I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 158: [Isn't this a kind of tauren? 】

I reopened my life directly https://

What is the origin?

Li Zhongkai is not clear, but Li Zhongkai knows a little bit about the avenue of fire mentioned by Angus.

In the life re-opening simulator, if you want to rise to the immortal, you must understand the great way all over the place.

The Avenue of Fire is one of them.

If you are bold enough to speculate, perhaps the origin is composed of these avenues.

Perhaps it is precisely because the original source is reflected in the tavern at this moment, Li Zhongkai's current game reopening only has the talent of flame enhancement.

strengthen! strengthen! strengthen!

Restart life dozens of times! Three flame enhancements are retained each time.

With this continuous blessing, Li Zhongkai's talent ball in the sea of ​​knowledge became more and more profound, and began to gradually approach the "Swordsmanship of All Living Beings". With the accumulation of talent, the black talent ball suddenly changed!

"Avenue of Fire" (black)!

The talent tree maintained by the "Road of Fire" also began to grow rapidly, keeping pace with the kendo talent tree on the side!

I don't know if it was an illusion. Li Zhongkai saw a lot of things at the moment he understood the Avenue of Fire.

Through the long river of time and space, he saw the origin.

The scaly, twisted and huge body spreads in every corner of the origin of the world, it is a huge indescribable form that lives in the origin! Confusion, complexity, and distortion, it is simply a collection of all negatives.

Somehow, Li Zhongkai felt that it was like a person, even though all he radiated was chaos and distortion.

In the vast and deep abyss, around him are unconscious and chaotic dancers, he is surrounded in the middle, where he is, where is the center of chaos.

And he seemed to notice him all of a sudden. When he was about to stare at Li Zhongkai, Li Zhongkai's road of fire in the sea of ​​knowledge shone with light, and Li Zhongkai instantly pulled Li Zhongkai back to reality.


Li Zhongkai took a sharp breath, and then eased from the panic.

"What's the matter?" Shen Lingxin's voice reached Li Zhongkai's ears.

In Shen Lingxin's eyes, Li Zhongkai was just after asking her where exactly it was, and then he fell into contemplation for a while.

"No, no, nothing."

Li Zhongkai wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, choosing to conceal the horrible things he saw.

"Al Ale, a certain male chauvinist chooses to hide his thoughts and want to carry it by himself?"

Shen Ling's heart was a little "happy" in Lingshu's space, "Mom's so big son, has she finally started to be alone? Uuuuu..."

Li reopened his head and couldn't help but bounce a tic tac toe!

Who did you learn the yin and yang weirdness from?


Follow me!

That's all right.

Li Chongkai was not an EQ person, and after Shen Lingxin's gag, his mood really eased a lot. Turning around and looking at Wen Chengjie standing behind him, he couldn't help having a headache.

"Do you want to wake him up first?"

Shen Ling was a little confused, "Even if he wakes up, it's useless! We still can't get out of this land mapped by the origin."

"Go out!" Li Zhong smiled, "Although the Angus guy has a twisted thought, what he said makes sense."

"Since Wen Chengjie's strong fortune chose to bring him here, it means that there is actually no danger here. We don't need to panic too much." Li Zhongkai mobilized his aura without rushing.

"This is the place mapped by the origin. It can be regarded as the most difficult method in the world." Shen Lingxin didn't know where Li Zhongkai's confidence came from. "To be honest, if this broken tavern can survive for a while. "

"The two of us can use aura to realize a deck of poker, then we can choose to wake up Wen Chengjie as a card, which can be regarded as adding some fun to the future life."

Are you crazy?

Playing cards with strong players?

Ah, that's not right! At this time, what cards are you playing!

Li Zhongkai reluctantly complained in his heart, and a ball of spiritual fire bloomed in his hands. The moment the Spirit Fire appeared, the indescribable mist around him suddenly dissipated a lot.


The flames popped fiercely, and the surroundings were instantly illuminated. The star fire ignited on the gray and indescribable thing and made a sizzling sound, like the sound of steak being fried on a pan.

"Your fire... when did it become so strong?"

Shen Ling's eyes widened in Lingshu Space. She never thought that the filth that was stronger than the original source would be expelled by the flame.

"Um...probably when you didn't know."

As the flame continued to burn, the whole house instantly became clear.

The lights flickering above have also turned into modern orange and yellow neon lights. The sunlight outside the bar also shines in at a good time, making the whole room look a lot brighter.

"It's time to wake up my students." Li reopened and rubbed his slightly sore shoulders, putting his hands on Wen Chengjie's body.

Spiritual consciousness quietly sneaked into Wen Chengjie's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to awaken Wen Chengjie's closed consciousness.

As the infiltration continued to deepen, Li Zhongkai even saw a talent ball~www.wuxiaspot.com~orange talent] "Fortune Luck": Luck increased significantly.

Hiss, this is not what I saw deliberately.

I was to wake up my students.

Normally, if you rush into the sea of ​​consciousness of others, it will naturally do great harm to the owner of the sea of ​​consciousness. But at this moment, Wen Chengjie's consciousness is self-closed, and Zhihai is not defensive, and directly opens.

Li Zhongkai's spiritual sense looked at the talent ball exuding orange light, and gradually fell into contemplation.

Start while others are in a coma!

Didn't I just take advantage of others!

Isn't this the tauren who attacked his wife while her husband was not at home? Li Zhongkai would never approve of such a thing!

As a good teenager who implements new ideas and strives to be a new youth, Li Zhongkai is determined to be a good teacher with a standard model!

We must never do these surly things!

Thinking like this, Li reopened and touched Wen Chengjie's orange talent ball with tears.

[Discover orange talent]

[Orange talent has awakened]

[Orange Talent] "Strong Luck": Luck rises significantly.

[It has been set as a permanent talent]


"Hmm... Teacher?" Wen Chengjie woke up from his sleep, sweating profusely, like a nightmare.

"Am I asleep?"

He seemed to dream that there were tentacles and indescribable things everywhere in the tavern. He was trapped in it for a long time and couldn't get out. When he was about to be swallowed by the black mud, it was Master Li Zhongkai who pulled him out of the mud.

Li Chongkai was a little ashamed, he still didn't hold back the temptation, and started to deal with others...

Although it's just white prostitution, it's similar to that of copying, but after all, it's taking advantage of the danger!

I feel ashamed! Li Zhongkai couldn't hold back a bright smile on his face.

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