I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 147: 【The Forerunner of History】

That night.

   Li reopened and slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, ended his training, and prepared to reopen today's game.

   The consciousness sank to the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and once again came to this strange area, the left is the real world, the right is the foreign land.

  【The game is reopened! 】

  【Start ten consecutive draws! 】

   As usual, Li Zhongkai directly removed some negative talents.

   [Purple Talent]: When happiness is greater than 10, other attributes increase by 3.

   [White Talent]: When family status is 0, family status +1.

   [White Talent]: 100% fall to the tail bone when playing the balance bike.

  【White Talent】: People give the nickname the author's inner scroll machine.

   When Li reopened, he suddenly thought that those who had been reopened in reality had not yet been resident, and this time they could just be resident on the talent tree.

   After resident, his first-order evolutionary talent tree will naturally be at full level.

   no longer hesitate, Li reopened the talents that he picked up and made up the other two.

  【Reopen now! 】


   0 years old: You were born in Tianshui City.


5 years old: Since you were a child, you have imagined that there are really supermen and swordsmen in this world; when you were young, all of you were accommodating. No matter what you say, your parents agree with you, so you believe more and more that this world is truly extraordinary. .


   18 years old: This year the school conducted a physical examination, and the classmates talked a lot, and you were also very excited. Because you all guessed it, this is the path to promotion in fantasy.

   There is no doubt that you lost the election.

   In this very low probability audition, losing the election is the norm. You comfort yourself so much. Although you have fantasized about being extraordinary for more than ten years. But what use is this?

   At a young age, you realize that some people are born differently.

   "We are only worthy of a relatively failed life in the sewer." Out of anger, you typed a line like this on the online platform.

   can be beyond your expectation, countless people who have the same experience with you have praised you one after another, and you soon hugged and warmed up.

   And at this time, those proud children of Tianshui City! I was violently attacked by the Internet!

   Your group of friends ran to fan the flames, you hesitated a little, and joined them decisively.

   It happens that the Reiki Academy is in your hometown, in this city of Tianshui. It would be great if you could go to this school!

   While sighing, you typed a few lines: "Tianshui City Spiritual Research Institute? No dogs!"

   Although I said so, you understand that the people who commented here are actually Cha Lemon.

   What kind of genius from the seventh class hasn’t practiced for a long time, will anyone really believe this kind of title? They must have their own teaching plan and progress!

   But the comments showed a one-sided situation. To put it bluntly, everyone was pretending to be stupid. Everyone wants to take this opportunity to vent the negative emotions caused by being unilaterally eliminated.

   "But I have no right to laugh at them either." You shook your head and said mockingly.

   "The rats and mice charge the ducks! Launch an attack on this group of masters!" The group holding together for warmth became the horn to initiate the charge.

   You feel dull and uninterested, you close the webpage and don't want to participate in this farce anymore.

   "Ding Ding Ding!"

   A group friend who has never chatted a few words sent you a message.

   "This gentleman, can I take up your time?"

   "I hope I can tell you about our Heavenly Father and Savior, Cthulhu."

   You wondered for a moment, and then the ghost replied: "Okay!"


   "Where is this?"

   When you regained consciousness, the surrounding area has become a ruin...

   And at this moment, there is another person above the ruins.

   What kind of person is that? You have never seen such a person.

   is like an immortal, you dare not look at him directly, but you are full of curiosity about him...

   "Who are you?" Because you couldn't look at him directly, you had to lower your head and summon your courage to talk to him.

   After asking this sentence, you can feel his sight.

   seems to be puzzled, but it is relieved that there is still a feeling of "it was you".

   is a little strange to say, but you do feel that you know him well.

   "This is Li Zhongkai."

   You finally heard his name.


  【The game is forcibly ended, this reopen is not over, and the system is being updated. 】

【you can choose……】

   [This reopening is not over, and the selected talent cannot be resident this time...]

   [The progress of the game is temporarily saved...]


   Li reopened and opened his eyes suddenly.

  What's the situation this time?

  No, you have to do it hard! Li reopened and rubbed his eyebrows, trying to recall some details.

  The protagonist who reopened his life this time...?

   Can't remember?

   Li reopened and frowned, only remembering that there was such a person in Tianshui City!

   I can't recall the appearance, living area, details, and even what I usually do.

   I only remember seeing myself last.

   is because the reopening is not over yet, so there is no way to inherit all the memories?

   In fact, after Li Chongkai had comprehended kendo, he has been using [black] kendo to sort out his life memory.

   He doesn't want to live like an old man in his twenties.

  Secondly, what should I do if the life is not going well, and it causes trouble to him? What should I do if I lower his happiness value?

   I almost lost myself after re-opening a few times before. Fortunately, now I have an exceptional level of kendo skills that can directly make the spirit platform clear~www.wuxiaspot.com~. In addition, the reopening of the normal version of the game will not have a big impact on Li reopening itself.

   Except for Shen Lingxin and Mo Wuming, they are somewhat special.

   Li reopened, his eyes lit up suddenly, yes! Why did you forget Shen Ling's heart?

   She is me too!

   Why was there nothing wrong with her reopening that time?

   This time the game reopened, Li Zhongkai just met with the protagonist and got stuck.

   But Shen Lingxin stayed beside him all the time but nothing happened!

why is that?

   Li reopened and began to devote himself to it, carefully transitioning all the reopening life in his mind.

   uses Shen Lingxin and Mo Wuming node to divide all reopened life into three stages.

   Before Shen Lingxin, the historical background in the reopening of all games is very illusory, and the degree of overlap with reality is extremely low.

   The second paragraph is in the middle of the two, and part of the content begins to overlap, which is slightly similar to reality.

   In the third paragraph, after Mo Wuming's life, the reopening of the game almost overlaps with reality. The place names and characters are correct.

   "Is it because of changing history? The world started to change with me as the center?"

   This sentence may be a bit crazy, but Li Zhongkai's understanding is that he should be standing at the point where it is the easiest to move the world.

   is the pig standing on the tuyere.

   or butterfly.

   There are countless butterflies in the world, but maybe only one butterfly has been appointed to change the world.

   bears the so-called butterfly effect.

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