I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 137: 【Master of Kendo】

"Qiang!" The sword and the sword made a piercing sound of Jin Ge intersecting in the air.

"Insufficient purity!"

"Insufficient purity!"

"It's still not pure enough!"

Every time Li Zhongkai yelled a word, the sword slammed Gu Chengyu again.

Ironically, in order not to be knocked down at this moment, Gu Chengyu had to use the insignificant sword-style support. Looking forward to the progress of kendo, I can catch a chance to fight back.

"Waiting for a counterattack? If you can only escape, only tactics! You will never see a higher sword realm!" Li Zhongkai's expression was cold, and the sword in his hand kept swinging!

Under this uninterrupted offensive, Gu Chengyu could hardly resist!

The collision between the sword and the sword will convey the heart and mind of the sword holder!

I don't believe Gu Chengyu, you can't hear the pure voice in Liu Jianbo's Xiyan Kendo!

Your arrogance has not only blinded your eyes!

Also blinded your sword!

Open my blocked heart!

"Face me straight!"


The sword in Gu Chengyu's hand was knocked down.

This was also the first time in his life that the sword in his hand was shot down to the ground by someone else.

The undefeated kendo for eighteen years made him believe that his kendo is the standard!

Your own Kendo is the answer!

"Why? Why can such a half-hearted swordsmanship defeat me?" Gu Chengyu stood there blankly, as if he still couldn't accept the fact that his sword was let go.

Li Zhongkai looked at him and couldn't help sighing.

The children brought over from Jiangyang City have some personality defects.

The biggest flaw of Gu Chengyu is that he is too self-conscious and too arrogant.

This is not a bad thing at first sight when practicing swords, because it is pure enough! But this will also become his hindrance and shackles.

While being arrogant, only by maintaining a little humility can we go further on this road.

The snow lotus that grows in the lofty mountains is more precious.

"Maybe failure is cruel, but this is the price of arrogance. When you can truly understand "My Way", come to me for a confrontation again! "Li Zhongkai returned the sword to Liu Jianbo, turned around and wanted to leave.

"and many more!"

This is not what Gu Chengyu yelled, but Liu Jianbo yelled.

"Thank you!" Liu Jianbo said sincerely.

This time the guide sword, guided two people.

After watching this sword, Liu Jianbo had a deep understanding of his Xiyan Kendo.

"No thanks... Gu Chengyu and I are actually very similar." Li Zhongkai laughed at himself.

In the final analysis, if Gu Chengyu is not a genius, and the stronger he gets in the duel, then Liu Jianbo must have won. There is no need to play by yourself.

Gu Chengyu crushed Liu Jianbo with his talent.

And Li Zhongkai used his talent to crush Gu Chengyu.

He woke up Gu Chengyu, but who would wake him up?


Gu Chengyu stood up blankly and walked to the stage silently.

Wen Chengjie immediately stepped forward and hugged him, "Strong, brother!"

"Is your sword skill so high?" Xiang Shuxiang and the others also echoed.

Although he lost to the teacher, he was already very strong in the eyes of his classmates! Worthy of their admiration and praise!

But Gu Chengyu was desperate at this moment, and for a while, he didn't realize that he had unknowingly had many friends with him.

He looked up listlessly and found that the academy's protection formation was looming in the air.

"What's that?" Gu Cheng asked everyone puzzled.

The students looked at each other in pairs, full of doubts.

"I do not know either."

"I just saw it! Is there a protective cover here?"

Zi Chen secretly made up his mind on the sidelines, he was ready to follow Wen Chengjie to improve his social skills.

When the genius Gu Chengyu was most desperate, he captured his favor.

Zi Chen stepped forward and explained: "This is the vision that Teacher Li Zhongkai made when he pulled the sword."

Gu Chengyu immediately shook his head in denial, and he played against the teacher. Although the teacher was very strong in drawing his sword at the time, the teacher has also been constraining himself!

There will be no such thing as triggering the protective cover.

Zi Chen socialized for the first time and ate a closed door.

"No! No!" Gu Chengyu swept away the listlessness before yelling out: "Teacher!"

He found the person he felt most reliable here for the first time!

"Well, I saw it!" Li Zhongkai, who was thinking about something just now, also reacted immediately!

At this moment, Liu Jianbo was a little bit embarrassed. He was so addicted to kendo that he didn't even notice that the protective cover was triggered!

"All students return to the dormitory temporarily, there is a secondary protective cover over there!" Li Zhongkai shouted solemnly.

Having said that, Li Zhongkai immediately asked Liu Jianbo, he is an old man in the world of cultivating immortals, and he should have a certain understanding of this formation!

"what is happening!"

Liu Jianbo carefully observed the looming trend of the protective cover, and he was also a little puzzled.

"It's strange, the attack range is very weak, so weak that the protective cover does not trigger a warning mechanism at all." He is also unheard of such things.

In order to prevent accidental touches, the protection formation has its own set of warning mechanisms!

Otherwise, if someone touches it and the alarm is triggered, then the teachers are really lacking in skills.

Li Zhongkai frowned, soaring into the air, turning into a golden light and disappearing in the same place instantly!

"Eh!" Liu Jianbo hesitated for a moment, thinking it was not that simple!

Yesterday the three major principals all went to work as a hook to implement the fishing plan!

Now they are discussing meetings at the Xianlaishan headquarters, and at this time, someone has attacked!

If this is a coincidence, then Liu Jianbo is unbelievable!

"Report to Xianmeng headquarters first!"


Li Zhongkai was a bold artist, and directly scanned the whole school with his spiritual sense to see what went wrong.

He soon discovered the problem!

A huge cockroach appeared in the school's jurisdiction!

The length is close to more than forty meters! The organs on the body are almost clearly visible to the naked eye!

No wonder the alarm can't be triggered, but the formation is activated.

It is completely relying on the huge size to eat the formation! But there is no aura, no matter how big the body is! After all, it can only be regarded as an ordinary creature, and its attack power is compared to the cosmic-level foundation-building monks...

Too weak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can not even trigger the formation alarm! But for ordinary people, this is a complete killer!

The other teachers came here early and surrounded this huge cockroach!

But he did not choose to do it for a long time.

Li Zhongkai took a look and understood that if this kind of cockroach gave birth to school before death, it would be really difficult!

"How did this thing get in?"

"You can't fight! You can't rush!" The teachers scolded one after another.

There are also ordinary people in Tianshui City. If these 40-meter-long cockroaches are allowed to get out, there will be no Ultraman outside to kill him.

Li reopened his brows and frowned, remembering correctly.

The huge cockroach should be in the urban area on the side of Yongsen Lake!

How would it appear here?

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