I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 121: 【Demi god】

late at night.

During the day, the videos of physical examinations of universities in various places have been pushed to the homepages of major platforms.

#College Physical Examination

"Quick and cold! Why are there no college students? Why are there no college students?"

"Frozen! What happened to the social animal! Can't the social animal cultivate immortals?"

"By the way, don't you guys watch the news? This time it lasts for three days! College students and other groups under the age of 30, check tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!"

"Damn it! What happened to thirty years old! Does thirty years old have no human rights?"

Netizens are commenting on the Internet. On the surface, everyone is complaining, but in fact they are still very happy.

Because at least Daxiaguo has tangible promotion channels!

However, Jerdana and some other countries simply do not have the strength to quickly set up transcendental academies or deal with transcendental means.

Until now, in the territories of certain countries, there are still dark demons from the present world left over from the gate of the underworld last time.

However, these do not hinder Li's reopening!

It suddenly occurred to him today that if he were to be a teacher in school, would he still be able to use other people's talents by the way?

To be fair, he has only had a talent for prostituting on Cheng Guangqi once!

Haven't tried anyone else yet!

But as far as the current conditions are concerned, at least the opponent's Sea of ​​Consciousness must not defend him!

Although it's not impossible to break through the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness forcibly, but this way, the opponent's end will be miserable, and Li Zhongkai doesn't want to do that.

He still prefers to slowly increase his favorability to gain trust.

However, the talent of prostitutes is always the icing on the cake!

Li re-opening orders can get a lot of talents by reopening every day, and now that he has only practiced for less than a week, there is no need to rush.

Thinking of this, Li Zhongkai dived into his strange sea of ​​knowledge again.

Start to check the information about restarting the simulator.

"Oh? Haven't the rewards of "Lingmai" and "Tiangong" triggered yet? "

"Spirit veins" are rewards after changing history. In the history of the original timeline, the spirit veins have completely disappeared, but this time it was protected by Li reopened a lot, but there are still many spiritual veins damaged. Can't come back!

This reward was to repair all the damaged spiritual veins, but Li Zhongkai didn't expect that this reward would be outrageous before it was issued. Li Zhongkai shook his head, without thinking about this, he started today's reopening directly.

This is also the ninth time to reopen!

[Game reopened! 】

[Start 10 consecutive draws! 】

A flash of orange light! The orange talent is refreshed!

[Orange Talent] "Half God": All attributes +2.

Li Zhongkai had already wanted to be a "demigod" when he was drawn to "Human Evolution"!

It's a pity that it's useless to draw it now.

Li Zhongkai only counted the initial attributes, and now it is also ridiculously high!

Although thinking so in his heart, Li Zhongkai still defaults to staying in the "demigod" later!

What ten consecutive draws! That is the "demigod" and his nine tool men.

Continue to adjust the initial attributes, after having a "demigod". His initial attributes:

Face value: 13

Intelligence: 11

Physique: 31

Family background: 11

All have exceeded the human limit.

Professor Mo's data is still slightly different from that in the reopening simulator, but it is not easy to achieve his accuracy.

"This time the attributes are so luxurious! I don't believe that immortality cultivation is unsuccessful!"

[Reopen now! 】


The next day, Li Zhongkai went to the assembly of admitted students with a black face.

Reopened last night and died directly from a heart attack, this game highlights an outrageous!

Such a high physique can actually die!

This is too much!

"Is the teacher in a bad mood today?" Xiang Shuxiang asked suspiciously towards the friends.

Wang Qisi quietly glanced at Li Zhongkai: "Remove the question mark, he will definitely be in a bad mood!"

Wen Chengjie was a little confused and curiously said: "Guess a woolen thread, just go up and ask him if it's OK!"

After that, I had to go directly to Li Zhongkai and ask him why he was in a bad mood.

Again? !

The other four hurriedly grabbed him and pressed him on the seat abruptly!

This guy is too brave!

Li Zhongkai heard the movement here and walked over and asked, "Are all the luggage ready?"

Yesterday afternoon Li Zhongkai had asked them to pack up their things at home, ready to head to Tianshui City the next day!

"Ready!" the five said in unison.

"But...would you be a little anxious?" Wang Qisi frowned and said.

Li Zhongkai shook his head faintly, and replied: "No hurry! What you want is surprise!"

"I know, I know!" Wen Chengjie immediately raised his hand proudly, "The geniuses in the city in the novel will definitely be attacked on their way to the Reiki school!"

"Then the protagonist turned the danger into a bargain and showed his specialness! He also helped the protector to destroy the enemy, and gained academy points in advance! It was directly ahead of the freshmen of the same class!"

"We are playing a time difference this time, so that the enemy can't be defended! Let them know that we are out of town ahead of time!"

The other four people suddenly looked at Wen Chengjie in surprise, even though what was said earlier was a little bit ridiculous. But there is some truth in the time difference behind.

Li Zhongkai retorted, "No, I actually want to get an extra day's salary."

Everyone: "..."

After waiting a while, the others arrived. This time, all high schools in Jiangyang City admitted only more than 30 new students.

"That's it?" Li Zhongkai asked Lin Shuhong curiously.

Lin Shuhong nodded: "That's a lot!"

"Be careful! Other countries know that we are doing something here, and it is inevitable that they will start!"

Now only Daxia Kingdom can do something when facing transcendence, and other countries will inevitably have some thoughts that shouldn't be moved.

It really made Wen Chengjie guess a part of it right, and this time he set off early to prevent problems before they happen.

The main reason is that high school students are not younger than college students and social animals. They are too young and have to be considered carefully.

"But, you lead the team! I can rest assured!" Lin Shuhong said with a smile. "I will trouble you this time!"

"Let them get in the car!" Li Zhongkai frowned.

Unknowingly, I have become a person who takes on the lives of others~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dozens of students got into the car filled with excitement.

It is said that this was specially modified by the Bureau of Investigation.

It was named Hearse, which is actually a bit weird.

Just drive the hearse and take the students on the road, right?

Li Zhongkai looked at the introduction booklet of the hearse in his hand. It also introduced that the defensive power of the hearse was amazing!

The defensive power is enough to make ten Condensing Qi monks frown at the same time...

never mind!

Li Zhongkai threw the brochure aside as soon as he saw this sentence.

Next time I see this sentence, I will just sputum!

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