I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 169: [Talent: Magic exemption! 】

I reopened my life directly https://

Tianshui City College.

"Professor Mo, I have to give you a good introduction to my lovely students!"

Li Zhongkai once again took a picture with a student who ran over. There was no way, it was like being admired by others.

"To be honest, I saw you show off on the first day, and I still feel a little scared to speak!" Professor Mo deliberately joked.

He did not expect that on the first day he came, he would encounter a disaster that was enough to be written in the annals of history.

Although everything encountered in the past month is worthy of being recorded in the annals of history, from the golem to the gate of the underworld...

It's just that compared with the previous things, this unprecedented tsunami is obviously more violent, and this kind of violence has been directly destroyed by more violent methods!

Professor Mo quietly took a look at Li Zhongkai, no matter how many times he felt amazing!

Reiki can make people possess that kind of power, which is really envious!

Professor Mo carefully looked at the plants and trees in the school. The activity of each plant here was obviously extremely high. Even under the aura of the school, these plants have undergone subtle changes.

"Presumably the students who can be taught by you are among the dragons and phoenixes!" Professor Mo was quite a little tranced. In this school where the genius is like a crucian carp, he seemed a little maverick.

"Professor Mo!" Li Zhongkai raised his eyes and looked forward. "Compared to other people, there are not many people who can be called dragons and phoenix in my heart. You are one of them."

Professor Mo waved his hand happily, "Let me take me to see your students! The school is almost gone!"

The two soon came to the canteen and found Wen Chengjie and others...

If it hadn't happened to hear about Xia Jie's deeds, Li Zhongkai would have had a perfect day today.

Li Zhongkai immediately looked at Professor Mo in embarrassment...

How can I explain it?

The students I teach are not perverted...

When the students saw Li Zhongkai carrying a stranger, they also reacted at once. Previously, Zichen said that Teacher Li Zhongkai was accompanying the professor to relive the past, and it is estimated that this is the new professor.

Xiang Shuxiang and the others looked at each other. Teacher Li Zhongkai's reputation could not be destroyed in their hands, so they hurriedly tried to restore Xia Jie's image.

"Professor, don't get me wrong, in fact Xia Jie is not a pervert, he may just be adolescent..."

"Really, he hasn't been abnormal all the time... he gets sick occasionally."

"Yes! In fact, he was the last to join Class 7, we are not familiar with..."

Xia Jie suddenly wanted to cry without tears... Please stop talking!

I think you guys are eager to let me die!

"Hey, funny, we actually just came here and didn't hear anything." Professor Mo smiled and beaten up for them, and then sat down beside Xia Jie. "You guys keep talking, keep talking."

The students immediately felt relieved when they saw this.

But there are strangers, where they dare to chat. If only Mr. Li Zhongkai was the only one, it would be nice to say that Mr. Li Zhongkai usually joked with everyone.

"Ahem." Wen Chengjie decided to start talking about the major events of his family and country, "Uh... Teacher, I heard that this time the tsunami was caused by wizards?"

Wang Qisi and others also opened up the topic at once, "Yes, teacher, I think this is being discussed online!"

Li Zhongkai frowned slightly, as if thinking of the disgusting corpses he had killed.

"Yes, it was caused by a wizard."

With the affirmation of Li Zhongkai, the client, several other people immediately became angry.

"I thought it was gossip, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Just now I was arguing with the people in Gerdana on the Internet!"

"I have seen it too, it is said that it has been on hot search, and they will not admit it alive and dead!"

Li Zhongkai was a little confused at once, he went to Professor Mo as soon as he returned, and he hadn't had time to see what was going on.

Zi Chen was very clever and handed his mobile phone to Li Zhongkai.

Over there, this is the news of Jerdanah and the destruction tsunami.

#Multiple countries discuss the causes of the huge tsunami

#超凡human crimes should be dealt with

#If there is no extraordinary, how can ordinary people protect themselves in such a situation

#How to look at the state of Gerdana saying that its own country is not extraordinary

Li reopened his eyes and narrowed his eyes. The impact of this incident was more extensive than he thought.

It can be seen from some video websites that the hits on popular science videos of catastrophic self-preservation and survival in the wild suddenly rushed to the top.

It is enough to show that the insecurities of the ordinary people were suddenly aroused, but fortunately, this time the disaster was solved by Transcendent himself. Otherwise, everyone's transcendent status in public opinion might be criticized by everyone.

Netizens in Gerdana are also generally pretending to be stupid, although they have been sprayed by all countries on the Internet.

But they still chose to pretend to be unaware, not knowing. The ostrich mentality belongs.

"About this matter, you students don't need to worry about it, we will solve it."

Others are not clear, but Li Zhongkai is clear.

It was known in Mo Wuming's reopening that the wizard had come to Gu Daxia's site many times to grab resources.

Also, the personnel organization in the recent fishing project ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was also initiated by wizards.

This time, they did not conceal their ambitions and directly launched a suicide attack forbidden curse in the Great Xia Kingdom!

In fact, according to the current newspaper of the Fairy League, there are still a group of wizards lying in ambush at the exit of Tianshui City's barrier, just waiting for the "Noah's Ark" of Tianshui College to bring the students out, so as to catch them all.

But Xianmeng discovered it earlier and directly killed him by ambushing.

The fact that Xianmeng ambushed in advance also allowed Li Zhongkai to confirm his previous judgment.

Jiang Chi is his future reopening!

Although it is not clear why the other party did not directly retaliate against Gerdana, Li Zhongkai believes that the future self must have his own judgment.

"Maybe he asked me to shoot now."

Li Zhongkai watched the news and made up his mind.


That night.

[Game reopened! 】

[Start 10 consecutive draws! 】

Li Zhongkai sinks his mind and removes his negative talents!

[Orange Talent] "Magic Exemption": With magic immunity, you can exempt you from 30% of the magic damage you receive.

[Purple Talent] "Battle Horn": Increases the combat awareness of the right camp by 10%.

[Purple Talent] "Yulongdu": Become a flying king, get a 30% speed bonus when flying.

[Blue Talent] "Inspiration Gushing": After a point judgment, you will see things that others can't see.

[White Talent] "Pigeon Sauce": Two stable changes.


Li Zhong sighed happily!

From the very beginning, the Life Restart Simulator said that it is based on fulfilling people's wishes! Li Zhongkai also noticed before that when he has a strong will, the life reopening simulator will give a similar answer.

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