I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 139: 【Brother Puxin】

"Jianbo... next time you call me, you can actually call me directly." Jiang Chi appeared on the scene in a while, and he was rather helpless.

These old monks are still not accustomed to using modern equipment.

Jiang Chi casually threw a blue mushroom to Zhao Tenghe, "Give this shrinking mushroom to this thing, it can quickly offset the effect of the enlarged mushroom."

Zhao Tenghe immediately took the mushrooms and controlled the aura to feed the mushrooms to the huge cockroach.

"Leader!" Zhong Yuanhong looked anxious and told Jiang Chi what had happened just now.

The other party was able to cut the live footage into a video and continue sending it in such a short period of time. Obviously, he came prepared! Specially to bully this group of older people who don't use modern equipment very much. It really doesn't talk about martial ethics.

Zhong Yuanhong gritted his teeth and said: "Leader, you have an idea! How on earth should we refute the rumors?"

Jiang Chi smiled without speaking. Turning to look at Li Zhongkai, who was thinking aside, "What do you think of this matter?"

After Li Zhongkai thought for a while, he said seriously:

"I don't think there is actually a need to refute the rumors!"

As soon as these words came out, the teachers present were all shocked, and the **** bowl was buttoned up. What are you waiting for if you don't refute the rumors?

Waiting for a table?

"He is right, there is no need to puncture this lie!" Jiang Chi agreed with his expression.

This this this...

The teachers are puzzled.

If this is not to refute the rumors, wouldn't the credibility of the monks decrease?

To be more serious, the Truth Association might even take the opportunity to stir up class conflicts between monks and ordinary people.

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Jiang Chi said a few words: "This Ultraman still needs monsters to set off! We monks can't do nothing!"

A profession must be able to produce value before it is necessary. For example, doctors treat illnesses and lawyers fight lawsuits. These are all necessary professions.

What about the monk? What can monks do for this society?

Reiki is of great value to humans, but more people cannot see it. It is difficult for them to understand the progress brought about by the wonderful energy of Reiki.

Therefore, the profession of monk, in the eyes of more people, is: as long as you are trained! That is the master! No need to take responsibility, no need to pay.

So the appearance of this little cockroach was not a surprise to the monks?

It is the little monster in Ultraman!

He will unite the monks and ordinary people! The best way to resolve contradictions is to have a common enemy!

Now that the enemy has appeared, isn't it better to use it?

What's more... Jiang Chi glanced at the cockroach that had become smaller and killed.

It's rare to see monsters that can knead so easily.

After the spiritual energy cultivation of all things, it would not be surprising if a lion who speaks human words came out and called himself Simba. If you really meet a phoenix, dragon or something who has cultivated spiritual energy, ordinary monks will not be able to fight.

Now it's just a growing cockroach, not only has the visual impact, but the strength is also weak!

Isn't this the perfect version to warm up?

The teachers are also very sophisticated. Although they are a little strange to Ultraman, they still understand the truth.

"Hey, that's not right! It stands to reason that we are just scheming! But the purpose of the Truth Association has been achieved, and our purpose has been achieved. Then who has suffered the loss?" Zhao Tenghe was a little confused.

Jiang Chi patted Zhao Tenghe on the shoulder with relief. It is really the boss' joy to have such a stupid employee.

Zhong Yuanhong glanced at Zhao Tenghe complicatedly: "Are you a fool? You are the one who has lost!"

To be precise, what was lost was the reputation of the teachers who appeared in the video.

But the most important thing to lose reputation is Zhao Tenghe, after all, he shot it.

Zhao Tenghe couldn't accept it all of a sudden. You have reaped the benefits. Could it be that only the master has lost the reputation?

"Leader, it can't be like this! We represent the face of the monks! Our strength is not good, we will be ridiculed if we spread it out!"

Jiang Chi's style changed, and he looked like a keyboard man on the Internet. He immediately raised the bar and said:

"You brother Puxin! Why can we represent all the monks! I don't accept to represent Ang!"

"It's you, what does that have to do with other monks?"

Good job!

I turned my face and didn't recognize people!

At that time, the Internet will definitely spray the technical dishes of the teachers of Tianshui City Spiritual School, which is not very good. and

Under Jiang Chi's guidance, it is estimated that all monks will not be blackmailed directly.

The advantage is that the cockroach has become a monster that everyone shouts and beats. Indirectly improved the status of monks.

When the time comes, teachers from other schools will use their strength to speak and defeat the cockroach monsters head-on!

It directly highlights one: "There is also a gap between monks!"

Li Zhongkai silently clicked a thumbs up next to him. He didn't show his face in the video anyway.

But he still decided to comfort everyone, "This is not a bad thing for everyone, after all, everyone's original purpose is still spiritual."

"If it is spread on the Internet that our school's teaching level is not good, then our competitors' students will certainly despise our students after seeing it."

"It's not that it has taken the lead."

After these words became clear, the teachers felt that they were not unacceptable.

It would be a good thing if it could take a little advantage in the three-house competition in a month's time.

Compared with fame, Lingmai is the top priority!

Li Zhongkai understood the weakness of this group of teachers early, and directly used the benefit analysis to easily grasp them.

"Then this matter will be settled first, everyone hurry up to teach the students to class." Jiang Chi waved his hand and motioned everyone to leave.

The teachers did not expect that being a teacher would not be guaranteed until the end of the festival.

If it weren't for Li reopening the words, it is estimated that they would have to let Jiang Chi know...how much is the difference between the foundation building realm and the golden core realm!

And Zhao Tenghe, who shot the cockroach, left in a curse.

At the moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only Li Zhongkai and Jiang Chi are left.

"Tianshui City is the only remaining base camp for the Truth Association." Jiang Chi seemed to point.

He knew what the Truth Society meant to the Desperate Witch.

Li reopened the Lingshu on her hand and calmed her emotions. Then he asked Jiang Chi, "Do you want to kill someone with a knife?"

"We just have the same interests, aren't we? Anyway, you two will attack the Truth Association sooner or later." Jiang Chi smiled.

Li Zhongkai raised an eyebrow when he heard the words, "You seem to particularly want them to make a splash?"

"Of course! As an ‘Ultraman’, I have always longed for monsters to realize my value. It’s a pity... the aura has not recovered at the time, and I am not as strong as despairing her."

"Otherwise...it would definitely be me who subverted the Bureau of Investigation and the Truth Society!"

Jiang Chi turned to face Li reopened, his eyes were like a torch and said!

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