I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 138: [Huge cockroach and Mario's mushroom]

"This is the product of Lake Yongsen, right?"

Li Zhongkai's words plunged everyone into silence.

The birth of the four great spiritual veins is also the reason why these monks came to run for teachers.

Everyone is naturally aware of the current situation of Lake Yongsen. After all, the huge cockroach incident can be found online, so the monks in these circles must know more.

So obviously this time someone deliberately traded behind the scenes. And the selected thing happened to hit the seven inches of the teachers!

The huge cockroach is trapped in the aura at the moment, unable to move!

In order to prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain, the teachers also assigned some people to guard the students in the dormitory.

"There are probably five kinds of mushrooms!" Teacher Zhong Yuanhong began to share the information he knew.

"Red mushrooms will grow bigger after eating them, but they will directly regain their prototypes if they receive fatal damage."

"Large mushrooms will become very big! But there is a time limit, this cockroach should have eaten this!"

"There are also blue mushrooms, which can shrink the body. The first case is a tiger in a zoo."

When Zhong Yuanhong said this, he shut his mouth in time.

Because the two remaining mushrooms are the green mushroom and the purple mushroom.

One plus one life, one minus one life!

The quantity is extremely scarce, and there is not much stock in Xianmeng at present. Because once these two mushrooms are mentioned, they will definitely cause trouble.

The teachers present also agreed not to talk about this.

"We only need to wait until the mushroom expires. I have trapped it with aura." Teacher Zhao Tenghe explained to everyone.

The teachers nodded their heads, and that was the only way to do it.

There is no better way.

Li Zhongkai frowned slightly, thinking that this matter would not be so simple.

As if thinking of something, he took out his phone and opened the website established before the Truth Society.

Here are various extraordinary videos. The Yongsen Lake incident yesterday and Lingyuan Mountain Yunzhou University were also recorded.

[Xiao Ji]!

Li Zhongkai turned to a page of the website and opened a link, as if he was very helpful.

Inside, it was the teachers from Tianshui City besieging the huge cockroach!

live streaming!

Li reopened his pupils and shrank, then followed the direction in the video to instantly cut out a sword gas with a finger-like sword!

Without aura blessing in the previous life, kendo will be as mysterious as the gods!

At this moment, with the blessing of spiritual energy, the power of kendo has risen exponentially!

The other teachers were shocked! Because when Li reopened the sword, they didn't react at all!

This means that if Li Zhongkai wants to kill them, it is naturally easy!

But when they thought about it, they thought that Li Zhongkai was a "Golden Core" monk after all, and they couldn't beat it in the first place.

Due to the sword qi, life is overwhelmed.

But there was no one in that place, only one camera was cut to pieces!

Li Zhongkai guessed the result, and deliberately left his hands to leave a whole body for the camera to use as evidence.

The teachers naturally saw this camera.


"Heh...what the **** is this guy going to do? What if we take a picture of us?"

Obviously, the other party knew the monks' terrifying perception, and simply arranged for a dead object to stay here, which was already deliberately targeted.

Li Zhongkai did not make a sound, but handed the phone to the teachers to circulate.

The live clip just now has been cut into a video and placed on this website.

Zhong Yuanhong took the phone and saw the logo of the Truth Association on the website at a glance, and suddenly said, "Are they not dead yet?"

These monks who have lived for more than a hundred years naturally know what this sign means.

The video is more interesting.

In the video, the teachers at the top of the building base seem to have nothing to do with this huge cockroach.

The cockroaches are showing off below, but the teachers are worried in the air.

The video just stopped here abruptly.

Everyone was silent. Zhong Yuanhong immediately shouted angrily: "This is slander! He slandered us!!"

"How come these black sheep weren't killed clean at the time?"

This video directly exposed the specific location of Tianshui City Xiuxian Technical College, and it is inevitable that curious ordinary people will come to the door. This is a trivial matter, just put in a formation.

Secondly, it created panic. The heat of the giant cockroaches in the suburbs near Yongsen Lake has been almost contrasted by them on this website.

Now it shows that even the high-level monks have no way of doing this.

The masses will inevitably lose some confidence in the immortal league, after all, everyone knows the reproduction power of the cockroach.

There is no way for them to understand that mega-enhancement is actually time-sensitive.

People can only believe what they see.

If you can't use martial arts, the group of Truth Association will make you shameless!

"What to do?" Formation teacher Wang Huihao looked at Li Zhongkai helplessly.

Everyone clearly realized that this was a premeditated incident.

Everyone followed Li Zhongkai. After all, in the cognition of these teachers, Li Zhongkai was the highest cultivation base present.

When the sky collapses, it is natural to hold on to the high cultivation base.

"If I guess it is right, they will really put it in the city next step!" Li Zhongkai looked serious, "At that time, public opinion will form a dense net and directly cover all the monks."

"Go to the vicinity of Yongsen Lake to check the direction of all the mushroom spirits! The other party has taken precautions with the cultivation method. Tell the headquarters of the fairy league and contact the police to use the Sky Eye system!"

"And one more thing!"

Li Zhongkai asked in a deep voice, "How do you think about the relationship between ordinary people and monks?"

"How can I look at this... We have no difference! Just like those who practice martial arts before!" Zhong Yuanhong frowned and said.

Those who were present were all old monks, who said something awkward, they were all people from the last century or even the last century.

They are very pure. In their view, the essence of cultivating immortality is a skill, which is no different from writing, martial arts, and painting.

Of course, the old monks who didn't think so were killed by Shen Ling's heart.

The survivors are wrong.

But these people in the new era will certainly not think that this is just a skill ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Superhuman! New man! Fairy!

This is the word they like, which separates monks from mortals.

If there are not enough promotion channels between mortals and monks, then the contradiction between them will explode sooner or later!

A mortal is still a monk, and it doesn't matter who will win. The important thing is that there is no need to fight!

You fix your fairy and I live my life.

The two are not opposed at first, but at this moment some people can't stand it anymore.

Li Zhongkai stood in place thinking about countermeasures. Contradictions like this are naturally found early and resolved early!

After the Truth Society was hit hard, now they can only find a way to engage in these slanderous tricks!

"I have already notified the leader! He will be here soon!" Liu Jianbo flew over from the campus and said to everyone.

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