I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 168: [This moment is just like then and then]

I reopened my life directly https://

Li Zhongkai slowly flew back to school.

He agreed to receive Professor Mo today, but because he was anxious to solve the tsunami problem, he asked Zhong Yuanhong to do it for him.

All the students met on the road looked at him in admiration.

Unlike the previous explosions on the Internet, the students really felt the amazing strength of Teacher Li Zhongkai this time.

The students have passed the initial panic stage of facing natural disasters. After all, the students were just ordinary people before. When facing such natural disasters, individuals would be afraid, even the old monks would find it extremely difficult.

How worried I was about natural disasters, I now admire the teachers, especially the main teacher Li Chongkai.

This time the image of the teachers can be said to have penetrated into the hearts of the students. They are not afraid of disasters and protect the citizens. After the disaster, they can also use their aura and cultivation for follow-up maintenance.

This directly taught the students a good lesson. The teacher's purpose was too utilitarian, leading to the general perception among students that cultivation is for fighting and preparing for war.

But now the teachers have used practical actions to tell the students that the use of Reiki in this era is more than just fighting.

"Huh? Do you want to go back to class 7?" Wen Chengjie grabbed the egg with his left hand and began to peel it, and put down the half-eaten torn bread with his right hand. "My God, how do you say this?"

"Please! Captain Wen Chengjie! We really want to go back to class seven!" There were seven or eight people standing behind Li Baojin, all of whom were originally transferred from class seven.

Wen Chengjie's eyes widened, "Listen, although I understand what you do." He peeled the egg and put it directly into his mouth and swallowed it, and said vaguely: "But, do you know what I'm actually thinking? ?"

"If you do this, is there something unfair to the teacher who has been teaching you for half a month now?" Zi Chen tactfully expressed Wen Chengjie's unfinished words on the side.

Xia Jie, who was watching anime on the side, raised his head and corrected: "I don't think it is a good thing to see the wind at any time. Even if your situation is not friendly now..."

Seeing Wen Chengjie and others refused to help, Li Baojin and the other students had to leave in a loss.

They came to Wen Chengjie for a reason.

Because Li Baojin and the seven or eight students and their teachers escaped... and it was just this morning.

Most of the casual training teachers were persuaded by the dean to go to the scene together to support, but there are always deserters in the world, right?

Naturally, the students are not fools. Almost all the teachers who did not see when they resisted the disaster were searched by the students in the school.

Then came to a conclusion and ran off. In the face of natural disasters, they ran fast, and at the meeting they were also the faction who supported the abandonment of all the students.

Naturally, the students will not be strict with the teachers' morals, but teachers with better morals have protected them behind them and ran to resist natural disasters.

Ironically, Li Zhongkai was criticized by the students as the most irresponsible teacher at the time, because his seventh class was teaching later than other classes.

But at this moment, the most responsible person in the school turned out to be Teacher Li Zhongkai.

He did not run away, he was the first to rush to the scene. Even because of his behavior, other teachers were aroused.

He turned into a fire with his body, emitting flames like sunlight all over his body, and with his own strength he resisted the huge waves of the sky. This scene was seen by the students.

"Oh, because of the fact that the teacher in my class ran away, it is estimated that they will inevitably be ridiculed by other classmates." Xiang Shuxiang put the bread in his mouth and shook his head with emotion.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qisi wrapped the bandage around his fist. "Didn't we also come here in the first place?"

They were also teased by other students because they hadn't practiced.

It can only be said that this moment is just like that moment.

Now Li Baojin and many other students are very active, thinking about changing classes right away if something is wrong, not standing under the dangerous wall in the slightest. They did the same in the seventh class.

"On the contrary, I admire their character, which is exactly the same as their teacher." Zhong Maomao couldn't help but teased.

A few people chatted for a while and talked about today's natural disasters.

"I see Qunli said that the teacher reopened just came back and is recounting the old with the new professor." Zichen quickly and fluently popularizes the news from him.

Now the students' worship of Li Zhongkai is very high! I occasionally met Teacher Li Zhongkai at school, and I wanted to show off in the group.

It is estimated that after a while, some students will voluntarily run over there to check in, hoping that they will become familiar with each other.

"Teacher Li Zhongkai is very strong!" Gu Cheng said concisely, "You can settle such a terrible natural disaster without even using kendo. It is only natural to be worshipped."

After speaking, Gu Chengyu lowered his head slightly because he also noticed Teacher Liu Jianbo's kendo.

Great progress, and obviously has its own unique advantages in the combination of aura and kendo.

I used to... Is it really too arrogant?

Everyone is also used to it. Since the last time he lost to teacher Li Zhongkai, Gu Chengyu has completely become a Li Zhongkai blowing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and is already in the shape of Li Zhongkai.

Zhong Maomao couldn't help showing his post-mortem expression: "Ah, I really don't know how such a terrible natural disaster came from... To be honest, I just made a will."

"The will is too much!" Xia Jie chuckled.

"Yes, yes, I remember someone did something even more outrageous! Oh yo, what did he say..." Zhong Maomao said in a way, "Ah! I can't, before I die, Still a virgin..."

"Ahhhhh, don't say it!"

Xia Jie immediately covered his ears in pain.

His magic array technique has even improved completely because of the tsunami!

Because he wanted to break away from the masses too much, he forced himself to create a five-sense phantom array with influence and touch. The previous phantom array was more like a projection, but this time, under the urging of the detachment, his phantom array in a short period of time The technology breaks through.

The two-dimensional lady who can affect the sense of touch is born!

When he broke through with his front foot and wanted to use his back foot to "break away from the masses", he was bumped into the room by Zhong Maomao who wanted to save people...

Xia Jie had no love to live, and since he came here, the death of the community has accompanied him like a curse.

"In the final analysis, you died because of yourself, who would think about **** in the last moments of life!" Zhong Maomao said dissatisfied.

Luckily, in the morning, he still wanted to use his earth element ability to save everyone's lives.

"Tsk tusk tusk, what a nice person, it's a pity that it's a pervert..."

Everyone agreed almost instantly.

"I seem to hear something incredible!" Professor Mo's voice came from behind them.

Li Zhongkai looked very embarrassed by the side, apparently they had been standing here for a while.

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