I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 161: 【Golden Lecturer】

I reopened my life directly https://

"I think my students are still too low-key, sometimes too respectful of opponents..."

Today’s media interview with Li Zhongkai is being shown on TV.

Li Zhongkai's face turned black into a briquettes because he had watched today's game video.

Li Zhongkai never expected it! I originally thought that it was the 7th class that played very well today with four wins in seven games, and the media came to interview him.

But I didn't expect this to be an interview with award-winning speeches.

After all, the time flow rate of Origin is not the same. When Li Zhongkai entered yesterday, it was just the end of the best-of-three game, and he came out after spending a while in it.

For a while, he didn't realize that the game had been forcibly finished by these small animals.

The three-day game was crushed into two days, who would have thought of it!

What I said was all normal polite words, but in this case, the taunting effect of the change was full.

Those colleagues whose seniors are long and short, now that they see Li Zhongkai, they don't dare to say anything. They basically take a detour.

I am afraid that Li Zhongkai will give them a sentence: "I'm already studying the opponents of the "Three Academy". "

Even now, with this video interview, Li Zhongkai's popularity has surpassed that of the seven boys in Class 7.

# "This senior Jindan is too yin and yang weird"

#金丹教师Teaching you the art of language

"Laughing, I went to watch the replay of the game just for this interview."

"It is recommended to set the main feature of this game."

"If you can speak, publish a book."

"Internal staff, our teacher is already afraid of fighting with senior Li Zhongkai in the "Three Academy Competition" later, for fear of being lashed in the interview after the game. "


"In general, you are fine." Jiang Chi picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea slowly.

No, I have something.

I'm victimized by wind evaluation.

Li Zhongkai looked at Jiang Chi with bitterness. If Jiang Chi hadn't spoken a bit more, the children in Class 7 wouldn't have done their best to make such a big movement.

After hearing that Li Zhongkai appeared, Jiang Chi rushed over from Luolong City non-stop.

I want to ask what happened.

According to the intelligence from Jiang Chi Immortal League, the Truth Association has been completely without a leader. They seem to have entrusted everything to their leader, together with their **** and soul.

Those remaining members almost all died today, as if they were treated as sacrifices.

"You said, Angus pulled you into the land of origin mapping, and then you comprehended the avenue of fire and escaped from the killing?" Jiang Chi touched his chin.

Mapping the original place?

The Angus certainly does not have this ability, but if the only remaining Truth Society's background and the remaining members of the Truth Society are used as sacrifices, it is not impossible to map the origin to reality.

Li Zhongkai nodded noncommittal: "Yes!"

Jiang Chi took a deep look at Li Zhongkai, and then said with some profound meaning: "Do you know what it means to comprehend the Five Elements Avenue?"

"Of course I know, the only way to become an immortal!"

What do you not know about this!

Li Zhongkai still remembered the route set in the game.

There are more than ten kinds of avenues turning over and over again.

The Five Elements Avenue of Jinmu, Water, Fire and Earth.

And the five avenues of space, time, chaos, life, and destruction.

There are also some side-door thunder and lightning avenues, avenues of wind, kendo and so on. But these side streets are usually useless in the game.

For example, if you understand the avenue of wind, the description in the game is: you can control the wind element to fly, but you can fly.

Thunder Avenue can offset the ninth thunder catastrophe, which is very useful.

But if you want to become immortal and ascend, you must fully comprehend the basic Five Elements Avenue.

Although gold, wood, water, fire and earth sounds very fishy, ​​this five-element avenue is an indispensable avenue for ascent.

Li Zhongkai looked at Jiang Chi, and he understood that Dao Dao is very difficult, but this is the path to be followed, and there is nothing surprising, right?

Jiang Chi knew at a glance that Li Zhongkai had not figured out the situation. Then he said: "Other avenues are just like kendo. But the basic five elements, the enlightenment must die!"

He seemed to feel something. Got up and continued:

"Throughout the ages, there has never been a shortage of talented and stunning people. But on the road to comprehend the Five Elements Avenue, everyone is the same!"

"You are lucky if you don't realize it. If unfortunately, you realize the Five Elements Avenue, the result will be either madness or death."

"Now you know your situation!"

Jiang Chi stared at Li Zhongkai sitting on the chair, his expression extremely solemn.

Li Zhongkai slowly reduced his smile, and slowly sat up straight from the chair.

"Are there none who understand the Five Elements Avenue?"

"not a single one."

Hiss, Li Zhongkai couldn't help taking a breath. This is not a good thing.

If other monks know that someone can comprehend the Five Elements Avenue without injury, it must be a group attack, and they want to know the secret of comprehension!

"But you don't have to worry too much." Jiang Chi smiled relaxedly, "now there are only a handful of people in this world who can beat you~www.wuxiaspot.com~You can do it well?" Li Zhongkai picked up the challenge. eyebrow.

Jiang Chi sat down again, made himself a cup of tea, shook his head and smiled: "But I am not here."

With a teacup in his hand, his expression was slightly bleak, and he glanced at Li reluctantly.

In that short glance, Li Zhongkai noticed that he had a rich emotion on his face at that moment. His deep eyes were full of helplessness. The disappointment almost passed through his eyes, from his mouth. Spit out.

"It may be cruel, but this world is doomed from the very beginning. No one can become a fairy!"

"The root of this world has long been a problem."

"And you are the special one." Jiang Chi opened his mouth slightly, but still did not say the rest.

He just drank all the tea in the cup in front of him.

"Reopen, sometimes, we are born to take on certain responsibilities, don't we?" Jiang Chi turned his head and looked at Li Zhongkai expectantly.

I'm not!

I do not have!

Don't talk nonsense!

Li Zhongkai quickly denied Sanlian!

No matter how he lives, he didn't want to stand on the so-called righteousness, and coming to the school as a teacher is only driven by profit, and it is no different from other teachers in the school.

Jiang Chi took his eyes back unhurriedly, he didn't choose to be too anxious, "It doesn't matter, anyway, you will do this sooner or later. There is only one chance."

Don't say that, it makes you know me well.

Li Zhongkai sighed, Jiang Chi also understood what Jiang Chi meant. He just wanted to say that you are the only one who has the opportunity to become an immortal. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

"There will be a "three-house competition" afterwards, so remember to participate. "Jiang Chi stood up, ready to leave.

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