From Li Zhongkai to the present, it was only four or five seconds of work, and the number flew up to three hundred!

Seeing the numbers go up! But the machine couldn't hold it at first! There was a booming sound.

Li Zhongkai heard a voice raising his head slightly: "Is it about to start?"

"I'm ready! Come on!" Li reopened his posture!

Only heard a bang!

The machine fell apart in an instant!

As soon as the machine fell apart, Li reopened and felt the powerful aura vortex in the sky!

He looked at the students off the field, then stared at the spiritual energy vortex above for a moment...

It seems that I suddenly understand what is going on!

The original educational chicken soup seems to have become poisonous chicken soup!

Li Zhongkai reacted extremely fast! Immediately pointed to the machine on the ground and said: "Did you see it, this is the end of not working hard!"

"I can't even do my own job! What else can you use it for!"

"Insufficient success! Something more than failure!"

There was silence on the playground, and the students' eyes were dull, standing in place like a zombie!

Then gradually several voices began to sound in the crowd:

"Understood, I'm a trash. It is true that I have been impetuous and impatient because of extraordinary things and have not studied in the past two days. Sure enough! People like me can only learn to do it!"

"I'll study hard! I may really not fit the path of transcendence."

"Me too! I have such a talent, it's hopeless to be supernaturally appointed... Let's take a test of ninety-eight-five!"

"I'm numb, I can't study, I'll go home and farm..."

The students who were originally clamoring and reluctant to go to class, and wanted to rush to Chaofan, were suddenly awakened.

They are like people who once dreamed of becoming professional gamers, but when they just wanted to make their debut, they were tortured by the e-sports demon and recognized the reality.

The students walked back to the classroom in despair.

There were only a few students with talents above 20, still holding a glimmer of hope, and remembered the re-admissions that Li Zhongkai had said before.

The teachers were very happy. The students were impetuous with the physical examination just now. They completely ignored the class and discussed the extraordinary in the playground for themselves! It is a good thing to recognize reality now.

Li Zhongkai saw this situation in his eyes. He didn't expect that a meal of poisonous chicken soup would make the students more honest.

He shook his head helplessly, this is probably the fate! Just like Wen Chengjie.

In fact, Li Zhongkai only intended to pour some chicken soup for them.

He turned his head and said to the five people over sixty points: "Tomorrow all the people over sixty points in Jiangyang City will gather together."

"Leave a contact information, then I will take you to the Reiki Academy in Tianshui City to report!"

In these three days, all high school tests should be completed today. The next two days were inspections for college students and social animals.

"Yes! Teacher!" The five little ones said in unison ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For some reason, after seeing Li Zhongkai's talent score, the agitated heart suddenly disappeared and became a lot more stable.

Li Zhongkai raised his eyebrows, he was keenly aware that these five people obviously admired him more.

But this is not a bad thing, at least it will help him to teach later.

"Oh! Just how should I explain to Professor Mo? How should I deal with this thing?"

Li Zhongkai looked at the broken copper and scrap iron on the ground, and the wreckage of the machine couldn't help being lost in thought.


In the evening, Professor Mo looked at the wreckage of the machine on the ground, also at a loss.

impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

"Professor, do you need dipping sauce?"

Cheng Guangqi reminded silently on the side.

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