I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 170: [Let the world mourn! 】

"Magic Exemption", "Battle Horn", and "Yulongdu" are some good talents.


   But Li Zhongkai has already decided to go to Jerdanah to have a cordial chat with a wizard. Naturally, the priority of "Magic Exemption" is higher.


After    was selected, Li Zhongkai immediately started the reopening.




   The next day.


   There is another permanent orange talent "Magic Exemption" in the talent tree!


   Li reopened and got up and went to school. Today, he had to make a little bit of his face at school.


   "No! This is absolutely impossible. We can't rush to attack Jerdanah! This will cause an extraordinary war between the two countries, and it will be a disaster for the ordinary people!"


   "Their behavior is already a declaration of war! If you don't fight back this time, do you know how many other countries are waiting to attack us?"


   "Our Daxia is now so popular that we must show our trunks! Give them a fight back!"


   "The thoughts of the elders of the Fairy League are still unclear, and Jiang Chi has not made a final decision until now!"


   Li Zhongkai deliberately passed the principal's office, and as expected, all three principals had secretly gathered in Tianshui City. This should be their private gathering.


   The ambiguous attitude of the upper echelons of the Immortal League probably made the three of them a little bit undecided.


   has missed the best time to fight back!


   Li reopened and sighed inwardly. Yesterday's best chance was not to fight back, and now to fight back, they are fully prepared.


   But...you can't...I can.


   Li reopened and stared at the Ling Zhou on his hand, smiling slightly without saying a word.


   Sure enough, the old man was right. Use magic to fight magic!




  Gerdan Country.


   "Just kidding, even if it's our country's extraordinary hands, isn't their extraordinary world like the weak and the strong?" Charlie Lotasso played with his mobile phone, jokingly against the netizens.


   In his opinion, what if he admits it!


   Yesterday's time sensitivity naturally did not dare to admit it, but after a day there was no substantive extraordinary war, and people's courage increased.


   The weak and the strong eat! Didn’t you tell me something if you didn’t dare to fight back?


   Charlie Losasso smiled and shook his head. It seems that their country's extraordinary strength is quite high!


  Although it has always been known that there is a wizarding alliance in the country, and he has also met the wizards themselves, Charlie also doesn't know how strong they are.


   But as far as the current situation is concerned, ordinary people in other countries are condemning them, and there is no shadow of transcendence at all. If you want to come to their country, they should be very strong in the realm of transcendence.


   Thinking of this, Charlie felt excited, and immediately took out his mobile phone to fight against Daxia netizens for three hundred rounds!




   An exclamation came from outside the window!


   "What's the noise!" Charlie opened the window impatiently, do you know that I'm winning glory for the country!


   He couldn't help but raise his head and look outside... His pupils dilated instantly, and the phone fell outside the window and didn't care.




   A huge castle has appeared in the capital of Jerdanah!


   Countless bodies wrapped in gray shadows stood on the castle.


   "The Muggles are gone!"


   The voices of the group of figures seem to have been processed, almost mixed with various languages. But ordinary people here can understand it!


  Charlie realized it instantly. Isn't this a common method used by their wizards? Through magic, you can directly communicate with other people with your own language!


   "We are companions! Companions!" Charlie kept waving out the window!


   A stream of light instantly shattered his window!


Li Zhongkai retracted his right hand. Amplified his own voice with magic power, "Say it again! This is a war between transcendents! Muggles retreat!!"


   Isn’t it a desire for war on the Internet?


   Let's really hit it once!


  Since you said that your country is not extraordinary, when I call, you better have it.




   Otherwise, it is difficult for me to guarantee...I will not avenge the 20 million Daxia people!


   Li Zhong opened his eyes and closed his eyes, looking up to the sky, thinking of the fate of the people of Tianshui City in another world line...


  If it is not necessary, I don’t want to massacre ordinary people like you.


   "Witcher League! Come out!"


   The people on the ground also gradually understood what the other party meant!


   If they are not extraordinary here! Then the other party will probably do the same thing as the World Destruction Tsunami!


   It will be ordinary people like them who will be unlucky then!


   "Damn it! Come out! Come out! Get them out!" More people shouted on the ground, hoping for the extraordinary appearance.


   But one minute, two minutes later, the shadow of the Wizarding League did not appear!


   "Damn it! What are you doing!"


   "Are you going to watch the people of your country die?"


   "I know, I have seen them, haunted at 23 Finsen Road!"


   After a while, under the tremendous pressure of life, people began to curse the wizarding alliance that was a turtle!


   Because the castle has already gathered a huge amount of magic power!


   is so rich that even ordinary people can clearly feel it! That is the source of magic that condenses the concept of death!


   A huge panic spreads in the hearts of everyone in the capital of Jerdanah!


   Experience the fear that the people of Tianshui City have felt! Without the same experience, you cannot empathize with pain!


   Li reopened not only to destroy the wizard, but also to kill the soul, so that every wizard in the Wizard League would never be able to hold his head in Jerdanah!


   All the witches triggered the witch resonance, plus the magic supply of the magic fairy castle!


   Li reopened at this moment to maximize the power of Yan Ling!


   refused to come out! Then become the mouse in the hearts of the people forever!


   let you see, the real magic killing!


   ""Let the world plunge into eternal night"! "


   This is the technique Shen Lingxin used to fight against the Witch Hunting Order~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It made the whole world dull for a minute!


   And now, Li Zhongkai wants to continue this record!




   There is only one voice in their ears!


   "Sven Cash..."


   As a person's name was pronounced, a purple beam of light appeared in the darkness and went straight to the sky, allowing everyone to see clearly.


   "Zet Jukassa..."


   is another beam of light rising into the sky, and is close to the position of the previous beam of light!


   People suddenly understood that this is the name of a wizard!


   This is the record list of the **** of death!


   Li Zhongkai intends to let the wizards experience this kind of pain. He can use his current authority and magic to let all the wizards die peacefully in an instant!


   But there is no pain or perception at all!


   He wants to kill slowly one by one like death tells the time!


   let them experience despair like being submerged in a tsunami, crushed to death by water and suffocated by pain.


   He wants to make the whole world dull and fall into eternal night!


   Mourning for the 20 million dead souls.

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