I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 145: [Fist! 】

Li Zhongkai straightened his body and said solemnly, "Sometimes there are strokes in boxing, and sometimes there are no moves. The best thing is that there are no moves to win!"

"Cannon fist is like a cannon, it is fire, and it is a horrible fist. This is the essence of fist, but it is a move after all. He can't get out of this circle no matter how he fights, so he is dead."

"But "intention" is alive! I will teach you "Fist Yi" next. This is the strongest punch! "

After Li Zhongkai finished speaking, he set up his posture and calmed down.

He wants to use his sword of sentient beings to simulate boxing.

As the posture opened up, the dojo suddenly calmed down!

Unspeakable quiet, as if everything is holding their breath at this moment!

The sudden silence seemed to be squeezing Wang Qisi's lungs, swept through the majestic pressure, he did not even dare to breathe!

"Boom boom boom!"

Only the sound of heartbeat in the dojo was quite harsh.

Li re-started!

Throw a punch.

Then the wind began to flow and everything began to breathe.

The silence disappeared.

Everything seemed to be back to the way he was before he set up his posture.

Another punch!

This punch is so urgent, so fast!

The wind suddenly became turbid, and everything was breathing fast.

Wang Qisi seemed to be in the middle of the battlefield, timid in his heart but couldn't help but feel proud!

He looked around, and the surrounding area was actually slaughtering, with a lot of bones. Countless people are hostile to monsters, fight, and die!

It seems that the main theme of this world is like this!

Wang Qisi closed his eyes nervously, and calmed down a little bit. When he looked again, there was nothing left!

Li Zhongkai had already closed his fists.

But Wang Qisi was still in the dojo, and he hadn't moved half a point.

"The monster...what is it?" Wang Qisi asked in a daze.

"Maybe it's your illusion."

Li Zhongkai quietly sorted out his clothes. Swordsmanship of sentient beings embraces all things. Everyone looks different in the past. How did he know what Wang Qisi would see.

Wang Qisi shook his head, trying to clear himself up.

But the pride in that heart lingered no matter how.

He fisted in the posture of Li Zhongkai, but no matter how he fought, his pride stayed in his chest and never blended into his fist.

It is still very difficult for him to use the arrogance, Wang Qisi calmly prepared to pour all the arrogance into the next heavy punch!

"A deliberate blow!"

But nothing happened.

So he had no choice but to start practicing with punching over and over again.


Zi Chen opened his eyes first.

His current realm has been promoted to the condensing level.

Zi Chen frowned slightly and looked at Zhong Maomao. If he remembered correctly, Zhong Maomao seemed to be condensed long ago.

Why is it still condensing one level after purifying the sutras and cultivating spiritual energy?

Judging from the progress of Zichen's own planning, Zhong Maomao obviously can't just condense the air!

Is this hiding clumsy?

Gu Chengyu on the side also unifies his spiritual realm with the sword, and he can't see the depth at all.

Only Zichen showed his realm generously among the three.

Zi Chen still had a bit of ambition to win, but the two obviously had a foundation for a long time, and there was no need to compare.

He stared at Xiang Shuxiang and Xia Jie with curiosity. Neither of them got out of the state of cultivation, but the contrast was very obvious, one strong and the other weak.

"I've guessed that Xiang Shuxiang is extremely talented in cultivation, but it still looks amazing now." Thinking about this, Zi Chen couldn't help but nodded in approval.

Wait, that Xia Jie?

Zi Chen squinted slightly, and soon found something wrong, which felt almost the same as the entrance exam.

Does this guy have a magical array around him while he is cultivating?

Zi Chen got serious, and saw Wang Qisi who was punching aside, each punch swayed a huge spiritual energy!

However, Zi Chen had guessed from Wang Qisi's performance before that the other party might have cultivated his body a long time ago, so he was no longer surprised at this moment.

Among the five people from Jiangyang City, three have a foundation, and one has an amazing talent for cultivation.

Thinking of this, Zichen wanted to see how Wen Chengjie's progress was, whether it was more exaggerated than the other people in Jiangyang City.

"Aura hasn't started yet, hiss! Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

No, it's not right!

The rest of the people all know about hiding clumsiness, it's impossible that Wen Chengjie can't! So he must be like Zhong Maomao, quietly hiding his true progress.

Zi Chen looked at everyone again, even Xia Jie, who was not in Jiangyang City, knew that the cloth layer magic array was hiding himself.

So...should I just go to the village and do what I do?

Thinking of this, Zi Chen also quietly concealed his cultivation.


Wang Qisi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and he finally felt that he had touched the threshold of a fist.

He caught a glimpse of everyone's cultivation as if it was about to end, so Wang Qisi quickly restrained his aura.

He thought for a while and decided to show his cultivation according to everyone's cultivation progress.

Just follow Zichen's schedule...I think he is quite smart.

A little bit worse than him, just rank in the middle of everyone.

Wang Qisi thought to himself, and lowered his cultivation level easily.


"Hehe...my Emilia Carbon...hehehe...my angel..." Xia Jie wiped her saliva and woke up suddenly.

"Damn it! Why am I addicted to anime again!"

Xia Jie immediately thumped his chest in annoyance! I was tired of thinking and practicing just now, so I tried to restore the illusion that day, but I didn't expect to imitate it.

Although it can only be used to play animation at present, it can't be transformed into a real person, but it is enough to fish.

Xia Jie quietly withdrew from the phantom array and hurriedly showed that he had been working hard to cultivate.


Xiang Shuxiang breathed out slowly...

Her practice today is so comfortable, she has perfectly used her talents and strengths, and the progress is gratifying.

When she woke up, she quickly wanted to tell everyone the good news.

But Xiang Shuxiang looked up and found the cultivation base shown by everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~, what he was about to say suddenly stopped.

"Eh... how come everyone's cultivation base..."

If you show off now, everyone will feel uncomfortable... Xiang Shuxiang hesitated for a moment, and decided to follow the trend.

Immediately adjusted his cultivation base to be similar to everyone.


After a tiring day, Master Wen slowly opened his eyes.

Reiki barely got started.

Wen Chengjie is very satisfied with this result, but he feels that everyone is definitely better than him.

After all, at that time he was just a talent test.

With this mind in mind... Wen Chengjie probed everyone's cultivation.

"Hi... I'm so strong!"

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