I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 162: 【Gathering Array】

, The fastest update I will directly reopen the latest chapter in life!

"I got the military version of the Spirit Gathering Formation. What am I going to do there?"

Li Zhongkai spread out his hands. When he first came to school, his main purpose was to use the Spirit Gathering Formation. Now the goal has been achieved.

The effect of this military Spirit Gathering Array can be handed over to Professor Mo to improve it again, and the effect is not worse than that of the Spirit Vessel.

He didn't need to compete with other teachers for the chance to qualify.

After all, the internal competition in the academy was just to seize the Spirit Gathering Array to seize the first opportunity.

There is hope for other teachers who have lost.

"You have to go to Xianlai Mountain, right!" Jiang Chi said suddenly for no reason.

Li Zhongkai was taken aback for a moment and replied: "There is such a thing, I said before that I am going to Xianlai Mountain."

There are also the spiritual energy and fire of the golden core realm buried there, as well as the source of pure witches.

Although Tinder is no longer needed because of Li Zhongkai's insight into the Great Way of Fire, the spiritual energy and the source of the witch are precious treasures!

You can't forget your roots, and Li's plan to hollow out Xianlaishan before reopening must never stop.

"Then participate in the competition of the three academies. The competition will be held in Xianlai Mountain." Jiang Chi said as he walked to the door.

When I was about to go out, he suddenly turned his head and said, "Oh! By the way, remember to bring your shovel."

After speaking, he smiled and left.

Only Li reopened alone and froze in place.

What's the meaning? How did he know that I would bring a shovel?

Could it be that the things Mo Wuming left behind in Xianlai Mountain had been dug away by Xianmeng?


Li Zhong opened his eyes and became profound. As a person who can reopen his life, he had only experienced an event where the main body and the game reopened the protagonist not long ago.

This reminded him of another possibility...


Li Zhongkai decided to go to Xianlai Mountain to explore the bottom.

If it is the same as he thought, then Jiang Chi's advice must be heard.

If you are sure to go to Xianlai Mountain, then this plan will change. For the genius of Li reopened the physique, the Ju Ling Formation is basically a disposable item.

So it must be improved. Before coming to Tianshui City, Li Zhongkai heard Professor Mo talk about improving the Spirit Gathering Formation.

Originally, Li Zhongkai meant to bring the Spirit Gathering Array directly back to Jiangyang City, but now in order to participate in the Three-College Competition, the students must still follow the lessons correctly!

I can only discuss with Professor Mo and ask him to come to Tianshui City.

I just don't know if Professor Mo is willing to come.

Li Zhongkai only moved his thoughts a little.

The "Xiao Ji" and "Qian Luck" in the talent tree of the sea of ​​knowledge started to shine at the same time!

"Living like this for thirty years~"

Li Zhongkai's cell phone rang immediately, and it was Professor Mo who called.

"Hello...Professor Mo?" Li Zhongkai picked up the phone and answered the call.

"That...how do I call it now. Should I call you Teacher Li now?"

"Don't don't don't, you are the real teacher, or ask me to restart as before! Is there anything wrong this time?"

Professor Mo hesitated a little, he actually wanted to ask Li Zhongkai for help.

Not long ago, after the students left Jiangyang City, he discovered that the spirit of steady growth in Jiangyang City was gone!

And the spiritual vein he mentioned before was overthrown by himself, because none of the four spiritual veins detected by the machine passed through Jiangyang City.

Therefore, there must be other reasons for the growth of the spiritual veins in Jiangyang City.

Professor Mo soon put forward another conjecture-human group consciousness determines the birth of Reiki.

That is, it is very idealistic. People think that there is, that is, there is! People feel that there is nothing, that is nothing!

And this view is mainly due to the loss of talents in Jiangyang City, geniuses are all abducted to the school, and almost coincidentally, once the geniuses leave, the spirit of Jiangyang City does not increase.

After proposing this point of view, Xianmeng also held a live broadcast of the game in a form of gathering popularity for Professor Mo to study, and by the way, it was a wave of income.

But these data are still too plain after all!

Professor Mo desperately wants to go to the schools where the three universities are located, and take an actual inspection!

Which school to choose is a bit difficult!

He has acquaintances in Tianshui City, but the Truth Association is also there. Professor Mo doesn't want to get involved with the Truth Association anymore.

Schools in other cities are too far away, and acquaintances can't help much.

After all, even if he has great power and extensive connections, when it comes to these cultivation geniuses, he is still speechless after all.

Until just now, the well-informed Professor Mo heard the news of the defeat of the Truth Society, and when his granddaughter Mo Huanxiang watched the live broadcast, Professor Mo also noticed the current situation of Li Zhongkai.

Li Zhongkai is now in full swing at school!

It is also very popular on the Internet.

As a result, Professor Mo made up his mind and tried to ask Li Zhongkai for help.

"Reopen! How are you messing around there, can you talk?" Professor Mo asked nervously.

"You can rest assured, very majestic! No teacher dared to come up directly to make trouble, comparable to the principal and director of the school."

How could Li Zhongkai miss this opportunity, but he thought of his current popularity...

But what he said was also the truth... Indeed, no teacher dared to come up and talk, it was like a student meeting his class teacher outside the school, rushing to take a detour for fear that he would be whipped.

"That's good, I want to ask you to do me a favor, I have always wanted to stay inside your school for a while..."

Professor Mo pondered for a while and then stated his purpose.

"Great! I want to keep calling you too! I have a military gathering formation on my side and you have to check it..." Li Zhongkai also politely went up.

The two of you just said it, and I said the matter.


Xianlai Mountain.

"Why do you always go to Tianshui City these days!" He Zaixia complained.

As the leader, you can't be so favoritism! The three colleges must steadily attend the opening ceremony.

Jiang Chi raised his eyebrows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said nothing.

Just picked up the "Zhansu" and started to dance the sword.

"Zhansu" is the world's number one sword. It was also used by teachers in Tianshui City to tease Zhao Tenghe's mouth.

"Your sword has improved a lot!" He Zaixia admired, "Because you have become the leader of the alliance, you can see all beings with your current sword."

After Jiang Chi listened, he stopped.

"My sword has long been able to see sentient beings, but my people cannot see sentient beings."

He Zaixia smiled and said, "Humans, it's normal to be selfish, and you are not a saint. When it comes to selfishness, everyone is the same."

"No, I'm different."

At this moment, Jiang Chi, as if he had a mission given by nature, overflowed his whole body and mind. This bright stream of light sometimes appeared from his eyes and sometimes appeared from his sword.

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