I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 159: [Too crazy]

I reopened my life directly https://

"How long did I sleep?"

Wen Chengjie opened his eyes in confusion. Speaking of waking up, he felt that the world in his eyes seemed to be a little different, and the aura he could see was obviously more than before.

People who have seen the roots of this world but haven't died will naturally get some benefits from the side.

Although Wen Chengjie only stayed here for a while, his perception of aura was much more acute.

This discovery refreshed Wen Chengjie!

Is my flowering finally coming?

"To be honest, I don't know how long you slept either."

Li Zhongkai looked out the window, the sun outside the window was exceptionally brilliant, and he remembered that it was already close to the evening when he came here.

It seems that in the place where the root cause is mapped, the flow of time is obviously different from usual.

There won’t be the situation of one day in the sky and one year in the world, right?

Li Zhongkai frowned and pushed open the door of the tavern with an uneasy mentality.


As the wooden door opened, several immortal alliances appeared here in an instant!

"What are you guys?"

Li Zhongkai was particularly puzzled.

"Last time you gave Mengzhu Jiang the location, it was here. But after he came, Meng Jiang didn't see anyone, so he had to send someone to surround this place."

Li Zhongkai didn't expect Jiang Chi to be quite interesting.

"How long has it passed now?"

"Huh?" The member of the fairy league didn't react for a while. "It's probably been a long time..." He looked at the members around him.

"It seems that time is not short!" Another member of the Fairy League echoed.

Wen Chengjie is also a little anxious, he won't come out this way, his former teammates even have children!

"We probably came here yesterday evening."

"Yes, I spent a full night here and a half day!"

Li Zhongkai: "..."

Just one night, you guys put some wool on.

White frightened me!

Li Zhongkai stopped paying attention to them, and hurried to the school with Wen Chengjie. Looking at the sun, it is estimated that all the games in the morning have been finished.

If I don't go again, I'm afraid I won't even be able to keep up with the afternoon game.

The members of the Fairy League looked at Li Zhongka's leaving figure, and couldn't help feeling inside.

"This is Teacher Li Zhongkai!"

"Gold lecturer! It's amazing to be able to teach such students!"


Tianshui Lingxiu Technical College.

A live broadcast commentary of the battle of the wheels.

"Okay! Gu Chengyu cut and overturned the first team again! Another point for the seventh class!"

"It's another punch! Wang Qisi knocked over the seven with another punch! It's really the devil descending from the sky, the **** of the earth!"

According to the rules of the game, teams that have two wins in three rounds and four wins in seven rounds in the previous qualifiers can go directly to the rounds.

The team that hasn't won needs to beat other teams again to save enough three points before they can participate in the wheel fight.

One point will be deducted for the team that loses in the wheel fight. You must save three more points before you can continue to participate in the wheel fight!

The current situation is that no team has scored more than three points except for the seventh class.

Because all the teams that have accumulated enough three points will be challenged by the seventh class immediately, and then scored back two points! !

"Too crazy! Too crazy! Class 7 changed from yesterday's low-key and aggressively attacked other classes!"

"At present, there is no second class that can stand on the ring of wheel warfare!"

The online commentator slapped the table frantically: "Presumably everyone already knows that today's teacher and captain of Class 7 did not even show up on the scene!"

"They didn't put their opponents in their eyes at all! Because six people are enough to destroy the school!!"

The players and teachers in the audience are all monks, so if you think about it, you can hear the commentary from the anchor in the live broadcast room.

The teeth itch with anger, but helpless.

The students who were originally transferred from Class 7 stared at the six people on the stage with envy.

There is no way the gap is too big.

The opponent's teacher did not even rush to the scene to supervise the battle! This is self-confidence in full strength!

Even Xia Jie, who has the weakest cultivation base, uses the illusion of the illusion and the reality, and it is difficult to guard against it. At present, no one can directly get rid of the influence of his illusion.

Not to mention that netizens are respected as boxing masters, two sword madmen. Fighting is killing every minute!

Although Xiang Shuxiang couldn't fight, her cultivation base can be said to be the best in the audience! Cultivation alone is enough to crush a lot of people!

Zichen and Zhong Maomao are even more unfathomable. Zichen never wastes aura and adopts the most efficient strategy against the enemy; the same is true for Zhong Maomao, but he just wants to show less of his true strength.

Seeing Gu Chengyu and Quan Sheng overturn a team again, the barrage suddenly skyrocketed.

"Crazy crazy! Brothers, hit crazy on the barrage!"

"Too strong! This wave! I would like to honor the seventh class teacher Li Zhongkai as the gold lecturer!"

"What a gold lecturer! That is my future pro-teacher! Be careful when you speak!"

"What's the battle in Luolong city next door! The real fight depends on my seventh class!"

In fact, the opening ceremony next door played well with two wins in three rounds of the qualifiers.

Netizens were even more directly attracted by the crowd of the seventh class, and in just half a day, they boarded the hot search by virtue of their wild style of play.

Compared with their ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the two leading teachers and captains who have never appeared are even more mysterious in the eyes of netizens.

Captain Wen Chengjie is directly called the first person of the young generation supernova!

And because Li Zhongkai ended yesterday's game and Jiang Chi manipulated public opinion, the entire network now knows that he is the first teacher to cultivate.

After passing the seventh class, not only the cultivation level, but also the teaching ability is also regarded as the strongest by netizens!

The reason why the seventh squad is so open is because of Jiang Chi.

After Li Zhongkai and Wen Chengjie disappeared yesterday, Jiang Chi was worried about something wrong with the award ceremony, so he looked for the students in Class 7 and hoped that, just in case, they could do their best to end the game quickly.

After all, as soon as he explained that Li Zhongkai took care of the students, Li Zhongkai and Wen Chengjie disappeared. Jiang Chi had to worry that this was the work of the Truth Association.

Although he didn't think the Truth Society had this method to stop Li from reopening, he still chose to defend.

"Okay! According to the rules! If no other team has come forward to challenge the seventh class! Then the three-day competition will be ended early by the seventh class!!" Xuanfeng immediately stepped forward and shouted excitedly as the host.

"three two!"

The team below the stage dragged their exhausted body, and did not dare to look up at the crowd on the stage. Just now, in order to win, some squads even temporarily applied to replace players, using the second team to go forward and consume the aura of the seventh squad.

Even the face is gone, and there is still no effective result.

The six people on the stage took turns to take a break, and almost drove the others out of the ring firmly!


"Okay! I announce! This time the Tianshui City Spiritual Academy Grand Competition champion is the seventh class!"

"Let's congratulate Class 7!"

"Next, I will invite class 7 teacher Li Zhongkai to speak on stage!"

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