I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 166: [The strength of the foundation-building monk! 】

I reopened my life directly https://

Ocean waves.

In the eyes of the people of Tianshui City, it is no surprise.

Any man living in the coastal area has never seen the waves before! Even if he can't swim, he will occasionally suffer from a literary and youthful illness and go to the beach for a lap.

After all, this is the unique romance of seaside cities.

If the waves are not what they are now!

Cover the sky!

The entire Tianshui City was plunged into darkness!

People on the street noticed the monstrous waves one after another, and suddenly one after another screams were endless.

Someone has said that a heavy object hanging in the air above the head will make humans subconsciously tense.

Lin Shanting got up from the ground in a daze.

He has some tinnitus, probably because of some stress under high pressure.

The surrounding sounds are a bit unclear... the roar of cars, the wailing of children, the screams of people, panic, the dispersal of birds and beasts...

Lin Shanting cleaned up his some wet pants, maybe a little embarrassed to say it, but no one cares about him now.

He didn't care, anyway... he was going to die.

"It will be quiet." Lin Shanting covered his ears and looked at the panicked crowd around him.

Sooner or later, people will realize that such a tsunami will hit, but it will be useless to escape anywhere.

Lin Shanting stared at this deep sea carefully. There was already such a momentum a while away from the city. Lin Shanting could imagine how amazing it would be when it came into contact with this city!

Even if you look carefully, you can see that there are countless fishes hanging upside down on the sky and swimming in the opposite direction, resisting gravity.

"Ah...it's quiet."

Lin Shanting looked at the people on the street.

Birds and beasts are still trapped in instinct and fleeing around, but humans have realized that fleeing is useless, it is better to meet their family in this last time.

"Humans can almost control nature now...I think..." The TV series in a shop next to Lin Shanting played outdated programs.

If possible, how Lin Shanting wanted to throw his wet pants onto the brick family's face.

"No, it's useless." Lin Shanting lay paralyzed on the asphalt road, the majestic waves almost blocked the sun, making the entire Tianshui city appear extremely dim.

The night fell from the sky at this moment.

"Even cultivators can't save us...this is the situation now."

Lin Shanting watched the competition of the younger generation of players. They may be able to protect themselves from such natural disasters, but it is too difficult to save people.

As for the teachers, Lin Shanting hasn't seen them take action, but the gap is just like that.

What is the difference between foundation building and condensing...

"During the flood, the only remaining humans boarded Noah's Ark..." Lin Shanting looked helplessly in the direction of Tianshui City College. "But even if there is Noah's Ark, the passengers there will never be. Us ordinary people..."

"Be quiet and wait for death..."

The only pity is that he ruined the only advantage of having normal bowel movements before he died... Thinking about it this way, Lin Shanting really felt a bit pity.

On the street, people knelt on the ground in despair, calling their family members in a panic.

In the last moments of life, people can't think of other needs.

But suddenly... the world lit up a little bit.

In the eyes of people in Tianshui City, this light is extremely sensitive.

Lin Shanting felt the light with his closed eyes, he suddenly climbed up from the ground and looked towards the sky and the sea!

A huge flame was burning there.

Do not! That's a person!

"Is that the teacher in Tianshui City?"

"Great! We are saved!"

People who had never met in the street hugged each other at this moment.

Lin Shanting hurriedly shook his head and used flames to resist this huge wave. The steaming water vapor alone was enough for ordinary people to eat a pot. Protection is really much harder than destruction.

What's more, this little flame is far from enough! The flame is too small compared to the huge waves.

"fire punch!!!"

Li Zhongkai's voice immediately resounded across the sky!

In the next second, accompanied by a loud voice, the fiery sea of ​​flames instantly expanded from the origin! Two huge fire roads instantly separate the waves from the city!

A bottomless road of flames spread in front of the waves!

At this moment, everyone looked at Li Zhongkai in the sea of ​​fire incredibly!

Almost instantly! The monstrous flame instantly covered the huge waves reaching the sky!

The original deep sea instantly became a sea of ​​fire!

The shining light of the sea of ​​fire will illuminate Tianshui City as bright as the sun!

Like the sun burrowing out of the deep ocean!

"Shen Lingxin! Do a good job of temperature isolation!"

Li Zhongkai output the flame with all his strength, his face was a bit hideous.

Shen Lingxin nodded solemnly in the Lingshu space.

Her authority has the aura of origin, and the origin is occupied by the indescribable. This time the forbidden curse is also very clever to add the indescribable aura. As a result, Shen Lingxin could not directly use the power to stop this forbidden curse!

In order to prevent the temperature from scalding the citizens, Shen Lingxin will isolate the hot temperature~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The division of labor between the two is very clear!

The huge waves rushed into the sea of ​​fire one after another, and the drooping heat continued to emerge from the junction!

Li Zhongkai frowned tightly and bit his posterior teeth!

This tsunami has an unprecedented height!

And it is not a tsunami spontaneously caused by nature, it is a tsunami driven by magic.

The advantage is that it will not have a chain reaction that is as severe as a tsunami caused by nature. But the disadvantage is that the chain reaction caused by the magic tsunami is not too light.

And because of the magic, it is not as easy as solving the natural tsunami.

Li Zhongkai's current aura is being consumed by the magical power and indescribable aura contained in the tsunami!

If this continues, there will be no way to save everyone!

"Only look at the sword!"

Xiyan Kendo!

Liu Jianbo is coming!

Countless sword lights poured out from the sword!

This kendo, which Gu Chengyu called a half-hanging sword, is unmatched under the blessing of the eighth basement level!

"I wanted to say it a long time ago! This world is already broken with a poke!" The aura of Liu Jianbo's whole body instantly exploded to the extreme!

The high-level monks who built the foundation do their best!

Upon seeing this, Li Zhongkai quickly wrapped the flames on his sword!

Liu Jianbo cut out with a sword, and a vertical line spread instantly! Jiang Chi's sword breaking galaxy that day was staged again!

Wherever the sword light is everywhere, sea water is transpiring!

But the endless sea water filled up instantly!

One sword after another! Each sword carries Li's reopened flames, constantly evaporating this magical sea!

"Three thousand formations endlessly!"

Wang Huihao urged his aura and set up a monstrous array here in a short time!

Li Zhongkai and Liu Jianbo suddenly felt refreshed, and the aura that had been consumed was gradually replenished!

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