I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 167: [A genius who pretends to be confused]

I reopened my life directly https://

"Earth Dynamic Core!"

The platypus Zhao Tenghe also rushed over in time!

Although the waves have not yet reached the urban area, the impact it brings is really real. If they are not handled well, they may have a series of chain reactions.

"Gathering rain array!"

Wang Huihao was there for another moment, and the evaporated water vapor was instantly gathered together!

When Li Zhongkai acted as the main force to wipe out the huge waves, several other people also found their own positions in their respective duties.

Just now!

Dozens of streamers rushed from Tianshui City!

The leader is the dean!

Liu Jianbo looked at the twenty-odd people in surprise, aren't these all casual cultivators? At this moment, he also came to help!

The dean secretly rejoiced, fortunately that there is a figure like Li Zhongkai, otherwise even if his mouth is worn out, the others will not dare to go out and do it!

With Li reopening the most powerful casual cultivator as an example, and the dean took the opportunity to continue to put pressure on it, other people would have to follow if they didn't follow it!

After the dean came here, he didn't say anything, and at a glance he could see that Li Zhongkai was the main force in destroying Forbidden Curse! Directly spread the majestic aura to Li Zhongkai!

The rest of them also showed their strength in one suit, each showing off their unique skills!

"To be honest, I haven't tried my best for a long time since I got promoted to the foundation!" As everyone joined, Liu Jianbo's pressure plummeted, and he was in the mood to tease.

"Who isn't it! The first move is a big move!"

When Zhao Tenghe talked and laughed, his hands joined together, and the earth condensed a line of defense.


The light emitted by the monstrous firelight is reflected in the eyes of the people of Tianshui City.

Lin Shanting stood there blankly.

He had never expected that the gap between foundation building and condensing gas would be so big!

All of them are like gods in the world. The flames, clouds, the earth, and the sword light are all in their hands, probably because Li Zhongkai is present, and the monks can solve this forbidden curse more easily than they thought.

Countless people in Tianshui City quietly posted this show of monks on the Internet.

"Fuck, it's numb to watch, what a Hollywood blockbuster this is!"

"Is this kind of natural disaster really human-resistant?"

"Don't show me science fiction films, oh, documentaries, that's all right!"

"If this huge wave is really set off, let alone Tianshui City, we will have to finish the whole continent. This is comparable to the flood in the story of Noah's Ark! It is really going to exterminate mankind!"

"No, how did this tsunami be triggered? There is no earthquake here, and there is no other reason!"

"I am a Tianshui student, it is said that it is because of the wizard of Jerdanah..."

As the tsunami was gradually engulfed, the scorching flames on Li Kaikai's body slowly faded away.

The light as bright as the sun suddenly disappeared from the eyes of the citizens of Tianshui City. Only then did they discover that the flood and tsunami that could destroy the world had actually been resolved by the monks!

Now that Li Zhongkai had left, the light that had almost reflected Tianshui City at close range had also disappeared. Under the brightness that was against the sky just now, the people in Tianshui City actually felt that the sun at this moment was a little dark.

Li Zhongkai retreated first, but the other monks began to get busy.

The evaporation of a large amount of sea water and the negative chain reaction caused by the tsunami all needed them to solve. At the moment the tsunami was calmed down, the barrier of Tianshui City was destroyed by the members of the Immortal League staying outside.

They started the aftermath work immediately.

Do your best to use Reiki to minimize the chain reaction after the disaster.

Fortunately, this is not a natural disaster, but caused by magic, otherwise even the Fairy Alliance cannot guarantee 100% to offset the anger of nature.

The members of the Immortal League are also very proficient in this kind of thing. In the past years of aura recovery, only large and small earthquakes have offset more than 30 events.

In fact, the initial purpose of the development of many spells is to offset natural disasters.

Li Zhongkai's video of showing the monstrous sea of ​​flames to resist the huge waves suddenly went viral on the Internet!

Even the popularity far surpasses that of the Golem and other videos at that time. Because Li Zhongkai has already accumulated a certain degree of popularity on the Internet, netizens quickly topped him on the hot search!

#fire punch! ! !


#I am the sun!

"Pinching, just came out from another tsunami video, I was thinking about human beings, and the next video will tell me that it has been resolved?"

"Teacher Li Zhongkai is awesome! I watched too many interview videos before, thinking that Teacher Li Zhongkai was taking a funny route! I never thought it turned out to be a strong school!"

"I'm directly incarnate as the Huoquan fan brother!!"

"To be honest, I am really touched. If monks are so strong, it is really not easy to maintain the order between monks and ordinary people."

"I'm actually a bit gloomy. I was censored before, and I have been slandering the cultivators on the Internet, but now I didn't expect them to be the first to come forward under this kind of disaster! I'm really ashamed!"

However, as the online discussion intensified, the cause of the tsunami was finally investigated by netizens.

After some students from Tianshui City College broke the news, the tsunami was caused by the wizards of Jerdanah!

As soon as this remark came out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, netizens went out over the wall to match up with netizens from Gerdana!

"The extraordinaryness of your country is crazy?! Do you know that this kind of tsunami is a disaster for all mankind!"

"It really brings emotions! I also studied the extraordinary myths and history of your country. You are really a scientific research lunatic per capita, right?"

"Let me think about it, isn't it because the students of Tianshui City College have performed so well, and then you guys want to play a black hand?"

Netizens from Gerdana also quickly replied: "Laugh to death, don't give us high marks! Maybe it's your country's extraordinary self-directed and self-acted performance! Such a big tsunami can be resolved if it is resolved!"

"Why don't we know that our country has such a supernatural wizard as a wizard, we are an ordinary country, there is no supernatural! Don't talk nonsense!"

The Wizarding Research Institute in Jerdanah has been established a long time ago.

Even with their character of researching lunatics, the establishment of the academy may be earlier than Daxia's side.

And internationally, there are also the names of colleges or organizations that cultivate extraordinary cultivation in all countries.

After all, the world is paying attention to this, no matter how well you hide it, your opponent will expose you.

More than half a month has passed since the first golem incident revealed the extraordinary.

It’s no secret that the Wizarding League of Jerdanah has long been! No matter which country people, curiosity is instinct.

After the transcendence is exposed, no country’s transcendence can always hide itself.

Now you tell me, don't you know that your country has this kind of extraordinary? Isn't this pretending to be confused?

"Hey, the grandsons of Gerdana are really foolish geniuses!"

"Playing stupid? The reason they are acting stupid is because they themselves know the seriousness of this matter!"

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