I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 146: 【I have practiced, but I haven't fully practiced. 】

Everyone gradually fell into contemplation as they looked at each other's cultivation base that was worthy of a spiritual energy entry.

The strongest on the surface is actually Wen Chengjie with the worst talent!

Li Zhongkai saw everything in his eyes, and suddenly felt a little unspeakable.

Forget about others, Li Zhongkai can bear it!

That Zhong Maomao you are outrageous!

Zhong Maomao condensed heavily before practicing! After cultivating, he just regressed to the entry level of Reiki!

Why are you embarrassed?

Treat others as fools?

Zhong Maomao chuckled: "Hey, everyone has made great progress!"

He was also very helpless, and when he opened his eyes, he found that everyone was more than one, he became the strongest one! How can he bear it!

"It's okay! Progress is actually pretty mediocre." Wen Chengjie smiled and scratched his head, but he secretly made up his mind.

It seems that I am the strongest among everyone!

For the next college competition, I will definitely be the first to attend! Show the momentum!

It is incumbent on me to recast the glory of Class 7! !

Li Zhongkai sighed helplessly. Since the students like to hide and tuck, he naturally can only support it. After all, teaching is better according to the students' own personalities.

Thinking of this, Li Zhongkai directly popped out auras, covering their aura fluctuations.

Their hiding skills are still immature, and they have to ask the teacher for help.

"Let's go, today's class is here for the first time!"

Today's first class went well, and Li Zhongkai was generally satisfied.


Xuanfeng quietly packed his belongings at the front desk, and he was about to get off work today. As long as the people in Class 7 came out, he estimated that there would be nothing wrong with him.

Just thinking about it, Xuanfeng looked up and saw Li Zhongkai taking the seven chicks and leaving get out of class.

"Senior. Did you finish the class? This is."

Li Zhongkai nodded, "Yes, you are here for your hard work, waiting for us."

"Huh! What!" Xuanfeng waved his hand quickly, "If you hadn't dealt with the wizards at that time, I guess I would have accounted for it! This rounding off still owes you a life!"

Xuanfeng turned on the computer and planned to report the information, "How are the students' progress today..."

When it comes to this, it stops abruptly.

Because he found that all the students looked like ordinary people.

What's the situation...how to come in one by one, and how to go out!

Are you in class at all?

Immediately afterwards, Xuanfeng realized that Senior Li Zhongkai had hidden the cultivation base for them!

Unfortunately, I am an insider, and I can directly use the computer to check Reiki movement. Xuanfeng quietly opened up the flow of spiritual energy in the training room.

Hiss, Xuanfeng narrowed his eyes, leaving only a gap.

He didn't say anything, but just exchanged a few words with Li Zhongkai as usual.

"I wish you a happy day off from get off work, I have to take the students back to the dormitory first, and talk to me next time." Li Zhongkai said a little politely, and then led the students to the dormitory.

After Li Zhongkai left, Xuanfeng quietly adjusted the number of spiritual energy for the students in Class 7 to a normal value.

In this way, the students in Class 7 look like other classes.

"Eh... it's time to pay back the favor." Xuan Feng sighed, "Nowadays young people can't hide everything!"

Although he said so, Xuanfeng's eyes never left the computer.

His eyes were still squinted, and he couldn't tell whether he was feeling or envious.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward..."


Not long after Li Zhongkai left, Zhao Tenghe hurried to the training room.

He had been avoiding Li and reopened, after all, it was enough to lose the Golden Core Realm once. Zhao Tenghe didn't want to turn the other eye into a panda eye.

"Lao Xuan! Quickly show me the data of Li reopened their class just now!" Zhao Tenghe patted the table hurriedly, a little guilty in his conscience.

Xuanfeng was cherishing the memory of the past from here, but his thoughts were suddenly broken, and his brows were suddenly frowned.

"What, if you ask me to give it, do I have to give it? There is no such rule above."

Zhao Tenghe waved his hand anxiously. Now is not the time to care about your face!

He directly took out his cell phone and called Xuanfeng face to face!

"Eh, what do you mean?" Xuanfeng was a little confused, and then he saw the note to Zhao Tenghe in his mobile phone. Hastily put the phone away under the cover.

"Aha, it's useless to put it away! I saw it!"

Zhao Tenghe pointed to his nose and said, "You noted the platypus! Right!"

"The yin and yang said that my mouth is stiff, right?"

"Hurry up and hand in the data, I don't think I have seen this!"

Xuanfeng sighed, "Why are you?" He reluctantly entered the password, and then showed the data to Zhao Tenghe.

Zhao Tenghe leaned close to the monitor and after seeing the data clearly, he suddenly smiled and said, "That's it?"

"I'm not killing indiscriminately?"

"Isn't this champion won steadily?"

After that, he left happily.

Xuanfeng shook his head, reluctantly picked up his belongings, and prepared to leave for get off work.

Suddenly, a masked man patted his table: "Robbery, show me the data."

"Zhong Yuanhong, you can cover it more tightly next time." Xuanfeng looked at him speechlessly.

"Zhong Yuanhong? Really unfamiliar! Give me the data quickly, or you will leak the data to Zhao Tenghe the next day!" Zhong Yuanhong immediately "threatened".

"Quick! Give me Kangkang all the data other than Class 3!"

Xuanfeng had to show Zhong Yuanhong the unclosed interface again.

"Haha! That's it? I'm not killing indiscriminately? The sword is pointing to the champion!"

Zhong Yuanhong immediately ran out happily.

Xuanfeng sighed, "Who else wants to see? Stop pretending, come out!"

"How embarrassed is this?"

"What you asked for, I didn't force it."

"Good guy, everyone can hide."

It seems that everyone is a little curious about the students of the Jindan Realm teaching, and they have gotten out of the corners where they don't know where.

Although Xuanfeng's realm was low, he didn't care about them at all: "After reading it, remember to turn off the computer for me."


"no problem!"

"Hey, you are not allowed to read our class data!"

"No, you started our class first!"

Xuan Feng glanced back at them, and the most elite group of monks in the world were making trouble in front of the computer at the moment. Xuanfeng didn't speak, but left here in silence.

The world of Xixi ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is all for profit; the world is hustling, all for profit.

When protecting the students that day, Xuanfeng found out that he hadn't actually become a real teacher yet! So he chose to resign and switch to logistics.

But after I really met these teachers, I realized that everyone was only here for their spiritual veins.

Whether it’s Li Zhongkai or these teachers.

Everyone has their own purpose.

But...Xuanfeng stood silently.

If one day, the students will encounter a real disaster.

Will this group of teachers, whose hopes are high by mankind, really save these children?

Xuanfeng didn't know if he was a moral kidnapping. But at least he knows one thing, that is, no matter his strength is enough, he will definitely stand up!

Even if he is not a teacher now.

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