I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 160: [1 sentence, let countless people break the defense. 】

I reopened my life directly https://

Li Zhongkai came on stage to speak?

Laughing to death, the teacher never came.

Other spiritual teachers are quite a bit gloat. If you ask you to be big, even if you are a golden core, you would look down on us people too much if you don't come to the scene.

Li Zhongkai's simple actions were full of mockery in the eyes of others.

After all, it was the qualifier yesterday, and all the teams had gone forward to play. Perhaps Li reopened the senior team at that time and saw through the strength of the teams, so he couldn't worry about it the next day.

This kind of behavior really makes these spiritual teachers who value the competition extremely unable to understand that this is related to the Lingmai competition!

Don't worry, you must personally supervise the battle, right?

Not to mention directly pulling the captain away!

Why do you need to ask the captain to leave?

Of course it's hiding the clumsiness, and by the way, I will give the captain a small stove to prepare for the competition of the three hospitals behind!

The spiritual teacher and the contestants can even imagine that face.

"Ah...I'm already studying the opponents of the "Three Academy Competition". "

Damn it! Damn it! The sour teeth of the players in the audience would be bitten off, and he stomped his feet with anger.

"Teacher Li Zhongkai? Is Teacher Li Zhongkai coming?"

The host Xuan Feng asked on stage.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also exploded directly.

"Li Chongkai: Sleep, don't disturb. After all, I have to attend the award ceremony tomorrow. What? The award ceremony is today?"

"Class 7: I'm sorry the teacher played too fast."

"Laughing to death, Teacher Li Zhongkai probably never dreamed that the School of Spirituality would be so casual."

"The second team is on. Except for the seventh class, there are two hundred people in total, not even six of them! Let's go home and farm!"

The audience and the host are looking forward to it.

Two figures bang to the ground!


Perhaps it was the effect of the strong luck of the two that Li Zhongkai came to the scene just in time for the end of the game.

"Huh~ It's good to catch up."

As soon as Li reopened, cheers immediately rang out on the court.

Xuanfeng also handed over the microphone at the right time.

"Excuse me, Mr. Li Zhongkai, do you have anything you want to say now?" A reporter from Xiaopozhan's interview column immediately asked.

Li Zhongkai took the microphone Xuanfeng handed over just now, and suddenly felt a little at a loss.

It seems that next time I should find a hidden place to land.

"Uh... I have nothing to say, it's a bit late to come today, I hope you don't blame it."

The audience suddenly burst into laughter, and even the reporter couldn't stretch it anymore.

Only the players who were quickly defeated lowered their heads in shame.

"Li Zhongkai: laughed to death, playing too fast, I didn't expect it to be so fast, it belonged to him late."

"Li Zhongkai: You guys play more slowly next time, see what I mean!"

The barrage was played in a timely manner.

"Excuse me, why are you late today?" Remember to continue to ask questions.

Why are you late?

I am gambling with indescribable thoughts, I am fighting wits and courage against the evil believer Anger, and I am trapped in a place where the world’s origin is mapped. I am comprehending the avenue of fire among the basic avenues of the world. I have experienced dozens of reopening lives in one breath.

"Oh, I got up late." Li Zhongkai said calmly.

The reporter handed over the microphone again: "Are you satisfied with the performance of the members of Class 7 today?"

Relying on his experience, Li Zhongkai soon realized that this was a highly concealed issue of leading a war.

As an old fritters, he will not be fooled easily.

If he is very satisfied, he is indirectly saying that his opponent's performance has collapsed, and Li Zhongkai dare not let these media take things out of context.

"Uh...My evaluation is more pertinent, and it is still up to the standard; after all, the opponent's performance is also very good, and it is indistinguishable from my students."

Li Chongkai gave his own evaluation based on the steady performance of his students on weekdays.

But he never dreamed that after only one night, the seventh class had changed from the previous prudence and directly convinced Tianshui City Spiritual Research Institute.

After hearing this answer, the reporter could still smile with his professionalism.

But the player is already ashamed and can't be himself, he will go out immediately, and he can't stay at this scene, and he will be humiliated alive if he stays here.

"Redefining is inseparable"

""Comparatively Pertinent""

""The Opponent Shows Color""

"Showing color? Showing food!"

Following Li reopened all the answers, the barrage was instantly understood, and the heat for a while was even much higher than the heat during the game.

"Do you have any suggestions for your own players?" The reporter finally asked a question that was not tricky.

Because the teacher Li Zhongkai was so aggressive, it was meaningless for them to ask those thorny questions.

Out of context?

No need at all, just play the original soundtrack!

Suggestion... Li Zhongkai remembered the performance of the students these days.

Although he took great pains to attend classes on weekdays, he still got some fun of cultivation while teaching students.

After all, it is human instinct to cultivate, and being a teacher is a common problem of human beings.

What I really want to say is that although each student is very good, but somehow, each one is not good enough.

In Li Zhongkai's view, they need to fight! A battle that made no secret of their excellence to liberate their nature! Rather than keep up.

After all, to play as a pig is to eat tigers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you don't eat tigers, you will be a pig.

Li Zhongkai guessed that the reporter interviewed him, probably because the seventh class played well today.

But there should be another one tomorrow, Li Zhongkai decided to have a good talk with them tomorrow, let them use their full strength and fight it seriously!

Thinking of this, Li Zhongkai picked up the microphone and said solemnly:

"I think my students are still too low-key. Sometimes they respect their opponents too much and are too cover-up in the fight. I hope that next time, they can bring me a cleaner game."

The reporter's eyes widened when they heard this. They had tried not to pull the topic over there, but they didn't expect to be pulled back by Li Zhongkai again.

Too ruthless, this man.

Killing people must be condemned!

When they walked to the stage, the players who had not had time to return to the lounge looked at the man on the stage who looked like an immortal in disbelief.

Why can someone with a thirty-six degree say such cold words?

Simple words broke the defense of all the defeated players.

The barrage is directly full.

"It's too cruel, shrimp and pig heart!"

"Understood, it is not ruthless to hit two hundred students at a time, next time I will hit two thousand!!"

"Too concealed: it means that the captain didn't let the captain take action."

"Don't understand yet? I hope that the next game will be clean and tidy, because we have already pointed out the "Three Courts Competition"! "

With the reporters earning a lot of money, the audience laughed very happy, and only the players were injured, Li Zhongkai somehow received the trophy from Xuanfeng's hands.

"Congratulations, you will become the owner of the Tianshui City Military Spirit Gathering Array!"

Xuanfeng sincerely blessed.

"Congratulations to Class 7 for being the champion of this competition!"

Li Zhongkai:? ? ?

no? Don't fight tomorrow?

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